SFHERE (Social and Family History - Extraction, Representation, and Evaluation) is a multi-site project involving a transdisciplinary team of investigators from Brown University, University of Minnesota, and University of Vermont. The overall goal of this project is to use electronic health record (EHR) data and computational approaches to study the interactions among social, behavioral, and familial factors (e.g., tobacco use, alcohol use, drug use, and family history) for conditions such as pediatric asthma and adult epilepsy. The SFHERE project is funded by National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health grant R01LM011364.
The SFHERE Digital Library includes annotation schema, annotation guidelines, datasets, models, publications, presentations, and links to software (e.g., NLP and data mining tools) associated with different factors. For more information about the types of documents, please see the SFHERE Digital Library Documentation.
If any resources in the SFHERE Digital Library are used, please include the DOI for the resource as well as a link to this site and cite any corresponding publications. The DOI for the SFHERE Digital Library is: 10.7301/Z04T6G9P.
SFHERE Project Team Members