This review originally appeared in Teknokultura: Revista de Cultura Digital y Movimientos Sociales (Journal of Digital Culture and Social Movements) Volume 10 Issue Number 01: 1287-292. (ISSN 1549 2230) published by the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. The author reviews Intersecciones: cuerpos y sexualidades en la encrucijada, by Lucas Platero Méndez (ed.)
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Fernández Galeano, Javier,
"Review of Intersecciones: cuerpos y sexualidades en la encrucijada"
Brown University Student Publications.
Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.
This collection contains open access and other scholarly works published by students at Brown University. Items include articles, essays and white papers, among others. For theses and dissertations authored by students for the fulfillment of requirements for degrees granted by …