- Title Information
- Title
- 1. Hrn. Ihr. Erb Hoffmeisters Taffel. 2. Hrn. Ihr Erb Lamerers Taffel. 3. Hrn. Ihr Erb Marschalls Taffel. 4. Hrn. Ihr. Stallmeisters Taffel. 5. Hrn. Ihr. Erb Mundschenschs Taffel. 6. Hrn. Ihr. Erb Früchtals Taffel. 7. Hrn. Ihr Erb. Jägermeisters Taffel
- Name:
- Name Part
- Kriegl, Georg Christoph
- Role
- Role Term:
Text (marcrelator)
- author
- Name:
- Name Part
- Altomonte, Andreas
- Name Part:
- 1699-1780
- Role
- Role Term:
Text (marcrelator)
- artist
- Name:
- Name Part
- Muller, J.A.
- Role
- Role Term:
Text (marcrelator)
- engraver
- Type of Resource
- still image
- Genre (aat)
- engravings (prints)
- Genre (aat)
- festival books
- Origin Information
- Date Issued
(encoding="w3cdtf", qualifier="approximate")
- 1740
- Issuance
- monographic
- Language
- Language Term:
Code (ISO639-2B)
- ger
- Physical Description
- Extent
- 1 engraving ; 43 cm.
- digitalOrigin
- reformatted digital
- Abstract
- Engraving by J. A. Muller after drawing by A. Altomonte, court architect and engineer; large ceremonial dinner with key describing each taffel. Folding plate from: 'Erb-Huldigung, welche der Allerdurchleuchtigst-Großmächtigsten Frauen, Frauen Mariae Theresiae, zu Hungarn, und Böheim Königin, als Ertz-Herzogin zu Oesterreich, von denen gesammten Nider-Oesterreichischen Ständen [.] allerunterthänigst abgeleget den 22. Novembris Anno 1740'.
- Subject (LCSH)
- Name:
- Name Part
- Maria Theresa
- Name Part:
Terms of Address
- Empress of Austria
- Name Part:
- 1717-1780
- Subject (LCSH)
- Topic
- Rites and ceremonies
- Geographic
- Austria
- Geographic
- Vienna
- Related Item:
(displayLabel="Published in")
- Title Information
- Title
- Erb-Huldigung
- Name:
- Name Part
- Kriegl, Georg Christoph
- Origin Information
- Place
- Place Term:
Code (MARC Country Code)
- au
- Place
- Place Term:
- Wienn
- Publisher
- Bey Johann Baptist Schilgen
- Date Issued
(encoding="w3cdtf", qualifier="questionable")
- 1740
- Related Item:
- Title Information
- Title
- Prints, Drawings, and Watercolors from the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection
- Identifier:
- http://library.brown.edu/cds/askb
- Identifier:
- 619
- Identifier:
(displayLabel="Hay Military Call no.")
- 3-SIZE DB69 K75x 1740
- Access Condition:
rights statement
- No Copyright - United States
- Access Condition:
restriction on access
- Collection is open for research.