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  <sponsor>John Carter Brown Library</sponsor>
  <contributor>John Carter Brown Library</contributor>
  <subject>Ribaut, Jean, approximately 1520-1565</subject>
  <subject>Laudonnière, René Goulaine de</subject>
  <subject>Gourgues, Dominique de, 1530?-1593</subject>
  <subject>Imprint 1591</subject>
  <title>Brevis narratio eorum quae in Florida Americae provi[n]cia Gallis acciderunt, : secunda in illam nauigatione, duce Renato de Laudo[n]niere classis praefecto anno M D LXIIII. Quae est secunda pars Americae. Additae figurae et incolarum eicones ibidem ad vivu[m] espressae brevis item declaratio religionis, rituum, vivendique ratione ipsorum.</title>
  <creator>Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques, 1533?-1588</creator>
  <creator>Clusius, Carolus, 1526-1609</creator>
  <creator>Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598</creator>
  <call>J De Bry GV pt. 2 1591 Lat</call>
  <size>[8], 30, [34] p., [44] leaves of plates (1 double folded) : ill., map ; 36 cm. (fol.)</size>
  <publisher>Francoforti ad Moenum : Typis Ioa[n]nis Wecheli, sumtibus vero Theodori de Bry, anno M D XCI. Venales reperiu[n]tur in officina Sigismundi Feirabe[n]dii</publisher>
  <description>Constitutes the second part, only issue of the first Latin edition of Theodor de Bry's Great voyages, printed in fourteen parts, in Latin, German, French, and English, in Frankfurt am Main, Oppenheim, and Hanau from 1590-1644, and the Elenchus, an outline of the thirteen Latin parts, published by Matthias Merian in Frankfurt am Main in 1634</description>
  <description>This work had been identified as the second part, only issue of the first Latin edition of the Great voyages by Church</description>
  <description>The first and second editions of Latin part two can be identified by the letterpress text printed below illustrations on the plates. Please see Church for a full accounting</description>
  <description>The C.C.A., on the title-page, are the initials of Carolus Clusius Artebatensis, i.e. Charles de L'Écluse, the celebrated botanist. Cf. Church</description>
  <description>Latin translation, by Charles de l'Écluse, of: L'histoire notable de la Floride / by Jacques le Moyne de Morgues, first printed Paris, 1586</description>
  <description>Colophon reads: Francofvrti ad Moenum, apud Ioannen Wechelum, impensis Theodori de Bry. M D XCI</description>
  <description>Incorrectly attributed to René de Laudonniere by Alden</description>
  <description>This part gives an account of the unfortunate expeditions of the French Huguenots to Florida under Jean Ribaut (1562); René de Laudonnière (1564); and Dominique de Gourgues (1567). The account of the expedition under Laudonnière was written by Jacques le Moyne, surnamed de Mourgues, an artist who accompanied the expedition. He escaped the massacre by the Spaniards at Fort Caroline and went to England where he dies. After his death his manuscripts and drawings were sold by his widow to de Bry, by whom they were first published. The authors of the other two narratives are unknown. Cf. Church</description>
  <description>"Indorvm Floridam prouinciam inhabitantium eicones, primùm ibidem ad vivum expressae à Iacobo le Moyne cui cognomen de Morgves: addita as singulas brevi earum declaratione. Nunc verò recens à Theodoro de Bry Leodiense in aes incisae, &amp; evlgatae. Cum gratis &amp; priuil. Caes Maiest. ad quadriennium", p. [3-4], 3rd count, is fully engraved and has imprint: Francoforti as Moenvm typis Ioa[n]nis Wecheli, sumtibus vero Theodori de Bry anno M D XCI. Venales reperiu[n]tur in officina Sigismundi Feirabe[n]dii</description>
  <description>"Libellvs siue Epistola svpplicatoria, regi Galliarvm Carolo IX. eivsdem nominis oblata, per viduas, orphanos, cognatos, affines, &amp; ipsi Franciae Occidentalis regi subditos, quorum consanguinei per Hispanos in ea Galliae antarcticae parte, quae vulgò Floridae nomen inuenit, crudeliter trucidati perierunt; ano 1565", p. [7-12], 3rd count, has separate caption title</description>
  <description>"De qvarta Gallorvm in Floridam navigatione sub Govrgvesio, anno 1567", p. [13-19], 3rd count, has separate caption title</description>
  <description>"Parergon continens qvaedam qvae as praecedentis narrationis elvcidationem, non ervnt forsan invtilia", p. [25-31], 3rd count, has separate caption title</description>
  <description>Signatures: )(⁴ ()(1, )(4 versos blank) a-d⁴ (d4 verso blank) A-H⁶ (H3 missigned H2; H4 missigned H3) (H2 blank) I⁴ K⁶ (K2 missigned K; K3 missigned )( )(2) (K1, K6 versos blank)</description>
  <description>Errata: p. [23], 3rd count</description>
  <description>Includes index on p. [20-21], 3rd count</description>
  <description>Fully engraved and illustrated title page; engraved head and tail pieces; initials</description>
  <description>Contains 43 leaves of plates, one of which is a double folded map of Florida and part of Cuba bound between p. [8], 1st count, and p. 1, 2nd count; there are plates numbered I-XLII, which are printed on recto only and accompanied by letterpress text underneath illustrations which are bound following p. [3-4], 3rd count, and which are signed A2-6 through H1</description>
  <description>Arents, G. Tobacco</description>
  <description>Church, E.D. Discovery</description>
  <description>JCB Lib. cat., pre-1675</description>
  <description>Alden, J.E. European Americana</description>
  <description>John Carter Brown Library copy has plates numbered I-XLII conforming to first states of the plates as listed by Church</description>
  <description>John Carter Brown Library copy imperfect: wanting p. [5-6], 3rd count, blank leaf H2; also wanting p. [33-34], blank leaf K6</description>
  <description>John Carter Brown Library copy has two copies of the title page leaf, only one of which is counted in collation, and one of which is printed more lightly than the other but bears no other difference; there are also two copies of the engraved title page which accompany the plates, p. [3-4], 3rd count, again only one of which is counted in collation, and one of which is printed more lightly than the other but bears no other difference; there is an additional copy of plate XXIII which has illustration printed upside down following correctly printed plate which conforms to the first printing of the plate; there is an additional copy of plate XXIIII which has illustration printed upside down bound before correctly printed plate which conforms to the first printing of the plate; there are two copies of plate XXV, one of which is printed more lightly than the other but bears no other difference and which conforms to the first printing of the plate; there are two copies of plate XXXII, one of which is printed more lightly than the other but bears no other difference and which conforms to the first printing of the plate; there is an additonal copy of plate XXXVIII with the illustration for plate XXXIX bound before correctly printed plate XXXVIII, of which both conform to the first printing of the plate; there is an additonal copy of plate XXXIX with the illustration for plate XXXVIII bound after correctly printed plate XXXVIII, of which both conform to the first printing of the plate ; there is an additional copy of plate XLI which has illustration printed upside down bound before correctly printed plate which conforms to the first printing of the plate</description>
  <publicdate>2015-06-02 14:23:27</publicdate>
  <updatedate>2015-06-02 15:30:05</updatedate>
  <addeddate>2015-06-02 15:30:07.182034</addeddate>
  <notes>No copyright, table of contents, chapters.</notes>
  <camera>Canon EOS 5D Mark II</camera>
  <ocr>ABBYY FineReader 9.0</ocr>