<mods:mods xmlns:mods="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:METS="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" ID="olio000210">
            <mods:title>Tab. XLV. (Specimens)</mods:title>
          <mods:name type="personal">
            <mods:namePart>Petiver, James</mods:namePart>
            <mods:namePart type="date">1663?-1718</mods:namePart>
              <mods:roleTerm type="text">creator</mods:roleTerm>
            <mods:dateIssued point="start">1702</mods:dateIssued>
            <mods:dateIssued point="end">1709</mods:dateIssued>
            <mods:languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">lat</mods:languageTerm>
            <mods:extent>1 leaf : ill. ; 38 cm.</mods:extent>
          <mods:tableOfContents>1. Lignum Arboris Panguaguason. The Root and Wood of this is both a Vulnerary and Febrifuge, takes away Pains in the Head, is good against Poison and the Bites of venemous Creatures, and has been experienced -- 2. Folium ejusava -- 3. Conche Tiquasay facies extera ... This is a sort of Tree or Rock Oyster and agrees with a Virginia kind, which from its shape they call a Hammer Shell -- 4. Monstrum Philip. Centauri facie. ... which shall e're long be printed -- 5. Phalaena media rusescens, Semicolon dicta. What is very particular in this Moth is its under Wings from its Shoulders are extended beyond the upper, which, with its Semicolon-like Specks, remarkably distinguishes it from all others -- 6. Phalaena Luzon .. F. Kamel sent me a Painting of this, and Mr. Cuninghame a Moth verylike it -- 7. Nux Arboris Hohom quam ... -- 8. Nucleus Hohom -- 9. Zapotl Chinens, fructu cinnabarino ... -- 10. Zapotl fructus. These are dryed in the Sun, as they do Figs and so sent abroad -- 11. Zapotl Officulum -- 12. Lapis cui a Natura Curiosa figura ... This Dr. Christian Maximilian Spener, Physician to the King of Prussia, and Fellow  both of the Imperial and Brandenburgh Colleges, sent me. It seems to be an Impression of an Entrochus upon a fort of Iron Stone -- 13. Phalaena brunna bimaculata fasciis fulvis. This and Fig. 5 two very elegant Moths, my curious Friend Mr. Antrobus was pleased to give me amongst several others -- 14. Buccinulum Mediterran ... I have received this from several Shores in the Streights, and lately from our Worthy Friend Mr. Robert Ball, sent him amongst other Shells from Leghorn.</mods:tableOfContents>
          <mods:note>This is the forty-fifth table in Petiver's text; depicts 14 specimens.</mods:note>
          <mods:note>"To Mr. Rich. Dyer, Fellow of Oriel College in Oxon., This Table is humbly Dedicated by James. Petiver."</mods:note>
          <mods:relatedItem displayLabel="Collection:" type="host">
              <mods:title>Brown Olio</mods:title>
            <mods:identifier type="COLID">18</mods:identifier>
            <mods:identifier type="URI">http://dl.lib.brown.edu/olio</mods:identifier>
          <mods:identifier displayLabel="Hay Lownes Call No." type="local">2-SIZE QH41.P4x</mods:identifier>
          <mods:identifier type="METSID">1129834038882963</mods:identifier>
        <mods:accessCondition type="rights statement" xlink:href="http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NoC-US/1.0/">No Copyright - United States</mods:accessCondition><mods:accessCondition type="restriction on access">Collection is open for research.</mods:accessCondition><mods:typeOfResource>still image</mods:typeOfResource></mods:mods>