��<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><mets xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ http://schema.ccs-gmbh.com/metae/mets-metae.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:MODS="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:mix="http://www.loc.gov/mix/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mets="http://www.loc.gov/METS/"><structMap><div ID="DIVL1" TYPE="Newspaper" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL2" TYPE="VOLUME"><div ID="DIVL3" TYPE="ISSUE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL4" TYPE="TITLE_SECTION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL5" TYPE="HEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="f\ /\ L |J"></div><div ID="DIVL6" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Vol. XX No. 83"></div><div ID="DIVL7" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="PROVIDENCE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1911."></div><div ID="DIVL8" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Price Three Cents"></div><div ID="DIVL9" TYPE="ILLUSTRATION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL10" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL=""></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL11" TYPE="CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL12" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL13" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL14" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="RELAY TRIALS."></div><div ID="DIVL15" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Teams Not Yet Finally Picked, but Competition Narrowed Down to Few Men."></div></div><div ID="DIVL16" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL17" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL18" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL19" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The final trials tor the  Varsity and class relay teams, which are to run in the Armory meet next Saturday, will he held on the board track on Lincoln Field this afternoon. During the past week many men have had trials and the following stand out as possible candidates for the  Varsity team: Capt. Marble T 2, Jarvis Ml, Jetter  l4, Miles  l2, Leith  l2, and Cook  l4. The class teams will probably be picked from the following men: Seniors Burke, Hubbard, Maxson, Winslow, Young. Jarvis; Juniors  Leith,- D. R. Mahoney. G. -A. Adams, Filigree, Miles, McGuire ; Sophomores D. L. Mahoney, Hooker, Parker, Burwell, and Kulp; Freshmen  Jet- Czuback, Holding, Gormley, Cook, Askley and Foss."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL20" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL21" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL22" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Basketball Practice."></div></div><div ID="DIVL23" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL24" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL25" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL26" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The  Varsity basketball team practiced last night, with every man present with the exception of Snell. The men were in good shape physically, though they showed the effect of the AVilliams game in rather slow footwork. The second team played in exceptionally good form, Nash, Miller, and Shepherd starring. The line-up for the practice was as follows: Sullivan, Winslow, r. f.l. g., N T ash McKay, Von der Leith, 1. f., r. g., Shepherd Scholze, McLyman, c. . . .c., Staff Adams, 1. g r. f., Miller McLyman, Sullivan, r. g., 1. f., Howe"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL27" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL28" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL29" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Judges for 1880 Contest Selected."></div></div><div ID="DIVL30" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL31" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL32" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL33" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The names of the judges for the class of 1880 prize debate have been announced. The two appointed by the President of the University are W. W. Andrew  O3, and Royal C. Taft, Jr.  95; the two appointed by the undergraduate committee, consisting of E. L. Yatman, Editor-in- Chief of the Herald, W. PI. Robertson, Editor-in-Chief of the Brunonian, and M. J. Vessel, President of the Debating Union, are Dr. S. IX. Gifford, Principal of Moses Brown School, and Hon. Charles C. Mumford  81; the fifth, representing the English Department, will be Professor 11. I&gt;. Huntington."></div></div><div ID="DIVL34" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL35" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="The first trials will be held on Jan. 31, and the final contest on Feb. 7. Essays must be submitted on or before Feb. 2."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL36" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL37" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL38" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="JUNIOR PROMENADE."></div><div ID="DIVL39" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Committee to Take Charge of Dance Appointed. Date Not Yet Settled."></div></div><div ID="DIVL40" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL41" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL42" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL43" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Junior Promenade Committee has been appointed by the officers of the committee ar.d has begun work. The date for the promenade will not be decided upon until the Junior Week Committee organizes. The following Juniors constitute the Promenade Committee: Willard Fremont Gordon, Jr., Chairman; William Henderson Robertson, Treasurer; Royal Willis Leith, Secretary; Edward August Adams, Ryland Benjamin Andrews, Herman Carey Bumpus, Jr., Ralph Sherwin Drury, John Joseph Gilbert, Preston Hart Hood, Henry Gildersleeve Marsh, Earl Philo Perkins, F'red Clarence Perry."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL44" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL45" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL46" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Interesting Exhibit in John Carter Brown Library."></div></div><div ID="DIVL47" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL48" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL49" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL50" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="There is an exhibit, containing a large number of old English prayer books, in the John Carter Brown Library. The oldest volumes are copies of the first prayer book and order of service, which was published by the Church of England in 1550. This prayer book was prepared by a commission under the guidance of Archbishop Crammer, and was finished in the spring of 1549. Three printers were immediately engaged, who published five copies before midsummer. Several other editions followed, because of the difference of opinion among those wishing a greater or less change from the Roman service. There is also a copy of the prayer book and order of service .which was&gt; published in 1786 at Philadelphia. This publication caused much discussion because of several radical changes from the Anglican service. There are several volumes of special interest shown in the cases. One of these is a prayer book and order of service which was published in 1580 as a thanksgiving for the failure of the attempt against the life of Queen Elizabeth. Another very interesting part of the exhibit is three volumes which belonged to Nicholas Brown and were published at London in 1724 and 1747 and at Edinburgh in 1761. There is also a book in the arrangement of which Benjamin Franklin helped while spending a few weeks at the home of Lord Le Dispenser, who was compiling an abridged edition of the Look of Common Prayer. The exhibit also contains several Billies and a primer for the use of the Indians. These are translated into several different dialects."