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Naval cutlass exercise. This Plate illustrative of the Movements, Cuts, Guards, & Words of Command of the Naval Cutlass Exercise: is, by permission inscribed with the most profound respect, to His Royal Highness William Henry Duke of Clarence, Admiral of the Fleet. &c. &c. &c. by Henry Angelo Junr. who in forming and bringing it forward has received the greatest encouragement & assistance from Captn. J. S. Rainer, of His Majestys ship Norge


Hand-colored engraving by Girtin, after Angelo and Rowlandson, published Decr. 13, 1813; large circular diagram of sword positions, with 6 illustrations of sailor figures in sword exercises. Diagrams aid in the study and internalization of knowledge. This circle diagram preserves naval cutlass exercises, comprising the movements, cuts, and guards alongside corresponding words of command. The designer of this print, Henry Angelo Junior, received encouragement and assistance from Captain J. S. Rainer of His Majesty’s ship Norge. The six miniature illustrations above demonstrate each movement with sailor figures performing sword exercises to provide a representational image of the diagrammed information. Beyond drilling young cadets to memorize these movements by muscle memory, trainees could also refer to this engraving as a means to mentally inscribe the mechanics of these movements into their psyche.
Upright giant folio; plate mark, margins intact.
Hamburg, Ernst August auction, 1971.

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Angelo, Henry, and Rowlandson, Thomas, "Naval cutlass exercise. This Plate illustrative of the Movements, Cuts, Guards, & Words of Command of the Naval Cutlass Exercise: is, by permission inscribed with the most profound respect, to His Royal Highness William Henry Duke of Clarence, Admiral of the Fleet. &c. &c. &c. by Henry Angelo Junr. who in forming and bringing it forward has received the greatest encouragement & assistance from Captn. J. S. Rainer, of His Majestys ship Norge " (1813). Seeds for New Directions: ASKB Military Collection Gallery Installation, Prints, Drawings and Watercolors from the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.

