Brown University The Neurodevelopmental Impact of Prenatal Bacterial Infection on Adult Psychosis: Evidence from the New England Family Study By Heather Young-A Lee B.A., New York University, 2014 A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiology in the Brown University Graduate School and Brown University School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology Providence, Rhode Island May 2019 © Copyright 2018 by Heather Young-A Lee The dissertation by Heather Young-A Lee is accepted in its present form by the Department of Epidemiology as satisfying the dissertation requirement for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Date____________ _____________________________________ Stephen L. Buka, ScD, Advisor Recommended to the Graduate Council Date____________ _____________________________________ George D. Papandonatos, PhD, Reader Date____________ _____________________________________ David A. Savitz, PhD, Reader Approved by the Graduate Council Date____________ ________________________________________ Andrew G. Campbell, PhD, Dean of the Graduate School iii Curriculum Vitae Name: Heather Young-A Lee Address: Department of Epidemiology Brown University School of Public Health 121 South Main Street Providence, RI 02912 Date of birth: October 19, 1992 (Seoul, Republic of Korea) EDUCATION 09/15 - 05/19 Doctor of Philosophy, Epidemiology Brown University, Providence, RI ▪ Thesis Committee: Stephen L. Buka; George D. Papandonatos; David A. Savitz ▪ Thesis Title: The Neurodevelopmental Impact of Prenatal Bacterial Infection on Adult Psychosis: Evidence from the New England Family Study. 09/11 - 05/14 Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude, Psychology with Honors, Minor in Physics New York University, New York, NY ▪ Thesis Advisors: Patrick E. Shrout; Myrna M. Weissman WORK EXPERIENCES Expected Start Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Psychiatric & Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit Date: 07/01/19 (PNGU), Center for Genomic Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital Supervisor: Jordan W. Smoller 09/18 - 05/19 Predoctoral Research Fellow, Carney Institute of Brain Science, Brown University Supervisors: Stephen L. Buka; William C. Heindel ▪ Project: Structural brain abnormalities in schizophrenia following prenatal exposure to pro-inflammatory cytokines in the New England Family Study (NEFS). ▪ Supported by the Carney Institute of Brain Science Graduate Award. 01/15 - 05/19 Research Assistant, Department of Epidemiology, Brown University Supervisor: Stephen L. Buka ▪ Projects: Identification of the prenatal and immunological origins psychosis in the NEFS; Prevalence of multiple sclerosis in the BRFSS (Manuscript in preparation; “The Prevalence of Multiple Sclerosis in the US using a Nationally-Representative Telephone Survey: Methods, Results and Comparative Utility”). 05/13 - 08/15 Research Assistant, Division of Epidemiology, New York State Psychiatric Institute Supervisor: Myrna M. Weissman ▪ Projects: Intergenerational transmission of major depressive disorder using the three- generation family study; Development of a church-based screening program for depression among African American parishioners. iv METHODOLOGICAL TRAINING 10/2018 Functional MRI Visiting Fellowship Program, Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital 10/2017 Causal Mediation Analysis Training Workshop, Directed by Dr. Tyler J. Van der Weele at Harvard University School of Public Health. TEACHING EXPERIENCES Spring 2019 Guest Lecturer, PHP 2160 The Global Burden of Mental Illness, Brown Univ. Fall 2018 Teaching Certificate Program, The Harrriet W. Sheridan Center, Brown Univ. Spring 2018 Teaching Assistant, PHP 2200, Intermediate Epidemiologic Methods, Brown Univ. Spring 2018 Guest Lecturer, PHP 2200 Intermediate Epidemiologic Methods, Brown Univ. Fall 2017 Teaching Assistant, PHP 0850 Fundamentals of Epidemiology, Brown Univ. Fall 2016 Guest Lecturer, PHP 0850 Fundamentals of Epidemiology, Brown Univ. Fall 2016 Teaching Assistant, PHP 0850 Fundamentals of Epidemiology, Brown Univ. HONORS AND AWARDS 2019 Larry Seidman Award for Travel, American Psychopathological Association 2019 Student Abstract Award (3rd Place), Brown Univ. 2018 - 2019 Graduate Awards in Brain Science, Carney Institute for Brain Science, Brown Univ. 2018 Summer Research Award, Hassenfeld Child Health Innovation Institute, Brown Univ. 2018 Graduate School Conference Travel Award, Brown Univ. 2018 School of Public Health Travel Award, Brown Univ. 2016 Student Abstract Award (1st Place), Brown Univ. 2013 - 2014 University Honors Scholar/Founders’ Day Award, New York Univ. 2013 Dean’s Honors List, New York Univ. 2013 Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund Grants, New York Univ. 2012 - 2014 Marilynn Miles Women in Science Scholarship, New York Univ. 2012 - 2014 Presidential Honors Scholars, New York Univ. 2012 Freshmen and Sophomore Training Grants, New York Univ. 2011 - 2012 Dean’s Honors List, New York Univ. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2018 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Pediatrics 2017 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2016 Ad Hoc Reviewer, Molecular Psychiatry v JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS [1] Lee Y, Papandonatos GD, Savitz DA, Heindel, WC, Buka SL. Effects of Prenatal Bacterial Infection on Cognitive Performance in Early Childhood: Joint Inverse Probability Weighted Adjustment for Treatment and Censoring. Submitted to Epidemiology. 2019. [2] Lee Y, Cherkerzian S, Seidman LJ, Papandonatos GD, Savitz DA, Tsuang MT, Goldstein JM, Buka SL. Maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy and offspring’s risk of psychoses: variation by severity of infection and offspring sex . Under revision at American Journal of Psychiatry. 2019. [3] Hankerson SH, Lee Y, Brawley DK, Braswell K, Wickramaratne PJ, Weissman MM. Screening for Depression in African-American Churches. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2015; 49(4): 526–533. [4] Szpiro S, Lee Y, Wright B, Carrasco-Queijeiro M. Alternating training between tasks enables visual perceptual learning. Journal of Vision. 2013; 13:249. PRESENTATIONS [1] Lee Y, The Neurodevelopmental impact of prenatal bacterial infection on adult psychosis: evidence from the Collaborative Perinatal Project. Talk presented at The 109th Annual Meeting of the American Psychopathological Association, New York, NY, Mar 2019. [2] Lee Y, Papandonatos GD, Savitz DA, Heindel, WC, Buka SL. Effects of Prenatal Bacterial Infection on Cognitive Performance in Early Childhood. Poster presented at The 109th Annual Meeting of the American Psychopathological Association, New York, NY, Mar 2019. [3] Lee Y, Gilman SE, Buka SL. Prenatal bacterial Infection and chronicity and severity of depression in adulthood. Poster presented at Public Health Research Day, Providence, RI, Apr 2018. [4] Lee Y, Gilman SE, Buka SL. Prenatal bacterial Infection and chronicity and severity of depression in adulthood. Poster presented at The 21st Annual Mind Brain Research Day, Providence, RI, Mar 2018. [5] Lee Y, Goldstein JM, Seidman LJ, Tsuang MT, Buka SL. Prenatal infections and risk for autism spectrum disorder: new diagnostic classification using the Collaborative Perinatal Project. Poster presented at The 108th Annual Meeting of the American Psychopathological Association, New York, NY, Mar 2018. [6] Lee Y, Goldstein JM, Seidman LJ, Tsuang MT, Buka SL. Prenatal bacterial Infection and adult psychosis: variation by sex and parental mental illness. Poster presented at The 108th Annual Meeting of the American Psychopathological Association, New York, NY, Mar 2018. [7] Lee Y, Goldstein JM, Seidman LJ, Tsuang MT, Buka SL. Prenatal exposure to bacterial infection and risk for schizophrenia and other psychoses. Poster presented at Public Health Research Day, Providence, RI, Apr 2017. [8] Lee Y, Goldstein JM, Seidman LJ, Tsuang MT, Buka SL. Maternal exposure to bacterial infections during pregnancy and risk for schizophrenia and other psychoses among adult offspring. Poster presented at The 107th Annual Meeting of the American Psychopathological Association, New York, NY, Mar 2017. vi [9] Lee Y, Shrout PE. The impact of religion on mental health service use: results from National Survey of American Life (NSAL). Poster presented at The 16th Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Long Beach, CA, Feb 2015. [10] Lee Y, Shrout PE. Religious participation and mental health service use in depressed African Americans. Poster presented at The 40th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference, New York, New York, Mar 2014. [11] Lee Y, Szpiro S, Wright BA, Carrasco-Queijeiro M. Alternating training between tasks enables visual perceptual learning. Poster presented at The Columbia University Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium, New York, NY, Mar 2013. [12] Lee Y, Szpiro S, Wright BA, Carrasco-Queijeiro M. Alternating training between tasks enables visual perceptual learning. Poster presented at The 39th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference, New York, NY, May 2013. [13] Lee Y, Szpiro S, Wright BA, Carrasco-Queijeiro M. Alternating training with another task enables visual perceptual learning. Poster presented at The 13th Annual Stanford University Undergraduate Psychology Conference, Stanford, California, May 2013. SKILLS • SAS (highly proficient), R (highly proficient), Python (beginner) • English (professional), Korean (native), Japanese (proficient) RESEARCH INTERESTS Substantive: • Identification of infectious and immune biomarkers associated with clinical dysfunctions of neurodevelopmental disorders • Intergenerational transmission of major psychiatric disorders; interaction between environmental and genetic susceptibility. Methodological: • Causal inference methods • Survey data analysis • Longitudinal data analysis • Predictive modeling in mental health vii Preface This dissertation takes the form of three publishable manuscripts (Chapters 2-4). This document was formatted in accordance with the requirements of the Graduate School at Brown University. Chapter 1 is an introduction of the significance, rationale, and specific aims of the research conducted in the following chapters. Chapter 2 is a version of the manuscript titled “Maternal Bacterial Infection during Pregnancy and Offspring’s Risk of Psychoses: Variation by Severity of Infection and Offspring Sex,” that is currently under revision at the American Journal of Psychiatry. Chapter 3 is a version of the manuscript titled “Effects of Prenatal Bacterial Infection on Cognitive Performance in Early Childhood: Joint Inverse Probability Weighted Adjustment for Treatment and Censoring.” This manuscript is currently in preparation for submission. Chapter 4 is a version of the manuscript titled “Neurodevelopmental Impact of Prenatal Immune Activation on Memory Circuitry Structure in Early Midlife Using Structural Covariance Modeling Approach.” This manuscript is also in preparation for submission. This project was supported by the Carney Institute for Brain Science at Brown University. viii Acknowledgement First, I would like to express my deepest thanks to Dr. Stephen Buka for the invaluable guidance, advice, and all kinds of support that he provided throughout my training at Brown. I also want to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to my dissertation committee members, Drs. George Papandonatos and David Savitz. It was a great honor and pleasure for me to work with you and learn from you. Additionally, I would like to thank Drs. Jill Goldstein and William Heindel for providing valuable guidance and tremendous help with my predoctoral fellowship research in brain imaging. I am also grateful for the faculty and administrative coordinators of the Department of Epidemiology and the School of Public Health for fostering a nurturing and supportive environment to learn. Importantly, I want to acknowledge all investigators and participants of the Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP) and the New England Family Study (NEFS). I would also love to express my immense gratitude to my former advisors, Drs. Patrick Shrout and Myrna Weissman, for providing me inspiration and support to pursue a research career in psychiatric epidemiology. Lastly, I want to give my special thanks to my loving family and friends for believing in my potential and providing unconditional support. ix Table of Contents Curriculum Vitae ........................................................................................................................... iv Preface.......................................................................................................................................... viii List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... xiii List of Illustrations ........................................................................................................................ xv Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 Chapter 2: Maternal Bacterial Infection during Pregnancy and Offspring’s Risk of Psychoses: Variation by Severity of Infection and Offspring Sex .................................................................... 6 2.1 Abstract ............................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Methods .......................................................................................................................... 10 2.3.1 Study Population ..................................................................................................... 10 2.3.2 Collection and Processing of the Exposure Data .................................................... 10 2.3.3 Ascertainment of Exposure Status .......................................................................... 11 2.3.4 Assessment of Offspring with Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses ................... 11 2.3.5 Covariates ............................................................................................................... 12 2.3.6 Statistical Analyses ................................................................................................. 13 2.3.7 Sensitivity Analyses ................................................................................................ 14 2.4 Results ............................................................................................................................ 14 2.4.1 Descriptive Results ................................................................................................. 14 2.4.2 Main Results ........................................................................................................... 15 2.4.3 Sensitivity Analyses ................................................................................................ 16 2.5 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 16 2.5.1 Sex Difference in Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses ....................................... 17 2.5.2 Strengths and Limitations ....................................................................................... 18 2.6 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 21 2.7 Tables ............................................................................................................................. 22 2.8 Figures ............................................................................................................................ 26 2.9 Supplementary Materials................................................................................................ 27 x Chapter 3: Effects of Prenatal Bacterial Infection on Cognitive Performance in Early Childhood: Joint Inverse Probability Weighted Adjustment for Treatment and Censoring ............................ 28 3.1 Abstract .......................................................................................................................... 29 3.2 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 30 3.3 Methods .......................................................................................................................... 31 3.3.1 Participants .............................................................................................................. 31 3.3.2 Exposure Assessment Procedures ........................................................................... 32 3.3.3 Variables in Propensity Score Model ..................................................................... 33 3.3.4 Outcome Measures.................................................................................................. 33 3.3.5 Statistical Analyses ................................................................................................. 34 3.3.6 Propensity Score Modeling ..................................................................................... 34 3.3.7 Outcome Modeling ................................................................................................. 36 3.4 Results ............................................................................................................................ 37 3.4.1 Description of the Study Sample ............................................................................ 37 3.4.2 Weighting and Balance Diagnostics ....................................................................... 38 3.4.3 Unweighted Analyses ............................................................................................. 39 3.4.4 ATE-Weighted Analyses ........................................................................................ 40 3.4.5 ATT-Weighted Analyses ........................................................................................ 41 3.5 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 42 3.5.1 Sex Differences in Cognitive Deficits during Early Childhood ............................. 43 3.5.2 Strengths and Limitations ....................................................................................... 44 3.6 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 45 3.7 Tables ............................................................................................................................. 47 3.8 Figures ............................................................................................................................ 48 3.9 Supplementary Tables .................................................................................................... 52 3.10 Supplementary Figures ................................................................................................... 58 Chapter 4: Neurodevelopmental Impact of Prenatal Bacterial Infection on Memory Circuitry Structure in Early Midlife ............................................................................................................. 61 4.1 Abstract .......................................................................................................................... 62 4.2 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 63 4.3 Methods .......................................................................................................................... 65 4.3.1 Description of the Cohort........................................................................................ 65 4.3.2 Ascertainment of Adult Psychosis .......................................................................... 65 xi 4.3.3 Ascertainment of Prenatal Exposure to Bacterial Infection .................................... 66 4.3.4 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria ............................................................................. 67 4.3.5 Regions of interest (ROIs) ...................................................................................... 68 4.3.6 Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging ................................................................ 68 4.3.7 Statistical Analyses ................................................................................................. 69 4.4 Results ............................................................................................................................ 73 4.4.1 Sample Demographics ............................................................................................ 73 4.4.2 Descriptive Results: Hippocampal and Parahippocampal Volume ........................ 73 4.4.3 Analytic Results: Adult Psychosis .......................................................................... 74 4.4.4 Analytic Results: Prenatal Exposure to Bacterial Infection .................................... 75 4.5 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 75 4.6 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 79 4.7 Tables ............................................................................................................................. 