A 16-line poem written in ink on the verso of an envelope. This poem was probably written for Robert H. Barlow. It commemorates HPL's receiving a copy of Albert Gorton Greene's Old Grimes (Providence: Rider & Bro., 1862) "very well rebound." The first lines: "Old Theobald, for an elder scene/ This garish age is dropping ...."
Immediate form of acquisition: A32500 [386]
Lines on receiving a rebound book, Howard P. Lovecraft collection, Ms.Lovecraft, Brown University Library
Digital object made available by: Brown University Library, John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts, Box A, Brown University, Providence, RI, 02912, U.S.A., (http://library.brown.edu/)
A collection of correspondence to and from Providence-based speculative fiction author, Howard P. Lovecraft. Also contained are many of his original manuscripts.