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Circo Transcendental: O Circo Místico na Poesia de Jorge de Lima, nas Cançöes de Edu Lobo e Chico Buarque e na Cultura Brasileira


This dissertation analyzes the connections between Jorge de Lima's 1938 poem "O grande circo místico" and a group of songs that Edu Lobo and Chico Buarque composed in 1983 inspired by the poem. This comparative study of the poem and the songs offers a new perspective on the works by the poet and the composers, and also allows for an interpretation of Brazilian culture that responds to classic works such as those by Gilberto Freyre, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, Caio Prado Jr., and Antonio Candido. Through the specific conjunction of the circus and mysticism, both the poem and the songs function as allegories of Brazilian history. In a general sense, the mystic circus allegory favors what Walter Benjamin called a messianic conception of time and history in contrast to a notion of linear time. By representing the nation as a community of circus artists and relying on an ethics of solidarity, it underscores cultural plurality, and fluid and performative identities, as opposed to the discourses of national identity built on notions of roots, local traditions, and hierarchical representation of nationhood. While studying the period between the publication of the poem and the recording of the songs, I detected the image of the mystic circus dispersed in other places of Brazilian culture besides music and literature such as cinema, theater, dance, soccer, and daily spoken language, among many others. These cultural objects form a long-lasting cultural web (a topos) defined by the conjunction of mysticism and circus, which resonates with classic interpretations of Brazilian history and culture.
Thesis (Ph.D. -- Brown University (2011)

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Ribeiro, Guilherme Trielli, "Circo Transcendental: O Circo Místico na Poesia de Jorge de Lima, nas Cançöes de Edu Lobo e Chico Buarque e na Cultura Brasileira" (2011). Portuguese and Brazilian Studies Theses and Dissertations. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.