80 4.8 Figures ............................................................................................................................ 84 4.9 Supplementary Tables .................................................................................................... 88 4.10 Supplementary Figures ................................................................................................... 93 Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 95 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 96 xii List of Tables Table 2.7.1 Descriptive statistics by maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy. ............... 22 Table 2.7.2 Descriptive statistics by adult psychosis. ................................................................ 23 Table 2.7.3 Associations between maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy and offspring’s risk for schizophrenia and related psychoses in adulthood. ....................................... 24 Table 2.7.4 Stratified analyses by offspring sex. ....................................................................... 25 Table 2.7.5 Stratified analyses by parental history of mental illness (PMI). ......................... 25 Supplementary Table 2.9.1 Sensitivity analysis for the hypothesized associations using confirmed instances of bacterial infection. ................................................................................... 27 Supplementary Table 2.9.2 Sensitivity analyses for the stratified analyses by offspring sex. . 27 Supplementary Table 2.9.3 Sensitivity analyses for the stratified analyses by parental mental illness (PMI). ............................................................................................................................. 27 Table 3.7.1 Demographic and family history characteristics by severity of bacterial infection during pregnancy. ......................................................................................................................... 47 Supplementary Table 3.9.1 Demographic and family history characteristics by gestational timing of exposure to multi-systemic bacterial infection during pregnancy. ............................... 52 Supplementary Table 3.9.2 Nominal and effective sample sizes by severity of bacterial infection under ATT weighting. ................................................................................................... 53 Supplementary Table 3.9.3 Nominal and effective sample sizes by gestational timing of multi- systemic bacterial infection under ATT weighting. ...................................................................... 53 Supplementary Table 3.9.4 Mean intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates at age 7 by severity of bacterial exposure during pregnancy in the full analytic sample. ................................................. 54 Supplementary Table 3.9.5 Mean intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates at age 7 by severity of bacterial exposure during pregnancy among male offspring. ....................................................... 55 Supplementary Table 3.9.6 Mean intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates at age 7 by severity of bacterial exposure during pregnancy among female offspring. .................................................... 56 Supplementary Table 3.9.7 Mean intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates at age 7 by gestational timing of multi-systemic bacterial infection. ................................................................................ 57 xiii Table 4.7.1 Demographic characteristics by offspring sex and adult psychosis status. ......... 80 Table 4.7.2 Demographic characteristics by prenatal exposure to bacterial infection. .......... 81 Supplementary Table 4.9.1 Box’s M and Jennrich’s tests for overall differences in covariance and correlation matrices by adult psychosis and prenatal bacterial infection. .............................. 88 Supplementary Table 4.9.2 Comparison of demographic characteristics by participation in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of the New England Family Study (NEFS) participants with psychoses (n=116). ............................................................................................ 89 Supplementary Table 4.9.3 Descriptive statistics for hippocampal and parahippocampal volumes (divided by total intracranial volume). ........................................................................... 90 Supplementary Table 4.9.4 Pearson correlation coefficients between right hemisphere volumes of regions of interests (ROIs) among psychotic cases and controls. ............................................ 91 Supplementary Table 4.9.5 Pearson correlation coefficients between right hemisphere volumes of regions of interests (ROIs) among exposed and unexposed individuals. ................................. 92 xiv List of Illustrations Figure 2.9.1 Selection of analytic sample from the New England (NE) cohorts of the Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP). ......................................................................................... 26 Figure 3.8.1 Full-scale IQ estimates and corresponding 95% CIs by severity of bacterial exposure before and after propensity score weighting. ................................................................ 48 Figure 3.8.2 Male-specific full-scale IQ estimates and corresponding 95% CIs by severity of bacterial exposure before and after propensity score weighting. .................................................. 49 Figure 3.8.3 Female-specific full-scale IQ estimates and corresponding 95% CIs by severity of bacterial infection before and after propensity score weighting. .............................................. 49 Figure 3.8.4 Full-scale IQ estimates and corresponding 95% CIs by gestational timing of exposure to multi-systemic bacterial infection before and after propensity score weighting. ...... 51 Supplementary Figure 3.10.1 . Standardized effect size plots for estimating the propensity scores to generate ATE weights for severity of bacterial infection. ........................................................ 59 Supplementary Figure 3.10.2 Standardized effect size plots for estimating the propensity scores to generate ATE weights for gestational timing of multi-systemic bacterial infection. ............... 60 Figure 4.8.1 Schematic overview of analytical procedures. .................................................... 84 Figure 4.8.2 Associations between dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and hippocampus (HIPP)/superior parietal cortex (sPAR). ....................................................................................... 86 Figure 4.8.3 Associations between caudal anterior cingulate cortex (cACC) and hippocampus (HIPP)/parahippocampus (paraHIPP). .......................................................................................... 87 Supplementary Figure 4.10.1 Associations between inferior parietal cortex (iPAR) and hippocampus (HIPP)/parahippocampus (paraHIPP). ................................................................... 93 Supplementary Figure 4.10.2 Associations between parahippocampus (paraHIPP) and superior parietal cortex (sPAR)/dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). .................................................. 94 xv Chapter 1: Introduction 1 Across studies that use household-based survey samples, clinical diagnostic interviews, and medical records, estimates of the life-time prevalence of schizophrenia and related psychotic disorders in the U.S. range are approximately 3% (1). Despite their relatively low prevalence, psychotic disorders are associated with significant health, social, and economic burden. Approximately half of individuals with schizophrenia have co-occurring mental conditions including anxiety, depression, and addiction (2) as well as medical conditions including heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, and premature mortality (3). For this reason, financial costs associated with schizophrenia and related psychoses are disproportionately high relative to other chronic mental and physical illnesses (4). Schizophrenia and related psychoses are characterized by delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, motor impairment, and cognitive impairments (5). Although symptoms typically start in late adolescence or early adulthood, psychotic illnesses are often viewed from a developmental perspective. In its simplest form, this model postulates that genes involved in neurodevelopment and environmental insults in early life lead to disruptions in brain development, which in turn predisposes to the later onset of psychosis (6,7). For example, subtle cognitive impairment and unusual behaviors sometimes appear in childhood, and persistent presence of multiple symptoms represent a later stage of the disorder (8–10). This perspective fuels the hope that early interventions will improve or prevent the course of psychotic disorders which are often severely disabling if left untreated. Among a very limited number of potentially modifiable risk factors for psychotic disorders, maternal infection during pregnancy has been repeatedly associated with increased risk for schizophrenia (11).While epidemiologic and preclinical studies have repeatedly documented maternal viral infection during pregnancy as a putative risk factor, there is a relative 2 paucity of research on bacterial infection. In fact, bacterial infections are highly prevalent as a result of physiological changes and immune suppression during pregnancy, yet they are often left untreated in antenatal care settings due to their lack of apparent symptoms (12). However, such infections can pose a significant threat to pregnancy and healthy fetal development (13,14). Moreover, they may lead to severe neurodevelopmental consequences—such as mental retardation (15,16). Despite a plethora of research on the immediate impact of gestational bacterial infection on perinatal health, long-term neuropsychiatric consequences remain unclear. The first chapter of this dissertation evaluates the potential etiologic relationship between prenatal bacterial infection and adult psychosis in adulthood—which may vary by severity of infectious exposure and offspring sex. These findings could be an important first step to motivating large-scale national register investigation of this type of research question and raise awareness of the potential neurodevelopmental consequences of prenatal bacterial infection. If replicated, they would also call for public health and clinical efforts that focus on preventing and managing bacterial infection among pregnant women and ultimately lower the burden of neurodevelopmental disorders across the lifespan. The second chapter replicates and expands the findings from the first chapter by assessing the harmful effects of prenatal bacterial infection on cognitive outcomes in childhood that may precede the onset of psychotic illness. With this outcome, we had opportunities to address an additional potential etiologic component—such as gestational timing of exposure— and refine our etiologic model connecting prenatal bacterial infection and subsequent neurodevelopmental disorders. Furthermore, we address the concerns of potential confounding and selection bias that are inherent to non-randomized, longitudinal follow-up studies using a 3 combination of inverse probability of treatment and censoring weights and demonstrate the utility of this analytic technique when examining long-term outcomes of prenatal insults. The third chapter utilizes a covariance modeling approach with structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI) scans to explore the putative link between prenatal bacterial infection and adult psychosis. Neurobiological research on schizophrenia and related psychoses used to focus on single brain regions that were thought to contain the cognitive and emotional functions disrupted by the disease. The focus has since shifted to the interactions between specific brain areas and, more recently, to the possibility of a global pathology affecting connections across the brain. Among several methods that have been proposed to investigate structural brain networks (17,18), techniques based on covariance modeling have been found particularly useful in several brain disorders (19–27). Included in this literature were recent publications of our group that used covariance modeling approach to examine abnormal connectivity within the working memory circuitry (28,29). We first replicate our group’s previous findings of abnormal connectivity in brain regions supporting working memory functions among psychotic cases compared to healthy controls. To substantiate the possible etiologic link suggested in the first chapter, we then explored whether disturbances in the same network of brain regions would be observed upon prenatal exposure to bacterial infection. Collectively, results from the three dissertation chapters would further scientific knowledge by clarifying the effects of prenatal bacterial infection that can contribute to the development of psychosis in adulthood. This specific knowledge would help fill gaps in the current understanding of the way in which bacterial infection during pregnancy increases offspring’s risk for cognitive impairments in childhood as well as psychotic illnesses in adulthood. Findings in schizophrenia research suggests that reducing the occurrence of 4 gestational infection—especially among persons with a family history of psychosis or other serious mental disorder—could bring about a decline in the incidence of schizophrenia and related psychoses (11). Therefore, interventions aimed at preventing prenatal acquisition of bacterial infection and decreasing its severity may serve to lower the burden of psychosis in the United States and across the world. Such interventions may also aid in disrupting the transmission of social disparities in these neurodevelopmental disorders across generations if they target families experiencing greater socioeconomic disadvantages and thus having an increased risk for contracting infections during pregnancy. 5 Chapter 2: Maternal Bacterial Infection during Pregnancy and Offspring’s Risk of Psychoses: Variation by Severity of Infection and Offspring Sex 6 2.1 Abstract Objective. Previous studies suggest that prenatal immune challenges may elevate offspring’s risk of schizophrenia and related psychoses, yet there has been limited research focused on bacterial infection. Method. This study analyzes prospectively collected data of 15,421 pregnancies enrolled between 1959 and 1966 in the study sites in Boston, Massachusetts and Providence, Rhode Island through the Collaborative Perinatal Project. The sample included 116 offspring with confirmed psychoses and 15,305 unaffected offspring. We estimated associations between maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy and psychosis risk over the subsequent 40 years, stratified by offspring sex and presence of reported parental mental illness, with adjustment for covariates. Results. Maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy was strongly associated with psychosis in offspring (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 1.8, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.2-2.7, p=0.002), which varied by severity of infection and offspring sex. The effect of multi-systemic bacterial infection (aOR: 2.9, 95% CI: 1.3-5.9, pexact=0.01) was nearly twice the effect of less severe localized bacterial infection (aOR: 1.6, 95% CI: 1.9-2.3, p=0.03). Males were significantly more likely to develop psychosis following maternal exposure to any bacterial infection during pregnancy than females (p=0.02). Conclusions. This study suggests that maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy is associated with an elevated risk for psychoses in offspring, an association that also varies by infection severity and offspring sex. These findings call for additional investigation and, if replicated, potentially public health and clinical efforts that focus on preventing and managing bacterial infection among pregnant women. 7 2.2 Introduction Epidemiologic and preclinical studies have identified maternal viral infection during pregnancy as a putative risk factor for schizophrenia (11). However, there is a relative paucity of research on bacterial infection (30–32). Bacterial infections—such as urinary tract infection and bacterial vaginosis—are highly prevalent as a result of physiological changes and immune suppression during pregnancy (12). Often asymptomatic, bacterial infections are largely overlooked and left untreated in antenatal care settings. However, such infections can pose a significant threat to pregnancy and healthy fetal development (13,14). Further, if untreated, they have been associated with severe neurodevelopmental disorders in offspring (15,16). Despite a plethora of research on the immediate impact of gestational bacterial infection on perinatal health, long-term neuropsychiatric consequences remain unclear. There have been only two prior prospective cohort studies that specifically investigated bacterial infection in relation to offspring’s risk for psychoses. One study reported that maternal sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, cystitis, pyelonephritis, or bacterial venereal infection was associated with a more than 2-fold increase in schizophrenia risk (30). This was replicated in another study specific to pyelonephritis (33). We previously reported that maternal immune dysregulation in general was associated with significantly higher risk of offspring psychoses (34,35), although this was not specifically tied to bacterial infection. Animal studies have provided robust experimental evidence explaining how maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy may cause lasting changes in the structure and function of the fetal brain (36,37). For example, murine embryos exposed to the bacterial cell wall exhibited abnormal proliferation of neuronal precursor cells, permanently altering their brain architecture (38). After birth, exposed offspring displayed behavioral, neurochemical and neurophysiologic 8 abnormalities consistent with observations in people with psychotic illness (38). Taken together, these experimental studies provide a strong rationale to test the hypothesis that maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy disrupts fetal neurodevelopment consistent with subsequent risk for psychoses using epidemiologic samples. Thus, we hypothesized that maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy increases offspring’s risk of psychoses in adulthood, and that the magnitude of this association varies as a function of severity of infectious exposure. Earlier studies, including by our group, reported associations between gestational immune disruption and heightened risk of psychoses among males to a greater extent than females (35,39–41). To replicate these findings, we hypothesized that the effect of maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy on the risk of psychoses would be greater among male than female offspring. In addition to sex differences, numerous studies have reported on strong heritability of psychotic illnesses (42), with a substantial overlap with other psychiatric disorders (43). In fact, previous studies have demonstrated the utility of family history as a proxy of genetic liability (42,44), and one of them has specifically investigated synergistic effects of familial liability to psychosis and prenatal bacterial infection on subsequent risk for schizophrenia (33). These findings were substantiated by a more recent study that the impact of parental history of mental disorder was not confined to concordant parental mental disorders but rather offspring are at increased risk of a wide range of mental disorders (43). Taken together, we hypothesized that the association between maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy and psychosis risk would be greater among offspring with parental history of mental illness than among those without. 9 2.3 Methods 2.3.1 Study Population There were 16,188 live births enrolled between 1959 and 1966 at the Boston and Providence sites of the Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP), currently known as the New England Family study (NEFS). The CPP was initiated over 50 years ago to investigate prospectively the prenatal and familial antecedents of pediatric, neurological, and psychological disorders of childhood (45). Details of the CPP and NEFS methodology are reported in previous publications (34,46–49). As shown in Figure 2.8.1, we excluded offspring who did not survive to the period of risk for psychosis (n=467), who had entirely missing record for infectious disease during pregnancy (n=44), who had prenatal infection of unknown etiology (n=156). In a series of follow-up studies of the NEFS participants, we identified those with psychoses among the original parents and offspring, now adults in their 50s (34,46–49). To minimize false positive cases of psychoses in offspring, we further excluded those who had a treatment history for organic or substance-induced psychoses (n=100). The final analytic sample included a total number of 15,421 participants. 