Teachers have begun to appreciate the power of personalized teaching, not only to change students' lives, but also to invigorate their own. To begin, or to reinforce this process of change and invigoration, the Teaching to Each Student workshop guidebook helps high school change teams conduct professional development workshops that immerse school staff in the reality of personalized teaching. Through experiential activities, study, and action planning, participants learn to reorient classroom teaching to allow students with different skills, aspirations, and interests to succeed in meeting uniform standards. Teaching to Each Student contains topical discussion materials, instructions, graphic organizers, exercises, protocols, and facilitator's guidelines. Includes a CD with printable worksheets. Published 2003 by The Education Alliance at Brown University. Author(s): Dale Worsley
"Changing Systems to Personalize Learning- Teaching to Each Student"
The Education Alliance at Brown University.
Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.
This collection holds materials from the Education Alliance at Brown University. The Education Alliance was a reform support organization committed to advancing equitable educational opportunities that prepare all student populations to succeed in the 21st century. From 1975-2021, the Alliance …