With envelope postmarked Dec. 24, 1926 HPL is flattered by Wandrei's desire to read more of his tales. "[Polaris] and [Celephais] are lent to another correspondent, & I will send them to you as soon as he returns them. Of [Nyarlathotep] I have no available copy ... I find that I have no copies of The Quest of Iranon, Herbert West-Reanimator, or The Shunned House; ... Sooner or later The Shunned House may be privately printed in an amateur magazine, while I intend to make another copy of [Iranon] from the rough draught. Of those I am now mailing you, at least two are among my poorest work - From Beyond & Beyond the Wall of Sleep. The Strange High House in the Mist is my newest completed piece, written last month. Of the MS. of [Psychopompos] I'll have to ask you to be very careful, since it is almost worn to powder. I abhor typing, so dread the job of doing this over again. ... With me, as probably with you, the chief pleasure of creation is the creative process itself; so that when I get a picture perfectly crystallised in my mind without writing a story I no longer have the urge to write it - the demand having been already satisfied. In the case of the present novel, I left most of the incidents rather indeterminate; so that there is much of suspense & expectancy still remaining"
Immediate form of acquisition: A56830
Lovecraft, Howard P. to Wandrei, Donald, Howard P. Lovecraft collection, Ms.Lovecraft, Brown University Library
Digital object made available by: Brown University Library, John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts, Box A, Brown University, Providence, RI, 02912, U.S.A., (http://library.brown.edu/)
A collection of correspondence to and from Providence-based speculative fiction author, Howard P. Lovecraft. Also contained are many of his original manuscripts.