2.3.2 Collection and Processing of the Exposure Data Collection of the exposure data were jointly conducted by trained non-physician interviewers and physicians beginning at the time of registration for prenatal care at intervals of four weeks during the first 7 months of pregnancy, every two weeks at 8 months, and every week thereafter, using standardized protocols, forms, manuals, and codes (49). Throughout the initial and repeat prenatal visits, interviewers were responsible to collect of reproductive and gynecological history, recent and past medical history, and family health and genetic history. They were also responsible to conduct infectious disease and system review at the initial visit or 10 as soon thereafter as possible. Physicians were responsible to review and medically edit the data collected by the interviewer, collect further details on past and recent medical history, complete initial prenatal examination and observations, and record the date and list any diagnoses unrelated to prenatal care that comes to his or her attention. Medical and lay editing was subsequently carried out in conjunction with participant’s complete hospital records by the obstetric coordinator or a board-qualified obstetrician. Lastly, the entire study record was summarized together with complete hospital record no later than 6 months after termination of a given pregnancy. 2.3.3 Ascertainment of Exposure Status The primary exposure variable included all bacterial infections that occurred during pregnancy, defined as the time period between the estimated date of conception and the end of the third stage of labor. Infections that pertained to more than one major organ system were defined as multi-systemic infections (e.g., sepsis), whereas those specifically affecting one system (e.g., vaginitis) were defined as localized infections. There were a total of 399 multi- systemic and 3,201 localized infections during pregnancy. Localized bacterial infections included: tuberculosis (n=8), pneumonia (n=83), syphilis (n=66), gonorrhea (n=15), kidney, ureter, and bladder (KUB) infection (n=1,203), and vaginitis (n=2,136). 2.3.4 Assessment of Offspring with Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses Cohort members with psychosis were identified between the ages of 32 and 39 through a systematic follow-up of the entire New England cohorts of the CPP from 1997 to 2003. The parents and offspring with history of psychiatric hospitalization and/or possible psychotic and bipolar illness were identified from the following sources: (a) record linkages with public hospitals, mental health clinics, and the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Departments of Mental 11 Health; (b) several follow-up and case-control studies nested within the larger New England cohort involving direct interviews; (c) reports from participants in these interview studies of family members with a history of psychotic or bipolar symptoms or diagnosis. Adult offspring with major psychoses within the New England cohorts were identified through a 2-stage diagnostic assessment procedure. In stage 1, 249 individuals with possible psychotic illness were identified through systematic follow-up and subsequently diagnosed through administration of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (50) (n=173) or review of medical charts alone (n=76). Based on interview data and medical record review, trained PhD- and MD-level diagnosticians then completed best-estimate consensus diagnoses according to DSM-IV criteria for life time prevalence of psychotic and other psychiatric disorder (51). A total of 116 adult offspring were determined to have a non-organic psychotic disorder including schizophrenia disorders (n=52; schizophrenia, schizoaffective depressed type), affective psychoses (n=53; schizoaffective bipolar, bipolar with psychotic features, major depressive disorder with psychosis), and other non-affective psychoses (n=11; delusional disorder, brief psychosis, non-affective psychoses type not specified) (34). Human subject’s approval was granted by institutional review boards at Harvard University, Brown University, and local psychiatric facilities. Written consent was obtained from all interviewed subjects, and they were compensated for their participation. 2.3.5 Covariates Covariates included maternal race/ethnicity, study site, years of maternal education, parental socioeconomic index, and year and season of birth. A socioeconomic index, which as adapted from the Bureau of the Census and derived from the education and occupation of the head of household along with household income was assigned to each pregnancy; this 12 continuous measure was later categorized based on quartiles (52). We further adjusted for reported parental history of mental illness (when we did not test for its effect modification) as a known risk factor for schizophrenia (43) that has also been found to be associated with infections (53). Previously, our group has reported that psychiatric history of both parents may independently predict offspring’s risk for psychoses (54). In this study, we operationalized genetic susceptibility to psychiatric disorder by aggregating the information collected from the mothers about their own as well as their spouse’s history of nervous problem requiring hospitalization, psychiatric treatment, or other therapy (i.e., clinically significant nervous problem) at two timepoints: during pregnancy and the offspring’s age 7 visit. The overall rate of reported parental history of mental illness was 11%. Additionally, we adjusted for maternal exposure to viral infection during pregnancy to address potential confounding by concomitant viral infection. Lastly, we controlled for offspring’s participation in the final follow-up of the Collaborative Perinatal Project study—conducted at offspring’s age of 7—given its strong relationship with the likelihood of being identified as a psychotic case in adulthood. 2.3.6 Statistical Analyses We used Chi-square and t-tests (2-sided) to compare the demographic and perinatal characteristics of: (a) the exposed and unexposed mothers, and (b) the cases and non-cases. Logistic regression analyses were used to estimate odds ratios of psychoses for maternal exposure to any and localized bacterial infections during pregnancy. Logistic regression models were adjusted for maternal neurologic/psychiatric conditions during pregnancy, maternal education, socioeconomic index, maternal race/ethnicity, study site, season and year of birth, parental history of mental illness, study participation at age 7, and concomitant viral infection during pregnancy. Exact logistic regression analyses were used to estimate the effects of multi- 13 systemic bacterial infection given the small number of cases exposed to this type of infection. In these models, we could only adjust for few covariates that are reported to be key confounders in the hypothesized relationship and had strong statistical associations with both the exposure and outcome in the analytic sample (see Tables 1 and 2). Lastly, we examined effect modification of the hypothesized associations by offspring sex alone and presence of parental mental illness alone using Wald statistics. All analyses were conducted using SAS version 9.4 (55). 2.3.7 Sensitivity Analyses Given that instances of maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy were not all serologically confirmed, some may have been misclassified (i.e., false positive). If a reported instance of bacterial infection was accompanied by any antibacterial treatment (e.g., chloramphenicol, erythromycin, furadantin, penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline) and/or a physician’s diagnosis, we defined this as confirmed and conducted analyses considering only confirmed instances of bacterial infection. Out of 15,421 cohort mothers included in the analytic sample, 15,327 (99.4%) had at least one of these two sources of information available to confirm their exposure status. We assessed the robustness of our findings to potential misclassification of exposure by replicating the main effects (reported in Table 2.7.3) with the confirmed instances of bacterial infection. 2.4 Results 2.4.1 Descriptive Results Mothers who had bacterial infections during pregnancy were more likely to be non-white, non-married, younger, less educated, have lower socioeconomic status, reside in Providence, have neurologic-psychiatric conditions during pregnancy, and report their own or their spouse’s 14 history of clinically significant nervous problems compared to mothers who had no bacterial infection during pregnancy (see Table 2.7.1). When examined with respect to psychosis status in adulthood, cases were more likely to have at least one parent with a clinically significant mental illness and to have participated in the study at the age of 7 than non-cases (see Table 2.7.2). Mothers of cases were more likely to be non-white, reside in Providence, have neurologic-psychiatric conditions during pregnancy, and be less educated than mothers of non-cases. 2.4.2 Main Results Out of 15,421 cohort mothers in the analytic sample, 3,499 (23%) of them had bacterial infection; 399 (3%) had systemic infection, 3,191 (21%) had localized infections, and 91 (<1%) had both. As depicted in Table 2.7.3, maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy was significantly associated with psychotic illnesses among adult offspring (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 1.8, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.2-2.7). Multi-systemic bacterial infection was more strongly associated with later development of psychosis (aOR: 2.9, 95% CI: 1.3-5.9) than localized bacterial infection (aOR: 1.6, 95% CI: 1.1-2.3). As shown in Table 2.7.4, the association between prenatal exposure to any bacterial infection and subsequent psychosis was significantly modified by offspring sex. Males offspring were nearly three times more likely to develop psychoses following maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy whereas female offspring showed no difference in the likelihood by the exposure status (males: aOR: 2.6, 95% CI: 1.6-4.2; females: aOR: 1.0, 95% CI: 0.5-1.9; p=0.018). Similarly, males were more than twice as likely to develop psychoses compared to females following maternal exposure to localized bacterial infection (males: aOR: 2.1, 95% CI: 1.2-3.4; females: aOR: 1.0, 95% CI: 0.5-1.9; p=0.084). Since there was only one female case 15 exposed to multi-systemic bacterial infection, we reported results specific to males without evaluating statistical significance of effect modification. Males who were prenatally exposed to multi-systemic infection had five times the odds of developing psychoses relative to unexposed males (aOR: 5.0, 95% CI: 2.0-10.7). As presented in Table 2.7.5, we observed somewhat greater magnitude of hypothesized associations among offspring with reported parental mental illness compared to those without but with no statistical support for effect modification. 2.4.3 Sensitivity Analyses Of the 3,499 reported instances of bacterial infection, 1,785 (51%) were confirmed based upon treatment with antibiotics and/or medical diagnosis. Of the 399 reported instances of multi- systemic bacterial infection, 357 (89%) were confirmed. Of the 3,191 instances of localized bacterial infection, 1,513 (47%) were confirmed. Using the confirmed instances of bacterial infection, we were able to replicate the same patterns of associations from the main analyses. As expected, the magnitude of the hypothesized associations was slightly increased in the sensitivity analyses—potentially due to the reduction of potential misclassification of exposure (see Table 2.9.1 through Table 2.9.3). 2.5 Discussion Maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy was significantly associated with subsequent development of schizophrenia and related psychoses among offspring. While localized bacterial infection predicted a 1.6-fold increase in the odds of developing psychoses in adulthood, multi-systemic bacterial infection predicted a nearly 3-fold increase in the odds. Furthermore, maternal bacterial infection was more strongly associated with the likelihood of developing psychosis among male than female offspring and this effect modification was 16 statistically significant for any bacterial infection (p=0.018) and nearly significant for localized bacterial infection (p=0.084). However, these findings need to be interpreted with caution given the overlapping confidence intervals of sex-specific estimates. In addition, we found no statistical evidence for the hypothesized effect modification by reported parental mental illness, possibly because our measure of parental mental illness is a limited indicator of genetic risk. Findings in this study underscore the potential role of maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy in the etiology of psychotic disorders. Maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy has been found to induce the production of cytokines by the maternal immune system, placenta, or the fetus itself (56). Our group and others found significant associations of prenatal levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines with offspring’s risk of schizophrenia and related psychoses (34,57,58) which, in a direct test, differed by sex (34). Others suggested that the effects of bacterial infection may not be specific to the prenatal period but that these findings implicate a generally increased familial susceptibility to infections—both during and outside pregnancy (59). Although we cannot this hypothesis this hypothesis with the CPP, future studies may examine the effects of bacterial infection occurring before, during, and after pregnancy and ascertain their temporal specificity on psychosis risk. 2.5.1 Sex Difference in Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses Our findings suggest that maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy may differentially affect the development of schizophrenia and related psychoses dependent on offspring sex. This is consistent with the long history from our group (34,60,61) and from others (62) investigating sex differences in psychoses relating disease risk, course, and outcome. Some have suggested the role of the placenta, in that the placenta of females may possess greater ability to adapt to fluctuating in utero environmental conditions (such as prenatal immune 17 challenges) compared with that of males (63). However, the mechanisms underlying a male- specific vulnerability remain uncertain. Perhaps these effects could be due to reduced maternal- fetal compatibility for male fetuses which may need to up-regulate immune-associated transcripts to resist an attack by the maternal immune system (64). In a study of healthy fetuses, males had higher levels of cytokines indicative of a Th1-type (i.e., pro-inflammatory) response and expression of genes involved in the immune system and inflammation (65). In contrast, females had higher levels of cytokines indicative of Th2-type (i.e., anti-inflammatory) response and expression of genes involved in immune regulation. Upon stimulation with bacterial endotoxin, levels of IL-1 and IL-6 were significantly higher in male fetal blood samples than in female fetal blood samples (66), consistent with our previous findings in maternal sera related to psychosis risk in males (34). Given that these pro-inflammatory cytokines have long been implicated in schizophrenia and related psychoses, these findings further elucidate a potential pathway explaining male vulnerability to psychoses with regard to maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy. 2.5.2 Strengths and Limitations The major strength of this study is that reports of bacterial infection were obtained during pregnancy, and clinical diagnoses of schizophrenia and related psychoses among offspring were systematically gathered based on chart diagnoses and in-person structured interviews with participants, allowing us to investigate prospective relationships between maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy and offspring’s risk of psychoses. Our study also had some limitations. The first limitation is related to case identification procedures in the current study and the resulting case series. The 116 cases (0.7% of cohort) may not include all instances of schizophrenia and related psychoses among this cohort. In fact, our 18 group was primarily seeking to enroll the most severe cases of psychoses and the anticipated prevalence of this subset of psychoses was 2.4% (1). In the study design phase, we excluded those who had organic or substance-induced psychosis to minimize false positive cases of psychoses. In the analytic phase, we adjusted all statistical models for the effect of participation in the follow-up assessment at offspring’s age of seven—which was a strong predictor of being identified as a psychotic case in adulthood. Based on our previous examination of study participants, we conclude that this likely impacts the statistical power, but would not expect the completeness of ascertainment to differ in relation to prenatal infections. Owing to the limited power, we were not able to formally test effect modification for multi-systemic bacterial infection and determine whether the findings are specific to schizophrenia, non-affective psychosis, or other classes of psychoses. Nevertheless, it is important to note that cases identified through our record linkages with tertiary public hospitals tend to over-represent persons with greater severity of conditions, and lower socioeconomic status, and under-represent high-functioning cases without hospitalization. In contrast, cases identified through our direct follow-up and interview studies tend to over- represent those with greater residential stability, levels of independent functioning, and socioeconomic status as described in our earlier publication (67). Given our use of various methods of case ascertainment, we do not expect extreme bias towards persons of higher or lower severity as both poles of psychosis severity spectrum may have been slightly over- represented in the current study. Based on our group’s previous analyses of the considerable amount of information available from this longitudinal study (35), it does not seem that the ascertained cases differ considerably from expectations, for instance in terms of gender distribution, socio-economic level or family history of mental illness. 19 Another limitation pertains to the potential misclassification of exposure. Most previous studies have determined maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy based on maternal self- reports or clinical records (30–32). Similarly, we also used clinical records as the primary source of exposure information. Since the most prevalent types of bacterial infection are often asymptomatic, it is likely that some occurrences were not recorded and/or more severe instances were included (15). Several population-based studies have employed antibiotic use as a proxy of bacterial infection (68). They demonstrated that a focus on antibiotic prescription and utilization allows for an ascertainment of a wide range of bacterial infections with different severity and potentially reduces false negatives. Inspired by this approach, we identified a subset of reported instances of bacterial infection that had corresponding medical diagnosis and/or treatment history with antibacterial medications and conducted sensitivity analyses. Possibly due to the reduction of non-differential misclassification of exposure, the estimated effects of prenatal bacterial infection from the sensitivity analyses were slightly greater in magnitude than those from the main analyses. Lastly, it is essential to note the possibility of other mechanisms that may interact with the biological mechanism that was examined in the current study. In our analytic sample, prenatal bacterial infection was associated with several socioeconomic covariates, highlighting the importance of social factors in determining the occurrence of exposure. In fact, our group has previously reported that socioeconomic disadvantages during pregnancy—measured by parental education, income, occupation, and family structure—may significantly increase the risk for neurological abnormalities in offspring (69). In the subsequent study, we reported that this association could be partially explained by socioeconomically driven variations in gestational immune activity—which was quantified using archived maternal sera collected during pregnancy 20 (70). In future studies, we may investigate the joint contribution of bacterial infection and socioeconomic disadvantage during pregnancy and potentially delineate a more comprehensive etiologic mechanism for schizophrenia and related psychoses. 