STATA and SAS code used for the results reported in “Advanced practice clinician care and end‐of‐life outcomes for community‐ and nursing home‐dwelling Medicare beneficiaries with …
Post-acceptance for publication, this record will contain the access information for data set files and/or supplementary files associated with the manuscript: "A population perspective of …
Post-acceptance for publication, this record will contain the access information for data set files and/or supplementary files for: "ADL improvement with age and dementia among …
Title: Dying with Dementia in Medicare Advantage, Accountable Care Organizations, or Traditional Medicare Authors: Joan M. Teno, MD, MS Laura M. Keohane, Ph.D. Susan L. …
Title: Identifying Medicare Beneficiaries with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia using Home Health OASIS Assessments Authors: Emmanuelle Bélanger, PhD, Nicole Rosendaal, MSc, Roee Gutman, PhD, …
Data information for "Mechanical Ventilation and Survival in Patients with Advanced Dementia in Medicare Advantage" by Donald Sullivan, Jennifer Bunker, Pedro Gozalo, Joan M Teno. …
Data information for "Survival and Health Care Costs with IMV vs. NIV in Dementia Patients Admitted with Pneumonia and Respiratory Failure" by Joan M Teno, …
Data information for levated amyloid-β PET scan and cognitive and functional decline in mild cognitive impairment and dementia of uncertain etiology Brenda L. Plassman, Ph.D., …
Prevalence and the rate of cognitive decline in the elderly populations has increased in the United States and worldwide. Despite certain known links, much of …
Title: Federal Policies' Impact on Exclusionary Diagnoses for Dementia Residents in Nursing Homes Authors: Theresa I. Shireman, Neto Coulibaly, Tingting Zhang, Andrew R. Zullo, Lauren …
Title: The Minimum Data Set Agitated and Reactive Behavior Scale: Q 1 Measuring Behaviors in Nursing Home Residents With Dementia. Authors: Ellen McCreedy PhD, Jessica …
This summer I worked with Dr. Thomas Bayer to investigate the association between Limited English Proficiency (classified as LEP) and dementia diagnosis in people within …