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL51" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL52" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL53" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="FIRST CLASS SMOKER."></div><div ID="DIVL54" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Prof. Randall to Speak at junior Gathering.  Smokes and Refreshments."></div></div><div ID="DIVL55" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL56" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL57" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL58" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The first of a series of smokers has been arranged by the Junior Class Social Committee, to take place this evening at eight o clock in the Union. Prof. (). E. Randall will speak on  The Engineering and the Academic Man.&quot; Cigars and cigarettes will be furnished, and light refreshments will be served after Prof. Randall s talk. The members of the Junior Social Committee, which has charge of the affair are: H. G. Seidel, W. Pendelton, and H. C. Bumpus, Jr. A number of other smokers are being planned by the committee, to take place during the term. Some member of the faculty will probably speak at each one."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL59" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL60" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL61" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Seniors Plan Smoker for Next Tuesday Evening."></div></div><div ID="DIVL62" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL63" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL64" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL65" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The first of a series of Senior smokers will be held in the Union at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, Jan. 31. There will be a brief musical program, and Professor Courtney Langdon will read a play. Smoking materials will be furnished, and there will be light refreshments. The smoker will be in charge of the Social Committee, which consists of the following men: B. G. Smith, J. E. Hinckley, and G. R. Hill."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL66" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL67" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL68" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Freshman Basketball Schedule."></div></div><div ID="DIVL69" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL70" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL71" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL72" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Manager Walker of the Freshman basketball team announces the following schedule for the first-year five. One or two games later in the season are still to be arranged definitely. Jan. 30 Franklin Pligh School at Franklin. Feb. 3 Allen School at West Newton. Feb. B Andover8 Andover at Andover. Feb. 11 1911. Feb. 14 Woonsocket High School at Woo nsocket. Feb. 15 1912. Feb. 20 1913.' The sweaters and hats bearing the numerals of the Freshman class which were awarded to members of the class football team arrived yesterday and were given out by Manager Berriman."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL73" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL74" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL75" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="INTERESTING PROGRAM."></div><div ID="DIVL76" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Religious Education Association to Devote Two Days to Discussion of College Problems."></div></div><div ID="DIVL77" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL78" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL79" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL80" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The program for the Department of Universities and Colleges at the annual meeting of the Religious Education Association has just been announced, and promises to be of even more interest to the University than the general sessions. The meetings of the department will be held in Sayles Hall, Wednesday and Thursday, P'eb. 15 and 16. The program was prepared chiefly by President W. H. P. Fatince and Professor E. D. Starbuck of the University of lowa. The two general topics for discussion are,  How to Aid College Students in Making a Safe Reconstruction in Morals and Religion,   and  The Religious and Character Value of the Curriculum.   At the meeting at which the latter topic will be discussed, the value of different subjects oi study will be taken up, and Dean Meiklejohn will speak on the  Value of English.  Among those who will take part in the discussions of the sessions are President Arthur T. Hadley of Yale University, President Mary E. Woolley of Mount Holyoke College, President Henry S. Drinker of Lehigh University, Professor Richard M. Hodge of Columbia University, and President L. C. Stewartson, Hobart College."></div></div><div ID="DIVL81" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL82" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The speakers and subjects under the general head of  The Religious and Character Value of the Curriculum  are as follows. Each is a specialist on the subject which he will discuss: Biology Professor John M. Coulter, Professor of Botany, University of Chicago. Sociology and Economics  Professor J. W. Jenks, Cornell University. Psychology Speaker to be announced later. The Physical Sciences Professor Francis Smith, Governor s Island, N. Y. Geology Professor James F. Kemp, Columbia University. English Alexander Meiklejohn, Ph. D., Dean Brown University, Providence, R. I. Mathematics Cassius Jackson IXeyser, Ph. D  Columbia University, New York. "  The Personal Element in Education President W. L. P&gt;ryan, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. A large exhibit for the meetings of the Association is being arranged by Professor W. B. A ilson. General Secretary of the Rhode Island S. S. Association. 1 his will contain material on the Department of Universities and Colleges."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL83" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL84" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL85" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Loyalty in Chicago."></div></div><div ID="DIVL86" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL87" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL88" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL89" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="AY do; me indeed is the word front Chicago that Brown'alumni in and around the W indy City are exerting i rganized effort in the cause of interesting preparatory sc he &lt; 1 men in their Alma Mater. Substantia 1 evidence of their earnestness is to be found an the .annual scholarship of one hundred and fifty dollars which is offered for the partial support of some Chicago youth at Crown. Alumni of many other colleges are adopting precisely this method &lt; f aiding their respective colleges, and it would seem that other groups of Crown graduates need n&lt; t be slow in following the example of the Chicago alumni. For such investments of effort! and money pay a high rate of in- j terest in nationalizing a college or a university."