2.6 Conclusions There is considerable evidence that gestational viral infections during pregnancy have adverse consequences in offspring (11). Our study was consistent with this and extended previous work by demonstrating significant impact of maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy on later risk for schizophrenia and related psychoses, which was particularly dependent on the severity of infection and offspring sex. These findings could be an important first step to motivating large-scale national register investigation of this type of research question. Larger samples would provide opportunities to address some of the crucial components on the etiologic pathway from prenatal bacterial infection and psychosis, such as gestational timing of exposure, sex-specific transmission of psychotic illness, specific subtypes of psychosis, and finer categorization of infectious exposure. If replicated, they would also call for public health and clinical efforts that focus on preventing and managing bacterial infection among pregnant women. It is crucial to evaluate both short- and long-term consequences associated with different types of bacterial infection and antibacterial medication to avoid untoward effects on the mother and fetus (38,71). 21 2.7 Tables Table 2.7.1 Descriptive statistics by maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy. Characteristics Exposed Unexposed p Total N (%) 3,499 (22.7) 11,922 (77.3) Offspring sex Male 1,755 (22.3) 6,101 (77.7) 0.52 Female 1,743 (23.0) 5,819 (77.0) Maternal race/ethnicity White 2,931 (22.0) 10,365 (78.0) <0.0001 Non-white 568 (26.7) 1,557 (73.3) Maternal marital status Married 3,015 (21.9) 10,755 (78.1) <0.0001 Non-married 484 (29.4) 1,165 (70.6) Maternal neurologic-psychiatric conditions during pregnancya Present 619 (28.7) 1,541 (71.3) <0.0001 Not present 2,859 (23.7) 9,197 (76.3) Parental history of mental illness (PMI) Present 480 (27.5) 1,266 (72.5) <0.0001 Not present 2,964 (22.1) 10,410 (77.9) Season of birth Spring 856 (22.6) 2,927 (77.4) 0.92 Summer/Fall/Winter 2,955 (22.7) 8,995 (77.3) Study site Boston 2,576 (22.1) 9,096 (77.9) 0.0012 Providence 923 (24.6) 2,826 (75.4) Participation in the last follow-up of the Collaborative Perinatal Project study Yes 2,714 (22.8) 9,173 (77.2) 0.44 No 785 (22.2) 2,749 (77.8) Socioeconomic index 1st quartile (Lowest) 1,033 (25.4) 3,027 (74.6) nd 2 quartile 967 (23.7) 3,089 (76.3) <0.0001 3rd quartile 731 (21.7) 2,635 (78.3) 4th quartile (Highest) 670 (19.9) 2,697 (80.1) Viral infection during pregnancy Present 238 (24.8) 721 (75.2) 0.10 Not present 3,291 (22.6) 11,201 (77.4) Maternal age, mean (sd) 24.9 (5.9) 25.2 (5.9) 0.017 Years of maternal education, mean (sd) 11.1 (2.5) 11.4 (2.5) <0.0001 Year of birth, mean (sd) 1962.8 (1.9) 1962.6 (1.9) <0.0001 22 Table 2.7.2 Descriptive statistics by adult psychosis. Characteristics Psychotic Non-psychotic p Total N (%) 116 (0.8) 15305 (99.2) Offspring sex Male 68 (0.9) 7,788 (99.1) 0.25 Female 48 (0.6) 7,514 (99.4) Maternal race/ethnicity White 89 (0.7) 13,207 (99.3) 0.0029 Non-white 27 (1.3) 2,098 (98.7) Maternal marital status Married 104 (0.8) 13,666 (99.2) 0.98 Non-married 12 (0.7) 1,637 (99.3) Maternal neurologic-psychiatric conditions during pregnancy Present 26 (1.2) 2,134 (98.8) 0.017 Not present 85 (0.7) 11,971 (99.3) Parental history of mental illness (PMI) Present 27 (1.6) 1,719 (98.4) <0.001 Not present 88 (0.7) 13,277 (99.3) Season of birth Spring 27 (0.7) 3,756 (99.3) 0.75 Summer/Fall/Winter 89 (0.8) 11,549 (99.2) Study site Boston 78 (0.7) 11,594 (99.3) 0.033 Providence 38 (1.0) 3,711 (99.0) Participation in the last follow-up of the Collaborative Perinatal Project study Yes 101 (0.9) 11,786 (99.1) 0.010 No 15 (0.4) 3,519 (99.6) Socioeconomic index 1st quartile (Lowest) 33 (0.8) 4,027 (99.2) 2nd quartile 37 (0.9) 4,009 (99.1) 0.063 rd 3 quartile 30 (0.9) 3,336 (99.1) 4th quartile (Highest) 14 (0.4) 3,351 (99.6) Viral infection during pregnancy Present 7 (0.7) 952 (99.3) 0.93 Not present 109 (0.8) 14,353 (99.2) Maternal age, mean (sd) 25.2 (5.9) 25.1 (5.9) 0.83 Years of maternal education, mean (sd) 10.7 (2.0) 11.4 (2.5) 0.0029 Year of birth, mean (sd) 1962.4 (2.0) 1962.7 (1.9) 0.10 23 Table 2.7.3 Associations between maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy and offspring’s risk for schizophrenia and related psychoses in adulthood. Unadjusted Adjusted Exposure type ncase OR (95% CI) p OR (95% CI) p a Any bacterial infection 43 2.0 (1.4-3.0) <0.001 1.8 (1.2-2.7) 0.002 a Localized bacterial infection 36 1.7 (1.1-2.5) 0.012 1.6 (1.1-2.3) 0.027 b b,c Multi-systemic bacterial infection 9 3.2 (1.4-6.4) 0.006 2.9 (1.3-5.9) 0.011 Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI: confidence interval.  Number of psychotic cases exposed to a given type of bacterial infection during pregnancy. 24 Table 2.7.4 Stratified analyses by offspring sex. ncase Unadjusted OR (95% CI) Adjusted OR (95% CI) Exposure type Male Female Male Female p Male Female p a a Any bacterial infection 31 12 2.9 (1.8-4.8) 1.1 (0.6-2.1) 0.019 2.6 (1.6-4.2) 1.0 (0.5-1.9) 0.018 Localized bacterial infection 25 11 2.2 (1.4-3.7) 1.1 (0.5-2.1) 0.085 2.1 (1.2-3.4)a 1.0 (0.5-1.9)a 0.084 Multi-systemic bacterial infection 8 1 5.3 (2.2-11.3)b - - 5.0 (2.0-10.7)b,c - - Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI: confidence interval. Table 2.7.5 Stratified analyses by parental history of mental illness (PMI). ncase* Unadjusted OR (95% CI) Adjusted OR (95% CI)c Exposure type PMI+ PMI- PMI+ PMI- p PMI+ PMI- p a a Any bacterial infection 13 29 2.5 (1.2-5.3) 1.7 (1.1-2.7) 0.73 2.3 (1.1-5.0) 1.6 (1.0-2.6) 0.42 Localized bacterial infection 11 24 2.1 (1.0-4.6) 1.4 (0.9-2.3) 0.41 2.0 (0.9-4.5)a 1.4 (0.9-2.2)a 0.41 Multi-systemic bacterial infection 4 5 4.5 (1.5-13.4)b 2.4 (1.0-6.0)b 0.63 4.6 (1.5-13.8)b,c 2.4 (1.0-5.9)b,c 0.58 Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; PMI, parental mental illness.  Number of psychotic cases exposed to a given type of bacterial infection during pregnancy. 25 2.8 Figures Figure 2.8.1 Selection of analytic sample from the New England (NE) cohorts of the Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP). CPP NE cohorts N of live births=16,188 Excluded • Neonatal deaths (n=286) • Deaths prior to age 7 (n=181) Age 7 survivors N = 15,721 Excluded • Missing exposure Excluded information (n=44) Treatment history for • Unknown etiology of organic/substance-induced infection (n=156) psychoses (n=100) Analytic sample N = 15,421 Cases Non-cases n=116 (0.8%) n=15,305 26 2.9 Supplementary Materials Table 2.9.1 Sensitivity analysis for the hypothesized associations using confirmed instances of bacterial infection. Maternal exposure during Unadjusted Adjusted pregnancy ncases  OR (95% CI) p OR (95% CI) p a Any bacterial infection 26 2.4 (1.5-3.7) <0.001 2.1 (1.3-3.2) 0.002 a Localized bacterial infection 19 1.9 (1.1-3.1) 0.016 1.7 (1.0-2.8) 0.056 b Multi-systemic bacterial infection 9 3.6 (1.6-7.2) 0.003 3.3 (1.4-6.5) 0.006 Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; PMI, parental mental illness. Table 2.9.2 Sensitivity analyses for the stratified analyses by offspring sex. Maternal exposure during ncases* Unadjusted OR (95% CI) Adjusted OR (95% CI) pregnancy Male Female Male Female p Male Female p a a Any bacterial infection 20 6 3.2 (1.8-5.7) 1.1 (0.4-2.6) 0.037 2.9 (1.6-5.2) 0.9 (0.4-2.3) 0.034 Localized bacterial infection 14 8 2.3 (1.2-4.3) 1.0 (0.4-2.7) 0.18 2.0 (1.1-3.9)a 0.9 (0.4-2.4)a 0.18 Multi-systemic bacterial infection 8 1 6.1 (2.5-13.1) - - 5.4 (2.2-11.8)b - - Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI: confidence interval. Table 2.9.3 Sensitivity analyses for the stratified analyses by parental mental illness (PMI). Maternal exposure during ncases* Unadjusted OR (95% CI) Adjusted OR (95% CI) pregnancy PMI+ PMI- PMI+ PMI- p PMI+ PMI- p Any bacterial infection 7 18 2.5 (1.0-6.2) 2.0 (1.1-3.4) 0.70 2.2 (0.9-5.6)a 1.9 (1.1-3.2)a 0.75 b Localized bacterial infection 5 13 1.8 (0.7-5.1) 1.6 (0.8-2.9) 0.79 1.7 (0.5-4.6) 1.5 (0.8-2.8)b 0.86 Multi-systemic bacterial infection 4 5 5.0 (1.2-15.2) 2.7 (0.9-6.7) 0.41 5.3 (1.3-16.4)b 2.7 (0.8-6.6)b 0.36 Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; CI: confidence interval; PMI, parental mental illness.  Number of psychotic cases exposed to a given type of bacterial infection during pregnancy. 27 Chapter 3: Effects of Prenatal Bacterial Infection on Cognitive Performance in Early Childhood: Joint Inverse Probability Weighted Adjustment for Treatment and Censoring 28 3.1 Abstract Background. Long-term effects estimated from observational studies are susceptible to biases due to confounding and loss to follow-up; however, analytic techniques available to simultaneously mitigate both biases remain underutilized. We demonstrate the joint use of inverse probability treatment and censoring weights to evaluate the effects of prenatal bacterial infection on postnatal cognitive performance. Methods. We applied inverse probability weighting for both treatment and censoring to estimate the causal effects of maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy on IQ scores measured using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children at age 7. Participants (n=15,670) were members of a population-based pregnancy cohort recruited in the Boston and Providence sites of the Collaborative Perinatal Project between 1959 and 1966. We calculated Average Treatment Effects (ATE) and Average Treatment effects on the Treated (ATT) using propensity weights estimated via generalized boosted models. Results. ATE- and ATT-weighted mean IQ scores were lowest among offspring exposed to multi-systemic bacterial infection during pregnancy and highest for those unexposed. The effects of maternal bacterial infection were greater among male offspring, particularly on performance IQ scores. Offspring who were exposed to multi-systemic bacterial infection in the third trimester had the largest decreases in full-scale, verbal, and performance IQ scores at age 7 compared to those unexposed. Conclusions. Our study suggests causal links between prenatal bacterial infection and childhood cognitive impairments, which depend on severity and gestational timing of infectious exposure as well as offspring sex. Public health intervention targeting bacterial infection among pregnant women may have the potential to enhance the cognitive development of offspring. 29 3.2 Introduction The enduring effects of prenatal insults have long been known, perhaps best illustrated by the adverse effects of prenatal exposure to toxic agents—such as infection—on postnatal physical, behavioral, and neurocognitive outcomes (72–74). Pregnant women with low levels of socioeconomic status and education, and of single marital status, are disproportionately exposed to such effects as a result of their high levels of psychosocial stress, high-risk sexual activity patterns, and limited access to health care resources (75,76). Socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals are also more likely to drop out from long-term follow-up studies (77). For this reason, exposure effects in neurodevelopmental trajectories observed in nonrandomized studies are subject to bias due to both measured and unmeasured confounding as well as selection bias (78–80). In the current study, we addressed some of these concerns using a combination of inverse probability treatment and censoring weights and demonstrated the utility of this analytic approach when examining postnatal consequences of prenatal exposures (seeSupplementary Figure 3.10.1). Bacterial infections, including urinary tract infection and bacterial vaginosis, are highly prevalent during pregnancy due to physiological changes and immune suppression (12). Often asymptomatic, these infections may be overlooked and left untreated in antenatal care settings, potentially posing a significant threat to pregnancy and healthy fetal development (13,14). In particular, prenatal bacterial infections have been associated with severe neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, and psychosis (30–33,81,82). While a hallmark feature shared by these neurodevelopmental disorders is the presence of childhood cognitive deficits, the relationship between cognitive function and prenatal bacterial infection remains unclear. Hence, we sought to examine whether the presence of maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy is associated with 30 lower cognitive performance at age 7, and also whether the strength of this association varies as a function of the severity of infectious exposure. Given the previous findings of our group (83,84) and others (85) on sexually dimorphic cognitive abilities in healthy and psychotic individuals, we hypothesized that the effects of gestational bacterial infection on cognitive deficits at age 7 are more pronounced among males than females. There is accumulating epidemiologic as well as preclinical evidence suggesting that vulnerability to infection-mediated disturbances in fetal brain development and postnatal psychopathology varies with gestational timing of infectious exposure (86,87). First, the physiological changes experienced by the mother during pregnancy can influence the pattern of immune response (88,89). Second, it is expected that the vulnerability of the fetus to infection- mediated neurodevelopmental abnormalities critically depends on the stage of fetal development. In relation to schizophrenia, there is a debate over the suggestion that the second trimester exposure confers the maximal risk in offspring. To evaluate if this applies to earlier and less severe outcomes, such as cognitive deficits in childhood, we examined exposure to bacterial infection in which trimester of pregnancy would predict the greatest impairment in childhood cognition. 3.3 Methods 3.3.1 Participants Participants were offspring of 15,670 singleton pregnancies enrolled during pregnancy (1959-1966) in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island cohorts of the Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP), known as the New England Family Study (NEFS). Study psychologists evaluated these offspring’s neurocognitive function at ages 4, 8, and 12 months, and 4 and 7 years using a 31 strict protocol and extensive quality controls (90). Details of the CPP and NEFS methodology are reported in previous publications (34,46–48,52). 3.3.2 Exposure Assessment Procedures Collection of the exposure data were jointly conducted by trained non-physician interviewers and physicians beginning at the time of registration for prenatal care at intervals of four weeks during the first 7 months of pregnancy, every two weeks at 8 months, and every week thereafter, using standardized protocols, forms, manuals, and codes (49). Throughout the initial and repeat prenatal visits, interviewers were responsible for collection of reproductive and gynecological history, recent and past medical history, and family health and genetic history. They were also responsible to conduct infectious disease and system review at the initial visit or as soon thereafter as possible. Physicians were responsible for reviewing and medically editing the data collected by the interviewer, collecting further details on past and recent medical history, completing initial prenatal examination and observations, and recording the date and list any diagnoses unrelated to prenatal care that comes to his or her attention. Medical and lay editing was subsequently carried out in conjunction with the participant’s complete hospital records by the obstetric coordinator or a board-qualified obstetrician. Lastly, the entire study record was summarized together with the complete hospital record no later than 6 months after termination of a given pregnancy. The primary exposure variable included all bacterial infections that occurred during pregnancy, defined as the time period between the estimated date of conception and the end of the third stage of labor. Infections that pertained to more than one major organ system were defined as multi-systemic infections (e.g., sepsis), whereas those specifically affecting one system (e.g., vaginitis) were defined as localized infections. There were a total of 399 multi- 32 systemic and 3,201 localized infections during pregnancy. Localized bacterial infections included: tuberculosis (n=8), pneumonia (n=83), syphilis (n=66), gonorrhea (n=15), kidney, ureter, and bladder (KUB) infection (n=1,203), and vaginitis (n=2,136). Data on the timing of infection were available for multi-systemic bacterial only. We identified women with multi-systemic bacterial infections that took place in the first, second, and third trimester. Considering those who were exposed across multiple trimesters, we counted the earliest exposure to multi-systemic bacterial infection for a given pregnancy. 3.3.3 Variables in Propensity Score Model The following measures were included in the propensity score model based on their demonstrated association with prenatal exposure to bacterial infection and/or childhood cognitive development: offspring sex, maternal age, maternal marital status, maternal race/ethnicity, socioeconomic index, and parental mental illness. Socioeconomic index in the CPP is an index based upon education-level of the head of household, occupation of head of household, and total family income (52). Parental mental illness was defined as having maternal or paternal history of treated psychiatric, substance, or neurological disorders (reported by mothers on their enrollment and at offspring’s age of seven in the CPP). 3.3.4 Outcome Measures At age 7, seven subtests from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) were administered and used to derive a full-scale IQ estimate. The vocabulary, comprehension, information, and digit span subtests were used to derive a verbal IQ estimate. The picture arrangement, block design, and digit symbol coding subtests were used to derive a performance IQ estimate. The full-scale IQ was calculated based on a combination of these two scores. The IQ data have been presented previously (67,69,91,92). 33 3.3.5 Statistical Analyses We summarized the proportion of participants that were exposed to either localized, multi-systemic, or no bacterial infection during pregnancy and examined differences in baseline demographic and parental psychiatric history characteristics by exposure status. One-way ANOVA was used to test for differences in continuous variables. Chi-square tests were used to test for differences in categorical variables, one factor level at a time. 3.3.6 Propensity Score Modeling Differences in crude IQ scores by exposure status do not account for unequal probability of being exposed to different types and gestational timing of bacterial infection during pregnancy (93). Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting (IPTW) corrects raw IQ scores for participants’ differential propensity to be exposed to certain type of bacterial infection at different timing of pregnancy, with the intent of approximating a randomized experiment (94). More than one weighting scheme is possible, each leading to different causal estimates (95). One reweighting approach focuses on estimating Average Treatment Effects (ATEs) for all subjects, regardless of their actual exposure level (96). For example, the ATE of localized bacterial infection (hereafter, localized) versus no bacterial infection at all (hereafter, none) is the difference in mean IQ scores of the entire sample had all of its members been exposed to localized bacterial infection during pregnancy versus no bacterial infection at all. Estimating this effect requires weighting the members of the localized and none groups, so that their covariate distributions resemble that of the whole sample. After weighting, each group has similar propensity to be exposed to bacterial infection during pregnancy. The weighted differences in mean IQ scores between the two exposure groups then serve as estimates of the ATE of localized infection. We estimated these weights non-parametrically using Generalized Boosted Model 34 (GBM) as implemented in the GBM package (97), thus gaining robustness to possible misspecification of the propensity score model. A second reweighting approach is based on estimating Average Treatment Effects on the Treated (ATTs) separately for each exposure group (96). When multivalued treatments are involved, it is recommended that separate GBMs be fit to each pair of groups involved in the comparison of interest, ignoring any remaining groups (95). Unit weights are assigned to target group members, while those in the reference group have their mean IQ scores weighted by the odds that they would have exhibited the target behavior. Individuals in the reference group with covariate values common in their own group alone are down-weighted, whereas those with values common in the target group are up-weighted. Weighted estimates calculated under an ATT approach allow one to make group-specific inferences and to gauge the effect of moving study participants from one exposure group to another. However, the findings may not apply to all participants involved in a pairwise comparison, as near-zero propensity scores would imply that certain subjects are unlikely to ever experience the target exposure. Near-zero propensity scores correspond to near-infinite weights and have the potential to drastically reduce the effective sample size of the reference group involved in each comparison, defined as the size of a simple random sample with same standard error as the ATT-weighted mean. For example, the ATT of localized bacterial infection versus no bacterial infection at all in the localized group is the difference between (i) the actual mean IQ score of the localized group, and (ii) the mean IQ score of this same group, had none of its member been prenatally exposed to bacterial infection at all. Estimating this effect requires weighting the none group, so that its covariate distribution resembles that of the localized group; the mean IQ score in the weighted none group then serves as an estimate for the mean IQ of the 35 localized group under no exposure. For both ATE and ATT analyses, individual GBM fits were weighted combinations of up to 10,000 trees of depth two, capturing both main effects and 2- way interactions in model covariates (98). A shrinkage parameter of 0.01 was used for smoothing, and absolute standardized bias was used for selecting the number of trees providing the best covariate balance. Given the longitudinal nature of the NEFS, the dropout rate at age 7 was 23.2%—which created a large number of missing observations in the outcome variables. Inverse Probability of Censoring Weighting (IPCW) adjusts raw IQ scores for selection bias and dropout in the context of longitudinal follow-up study. It inversely weights regression analyses by the probability of not dropping out and effectively inflates the impact of underrepresented participants (99–101). This way, we can observe associations that would have been observed if all participants had stayed in the study. We estimated the final inverse probability weights by multiplying IPCW with IPTW (102). 3.3.7 Outcome Modeling At age 7, seven subtests from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) were administered and used to derive a full-scale IQ estimate. The vocabulary, comprehension, information, and digit span subtests were used to derive a verbal IQ estimate. The picture arrangement, block design, and digit symbol coding subtests were used to derive a performance IQ estimate. The full-scale IQ was calculated based on a combination of these two scores. The IQ data have been presented previously (67,69,91,92). 36 3.4 Results 3.4.1 Description of the Study Sample Among 15,670 study participants, 12,113 (77.3%) were exposed to no bacterial infection, 3,155 (20.1%) were exposed to localized bacterial infection, and 402 (2.6%) were exposed to multi-systemic bacterial infection (see Table 1). Prenatal exposure to these three levels of bacterial infection defines groups of interest in this study: None, Localized, and Multi-systemic. Of note, 91 participants who were exposed to both localized and multi-systemic bacterial infection are classified under the Multi-systemic group. Among 402 participants who were exposed to multi-systemic bacterial infection, 122 (30.3%) were exposed in the first trimester, 137 (34.1%) were exposed in the second trimester, and 143 (35.6%) were exposed in the third trimester (see Table 3.9.2). Table 3.7.1 shows between-group differences in demographic and family history variables used as potential confounders in our propensity scores model. Offspring whose mother was non-married, non-white, younger, and had low socioeconomic status were more likely to have been exposed to multi-systemic bacterial infection during pregnancy. In contrast, offspring whose mother was married, white, older, and had high socioeconomic status, were most likely to have been unexposed to bacterial infection during pregnancy. Parental history of mental illness was most prevalent among offspring exposed to multi-systemic bacterial infection (17.3%) and more prevalent among those exposed to localized bacterial infection (13.5%) compared to those unexposed (10.8%). The unweighted means of full-scale, verbal, and performance IQ scores differed significantly across the exposure categories defined by severity of infectious exposure, being highest among those unexposed and lowest among those exposed to multi-systemic bacterial infections. Similarly, the unweighted means in the IQ measures were highest among 37 those unexposed to multi-systemic bacterial infection and lowest among those exposed in the third trimester. Of note, patterns of missingness in the IQ measures did not differ by severity or gestational timing of infectious exposure. 3.4.2 Weighting and Balance Diagnostics Improvements in covariate balance were assessed based on change in absolute standardized bias measures (103,104). For continuous covariates, these were between-group mean differences before and after weighting, divided by the unweighted standard deviation of the full sample or the target exposure group. For categorical variables, separate standardized bias measures were calculated for each covariate level, based on between-group differences in proportions. In addition, differences in spread were assessed by examining between-group ratio of variances before and after weighting. Formal significance testing was avoided in assessing covariate balance (105). Rather, absolute bias measures smaller than 0.25 standard units and variance ratios in the interval [4/5,5/4] were deemed indicative of successful balancing (106,107). Once a propensity model was deemed adequate, weights (i.e., the product of IPTW and IPCW) were fed from the GBM package into the SURVEY package (108) and used to calculate point and interval estimates of differences in weighted mean IQ scores by exposure status. Estimated probabilities of observing the actual exposure to bacterial infection with varying severity of exposure during pregnancy were in the ranges of 0.45-0.93 for no exposure, 0.09-0.56 for localized infection, and 0.02-0.15 for the multi-systemic infection. As a result, reductions in the effective sample size of the reference group in ATT analyses were in the 20- 30% range for the two pairwise comparisons involving multi-systemic bacterial infection, but 38 remained below 9% for comparisons involving localized bacterial infection and no exposure (see Table 3.9.2). Estimated probabilities of observing multi-systemic bacterial infection occurring at different stage of pregnancy were in the ranges of 0.79-0.99 for no exposure, 0.01-0.08 for first trimester exposure, 0.01-0.15 for second trimester exposure, and 0.01-0.06 for third trimester exposure. As a result, reductions in the effective sample size of the reference group in ATT analyses were in the 45-60% range for the three pairwise comparisons involving no exposure, but remained below 36% for other comparisons. Balance diagnostics for variables in Tables 1 and 2 showed that all absolute bias measures fell below 0.25 standard units after weighting (see Figure 3.10.2 (a)-(c) and Figure 3.10.3 (a)-(d)). 3.4.3 Unweighted Analyses Compared to unexposed offspring, those exposed to localized or multi-systemic bacterial infection had lower mean full-scale IQ scores at age 7. Offspring who were exposed to multi- systemic bacterial infection had significantly lower IQ scores than those exposed to localized bacterial infection, thus establishing an inverse relationship of mean IQ scores at age 7 with the severity of infectious exposure during pregnancy (see Figure 3.4.1). Similar patterns of association were observed for all IQ measures examined. In general, the effect sizes were greater among males than females (see Figure 3.8.2 and Figure 3.8.3). Offspring who were exposed in the third trimester had significantly lower mean IQ scores. They also had significantly lower mean IQ scores relative to those exposed in the first or second trimester for all types of IQ measures examined (see Figure 3.8.4). 39 3.4.4 ATE-Weighted Analyses ATE-weighted mean IQ scores differ from observed scores due to a reweighting scheme that brings group-specific covariate distributions closer to those of the overall sample. ATE findings are bidirectional and apply to the entire sample. For example, the expected 2.47-point decrease in mean IQ had the entire sample had multi-systemic bacterial infection instead of no bacterial infection is equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to the 2.47-point increase in mean IQ if the entire sample had localized bacterial infection instead of systemic bacterial infection. Thus, only 3 out of 6 possible comparisons are presented in Supplementary Table 3.9.4 through Supplementary Table 3.9.6). Compared to the unweighted analyses, we observed a general reduction in the magnitude of effects in the ATE-weighted analyses; however, the findings were consistent in terms of the interpretation. For example, multi-systemic bacterial infection during pregnancy had a greater effect on mean full-scale, verbal, and performance IQ scores than did localized bacterial infection, indicating that the effects were dependent upon severity of infectious exposure (see Figure 3.8.1 and Supplementary Table 3.9.4). As in the unweighted analysis, we observed generally stronger effects of prenatal bacterial infection on mean IQ scores in the male stratum than in the unstratified sample; the effects were particularly strong on performance IQ among male offspring (see Figure 3.8.2 and Supplementary Table 3.9.5). In contrast, we observed no effect of prenatal bacterial infection on any IQ measures among female offspring (see Figure 3.8.3 and Supplementary Table 3.9.6). For all types of IQ measures examined, offspring who were exposed in the third trimester had significantly lower mean IQ scores compared to exposed in the first or second trimester, as well as those unexposed (see Figure 3.8.4 and Supplementary Table 3.9.7). 40 3.4.5 ATT-Weighted Analyses ATT-weighted mean IQ scores are shown in Table 2 and differ from observed scores due to a reweighing scheme that brings the covariate distributions of severity and gestational timing of each infectious exposure closer to that of a target exposure group, rather than to the sample as a whole. They supplement ATE findings and permit unidirectional predictions for all 6 possible pairwise comparisons. Had unexposed offspring been prenatally exposed to multi-systemic or localized bacterial infection, their mean full-scale, verbal and performance IQ scores would have decreased (see Figure 3.8.1 and Supplementary Table 3.9.4). Conversely, offspring exposed to multi-systemic infection would have had increased mean full-scale, verbal and performance IQ scores had they been unexposed or exposed to less severe, localized bacterial infection. These ATT-weighted effects were much reduced for localized bacterial infection, thus indicating that they are dependent on severity of infectious exposure. In general, these ATT-weighted effects are nearly twice as large in the male stratum, but failed to attain statistical significance in the female stratum (see Figure 3.8.2 - Figure 3.8.3 and Supplementary Table 3.9.5 - Supplementary Table 3.9.6). Had unexposed offspring been exposed to multi-systemic bacterial infection in the third trimester, there would have been a substantial decrease in their mean full-scale, verbal, and performance IQ scores (see Figure 3.8.4 and Supplementary Table 3.9.7). Conversely, offspring exposed in the third trimester would have had much higher mean full-scale, verbal, and performance IQ scores had they been unexposed or exposed in earlier trimesters. Similarly, offspring exposed in second trimester would have had significantly lower mean full-scale and verbal IQ scores had they been exposed in the third trimester; however, none of the IQ scores 41 would have changed had they been exposed in the first trimester. These ATT-weighted results indicate that the effects of multi-systemic bacterial infection are dependent upon gestational timing of exposure, with late gestational exposure being more harmful than early or mid- gestational exposure. 3.5 Discussion To our knowledge, this study is the first to attempt to estimate the causal impact of bacterial infection during pregnancy for childhood cognitive deficits using methods to jointly account for measured confounding and selection bias due to loss to follow-up using propensity weights. Unweighted data analyses for severity of infection suggested that both localized and multi-systemic bacterial infection reduced mean IQ scores at age 7 over no exposure to bacterial infection during pregnancy, and ATE weighted analyses applied to the entire analytic sample strengthened this conclusion. ATT weighted analyses applied separately by group reaffirmed findings of harmful effects of multi-systemic bacterial infection on fetal cognitive development at age 7. In contrast, ATT estimates of the effects of exposure to localized bacterial infection were largely attenuated, with only a small reduction in mean IQ scores expected as a result of exposure among previously unexposed offspring. There was also a small increase in mean IQ scores of previously exposed offspring under the counterfactual condition of no exposure to any bacterial infection during pregnancy. Similar overall patterns of effects, but of even greater magnitude, were observed among male offspring. Unweighted analyses for gestational timing revealed that only third trimester exposure to multi-systemic bacterial infection significantly reduced mean IQ scores at age 7 up to 7 points over no exposure to this type of infection. ATE-weighted analyses strengthened this conclusion, 42 yielding overall reduction in full-scale, verbal, and performance IQ scores by 4.45 points, 4.13 points, and 3.25 points. ATT weighted analyses potentially identified third trimester as the gestational timing during which multi-systemic bacterial infection might be most harmful for the cognitive development of offspring (i.e., sensitive period), with a dramatic reduction in mean IQ scores of unexposed offspring under third trimester exposure, and a large increase in mean IQ scores of offspring exposed in the third trimester under no prenatal exposure to this type of infection. The current study provides epidemiologic evidence that identifies third trimester (i.e., late pregnancy) as the sensitive period for cognitive abnormalities in early childhood. In fact, the timing of prenatal immune challenge seems to determine phenotypic specificity of inflammation- mediated brain and behavioral pathology. For example, early to mid-gestational immune challenges are reported to affect the development of central dopaminergic system and lead to a more global deterioration of brain function (109,110). In contrast, late gestational challenges are reported to interfere especially with the refinement of connections through pruning (111,112), the long-term consequences of which may specifically lead to selective and mild cognitive impairments (87). Our findings are in full agreement with these preclinical findings and readily suggest that late gestational exposure to bacterial infection might precipitate cognitive disturbances emerging in later life, as early as the age of seven. 3.5.1 Sex Differences in Cognitive Deficits during Early Childhood Our findings suggest that maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy may affect postnatal cognitive functioning primarily among male offspring. Some have suggested the role of the placenta in mediating this effect, in that the placenta of females may possess greater ability to adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions compared to that of males (63). However, the 43 mechanism underlying a male-specific vulnerability remains uncertain. Perhaps these effects could be due to reduced maternal-fetal compatibility for male fetuses which may need to up- regulate immune-associated transcripts to resist an attack by the maternal immune system (64). In fact, our group has recently reported male-specific effects of maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy on psychosis risk (81). One possible implication is that the cognitive deficits in early childhood may mediate the relationship between prenatal bacterial infection and the pathogenesis of such neurodevelopmental disorders in a sex-dependent manner. Studies of subjects at high risk for schizophrenia have identified significantly more premorbid abnormalities among boys than among girls in cognition and attention (113,114). These studies and our group’s earlier work (115) suggest that these sex differences in early developmental deficits may persist into adulthood, potentially explaining why psychotic men may have more severe neurocognitive consequences than psychotic women. 3.5.2 Strengths and Limitations Compared to our estimates, prior findings in the literature imply more harmful effects of prenatal infection that also appear to be statistically significant. It is hard to compare our results directly with those of prior studies because we have based our analysis on propensity-weighted models. Estimates of the effect of exposure to bacterial infection from unweighted analyses are potentially biased due to confounding and loss to follow up. In contrast, we expect that parameters from our propensity models to be unbiased estimates of the causal relations between the prenatal infectious exposures and cognitive development in offspring, under the assumption of no unmeasured confounders and correct specification of the propensity model (99). As our GBM estimation approach is non-parametric, model mis-specification issues are unlikely to be very impactful. Although we cannot be certain about the untestable assumption of no 44 unmeasured confounding, we have included in the propensity model all those factors that we regarded as potentially confounding the exposure-to-outcome relationship. Therefore, we expect our estimates to be less biased than those derived from studies that failed to account for differential probability of being exposed to bacterial infection during pregnancy and of dropping out during follow up. Our study also had a limitation that pertains to the potential misclassification of exposure. Most previous studies have determined maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy based on maternal self-reports or clinical records (30–32). Similarly, we also used clinical records as the primary source of exposure information. Since the most prevalent types of bacterial infection are often asymptomatic, it is likely that some occurrences were not recorded and/or more severe instances were included. Nevertheless, we demonstrated the validity of our exposure measurement in the previous investigation through cross-validation with alternative sources of information including medical diagnosis by physician and treatment history with antibacterial medications (81). 3.6 Conclusions In summary, we applied propensity modeling to explore causal relationships of bacterial infection during pregnancy and measures of cognitive performances at age 7. We examined whether the hypothesized effects of prenatal bacterial infection on mean IQ scores would vary as a function of severity and gestational timing of exposure. We discovered that the more severe type of bacterial infection (i.e., multi-systemic) resulted in a greater reduction in mean IQ scores at age 7, especially among male offspring. We also found that third trimester exposure to multi- systemic bacterial infection predicted greater childhood cognitive deficits than exposures in earlier trimesters. Findings in this study underscore the potential role of maternal bacterial 45 infection during pregnancy in the developmental trajectory of cognitive functions in offspring. They call for additional investigation and, if replicated, potentially public health and clinical efforts that focus on preventing and managing bacterial infection among pregnant women. It is crucial to evaluate both short- and long-term consequences associated with different types of bacterial infection and antibacterial medication to avoid untoward effects on the mother and fetus. 