Data has changed how we do business. To keep pace, Privacy Offices are quickly turning to technological solutions to modernize and automate their existing operations. However, the market has been flooded with tools. To solve for this critical challenge, this paper defines how a modern Privacy Office operates, and connects those operations to the types of solutions that may address the need. The resulting matrix is designed to give structure to how Privacy Offices navigate this challenge, and initiate the process of selecting a technology for implementation.
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Mangold, Michael,
"Privacy has a technology problem: Navigating the volatile privacy technology market"
Master of Science in Cybersecurity.
Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.
Brown's Master of Science (ScM) in Cybersecurity is a program for professionals designed to cultivate high-demand, industry executives with the unique and critical ability to devise and execute integrated, comprehensive cybersecurity strategies. Students gain immediately applicable knowledge and, through an …