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<title>Confessionario mayor, en lengua mexicana y castellana.</title>
<creator>Molina, Alonso de, d. 1585</creator>
<creator>Espinosa, Antonio de, d. 1578. prt</creator>
<subject>Catholic Church</subject>
<subject>Catholic Church</subject>
<subject>Catholic Church</subject>
<subject>Indians of Mexico</subject>
<subject>Nahuatl language</subject>
<subject>Indians of Mexico</subject>
<subject>Indian linguistics</subject>
<subject>Imprint 1565</subject>
<description>Includes instructions on administering the sacraments and on doctrine</description>
<description>T.p. mostly ill., with the legend in red: "Penitentiam agite, appropinaquabit enim regnum c[a]elorum. Matthei. capit. 3."</description>
<description>Added t.p. on leaf 3r, reading: Confessionario mayor, instruction [sic] y doctrina, para el que se quiere bien confessar: compuesto por el reuerendo padre fray Alo[n]so de Molina de la orden de señor sant Francisco: traduzido y buelto en la lengua de los nauas, por el mismo autor</description>
<description>Signatures: a-p q</description>
<description>Black letter type, except for "Epistola nuncupatoria" on leaf 2 and the Latin absolution at the bottom of leaf 56v, which are in roman type</description>
<description>Full page woodcut of crucifixion on t.p.; smaller ones throughout text, primarily of Biblical scenes</description>
<description>Main text in parallel columns of Nahuatl and Spanish</description>
<description>Acabose de imprimir este Confessionario, en la muy insigne y gran ciudad de Mexico: en casa de Antonio de Espinosa impressor de libros, junto a la yglesia de señor Sant Augustin: a quinze d mayo. Año.de.1565. -- coloph</description>
<description>Foliation errors: leaf 56 numbered 65, leaf 78 has numeral 7 upside-down</description>
<description>Numerous catchword discrepancies and errors</description>
<description>Includes bibliographical references (in margins, mainly Biblical) and index (leaves 121v-[3])</description>
<description>JCB Lib. cat., pre-1675</description>
<description>Medina, J.T. Mexico</description>
<description>García Icazbalceta, J. Bib. mexicana (1954 ed.)</description>
<description>Palau y Dulcet (2. ed.)</description>
<description>Viñaza. Bibl. lenguas indígenas</description>
<description>Ugarte, S. Catálogo</description>
<description>Valtón, E. Impresos mexicanos</description>
<description>John Carter Brown Library copy has ms. annotation on t.p.: Martin Cantig Año 1630 nobiem[bre].24. Also has ms. corrections to Nahuatl text on leaves 16v, 21r, 26v, 36r and 56v</description>
<description>John Carter Brown Library copy bound as no. 2 of 2 with the author's Confessionario breue, Mexico, 1565</description>
<description>John Carter Brown Library copy has repair to inner margin of leaf 1 with minimal loss of text</description>
<publisher>En Mexico, : Por Antonio de Espinosa.</publisher>
<sponsor>John Carter Brown Library</sponsor>
<contributor>John Carter Brown Library</contributor>
<physical_description>121, [3] leaves : ill. (woodcuts) ; 20 cm. (4to in 8s)</physical_description>
<jcb_call>BA565 .M722c</jcb_call>
<updatedate>2012-02-09 17:09:56</updatedate>
<addeddate>2012-02-09 17:09:58</addeddate>
<publicdate>2012-02-09 17:10:01</publicdate>
<camera>Canon EOS 5D Mark II</camera>
<ocr>ABBYY FineReader 8.0</ocr>