Underage drinking is a serious public health concern in the US in part because earlier ages of drinking onset are associated with more severe alcohol …
The premise of the emerging field of computational psychiatry is to use models from computational cognitive neuroscience to gain deeper insights into mental illness. In …
In a dilemma of trust, decision making involves two competing concerns: the egocentric evaluation of potential outcomes and understanding the other party’s point of view. …
The ability to estimate time is vital for adaptation and orientation in the physical and social environment we live in. However, our subjective experience of …
The visual world holds valuable communicative information for the language learning infant. Emerging evidence suggests that the way an infant distributes his or her attention …
Making moral judgments is commonplace in everyday life, but oftentimes the information people use to make such judgments changes with time. Today, new information about …
Echolocating bats form an acoustic image of their world derived from echoes of their emitted sounds. In their natural environment, bats must avoid interfering clutter …
The likelihood of functional recovery following neural injury decreases with species complexity, maturity, and whether the injury affects the CNS or PNS. Adult vertebrates unlikely …
Visual perceptual learning (VPL) goes through temporal dynamics of consolidation after the offset of visual training. This temporal dynamics of consolidation consists of at least …
This series of studies used an experimental paradigm to examine how people interpret and form judgments of personality change over time, and how their perceptions …
Data from lesion studies, anatomical connections, and functional recordings suggest that the postrhinal cortex (POR) has a role in encoding and recognizing context for memory. …
The guiding hypothesis for this thesis is that the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) integrates sensory information from visual and somatosensory areas in order to plan …
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness in people aged 65 years and over in western countries. As the senior population grows, …
What information do people look for when making moral judgments about negative events? This question is important given its theoretical relevance (for psychological models that …
Animals live in complex environments where multiple cues can provide either consistent or conflicting information about how to behave most effectively in the current environment. …
This study used a signal detection approach to examine two possible psychophysical time scales, log timing and linear timing, with rats and human subjects. Subjects' …
Sixty-two three- and four-year old children were tested in Day Care Centers in the Providence, R. I. area. Three experiments were administered. In Experiment I, …