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This piece introduces the three essays written by Nicolás Barbosa López, Pedro Lopes de Almeida, and Torin Spangler for a course taught by the author at Brown University in the Fall Semester of 2016-2017, as Visiting Professor at the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies (FLAD/Brown Visiting Professorship). The course was titled "Travels and Exhibitions: writing, collecting and displaying the world in the 19th and 20th centuries" and addressed the entangled histories of traveling, exhibiting, collecting, writing and photographing within different geographical spaces. From Brazil to Angola and Goa, the spaces and times explored through the thirteen weeks of the Course could be placed within the wider context of the history of Portuguese modern colonialism.
Este texto introduz três ensaios escritos por Nicolás Barbosa López, Pedro Lopes de Almeida e Torin Spangler para um curso lecionado pela autora na Brown University, no semestre de Outono de 2016-2017, como Professora Visitante no Departamento de Estudos Portugueses e Brasileiros (FLAD/Brown Visiting Professorship). O curso intitulava-se "Travels and Exhibitions: writing, collecting and displaying the world in the 19th and 20th centuries" e enfocava as entremeadas histórias dos atos de viajar, exibir, colecionar, escrever e fotografar dentro de espaços geográficos diferentes. Do Brasil a Goa e Angola, os espaços e tempos explorados ao longo das trezes semanas do curso poderiam ser situados no contexto mais amplo da história do colonialismo português moderno.


Vicente, Filipa Lowndes, "Introduction" (2018). e-Journal of Portuguese History. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.



  • e-Journal of Portuguese History

    The e-Journal of Portuguese History (e-JPH) (ISSN: 1645-6432) is an international peer-reviewed scholarly journal with the objective of providing publication of work on historical subjects, especially those concerning themes and topics of Portuguese history analyzed in a comparative perspective. It …
