Title: Excess Mortality Attributed to COVID-19 among Assisted Living Residents in the US . Authors: Kali S. Thomas, Wenhan Zhang, David M. Dosa, Paula Carder, …
This research is funded by NIH R21AG059120-01, PCORI/ME-2017C3-9241, AHRQ: 5T32HS000011-33, 90DPTB0009‐01, CDA 14-422, Center on Health Service Training and Research.
This upload contains files for each treatment group within the experiments of this manuscript, including three murine treatment groups flow cytometry data, grouped data from …
Calcium imaging data and confocal images for "Complex Representation of Taste Quality by Second-Order Gustatory Neurons in Drosophila". The total size of this dataset is …
Design files, movie files, for stability check and code for submitted manuscript "Force and torque-free helical tail robot to study low Reynolds number microorganism swimming". …
This archive contains data collection protocols, aggregate data, and code, as well as broader impacts-related materials (working paper (10.31235/osf.io/wse6n) and Op-Ed). This research was funded …
Sepsis is a systemic immune response to infection that is responsible for ~35% of in-hospital deaths and over 24 billion dollars in annual treatment costs. …
Supplementary Data for Gama et al. (2022), Variations in Lithospheric Thickness across the Denali Fault and in Northern Alaska, Geophysical Research Letters. Vs_data is an …
Cochlear nucleus and inferior colliculus data for Microsecond-level precision of coding for echo delay in the auditory brainstem of an FM-echolocating bat