This is a preservation copy of dataset in Dataverse. These are the ROIs of pixels in images from the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars (CRISM) used to generate the spectra shown in "Orbital Identification of Hydrated Silica in Jezero Crater, Mars" by J.D. Tarnas; J.F. Mustard; Honglei Lin; T.A. Goudge; E.S. Amador; M.S. Bramble; C.H. Kremer; X. Zhang; Y. Itoh; M. Parente and published in Geophysical Research Letters (
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license
Tarnas, Jesse,
"Data from 'Orbital Identification of Hydrated Silica in Jezero Crater, Mars'"
Brown University Open Data Collection.
Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.
This collection contains open and publicly-funded data sets created by Brown University faculty and student researchers. Increasingly, publishers, and funders are requiring that protocols, data sets, metadata, and code underlying published research be retained and preserved, their locations cited within …