This telegram alerts American diplomatic posts in Brazil that O'Gorman, an American leftist funded by the state department will arrive in Porto Alegre on June 3rd. The telegram discusses the impact O'Gorman had in Chile, commenting that although he is harshly critical of the American government, his actions are overall beneficial to American aims abroad, since he exemplifies the intellectual freedom and dissent that American allows.:
"Alert Regarding Leftist Intellectual O'Gorman's Planned Travel to Porto Alegre"
Opening the Archives: Documenting U.S.-Brazil Relations, 1960s-80s.
Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.
Has Parts:
Alert Regarding Leftist Intellectual O'Gorman's Planned Travel to Porto Alegre
Opening the Archives is a joint effort by Brown University and the Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Paraná, Brazil to digitize and index 100,000 U.S. State Department documents on Brazil from 1963-73 and make them available to the public on a …