Our daily experience can be thought of as a sequence of acquiring perceptual input to make decisions, then planning and executing appropriate actions. Hence, examining …
Models of collective motion assume that pedestrians average over the entire neighborhood. However, there are many situations in which pedestrians are not averaging, such as …
This project aimed to explore how the design of stiffening geometries in insoles have an impact on bending stiffness in both longitudinal and lateral directions …
Abstract of “Enhancing Visual Perceptual Learning Through Reward and Sleep” by Aaron V. Berard, Ph.D., Brown University, May 2016 Visual perceptual learning (VPL) is defined …
The “conceptualism” debate asks whether perception is conceptual or nonconceptual. It has arisen in different forms and guises throughout the history of philosophy. This thesis …
Abstract of Evaluating and Improving Models of Visual Perceptual Learning by Tyler Barnes-Diana, Ph.D., Brown University, May 2024. An evaluative framework for investigating computational models …
This dissertation primarily contributes to the visualization and visual analytics community. It offers findings and methods to expand the visualization design space and to deepen …
This thesis is centered around a novel computer navigation experience. A computer game was developed to study how humans navigate from a start position to …
Echolocating bats use an active perceptual system, also known as biosonar, that allows them to navigate and forage in complete darkness by emitting ultrasonic vocalizations …
This document, the written portion of my dissertation project, is a companion to the interactive multimedia performance work Unless (2009), which featured movement artist Emily …
The nature of introspection is not as unified as our pre-philosophical intuitions may suggest. The access we have to our beliefs, desires, hopes, intentions, fears, …
It seems intuitively obvious that active exploration of a new environment would lead to better spatial learning than passive exposure. However, the literature on this …