46 3.7 Tables Table 3.7.1 Demographic and family history characteristics by severity of bacterial infection during pregnancy. Maternal bacterial infection during pregnancy None Localized Multi-systemic p a Total N (%) 12113 (77.3) 3155 (20.1) 402 (2.6) Categorical variables, n (%) Offspring sex 0.67 Male 6189 (51.1) 1585 (50.2) 202 (50.2) Female 5915 (48.8) 1568 (49.7) 199 (49.5) Maternal marital status <0.001 Married 10925 (90.2) 2726 (86.4) 339 (84.3) Non-married 1186 (9.8) 429 (13.6) 63 (15.7) Maternal race/ethnicity <0.001 White 10526 (86.9) 2647 (83.9) 333 (82.8) Black 1387 (11.5) 469 (14.9) 63 (15.7) Oriental 112 (0.9) 20 (0.6) 1 (0.2) Puerto Rican 24 (0.2) 6 (0.2) 2 (0.5) Other 64 (0.5) 13 (0.4) 3 (0.7) Socioeconomic index (quartiles) <0.001 1st quartile (Lowest) 3069 (26.5) 906 (29.7) 142 (36.5) 2nd quartile 3123 (26.9) 867 (28.4) 104 (26.7) 3rd quartile 2657 (22.9) 674 (22.1) 65 (16.7) 4th quartile (Highest) 2746 (23.7) 603 (19.8) 78 (20.1) Parental history of mental illness Present 1295 (10.9) 419 (13.6) 68 (17.2) <0.001 Not present 10535 (89.1) 2673 (86.4) 328 (82.8) Missing full-scale IQ at age 7 2874 (23.7) 723 (22.9) 88 (21.9) 0.47 Missing verbal IQ at age 7 2938 (24.3) 743 (23.5) 92 (22.9) 0.61 Missing performance IQ at age 7 2936 (24.2) 743 (23.5) 92 (22.9) 0.62 Continuous variables, mean (sd) Maternal age 25.2 (5.9) 24.9 (5.9) 24.7 (5.7) 0.031 Full-scale IQ 102.1 (14.2) 100.8 (14.2) 98.8 (15.0) <0.001 Verbal IQ 100.3 (14.0) 99.0 (14.1) 97.4 (14.5) <0.001 Performance IQ 104.2 (14.3) 103.2 (14.1) 101.5 (15.1) <0.001 Abbreviations: IQ, intelligence quotient. 47 3.8 Figures Figure 3.8.1 Full-scale intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates and corresponding 95% confidence intervals by severity of bacterial exposure. 103.0 102.0 101.0 100.0 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0 Unweighted 94.0 Weighted 93.0 Average Unweighted Average Treatment Effect Among Treated Treatment Effect Target: Target: Target: “None” “Localized” “Multi-systemic” None Localized Multi-systemic (N=12,113) (N=3,115) (N=401) 48 Figure 3.8.2 Male-specific full-scale intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates and corresponding 95% confidence intervals by severity of bacterial exposure. 103.0 102.0 101.0 100.0 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0 Unweighted 94.0 Weighted 93.0 Unweighted Average Average Treatment Effect among Treated Treatment Effect Target: Target: Target: “None” “Localized” “Multi-systemic” None Localized Multi-systemic (N=12,113) (N=3,115) (N=401) 49 Figure 3.8.3 Female-specific full-scale intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates and corresponding 95% confidence intervals by severity of bacterial infection. 103.0 102.0 101.0 100.0 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0 Unweighted 94.0 Weighted 93.0 Unweighted Average Average Treatment Effect among Treated Treatment Effect Target: Target: Target: “None” “Localized” “Multi-systemic” None Localized Multi-systemic (N=12,113) (N=3,115) (N=401) 50 Figure 3.8.4 Full-scale intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates and corresponding 95% confidence intervals by gestational timing of exposure to multi-systemic bacterial infection before and after propensity score weighting. 104.0 103.0 102.0 101.0 100.0 99.0 98.0 97.0 96.0 95.0 94.0 93.0 Unweighted 92.0 91.0 Weighted 90.0 Unweighted Average Average Treatment Effect among Treated Treatment Target: Target: Target: Target: Effect “None” “First “Second “Third Trimester” Trimester” Trimester” None First Second Third (N=15,118) Trimester Trimester Trimester (N=122) (N=137) (N=143) 51 3.9 Supplementary Tables Table 3.9.1 Demographic and family history characteristics by gestational timing of exposure to multi-systemic bacterial infection during pregnancy. Trimester of exposure to multi-systemic bacterial infection None First Second Third p Total N (%) 15118 (97.4) 122 (0.8) 137 (0.9) 143 (0.9) <0.001 Categorical variables, n (%) Offspring sex <0.001 Male 7702 (50.9) 61 (50.0) 73 (53.3) 68 (47.6) Female 7414 (49.0) 61 (50.0) 63 (46.0) 75 (52.4) Maternal marital status 0.093 Married 1604 (10.6) 19 (15.6) 20 (14.6) 24 (16.8) Non-married 13512 (89.4) 103 (84.4) 117 (85.4) 119 (83.2) Maternal race/ethnicity 0.27 White 13043 (86.3) 102 (83.6) 113 (82.5) 118 (82.5) Non-White 2075 (13.7) 20 (16.4) 24 (17.5) 25 (17.5) Socioeconomic index (quartiles) <0.001 1st quartile (Lowest) 3957 (26.2) 36 (29.5) 40 (29.2) 66 (46.2) 2nd quartile 3971 (26.3) 31 (25.4) 40 (29.2) 33 (23.1) 3rd quartile 3312 (21.9) 25 (20.5) 21 (15.3) 19 (13.3) 4th quartile (Highest) 3300 (21.8) 28 (23.0) 29 (21.2) 21 (14.7) Parental history of mental illness 0.014 Present 13111 (86.7) 101 (82.8) 107 (78.1) 120 (83.9) Not present 1703 (11.3) 20 (16.4) 26 (19.0) 22 (15.4) Missing full-scale IQ 3492 (23.1) 24 (19.7) 35 (25.5) 29 (20.3) 0.59 Missing verbal IQ 3575 (23.6) 24 (19.7) 36 (26.3) 32 (22.4) 0.63 Missing performance IQ 3573 (23.6) 24 (19.7) 36 (26.3) 32 (22.4) 0.63 Continuous variables, mean (sd) Maternal age 25.1 (5.9) 24.3 (5.4) 24.9 (5.6) 24.9 (6.0) 0.44 Full-scale IQ 101.8 (14.2) 101.4 (15.2) 100.3 (14.3) 95.3 (15.0) <0.001 Verbal IQ 100.0 (14.0) 99.8 (14.4) 98.5 (15.0) 94.3 (13.7) <0.001 Performance IQ 104.0 (14.3) 102.9 (15.8) 102.6 (15.1) 99.3 (14.2) 0.004 Abbreviations: IQ, intelligence quotient. 52 Table 3.9.2 Nominal and effective sample sizes by severity of bacterial infection under ATT weighting. Target Group Reference Group Nominal None Localized Multi-systemic None 12113 - 11314 8518 Localized 3155 3010 - 2506 Multi-systemic 402 367 384 - Table 3.9.3 Nominal and effective sample sizes by gestational timing of multi-systemic bacterial infection under ATT* weighting. Target Group Reference Group Nominal None First Second Third None 15118 - 8138 6308 6823 First 122 117 - 99 97 Second 137 112 100 - 88 Third 143 118 112 108 -  ATT, average treatment effect among treated. 53 Table 3.9.4 Mean intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates at age 7 by severity of bacterial exposure during pregnancy in the full analytic sample. Full-Scale IQ Verbal IQ Performance IQ ∆Mean (95% CLs)† ∆Mean (95% CLs)† ∆Mean (95% CLs)† Unweighted analyses Localized vs. None -1.32 (-2.04, -0.61) -1.37 (-2.07, -0.66) -1.08 (-1.80, -0.36) Multi-systemic vs. None -4.09 (-5.87, -2.31) -3.54 (-5.3, -1.78) -3.67 (-5.47, -1.88) Multi-systemic vs. Localized -2.77 (-4.71, -0.82) -2.18 (-4.11, -0.25) -2.59 (-4.56, -0.63) ATE weighted analyses Localized vs. None -0.71 (-1.42, 0.00) -0.71 (-1.41, -0.01) -0.62 (-1.33, 0.10) Multi-systemic vs. None -2.47 (-4.18, -0.76) -2.27 (-3.98, -0.56) -2.04 (-3.83, -0.25) Multi-systemic vs. Localized -1.76 (-3.55, 0.029) -1.56 (-3.36, 0.23) -1.42 (-3.29, 0.45) ATT weighted to match "None" Localized vs. None -0.73 (-1.44, -0.03) -0.72 (-1.41, -0.03) -0.63 (-1.34, 0.08) Multi-systemic vs. None -2.28 (-3.99, -0.56) -2.12 (-3.83, -0.41) -1.80 (-3.60, -0.01) ATT weighted to match "Localized" None vs. Localized 0.67 (-0.09, 1.43) 0.76 (0.02, 1.50) 0.59 (-0.16, 1.34) Multi-systemic vs. Localized -2.03 (-3.85, -0.21) -1.69 (-3.52, 0.15) -1.76 (-3.66, 0.13) ATT weighted to match "Multi-systemic" None vs. Multi-systemic 2.88 (1.16, 4.59) 2.21 (0.45, 3.97) 2.75 (0.87, 4.62) Localized vs. Multi-systemic 2.15 (0.31, 3.99) 1.51 (-0.36, 3.39) 2.09 (0.09, 4.09) Abbreviations: CL, confidence limit; ATE, average treatment effect; ATT, average treatment effect among treated. † Differences are calculated as 1st group - 2nd group, where pairs are expressed as "1st group vs. 2nd group." 54 Table 3.9.5 Mean intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates at age 7 by severity of bacterial exposure during pregnancy among male offspring. Full-Scale IQ Verbal IQ Performance IQ ∆Mean (95% CLs)† ∆Mean (95% CLs)† ∆Mean (95% CLs)† Unweighted analyses Localized vs. None -1.60 (-2.63, -0.56) -1.54 (-2.54, -0.54) -1.38 (-2.42, -0.34) Multi-systemic vs. None -5.46 (-8.08, -2.85) -4.63 (-7.14, -2.12) -5.75 (-8.38, -3.13) Multi-systemic vs. Localized -3.86 (-6.61, -1.12) -3.08 (-5.79, -0.38) -4.37 (-7.16, -1.58) ATE weighted analyses Localized vs. None -0.72 (-1.71, 0.26) -0.70 (-1.66, 0.27) -0.68 (-1.69, 0.34) Multi-systemic vs. None -4.09 (-6.53, -1.64) -3.58 (-6.12, -1.04) -4.26 (-6.85, -1.67) Multi-systemic vs. Localized -3.37 (-5.92, -0.81) -2.89 (-5.53, -0.25) -3.58 (-6.28, -0.88) ATT weighted to match "None" Localized vs. None -0.66 (-1.63, 0.32) -0.66 (-1.61, 0.30) -0.61 (-1.61, 0.40) Multi-systemic vs. None -3.68 (-6.13, -1.24) -3.31 (-5.84, -0.78) -3.78 (-6.34, -1.22) ATT weighted to match "Localized" None vs. Localized 1.01 (-0.06, 2.07) 0.91 (-0.14, 1.95) 1.00 (-0.07, 2.07) Multi-systemic vs. Localized -3.10 (-5.69, -0.50) -2.53 (-5.19, 0.13) -3.58 (-6.37, -0.80) ATT weighted to match "Multi-systemic" None vs. Multi-systemic 4.48 (2.07, 6.89) 3.59 (1.03, 6.15) 4.91 (2.17, 7.64) Localized vs. Multi-systemic 4.06 (1.51, 6.61) 3.17 (0.49, 5.86) 4.51 (1.63, 7.39) Abbreviations: CL, confidence limit; ATE, average treatment effect; ATT, average treatment effect among treated. † Differences are calculated as 1st group - 2nd group, where pairs are expressed as "1st group vs. 2nd group." 55 Table 3.9.6 Mean intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates at age 7 by severity of bacterial exposure during pregnancy among female offspring. Full-Scale IQ Verbal IQ Performance IQ ∆Mean (95% CLs)† ∆Mean (95% CLs)† ∆Mean (95% CLs)† Unweighted analyses Localized vs. None -0.93 (-1.92, 0.06) -1.11 (-2.10, -0.12) -0.65 (-1.63, 0.33) Multi-systemic vs. None -2.60 (-5.00, -0.19) -2.37 (-4.81, 0.07) -1.50 (-3.90, 0.92) Multi-systemic vs. Localized -1.67 (-4.50, 1.07) -1.26 (-4.04, 1.52) -0.84 (-3.60, 1.92) ATE weighted analyses Localized vs. None -0.40 (-1.39, 0.60) -0.52 (-1.52, 0.48) -0.26 (-1.24, 0.72) Multi-systemic vs. None -0.93 (-3.58, 1.72) -0.98 (-3.53, 1.57) 0.11 (-2.55, 2.78) Multi-systemic vs. Localized -0.53 (-3.29, 2.23) -0.46 (-3.12, 2.21) -0.37 (-2.40, 3.14) ATT weighted to match "None" Localized vs. None -0.42 (-1.40, 0.56) -0.53 (-1.52, 0.46) -0.30 (-1.26, 0.66) Multi-systemic vs. None -0.80 (-3.45, 1.86) -0.90 (-3.48, 1.68) 0.25 (-2.42, 2.91) ATT weighted to match "Localized" None vs. Localized 0.47 (-0.61, 1.55) 0.68 (-0.39, 1.74) 0.21 (-0.16, 0.58) Multi-systemic vs. Localized -0.77 (-3.62, 2.08) -0.43 (-3.10, 2.24) -0.05 (-1.07, 0.98) ATT weighted to match "Multi-systemic" None vs. Multi-systemic 0.88 (-1.54, 3.29) 0.65 (-1.76, 3.06) 0.16 (-2.29, 2.60) Localized vs. Multi-systemic 0.68 (-1.91, 3.27) 0.23 (-2.34, 2.81) 0.03 (-2.60, 2.65) Abbreviations: CL, confidence limit; ATE, average treatment effect; ATT, average treatment effect among treated. † Differences are calculated as 1st group - 2nd group, where pairs are expressed as "1st group vs. 2nd group." 56 Table 3.9.7 Mean intelligence quotient (IQ) estimates at age 7 by gestational timing of multi-systemic bacterial infection. Full-Scale IQ Verbal IQ Performance IQ † † ∆Mean (95% CLs) ∆Mean (95% CLs) ∆Mean (95% CLs)† Unweighted analyses 1st vs. None -1.56 (-4.75, 1.63) -0.93 (-4.06, 2.2) -2.52 (-5.71, 0.67) nd 2 vs. None -1.63 (-4.76, 1.49) -1.70 (-4.77, 1.37) -1.51 (-4.63, 1.62) 3rd vs. None -7.40 (-10.35, -4.44) -6.41 (-9.35, -3.47) -5.86 (-8.86, -2.86) 2nd vs. 1st -0.07 (-4.22, 4.07) -0.77 (-5.11, 3.58) 1.01 (-3.35, 5.38) rd st 3 vs. 1 -5.84 (-9.88, -1.80) -5.48 (-9.58, -1.38) -3.34 (-7.86, 1.18) rd nd 3 vs. 2 -5.76 (-9.64, -2.04) -4.71 (-8.68, -0.75) -4.35 (-8.71, 0.01) ATE weighted analyses 1st vs. None -1.00 (-4.15, 2.15) -0.50 (-3.66, 2.67) -1.94 (-5.21, 1.34) nd 2 vs. None -1.46 (-4.26, 1.35) -1.50 (-4.42, 1.43) -1.25 (-4.29, 1.80) 3rd vs. None -4.45 (-7.09, -1.81) -4.13 (-6.85, -1.41) -3.25 (-6.10, -0.40) nd st 2 vs. 1 -0.46 (-4.66, 3.74) -1.00 (-5.29, 3.29) 0.69 (-3.76, 5.14) rd st 3 vs. 1 -3.45 (-7.54, 0.64) -3.63 (-7.79, 0.52) -1.31 (-5.63, 3.01) 3rd vs. 2nd -2.99 (-6.82, 0.84) -2.63 (-6.60, 1.34) -2.00 (-6.15, 2.15) ATT weighted to match “None” 1st vs. None -1.01 (-4.16, 2.14) -0.51 (-3.67, 2.66) -1.95 (-5.22, 1.33) nd 2 vs. None -1.50 (-4.36, 1.35) -1.84 (-4.80, 1.12) -1.00 (-4.14, 2.15) 3rd vs. None -4.31 (-6.96, -1.66) -4.09 (-6.83, -1.35) -3.08 (-5.91, -0.25) ATT weighted to match “1st trimester” None vs. 1st 1.13 (-2.00, 4.26) 0.34 (-2.85, 3.54) 2.27 (-0.95, 5.49) 2nd vs. 1st 0.10 (-4.18, 4.38) -0.25 (-5.11, 4.61) 0.69 (-3.66, 5.05) rd st 3 vs. 1 -3.81 (-8.14, 0.53) -3.56 (-7.91, 0.78) -1.62 (-6.20, 2.96) ATT weighted to match “2nd trimester” None vs. 2nd 0.93 (-1.84, 3.70) 1.00 (-1.99, 3.99) 0.91 (-2.08, 3.89) 1st vs. 2nd -1.07 (-5.60, 3.47) -0.68 (-5.24, 3.88) -1.72 (-6.68, 3.23) rd nd 3 vs. 2 -4.50 (-8.42, -0.57) -4.21 (-8.17, -0.25) -3.05 (-7.49, 1.38) ATT weighted to match “3rd trimester” None vs. 3rd 5.65 (3.00, 8.30) 4.49 (1.83, 7.15) 4.57 (1.39, 7.74) 1st vs. 3rd 4.57 (0.59, 8.55) 4.18 (0.37, 7.99) 2.18 (-2.50, 6.86) nd rd 2 vs. 3 4.08 (0.35, 7.81) 2.73 (-1.61, 7.08) 3.41 (-0.72, 7.54) Abbreviations: CL, confidence limit; ATE, average treatment effect; ATT, average treatment effect among treated; 1st, first trimester; 2nd, second trimester; 3rd, third trimester. † Differences are calculated as 1st group - 2nd group, where pairs are expressed as "1st group vs. 2nd group." 57 3.10 Supplementary Figures Figure 3.10.1 Conceptual framework for inverse probability weighting: directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) (a) Standard regression adjustment C Bacterial infection L Not dropout IQ score (prenatal) (age 7) (age 7) “Open” U (b) Inverse probability weighting C IPTW IPCW Bacterial infection L Not dropout IQ score (prenatal) (age 7) (age 7) “Closed” U C: measured covariates, U: unmeasured covariates, L: any short-term outcomes of prenatal bacterial infection (e.g., preterm birth, low birthweight), IPTW: inverse probability weighting for treatment, IPCW: inverse probability censoring weighting. 58 Figure 3.10.2 Standardized effect size plots for estimating the propensity scores to generate inverse probability weights for severity of bacterial infection. (a) Balance for “None” against others (b) Balance for “Localized” against others (c) Balance for “Multi-systemic” against others 59 Figure 3.10.3 Standardized effect size plots for estimating the propensity scores to generate inverse probability weights for gestational timing of multi-systemic bacterial infection. (a) Balance for “None” against others (b) Balance for “1st trimester” against others (c) Balance for “2nd trimester” against others (d) Balance for “3rd trimester” against others 60 60 Chapter 4: Neurodevelopmental Impact of Prenatal Bacterial Infection on Memory Circuitry Structure in Early Midlife 61 4.1 Abstract While there is an emerging body of literature suggesting an etiologic role of prenatal bacterial infection on psychosis risk in adulthood, limited attempt has been made to examine this link using neuroimaging data. Using structural magnetic resonance imaging scans, we aimed to explore variation in average gray matter volumes involved in working memory circuitry as a function of adult psychosis and prenatal bacterial infection. Subjects included 79 men and 89 women from the New England Family Study (NEFS) who were scanned using a high-resolution T1 sequence on a 1.5 T whole body scanner. Brain regions of interest (ROIs) included dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), hippocampus (HIPP), parahippocampus (paraHIPP), inferior parietal lobule (iPAR), superior parietal lobule (sPAR), and caudal anterior cingulate cortex (cACC). Using the Box’s M test, we observed overall differences in the covariance matrices by adult psychosis and region-specific abnormalities in HIPP, paraHIPP, sPAR, and DLPFC among psychotic cases. We also found overall differences in covariance matrices by prenatal exposure to bacterial infection and region-specific abnormalities in HIPP, paraHIPP, and cACC. If replicated, these findings may suggest the potential role of subcortical volumetric abnormalities—involving HIPP and paraHIPP—in explaining the etiologic connection between prenatal bacterial infection and development of psychotic illness in adulthood. 62 4.2 Introduction Previous studies have found structural changes throughout the brain in psychotic patients compared to non-psychiatric controls. Among these studies, volumetric abnormalities in brain regions involved in working memory function are among the most replicated structural anomalies found in schizophrenia research (116–118). Further, studies of individuals who are in the prodrome of schizophrenia also have identified multiple structural brain changes, suggesting that brain disturbances associated with the disorder may precede full disease occurrence and have neurodevelopmental origins (119,120). Despite these findings, few investigations have sought to examine the contributions of environmental risk factors to neuroanatomic abnormalities found in schizophrenia. Among the possible environmental contributors, maternal infection during pregnancy has been repeatedly linked to an elevated risk for schizophrenia and related psychoses in adulthood (11), with a growing recognition of the etiologic role of bacterial infection (30,31,81). However, limited effort has been made to explore the suggested link between prenatal immune challenges and psychosis risk using neuroimaging data (121). For example, Ellman and colleagues found that fetal exposure to elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine (e.g., interleukin-8) predicted significant structural alterations among schizophrenia cases but not among healthy controls. Like many other neurobiological studies, they examined volumetric abnormalities in individual brain regions rather than a network of brain regions (122). The focus has shifted to the interactions between specific brain areas and more recently to the possibility of a global pathology affecting connections across the brain. Several methods for structural imaging have been proposed to investigate associations between regions within and between brain networks (17,18). Among them, techniques based on covariance modeling have 63 been found to be particularly useful in several brain disorders (19–27). Included in this literature were publications of our group that investigated differences in the covariance of regions within working memory circuitry by schizophrenia (123), and more recently, by sex and reproductive status (29). In the present study, I examined covariation between the same brain regions assessed in these studies using a “Box’s M test” (124). An underlying assumption in this analytic method is that morphometric features of brain regions within the subjects are correlated with each other due to shared neurodevelopmental and functional processes. While cortical thickness would be a more sensitive measure to gyral level differences (125), I studied gray matter volume in order to examine subcortical structures such as hippocampus and parahippocampus. Lastly, most neuroimaging studies concerning schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders have drawn participants from the treated population that may not be representative of the general population (126). Only a few existing imaging studies, such as that of Cannon et al. (123) and Ellman et al. (121,127) have used epidemiologically principled population-based strategies to select study participants. In the present study, I aimed to explore whether there are volumetric abnormalities associated with prenatal infection that are known or suspected to be related to psychosis using a population-based sample of men and women in early midlife. Based on our group’s previous work (81), I hypothesized that the network of brain regions supporting working memory function would differ significantly by adult psychosis and prenatal bacterial infection. In addition, I sought to identify volumetric abnormalities in specific brain regions that would drive the overall differences detected by the Box’s M test. Volumetric alterations that are jointly displayed by individuals with psychosis and those prenatally exposed to bacterial infection might suggest their potential role in explaining the relationship between the two conditions (30,81). 64 4.3 Methods 4.3.1 Description of the Cohort Participants were selected from 17,741 pregnancies that constitute the New England Family Study (NEFS), a Boston-Providence subsidiary of the Collaborative Perinatal Project. The NEFS is a prospective study initiated over 50 years ago to investigate prenatal and familial antecedents of pediatric, neurological, and psychological disorders of childhood (45). Pregnant women, recruited between 1959 and 1966, were representative of patients receiving prenatal care in the Boston-Providence area. Many types of assessments, including psychological examinations, were conducted on offspring up to 7 years of age, when the study officially ended in 1973. In a series of studies over the last 20 years, we followed the offspring of these pregnancies to investigate the fetal programming of adult phenotypes and sex differences therein. The current study investigated the fetal programming of adult psychosis and potential role of structural abnormalities in early midlife. The NEFS offspring were recruited at the time of 46-53 years of age and completed clinical, cognitive, and neuropsychological assessments and functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI/SMRI/DTI). 