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Digital Language Arts

Since the early 90s, Brown’s graduate program in Literary Arts has earned recognition as an international leader in the field of electronic writing. Today, digitally mediated writing is part of trans-departmental digital arts developments at Brown involving Literary Arts (, Music, Visual Art, Modern Culture and Media, Computer Science, and other departments. Links are now being forged with the Digital+Media graduate program and other departments at the Rhode Island School of Design (, with an eye to expanding the curriculum, facilitating more collaborative projects and developing joint degree programs. Though the focus is still on writing and thus on the text, students in literary hypermedia take courses offering the additional possibility of working in mixed hypermedia, including computer graphics, animation, electronic music, video, and virtual 3-D environments. Most electronic writing workshops and labs take place in the specially designed Multimedia Labs located in the Graduate Center and List Art Center. A new experimental workshop, “Cave Writing,” has been launched in Brown’s immersive virtual reality environment, the “Cave”, in the Center for Computation and Visualization (CCV,

Subcollections (5)

  • Screen

    Screen is a bodily play with text, memory as a virtual experience within the Brown VR Cave. It begins as a reading and listening experience. Memory texts appear on the Cave's walls, surrounding the reader. Then words begin to come …
  • Digital Arts Showcase

    Digital art works from across the disciplines.
  • TP21CL

    Technology Platforms for 21st Century Literature was a Three-Day Conference and Workshop for Writers, Publishers, and Technologists To Shape the Authoring, Publishing, and Reading Tools of the Next Century For Interactive Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Nonfiction. April 7-9, 1999 at …
  • Text Curtain

    text.curtain explores relationships between poetic text and ludic play via an interactively evolving recombinant text. Projected on a wall-size screen, text.curtain presents a physics-based 'spring-mass' interface that organically responds to the interactions of multiple simultaneous users. As the piece is …
  • riverIsland

    riverIsland is a navigable text movie composed from transliteral morphs with a few interliteral graphic morphs. It is a spatialized aural poetic environment in which you may also investigate of procedures of textual transformation associated with translation, which are here …