The human genome exhibits a rich structure resulting from a long history of genomic changes, including single base-pair mutations and larger scale rearrangements such as …
Coreference Resolution is a fundamental natural language processing (NLP) problem, as it attempts to resolve which underlying discourse objects refer to one another. Further, it …
Human communication is naturally multimodal. On the web, images frequently appear alongside text: for example, product images and descriptions on shopping websites, or social media …
In today's age of blockchain and cloud-computing, we are constantly in search of tools that offer accountability without compromising privacy. A class of predominantly used …
Students often tackle programming problems with a flawed understanding of what the problem is asking. Some pedagogies attempt to address this by encouraging students to …
The adoption of cloud services is on the rise, with both personal and corporate data being stored on third-party server databases. In order to protect …
Future collaborative robots must be capable of finding objects. As such a fundamental skill, we expect object search to eventually become an off-the-shelf capability for …
This thesis addresses the problem of memory safety in the Linux kernel. Despite many memory isolation, control-flow integrity, and code diversification techniques existing both in …
In this work, I present an implemented model that can learn interactively from natural language, enabling non-expert human trainers to convey complex tasks to machines …
The field of computer assisted radiology has recently seen an explosion of novel techniques that have been made possible due to advancements in computer algorithms. …
The current paradigm in health tracking research, as performed in fields such as public health, social sciences, and research initiatives like mHealth, is to find …
In the past, streaming data management systems (SDMSs) have eschewed transactional management of shared mutable state in favor of low-latency processing of high-velocity data. Streaming …
Neural networks continually surprise us. Many of these surprises are cases of impressive generalization. Others, however, are embarrassing failures. For example, large language models can …