This flyer contains lyrics for songs sung by activists of the Movimento de Saúde da Zona Leste, a grassroots health movements, during a public protest …
This evocative flyer calls residents of São Paulo's eastern urban periphery to a meeting with state officials to demand basic sanitation infrastructure in the region. …
This pamphlet examines poor health conditions in the urban periphery of São Paulo and narrates the rise of grassroots health movements there. Produced by the …
This article from São Paulo's leading daily, Folha de São Paulo, describes the lack of quality childcare facilities in São Paulo's urban periphery as of …
Based in the northern urban periphery of São Paulo, the Associação Feminina da Zona Norte (AFZN) maintained a community center that also served as the …
This document is the itinerary and minutes from the 5th national congress of the Movimento de Defesa dos Favelados (MDF), a heterogeneous movement fighting for …
This flyer called residents of the neighborhood Jardim Planalto in São Paulo's eastern urban periphery to a festival to sign petitions supporting amendments to Brazil's …
This is a filled-out registration form by an individual seeking land or housing through the Movimento dos Sem Terra (MST), a movement for landless workers. …
This pamphlet is a public health resource about rat infestations and how to fight them created by the mayoral administration of Gilson Menezes (PT) in …
In this photo, the co-founder of the Associação Feminina da Zona Norte Maria Elena Brioschi (right) demands more and better public daycares from the mayor …
This pamphlet encourages residents of São Paulo's urban periphery to vote in elections organized by the Movimento de Saúde da Zona Leste (MSZL), an agglomeration …
This informative pamphlet relates the history and ongoing work of the Movimento de Luta por Creches in São Paulo (MLC), a movement for state-sponsored childcare …