4.3.2 Ascertainment of Adult Psychosis Adult offspring with major non-organic psychoses (including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, brief psychosis, psychosis NOS, bipolar disorder with psychotic features, and major depressive disorder with psychosis) within NEFS cohorts were identified approximately 30 years later through a two-stage diagnostic assessment procedure between 1996 and 2007. The investigators were blind to prior assessments of these subjects during this follow-up. NEFS parents and offspring with a history of psychiatric hospitalization and/or possible psychotic and bipolar illness were identified from the following 65 sources: (a) record linkages with public hospitals, mental health clinics, and the Massachusetts and Rhode Island Departments of Mental Health; (b) several follow-up and case-control studies nested within the larger NEFS cohort, involving direct interviews with approximately 20% of the cohort; and (c) reports from participants in these interview studies of a family member with a history of psychotic or bipolar symptoms or diagnosis. Controls were selected from families participating in the control arm of a NEFS high-risk study in which the control population was a random stratified sample of parents selected from the entire NEFS cohort, with no known history of psychosis or other major Axis I disorders. Thus, the NEFS sample of psychotic cases and controls is a representative community sample of subjects. 4.3.3 Ascertainment of Prenatal Exposure to Bacterial Infection Collection of the exposure data were jointly conducted by trained non-physician interviewers and physicians beginning at the time of registration for prenatal care at intervals of four weeks during the first 7 months of pregnancy, every two weeks at 8 months, and every week thereafter, using standardized protocols, forms, manuals, and codes (49). Throughout the initial and repeat prenatal visits, interviewers were responsible to collect of reproductive and gynecological history, recent and past medical history, and family health and genetic history. They were also responsible to conduct infectious disease and system review at the initial visit or as soon thereafter as possible. Physicians were responsible to review and medically edit the data collected by the interviewer, collect further details on past and recent medical history, complete initial prenatal examination and observations, and record the date and list any diagnoses that comes to his or her attention. Medical and lay editing was subsequently carried out in conjunction with participant’s complete hospital records by the obstetric coordinator or a board- qualified obstetrician. Lastly, the entire study record was summarized together with all available 66 hospital records no later than 6 months after termination of a given pregnancy. In the current study, we included all bacterial infections that occurred during pregnancy, defined as the time period between the estimated date of conception and the end of the third stage of labor. 4.3.4 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Exclusion criteria for all adult participants were a history of neurological disease, traumatic brain injury, medical illness or alcohol-related disease with documented cognitive sequelae, major sensory impairments (e.g. deafness), IQ<65 in adulthood or inability to understand the procedures, <6 years of formal education and severe substance abuse within the past 6 months (128). All psychotic cases were living in the community when assessed. On the other hand, controls had to be free of any known lifetime history of psychosis or other major Axis I disorders, and their parents, parents’ siblings, and grandparents had to be free of any known lifetime history of psychosis, bipolar, schizotypal, recurrent MDD, suicide attempts or psychiatric hospitalizations. From the NEFS, 114 psychotic cases were identified through the case ascertainment procedure described in Section 4.3.2. As depicted in Figure 4.3.1, structural MRI scans were collected from a total number of 179 participants through four case-control MRI studies (129– 132). In the current study, three subjects were excluded given an incomplete or noisy T1- weighted scan, and additional eight subjects were excluded given missing information on prenatal exposure to bacterial infection. The goal of the current case-control study was to explore altered volumetric connections in working memory circuitry in relation to adult psychosis and prenatal bacterial infection. I conducted two separate sets of analyses in which I divided the final sample of 168 participants into two groups based on psychosis status (case vs. control) and exposure status (exposed vs. unexposed), respectively. In each set of analyses, I explored if 67 patterns of overall covariances and region-specific correlations differed between the two groups being compared. Human subjects’ approval was granted by Partners Health Care and Brown University. All volunteers gave written informed consent and were paid for their participation. 4.3.5 Regions of interest (ROIs) We restricted the network to areas that demonstrate: (a) involvement in working memory across all tasks and methods found in a PubMed (National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicines, Bethesda, Maryland) search of studies reviewing the use of representative methods for studying the cognitive neuroscience of memory (133–147); (b) anatomical abnormalities found in schizophrenia (117,118,148–151). These criteria yielded a network of hippocampus (HIPP), parahippocampus (paraHIPP), superior parietal cortex (sPAR), inferior parietal cortex (iPAR), caudal anterior cingulate cortex (cACC), and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) regions. 4.3.6 Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging The analytic sample including 168 participants consists of four sub-samples, which originate from four case-control MRI studies of the NEFS. For a first sub-sample including 76 participants, T1-weighted structural scans (TE = 3.31ms; TI = 1000ms; TR = 2730ms; Flip angle = 7°; FOV = 25.6cm; Spatial resolution = 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.33mm; matrix = 256 x 256mm; Slice acquisition direction = sagittal) were acquired on a 1.5 Tesla Siemens Avanto scanner using a 4- channel head coil. For a second sub-sample including 65 participants, T1-weighted structural scans (TE = 3.39ms; TI = 1000ms; TR = 2730ms; Flip angle = 7°; FOV = 25.6cm; Spatial resolution = 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.33mm; matrix = 256 x 256mm; Slice acquisition direction = sagittal) were collected on a 1.5 Tesla Siemens Sonata scanner using a CP coil. For a third sub-sample including 23 participants, T1-weighted structural scans were acquired also on a 1.5 Tesla 68 Siemens Sonata scanner (TE = 4.3ms; TI = 8ms; TR = 11.8ms; Flip angle = 8°; FOV = 25.6cm; Spatial resolution = 1.0 x 1.0 x 1.5mm; matrix = 256 x 256mm; Slice acquisition direction = sagittal, CP head coil). For a fourth sub-sample including 4 participants, T1-weighted structural scans were collected on a 1.5T GE Genesis Signa scanner (TE = 1.6ms; TI = 300ms; TR = 6.7ms; Flip angle = 25°; FOV = 24cm; Spatial resolution = 0.94 x 0.94 x 1.5mm; matrix = 256 x 256mm; Slice acquisition direction = sagittal, CP head coil). Images were checked visually for possible movement artifacts. To correct for head tilt, each MRI scan was realigned, horizontally to the anterior commissure-posterior commissure line, and vertically to the sagittal sulcus. Automatic brain masking was conducted using Multi Atlas Brain Segmentation (152). Segmentation of the scans was executed using FreeSurfer 5.3 (153), and quality of segmentations was determined by visual inspection. Based on visual inspection, all FreeSurfer segmentations were included in further analysis. Gray matter volumes for memory circuitry (HIPP, paraHIPP, iPAR, sPAR, rACC, and DLPFC) were calculated using FreeSurfer segmentation. Regarding the hippocampus, HIPP represents a conservative definition of the hippocampal formation as per Caviness, Meyer, Makris, and Kennedy (17) and Makris et al. (154), including cornu amonis, dentate gyrus, subiculum, presubiculum, and parasubiculum (but not the entorhinal cortex), a terminology that has been adopted by the FreeSurfer parcellation system (153). 4.3.7 Statistical Analyses To explore abnormal volumetric connections within working memory circuitry, I employed a three-stage analytic approach. In the first stage, I compared covariance matrices by (a) psychosis status and (b) prenatal bacterial infection using Box’s M test which tests for the equality of covariance matrices between groups. If there were significant or borderline 69 significant overall differences in Box’s M test, I moved on to the second stage in which I compared pairwise correlation coefficients among the six ROIs; the goal of this analysis was to identify specific regions that might have contributed to the overall differences in the Box’s M test. In the final stage of analysis, I compared the list of pairwise correlations and identified the regions that were jointly implicated in prenatal bacterial infection and adult psychosis. In the main analysis, I examined the effect sizes for average volume of the ROIs. To explore potential lateralization of structural abnormalities, I additionally performed the same sets of analyses using hemisphere-specific volume of the ROIs. Following Abbs et al. (28) and Seitz et al. (29), covariance patterns were analyzed between predefined working memory networks (i.e., HIPP, paraHIPP, iPAR, sPAR, rACC, and DLPFC), and covariance structures were compared between groups. I first compared those with psychosis against those without. Following this, I compared those prenatally exposed to bacterial infection and those unexposed. For comparison of covariance patterns, I employed the Box’s M test using the following statistic (124,155): 𝑇 𝑀 = (𝑛 − 𝑇) ln|𝐶| − ∑(𝑛𝑖 − 1) |𝐶𝑖 | 𝑖=1 𝑇 1 𝐶= ∑(𝑛𝑖 − 1) |𝐶𝑖 | 𝑛−𝑇 𝑖=1 where 𝐶𝑖 is the variance-covariance matrix calculated from the group 𝑖, 𝑇 is the number of subgroups for which equality of matrices is tested, and 𝑛𝑖 is the sample size of each group 𝑖. The Box’s M test statistic can be approximated by an F statistic, whereas the rejection of the null hypothesis on a significance level of p < 0.05 is interpreted as the overall covariance pattern between two groups being different from one another. The Box’s M tests allow for the 70 comparison of covariance matrices, rather than looking at single brain volumes or multiple correlations (and hence protects for issues of multiple comparison). If the Box’s M test results were significant (p < .05) or trended toward significance (p < .10), correlation coefficients for each pair of regions of interest (ROIs) between the two groups were compared. I would argue that the more liberal threshold of p < .10 for trend significance is justified given that the Box’s M test already protects against multiple comparison errors. Furthermore, a more liberal threshold also protects against Type II error, likely to occur in correlation comparisons with rather small sample sizes. In cases where Box’s M test results are significant, it is still unclear whether they represent differences in correlations, differences in variances, or both. To address this issue, I additionally employed the Jennrich (J) test using the following formula (156): 𝑚 1 𝐽 = ∑ { 𝑡𝑟(𝑍𝑖2 ) − (𝑍𝑑 )′ 𝑊 −1 𝑍𝑑 } 2 𝑖=1 where 𝑍𝑖 = √𝑛𝑖 𝑅̅ −1 (𝑅𝑖 − 𝑅̅ ), 𝑅𝑖 is the i-th sample correlation, 𝑅̅ is the average of all sample correlation matrices, 𝑊 = 𝐼𝑝 + 𝑅̅ ∗ 𝑅̅ −1 (* is the Hadamard product of two matrices), 𝑍𝑑 is a diagonal of 𝑍𝑖 , and 𝐼𝑝 is the identity matrix of size (𝑝 × 𝑝). Correlation coefficients were converted to a normal distribution using Fisher’s Z transformation, and Z values were used to test for differences between groups. Additionally, given the relatively low number of participants in each group, bootstrapping (number of iterations = 100,000, 95% bias-corrected accelerated confidence intervals) was performed for these correlation coefficients (157,158). Bootstrapping is a method to assign accuracy to sample estimates by resampling with replacement from the original data. By looking not only at single value (in this case correlation coefficient) but rather at a confidence interval, one can control and 71 check the stability of original results. All statistical analyses were conducted using R version 3.5.3 (159). It has sometimes been assumed in brain volumetric studies that deviations in regional brain size in clinical samples are directly related to abnormal neurodevelopment or pathogenesis. However, this assumption may be incorrect as it is often unclear to what extent such volumetric differences may be attributable to individual differences in overall dimension (e.g., head circumference, body size, brain volume). There are three most commonly used statistical methods to adjust for allometric contributors to volume differences (160): the proportion, generalized linear models-analysis of covariance (GLM/ANCOVA), and residual approaches. The proportion approach uses as its numerator the volume of an ROI for an individual and as its denominator a volumetric measure of brain size of that individual (e.g., volume of total brain or of some large structure of which the ROIs are components); volume is not expressed as a quantity (e.g., cubic centimeters), but a ratio, fraction, or proportion. The GLM/ANCOVA approach adopts the raw volume of an ROI as the outcome variable and analyzes it using a linear regression model with relevant covariates as predictors. In the residual approach, the raw ROI volume is regressed on the intracranial volume as well as other covariates (161). The predicted volumes are subtracted from the observed volumes for each subject in the dataset. The resulting values are the residuals for each subject, which represent the deviation of an individual subject’s volume from the ROI volume predicted using the subject’s specific values for each covariate (e.g., age, sex, intracranial volume). While the proportion and GLM/ANCOVA methods are more widely used than the residual method, Mathalon et al. (162) argues that the former is inherently less reliable because a proportion has two sources of measurement error: one from the numerator measure (i.e., ROI volumes) and the other from the denominator measure (i.e., intracranial 72 volume). Therefore, in the current study, all ROI volumes were corrected for total intracranial volume (ICV) as well as relevant covariates using the residual approach. The covariates included offspring’s sex, offspring’s year of birth, offspring’s age at MRI scan, study site, maternal race/ethnicity, parental socioeconomic index, and length of maternal education. 4.4 Results 4.4.1 Sample Demographics Summary statistics on demographic and clinical characteristics are tabulated in Table 4.7.1 and Table 4.7.2. Participants in psychotic and control groups were well matched in terms of offspring sex, maternal race/ethnicity and education, season of birth, parental history of mental illness and socioeconomic status, and age at MRI scan. With respect to prenatal exposure to bacterial infection, exposed mothers were significantly more likely to be non-white than unexposed mothers. Participants in the exposed and unexposed groups were comparable in terms of offspring sex, study site, season of birth, maternal education, parental socioeconomic index, and age at MRI scan. 4.4.2 Descriptive Results: Hippocampal and Parahippocampal Volume There was evidence for significant lateralization of hippocampal and parahippocampal volumes. Right hippocampus was generally larger than left, whereas left parahippocampus was larger than right (seeSupplementary Table 4.9.3). When we compared volumetric differences by adult psychosis and offspring sex, male cases had significantly smaller hippocampus than did male controls and female cases. On the other hand, male controls had significantly larger hippocampus and slightly smaller parahippocampus than did female controls. With respect to prenatal exposure to bacterial infection, exposed individuals had larger hippocampus compared to those unexposed, especially in the right hemisphere. However, these volumetric differences 73 did not reach the level of statistical significance. This finding was consistent with previous findings that fetal exposure to pro-inflammatory cytokine is associated with greater hippocampal size in the right hemisphere (121). 4.4.3 Analytic Results: Adult Psychosis Analysis of mean volumes. Comparison of covariance matrix of the working memory circuitry using the Box’s M test (124) trended toward significant differences by adult psychosis (χ2 = 30.90, df = 21, p = 0.08). These results were replicated using the Jennrich’s test (seeSupplementary Table 4.9.1). Posthoc analyses of the correlation coefficients comparing individuals with psychosis and those without revealed that overall covariance differences by adult psychosis were driven by differences in three relationships involving HIPP, paraHIPP, DLPFC, and sPAR (see Table 4.4.3 and Figure 4.8.3). Psychotic cases showed moderate positive correlations involving these regional volumes while controls did not. Analysis of hemisphere-specific volumes. We observed statistically significant differences in the right hemisphere (χ2 = 39.46, df = 21, p = 0.01) by psychosis status, but no significant differences in the left hemisphere (χ2 = 24.70, df = 21, p = 0.26). These results were also replicated using the Jennrich’s test (seeSupplementary Table 4.9.1). In the exploratory analyses of the correlation coefficients in the right hemisphere, we found that overall covariance differences by adult psychosis were driven by differences in two relationships involving HIPP, paraHIPP, and iPAR (seeSupplementary Table 4.9.4). Among psychotic cases, the average volume of iPAR showed a strong negative correlation with that of paraHIPP and a moderate positive correlation with the volume of HIPP. 74 4.4.4 Analytic Results: Prenatal Exposure to Bacterial Infection Analysis of mean volumes. Comparison of covariance matrix of the working memory circuitry trended toward significant differences by prenatal bacterial infection (χ2 = 31.70, df = 21, p = 0.06). These results were replicated using the Jennrich’s test (seeSupplementary Table 4.9.1). Posthoc analyses of the correlation coefficients comparing exposed individuals and those unexposed revealed that overall covariance differences were driven by two relationships involving HIPP, paraHIPP, and cACC (and Figure 4.8.4). Exposed individuals showed moderate negative correlations involving these regional volumes, while controls did not. Analysis of hemisphere-specific volumes. We observed significant differences by prenatal bacterial infection in the left hemisphere (χ2= 40.09, df = 21, p = 0.01); however, the differences were no longer significant in the Jennrich’s test (seeSupplementary Table 4.9.1). While the differences in the right hemisphere were marginally significant in the Box’s M test (29.11, df = 21, p = 0.11), they reached the level of statistical significance in the Jennrich’s test (χ2 = 27.30, p = 0.03). In the exploratory analyses of the correlation coefficients in the right hemisphere, overall covariance differences by prenatal bacterial infection were driven by two relationships involving paraHIPP, sPAR, and DLPFC (seeSupplementary Table 4.9.5). Among exposed individuals, the volume of paraHIPP showed a moderate positive association with that of sPAR and a strong negative association with the volume of DLPFC, whereas unexposed individuals did not. 4.5 Discussion Covariance analysis assumes that brain areas of a functional network are connected through shared neurodevelopmental processes (28), and thus, suitable to analyze the regions as a network, as distinct from independent regions. Using this method, I explored volumetric 75 abnormalities within working memory circuitry and the co-relationships, or covariances, in early midlife in relation to adult psychosis and prenatal bacterial infection. In this case-control study, covariance patterns in working memory circuitry regions significantly differed comparing (a) psychotic cases and controls, and (b) exposed and unexposed. These findings may imply the potential role of structural abnormalities within working memory circuitry in the etiologic link