There is one pencil drawing each of the front, back and profile. The latter bears the inscription: "To R. H. Barlow, Esq., whose Sculpture hath given Immortality to this trivial Design of his oblig'd obdt Servt. H. P. Lovecraft. 11th May, 1934." The front and back views may have been drawn by Robert H. Barlow, see HPL to Robert H. Barlow (1936 Jan 29) for references to these drawings.
Immediate form of acquisition: A55361 [344], A55361 [345], A55361 [346]
Cthulhu, Howard P. Lovecraft collection, Ms.Lovecraft, Brown University Library
Digital object made available by: Brown University Library, John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts, Box A, Brown University, Providence, RI, 02912, U.S.A., (
A collection of correspondence to and from Providence-based speculative fiction author, Howard P. Lovecraft. Also contained are many of his original manuscripts.