Structural dynamics of molecular systems, i.e. the change of the arrangement of atoms and functional groups over time, is the essence of many chemical processes. …
Anion photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) is a versatile and powerful method for elucidating the electronic structures of size-selected atomic and molecular clusters. Traditional photoelectron spectroscopy was …
The discovery of uranium and its radioactive properties has an important impact on scientific research related to actinide chemistry in nuclear energy and environmental science. …
This dissertation focuses on the study of size-selected metal borides using the combination of high-resolution photoelectron imaging (VMI) and quantum chemical calculations. Through the study …
The advent of velocity map imaging (VMI) has provided the opportunity to vastly improve photoelectron spectroscopy. From the humble beginnings 1962, where the first gas-phase …
Photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) is a powerful technique to investigate the electronic structure and chemical bonding of gaseous anions and the corresponding neutrals upon electron detachment. …
Atomic clusters, defined as aggregates of atoms, serve as intermediates between individual atoms and bulk solids. Studies of atomic clusters can facilitate the discovery of …
This dissertation focuses on investigations of size-selected gas-phase metal boride and gold alloy clusters using photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretical calculations. The studies of the structural …
Chemistry is the science of molecules and materials, as well as their compositions, structures, properties and transformations. The search for new materials with tailored properties …
Molecular anions with a polar neutral core that has a dipole moment larger than 2.5 D could support a diffuse dipole-bound state below its detachment …
Neutral molecules possessing large enough dipole moments can weakly bind an excess electron in a diffuse orbital by the charge-dipole interaction and support a dipole-bound …
Charge transfer (CT) is one of the most important and most general reactions that exist in living cells, solar energy conversion devices, chemical synthesis and …
Cyclic organic molecules play significant roles in many fields of chemistry. The substituted heterocycles are found in natural products, pharmaceutical compounds and polymeric systems. Other …
Understanding of structural, reaction and charge transfer dynamics of any molecular system has been a challenge for both modern spectroscopists and theorists. The structural changes …