between prenatal bacterial infection and adult psychosis. While these analyses are not traditionally thought of as a connectivity analysis, brain regions studied in the current study are known to have direct or indirect anatomical connections (142,163). For example, HIPP is connected with iPAR and DLPFC (164) as well as with ACC (165,166). Additionally, iPAR is directly connected with DLPFC and ACC (146,167), and paraHIPP is connected with HIPP and other cortical areas (146). Since the HIPP provides important input to the DLPFC (142) and because neonatal HIPP lesions induce post-pubertally manifested changes in prefrontal cortex (173) mimicking aspects of schizophrenic pathophysiology, it has been hypothesized that the interaction between these two regions might be particularly disturbed in this disorder (174–176). While it is highly implausible that this complex and heterogenous disorder can be reduced to a single causal chain, this formation may help guide further research in suggesting a study of impaired HIPP-DLPFC interactions in individuals with schizophrenia and preclinical models of this disorder. It is also becoming evident that persons suffering from depression and post-traumatic stress disorder display structural brain anomalies and aberrant functional coupling within the HIPP-DLPFC circuit (177). Considering that these disorders involve varying degrees of cognitive impairment and emotional dysregulation, dysfunction in the HIPP-DLPFC pathway might therefore be the common element of their pathophysiology (178,179). In consequence, the 76 HIPP- DLPFC pathway is a potentially crucial element of the pathophysiology of several psychiatric diseases, and it offers a specific target for therapeutic intervention, which is consistent with the recent emphasis on reframing psychiatric diseases in terms of brain circuits. In the current study, individuals prenatally exposed to bacterial infection displayed alterations in volumetric connections involving HIPP and paraHIPP—potentially suggesting their neurodevelopmental origins. These findings are consistent with previous literature that subcortical structures including HIPP and paraHIPP are particularly vulnerable to both genetic and environmental insults occurring during the perinatal period (180,181) including pregnancy complications (182), infection (183), and stress (184). For instance, it has been suggested that early developmental insults to the hippocampus might lead to impaired connections between HIPP and DLPFC. They might also induce maturational deficits in DLPFC circuitry and ultimately DLPFC dysfunction, which accounts for the core neuropsychology of several psychiatric disorder including, but not limited to, psychosis. Alternatively, it is also possible that early insults to paraHIPP could secondarily affect HIPP. For example, a disturbed architecture of entorhinal cortex neurons could lead to abnormal connections with HIPP (186), as in Alzheimer’s disease (187,188), and some form of epilepsy (112), in which the initial pathology is located in the parahippocampal subregions. Given that psychotic cases in the present study also displayed region-specific abnormalities in HIPP and paraHIPP, the findings may offer a potential explanation for epidemiologic evidence linking psychotic disorders to early neurodevelopmental disturbances. Nevertheless, it remains unclear how much clinical significance these findings may have given the modest effect sizes. Future investigations incorporating data on cognitive test performance (e.g., California Verbal 77 Language Test Trial 5) would help elucidate the functional significance of the differences in covariance among working memory regions observed in the present study. There were several limitations in the present study that should be noted. Given the multiple tests conducted in this study, it is possible that spurious findings arose from Type I error. It appears unlikely, however, that our results are entirely due to chance, as they are consistent with many previous studies in clinical and preclinical studies of schizophrenia. Nevertheless, we have used the Box’s M test which allows for protection of multiple testing for the simple correlations. The weak power associated with a modest sample size indicated the possibility of Type II error. Therefore, we adjusted the threshold to protect against this error in order to view any trends in the data; however, threshold selection ultimately did not impact the main findings involving HIPP and paraHIPP. To operationalize the degree of linkage between brain regions, our study employed structural connectivity—which is based on covariance. Limitations arise because neuronal interactions need not be linear, and linear correlation does not imply causality. However, much neuroimaging evidence suggests that linear correlations do capture an important aspect of neuronal interactions across different scales. It would be of interest to extend the present data using analytic methods that allow the investigation of directional interactions and models of causal relationships—such as effective connectivity (191). In addition, the sample was limited to slightly more than 22% of 116 psychotic cases identified in the original NEFS cohort, raising the potential for selection bias. However, psychotic cases who participated in the MRI study and cases who did not participate did not differ with regard to several demographic variables and prenatal exposure to bacterial infection (see Table 4.9.2). Therefore, it is unlikely that case ascertainment bias accounts for our findings. 78 Bias would be also mitigated by the fact that the sample was derived from the population-based study, in contrast to many clinical imaging studies that draw upon hospital or clinic-based samples. Like most existing neuroimaging studies of psychotic disorders, our study was also cross- sectional in design. However, as with detecting dementia, it is possible that structural brain change over time could be one of the most important indicators of impending onset of psychosis. For example, Pantelis et al. (120) compared volumetric changes in frontal, temporal, and parietal gray matter before and after the onset of psychosis and found significant reduction among participants who transitioned to psychosis but not among those who did not. These findings have been replicated by Borgwardt et al. (192) and substantiated by Prasad et al. (193) that also considered the putative effects of immune activation on the longitudinal changes in gray matter volumes. Thus, future studies are encouraged to collect multiple scans over time and monitor the neuroanatomic changes to better inform the underlying mechanism for these changes and assess their utility as potential metrics for the development of psychosis. 4.6 Conclusions There were overall covariance differences by adult psychosis and prenatal bacterial infection in average volumes of six brain regions supporting working memory functions. Posthoc analyses of region-specific correlations indicated that the overall differences by the two conditions might be primarily attributable to the altered anatomical connections involving hippocampus and parahippocampus. If replicated, this may suggest the potential roles of subcortical volumetric abnormalities in explaining the link between prenatal immune challenges and adult psychosis. 79 4.7 Tables Table 4.7.1 Demographic characteristics by offspring sex and adult psychosis status. Male Female Control Case Control Case p Categorical variables, n (%) Sample size 64 (38.1) 15 (8.9) 79 (47.0) 10 (6.0) Maternal race/ethnicity Non-white 3 (4.7) 2 (13.3) 6 (7.6) 2 (20.0) .31 White 61 (95.3) 13 (86.7) 73 (92.4) 8 (80.0) Study site Boston 45 (70.3) 11 (73.3) 56 (70.9) 6 (60.0) .90 Providence 19 (29.7) 4 (26.7) 23 (29.1) 4 (40.0) Season of birth Summer-Fall 46 (71.9) 13 (86.7) 59 (74.7) 7 (70.0) .68 Winter-Spring 18 (28.1) 2 (13.3) 20 (25.3) 3 (30.0) Prenatal bacterial infection Exposed 14 (21.9) 5 (33.3) 12 (15.2) 1 (10.0) .31 Unexposed 50 (78.1) 10 (66.7) 67 (84.8) 9 (90.0) Parental mental illness Present 19 (29.7) 2 (13.3) 23 (29.1) 1 (10.0) .35 Absent 45 (70.3) 13 (86.7) 56 (70.9) 9 (90.0) Continuous variables, mean (sd) Birth year 1962.6 (1.9) 1962.3 (2.4) 1962.6 (2.0) 1963.2 (1.9) .72 Maternal education 11.5 (2.4) 11.0 (2.3) 11.5 (2.2) 11.9 (1.7) .80 Parental socioeconomic status 5.8 (1.3) 5.7 (1.1) 5.7 (1.0) 4.8 (2.4) .13 Age at MRI scan 41.6 (3.6) 41.6 (4.2) 42.0 (3.1) 40.4 (3.1) .56 Abbreviations: MRI, magnetic resonance imaging. 80 Table 4.7.2 Demographic characteristics by prenatal exposure to bacterial infection. Prenatal bacterial infection Unexposed Exposed p Categorical variables, n (%) Sample size 136 (81.0) 32 (19.0) Sex Female 76 (55.9) 13 (40.6) .17 Male 60 (44.1) 19 (59.4) Maternal race/ethnicity Non-white 7 (5.1) 6 (18.8) .03 White 129 (94.9) 26 (81.2) Study site Boston 98 (72.1) 20 (62.5) .40 Providence 38 (27.9) 12 (37.5) Season of birth Summer-Fall 102 (75.0) 23 (71.9) .89 Winter-Spring 34 (25.0) 9 (28.1) Continuous variables, mean (sd) Birth year 1962.6 (2.0) 1962.6 (2.0) .93 Maternal education 11.6 (2.3) 11.0 (2.2) .19 Parental socioeconomic status 5.7 (1.2) 5.5 (1.5) .47 Age at MRI scan 41.8 (3.5) 41.3 (3.1) .44 Abbreviations: MRI, magnetic resonance imaging. 81 Table 4.7.3 Pearson correlation coefficients between average volumes of the regions of interest (ROIs) among psychotic cases and controls. Adult psychosis Case Control Test statistic Pearson correlation and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) bootstrap confidence interval HIPP-paraHIPP -.15 (-.57, .27) .10 (-.03, .21) Z = 1.10, p=.27 HIPP-sPAR .19 (-.24, .67) -.14 (-.28, .01) Z = 1.45, p=.15 HIPP-iPAR -.24 (-.65, .25) .11 (-.06, .29) Z = 1.55, p=.12 HIPP-cACC -.27 (-.64, .09) .06 (-.10, .20) Z = 1.45, p=.15 HIPP-DLPFC .37 (.03, .72) -.12 (-.24, .01) Z = 2.19, p=.03 paraHIPP-iPAR -.39 (-.58, -.10) -.06 (-.18, .07) Z = 1.53, p=.13 paraHIPP-sPAR .37 (.00, .62) -.07 (-.20, .06) Z = 2.00, p=.05 paraHIPP-cACC -.21 (-.61, .41) -.08 (-.24, .07) Z = .55, p=.58 paraHIPP-DLPFC -.52 (-.70, -.27) -.18 (-.31, -.03) Z = 1.72, p=.09 sPAR-iPAR .23 (.04, .43) -.11 (-.24, .04) Z = 1.48, p=.14 sPAR-cACC .24 (-.05, .48) -.10 (-.27, .07) Z = 1.52, p=.13 sPAR-DLPFC .39 (-.36, .85) -.14 (-.31, .05) Z = 2.41, p=.02 iPAR-cACC .17 (-.34, .63) -.07 (-.22, .08) Z = 1.08, p=.28 iPAR-DLPFC -.19 (-.49, .13) -.20 (-.31, -.07) Z = .00, p=1.00 cACC-DLPFC -.06 (-.42, .43) .00 (-.12, .11) Z = .26, p=.79 Abbreviations: HIPP, hippocampus; paraHIPP, parahippocampus; sPAR, superior parietal cortex; iPAR, inferior parietal cortex; cACC, caudal anterior cingulate cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. 82 Table 4.7.4 Pearson correlation coefficients between average volumes of the regions of interest (ROIs) among exposed and unexposed individuals. Prenatal bacterial infection Exposed Unexposed Test statistic Pearson correlation and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) bootstrap confidence interval HIPP-paraHIPP .20 (-.18, .58) .05 (-.07, .18) Z = .74, p=.46 HIPP-sPAR .03 (-.40, .46) -.10 (-.22, .02) Z = .66, p=.51 HIPP-iPAR .05 (-.48, .65) -.10 (-.28, .10) Z = .75, p=.46 HIPP-cACC -.37 (-.69, -.05) .07 (-.09, .22) Z = 2.24, p=.03 HIPP-DLPFC -.19 (-.47, .25) -.10 (-.26, .07) Z = .44, p=.66 paraHIPP-iPAR -.01 (-.30, .34) -.12 (-.27, .01) Z = .55, p=.58 paraHIPP-sPAR .23 (-.03, .48) -.09 (-.23, .05) Z = 1.54, p=.12 paraHIPP-cACC -.41 (-.76, .10) .03 (-.27, .27) Z = 2.27, p=.02 paraHIPP-DLPFC -.22 (-.42, .07) -.27 (-.42, -.08) Z = .23, p=.82 sPAR-iPAR .00 (-.41, .41) -.09 (-.23, .07) Z = .46, p=.64 sPAR-cACC -.04 (-.29, .25) -.13 (-.25, -.03) Z = .48, p=.63 sPAR-DLPFC -.26 (-.71, .18) -.13 (-.34, .09) Z = .68, p=.50 iPAR-cACC .01 (-.33, .27) -.12 (-.25, .01) Z = .64, p=.52 iPAR-DLPFC -.18 (-.51, .33) -.20 (-.35, -.06) Z = .09, p=.93 cACC-DLPFC .12 (-.13, .32) .01 (-.15, .15) Z = .55, p=.58 Abbreviations: HIPP, hippocampus; paraHIPP, parahippocampus; sPAR, superior parietal cortex; iPAR, inferior parietal cortex; cACC, caudal anterior cingulate cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. 83 4.8 Figures Figure 4.8.1 Selection of analytic sample from the New England (NE) cohorts of the Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP). CPP New England cohorts 114 psychotic cases Non-psychotic 34 psychotic cases 145 controls Four case-control MRI studies of NEFS 3 subjects w/ excessive noise 168 subjects 8 subjects w/ missing exposure information 25 psychotic cases 143 controls Analytic sample 168 T1-weighted scans 84 Figure 4.8.2 Schematic overview of analytical procedures. 168 T1 scans 168 T1 scans Adult psychosis Prenatal bacterial infection Controls Cases Unexposed Exposed (N=143) (N=25) (N=136) (N=32) DLPFC DLPFC DLPFC DLPFC cACC cACC cACC cACC iPAR iPAR iPAR iPAR sPAR sPAR sPAR sPAR paraHIPP paraHIPP paraHIPP paraHIPP HIPP HIPP HIPP HIPP ❶ Compare whole matrix between ❶ Compare whole matrix between groups [Box’s M test, F statistic] groups [Box’s M test, F statistic] ❷ Compare single correlation coefficients ❷ Compare single correlation coefficients (e.g., A-A; B-B) [Z statistic, bootstrap] (e.g., A-A; B-B) [Z statistic, bootstrap] If significant (p<.05) or If significant (p<.05) or trend significant (p<.10) trend significant (p<.10) ❸ Compare volumes between all ❸ Compare volumes between all groups [ANCOVA, post-hoc t-test] groups [ANCOVA, post-hoc t-test] 85 Figure 4.8.3 Associations between dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and hippocampus (HIPP)/superior parietal cortex (sPAR). 86 Figure 4.8.4 Associations between caudal anterior cingulate cortex (cACC) and hippocampus (HIPP)/parahippocampus (paraHIPP). 87 4.9 Supplementary Tables Table 4.9.1 Box’s M and Jennrich’s tests for overall differences in covariance and correlation matrices by adult psychosis and prenatal bacterial infection. Box's M Jennrich χ2 p χ2 p Adult psychosis Average 30.90 0.08 33.74 0.00 Left hemisphere 24.70 0.26 22.76 0.09 Right hemisphere 39.46 0.01 38.70 0.00 Prenatal bacterial infection Average 31.70 0.06 22.24 0.10 Left hemisphere 40.09 0.01 19.84 0.18 Right hemisphere 29.11 0.11 27.30 0.03 88 Table 4.9.2 Comparison of demographic characteristics by participation in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies of the New England Family Study (NEFS) participants with psychoses (n=116). Participation in the MRI study Participant Non-participant p Sample size 26 (22.4) 90 (77.6) Categorical variables, n (%) Sex Female 11 (42.3) 53 (58.9) .91 Male 15 (57.7) 37 (41.1) Maternal race/ethnicity Non-white 5 (19.2) 22 (24.4) .58 White 21 (80.8) 68 (75.6) Study site Boston 17 (65.4) 61 (67.8) .82 Providence 9 (34.6) 29 (32.2) Season of birth Summer-Fall 21 (80.8) 68 (75.6) .58 Winter-Spring 5 (19.2) 22 (24.4) Continuous variables, mean (sd) Birth year 1962.62 1962.28 .45 Maternal education 11.19 (2.2) 10.5 (2.0) .15 Parental socioeconomic status 5.4 (2.3) 5.4 (1.9) .99 Any prenatal bacterial infection Exposed 7 (26.9) 36 (40.0) .22 Unexposed 19 (73.1) 54 (60.0) 89 Table 4.9.3 Descriptive statistics for hippocampal and parahippocampal volumes (divided by total intracranial volume). Hippocampus (mean ± sd) Parahippocampus (mean ± sd) Left Right Average Left Right Average All .0180 ± .0023 .0185 ± .0020 .0091 ± .0010 .0099 ± .0013 .0093 ± .0011 .0048 ± .0005 Male Psychotic .0173 ± .0022 .0181 ± .0017 .0089 ± .0009 .0098 ± .0013 .0090 ± .0010 .0047 ± .0005 Control .0188 ± .0029 .0193 ± .0026 .0095 ± .0013 .0095 ± .0012 .0096 ± .0011 .0048 ± .0004 Female Psychotic .0184 ± .0021 .0187 ± .0019 .0100 ± .0013 .0100 ± .0013 .0094 ± .0010 .0049 ± .0005 Control .0172 ± .0024 .0176 ± .0026 .0098 ± .0013 .0098 ± .0013 .0091 ± .0013 .0047 ± .0006 Prenatal Exposed .0181 ± .0031 .0188 ± .0022 .0092 ± .0012 .0100 ± .0014 .0093 ± .0010 .0048 ± .0004 bacterial infection Unexposed .0179 ± .0021 .0184 ± .0019 .0091 ± .0010 .0099 ± .0013 .0093 ± .0011 .0048 ± .0005 90 Table 4.9.4 Pearson correlation coefficients between right hemisphere volumes of regions of interests (ROIs) among psychotic cases and controls. Adult psychosis Case Control Test statistic Pearson correlation and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) bootstrap confidence interval HIPP-paraHIPP .19 (-.23, .57) .11 (-.05, .25) Z = .38, p=.70 HIPP-sPAR -.11 (-.47, .27) -.11 (-.24, .03) Z = .02, p=.98 HIPP-iPAR .57 (.25, .77) .04 (-.14, .20) Z = 2.70, p=.01 HIPP-cACC .27 (-.19, .64) .01 (-.18, .17) Z = 1.19, p=.23 HIPP-DLPFC .26 (-.26, .64) .03 (-.14, .19) Z = 1.03, p=.30 paraHIPP-iPAR -.69 (-.86, -.44) -.05 (-.21, .09) Z = 3.55, p=.00 paraHIPP-sPAR .01 (-.37, .49) -.02 (-.17, .15) Z = .16, p=.87 paraHIPP-cACC -.14 (-.44, .10) -.08 (-.25, .09) Z = .26, p=.79 paraHIPP-DLPFC .09 (-.50, .55) -.19 (-.35, -.03) Z = 1.26, p=.21 sPAR-iPAR -.18 (-.50, .23) -.08 (-.24, .09) Z = .44, p=.66 sPAR-cACC .24 (-.16, .57) -.14 (-.27, .01) Z = 1.69, p=.09 sPAR-DLPFC -.17 (-.63, .38) -.08 (-.26, .13) Z = .41, p=.68 iPAR-cACC .27 (.00, .57) -.11 (-.27, .09) Z = 1.73, p=.08 iPAR-DLPFC .07 (-.51, .56) -.09 (-.23, .05) Z = .71, p=.48 cACC-DLPFC -.07 (-.35, .30) .01 (-.13, .15) Z = .35, p=.73 Abbreviations: HIPP, hippocampus; paraHIPP, parahippocampus; sPAR, superior parietal cortex; iPAR, inferior parietal cortex; cACC, caudal anterior cingulate cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. 91 Table 4.9.5 Pearson correlation coefficients between right hemisphere volumes of regions of interests (ROIs) among exposed and unexposed individuals. Prenatal bacterial infection Exposed Unexposed Test statistic Pearson correlation and 95% bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) bootstrap confidence interval HIPP-paraHIPP .09 (-.32, .41) .04 (-.12, .19) Z = .26, p=.80 HIPP-sPAR .05 (-.36, .52) -.14 (-.28, .01) Z = .91, p=.36 HIPP-iPAR .17 (-.38, .55) -.01 (-.20, .19) Z = .87, p=.38 HIPP-cACC -.26 (-.58, .08) .00 (-.17, .17) Z = 1.32, p=.19 HIPP-DLPFC -.05 (-.40, .34) .05 (-.16, .20) Z = .50, p=.62 paraHIPP-iPAR .22 (-.12, .56) -.07 (-.26, .09) Z = 1.44, p=.15 paraHIPP-sPAR .41 (.05, .67) -.09 (-.22, .04) Z = 2.54, p=.01 paraHIPP-cACC .02 (-.37, .44) -.09 (-.28, .09) Z = .52, p=.60 paraHIPP-DLPFC -.76 (-.86, -.57) -.16 (-.33, .03) Z = 4.04, p=.00 sPAR-iPAR .04 (-.23, .35) -.08 (-.23, .08) Z = .56, p=.57 sPAR-cACC -.06 (-.36, .26) -.07 (-.21, .07) Z = .05, p=.96 sPAR-DLPFC -.22 (-.52, .22) -.19 (-.36, -.01) Z = .11, p=.91 iPAR-cACC -.08 (-.30, .24) -.15 (-.28, .00) Z = .32, p=.75 iPAR-DLPFC -.34 (-.60, .05) -.06 (-.19, .08) Z = 1.42, p=.15 cACC-DLPFC -.03 (-.45, .31) .03 (-.12, .17) Z = .29, p=.77 Abbreviations: HIPP, hippocampus; paraHIPP, parahippocampus; sPAR, superior parietal cortex; iPAR, inferior parietal cortex; cACC, caudal anterior cingulate cortex; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 92 4.10 Supplementary Figures Figure 4.10.1 Associations between inferior parietal cortex (iPAR) and hippocampus (HIPP)/parahippocampus (paraHIPP). (a) (b) 93 Figure 4.10.2 Associations between parahippocampus (paraHIPP) and superior parietal cortex (sPAR)/dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). (a) (b) 94 Appendix Chapter 2: Acknowledgements to the New England Family Study This study was supported by grants from the Stanley Medical Research Institute (SLB & JMG, 1994-1997), National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) R01 MH56956 (JMG, P.I.) and NIMH R01 MH63951 (LJS, P.I). I thank Monica Landi, M.S.W. and June Wolf, Ph.D. for their contributions to clinical interviewing and diagnoses, respectively, and Christiana Provencal for her contribution to project management during the original sample acquisition. Chapter 4: Acknowledgements the New England Family Study Original sample ascertainment was supported by NIMH R01 MH50647 (1999–2003, Tsuang, P.I.; 2003–2006, Goldstein, P.I.), R01 MH56956 (Goldstein, P.I.), and the Stanley Medical Research Institute (Buka and Goldstein). I would like to express my appreciation to the dedicated NEFS research team including Jasmina Burdzovic-Andreas, Ph.D., Monica Landi, M.S.W., June Wolf, Ph.D., and JoAnn Donatelli, Ph.D., for their contributions to the recruitment of subjects, clinical interviewing and diagnoses, Christiana Provencal, M.A., for her contribution to project management during the original sample acquisition. I also appreciate the efforts of a number of research assistants over the years and a previous project coordinator, Lisa Denny, MD, for their contributions to the study at an earlier stage of the work and Ronald O. Rieder, MD, for access to his earlier 1975 study of some of the Boston mothers in our parental case group. I would also like to thank Harlyn Aizley, Ed.M., Jenn Walch, M.Ed., for their immense contributions to the collection and management of data, respectively. Furthermore, I wish to acknowledge Anne Remington, Lynda Tucker, and Dr. George Papadimitriou for their contributions. 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