Spirometers are used to assess lung function and diagnose respiratory disease, and the most commonly used devices correct based on race. The guidelines published in …
In this article, Fullilove and Cantal-Dupart explore the effect that “urban upheaval” has had on the health of minoritized populations, and how best physicians can …
In this article, Duster outlines how medical research has been used to reify that the category of race has genetically, sufficiently distinctive features, and how …
This study examines the development and implementation of a didactic curriculum for psychiatry residents on the impact of racism on mental health and disparities in …
In this article, sociologists examine the impact that whiteness, which they define as a system that socially, economically and ideologically advantages white people, has on …
This study examines the relationship between race and socioeconomic status on infant birth weight in a Midwestern county noted to have high rates of Black …
In this article, Braun explores the role of medicine in perpetuating racial inequality, and how medical education, research and practice can be contextualized within the …
Metzl et. al review the impact of an interdisciplinary pre-health undergraduate program at Vanderbilt University focused on the social and societal dimensions of illness. The …