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Bactrian camel neuroimaging: computed tomography, brain on foam: coronal view


These files contain computed tomography data collected while the brain was positioned for viewing on a block of foam. Only the brain tissue is visible in the images. Each set of volumetric data has been resampled in axial, coronal, and sagittal views and saved as three sets of DICOM data. Only image files containing visible brain tissue have been saved and included in this set. Overall, the shape of the brain tissue, as well as that of the ventricular system, can be distinguished clearly in both studies, but gray­-white matter differentiation is almost nonexistent. The following conditions apply to this data: Transfer Syntax: Little Endian Explicit. Slice Thickness: 625.00 μm. L­-R Angle: 0°. S-­I Angle: -90°. Scan Mode: 1.1 Helical Brain. Number of Slices: 303. Computed tomography data was collected at Rhode Island Hospital.
Imaging modalities: Computed tomography
Scanning preparation: Brain on foam
View: Coronal view


Walsh, Edward, Collins, Scott, Leary, Owen, et al., "Bactrian camel neuroimaging: computed tomography, brain on foam: coronal view" (2016). Bactrian Camel Brain Imaging, Brown University Open Data Collection. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.


Has Parts:

  • README for Computed tomography studies
    • Type: Pdf
    • Order: 1
    • View
  • README for Camel brain on foam
    • Type: Pdf
    • Order: 2
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