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL90" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL91" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL92" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Cheer Leaders."></div></div><div ID="DIVL93" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL94" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL95" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL96" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="YCe are interested in the action of the Celebration Committee in providing a competition for the selection of cheer leaders as recognizing a' need which has been felt, for some revision of our present method of choice. Whether the change which is now proposed will he successful is hard to predict. Much w ill depend on the nature of the competition. If the candidates for cheer leaders  positions are taken into a room apart, and the gyrations of their arms are mathematically timed, while an artist is called in to pronounce on the beauty of the curves described, the result w r ill hardly be the choice of the best cheer leader. The elements of personal magnetism, and ability to command confidence and respect must be present in the man who would lead his fellows. We see no reason, however, why, after a preliminai;y selection, a try-out of candidates at minor games would not be of great assistance in the choice of a leader."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL97" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL98" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL99" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="UNIVERSITY BULLETIN"></div></div><div ID="DIVL100" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL101" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL102" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL103" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="(Notices for the Herald must be in lhe bands of the Jfdilor-in-Chief by 1 P. M. on die day preceding publication. A charge of 25 cents will be made for a notice of live lilies for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion.)"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL104" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL105" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL106" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BROWN TUTOR."></div></div><div ID="DIVL107" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL108" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL109" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL110" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="George Albert Colliding, A. M. { lirown, iByy), experienced tutor in high school and college subjects, i6y Gushing street. Telephone, 710-L Angell. Office, 87 Weybosset street, boom 53. Telephone 673-L Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL111" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL112" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL113" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="B. U. A. A. ELECTIONS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL114" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL115" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL116" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL117" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Prom the following list of names three men will be chosen by members of the Athletic Association to compete for Asst, baseball Mgr. Election, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 12:20- 2:20 p. 111.: W. 1. bass, 11. C. banks, J. K. burwell. G. T. Metcalf, E. A. C. .Murphy, k. W. Field, \V. J. Reed, E. ( . \\ attics. From the following list three men will be chosen to compete for Asst. 1 rack Mgr. Flection, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 12:20-2:20 p. 111.: lb M. bishop, X. b. Hull, G. D. Morse, If. K. Koopnian, C. Parker, J. G. Phillips, G. Jl. Pbilbrick, R. D. Robinson. S. .11. Dishman, Jr. j2l -gt Ch. Ath. board."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL118" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL119" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL120" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="SENIOR PICTURES."></div></div><div ID="DIVL121" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL122" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL123" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL124" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All Seniors must arrange to sit for pictures at liellin's, Market Square, THIS WEEK, to be represented in the Liber class roil. Saturday, Jan. 28. is POSITIVELY THE LAST BATE. R. F. SISSOX. j23-6t Edilor-in Chief."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL125" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL126" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL127" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="CARPENTER CONTEST."></div></div><div ID="DIVL128" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL129" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL130" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL131" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All eligible men who wish to enter the Carpenter Contest in Elocution should pass their names to me before February r. T. Crosby, Jr. j 23-21"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL132" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL133" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL134" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="A. A. U. Secretary Picks All- American Track Team."></div></div><div ID="DIVL135" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL136" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL137" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL138" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="James E. Sullivan, Secretary- Treasurer of the Amateur Athletic Union, has made a selection of an All-American college track team. lie has picked men from Eastern and Western colleges strictly on their merits. His selections are as follows: 100-yard dash  F. L. Ramsdell. Pennsylvania. 220-yard dash R. C. Craig, Michigan. 440-yard run l. N. Davenport, Chicago. 880-yard run G. H. Whitely, Princeton. 120 hurdles  W, A. Edwards, California. 220 hurdles  C. P. Gardner, Harvard. One-mile run  A. F. Baker, Oberlin. Two-mile run  T. S. Berna, Cornell. Running broad jump J. Wasson. Notre Dame. Running high jump J. W."></div></div><div ID="DIVL139" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL140" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Burdick, Pennsylvania. Pole vault L. S. Scott, Leland Stanford. Shot put J. liorner, Jr., Michigan. Hammer throw Lee Talbot. Penn. State College. Cross-country run  T. P. Jones, Cornell."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL141" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL142" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL143" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="3" LABEL="Proposed Change in Rules Regarding Track Suits."></div></div><div ID="DIVL144" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL145" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL146" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL147" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="An important announcement is proposed in the Athletic Association s Rules regarding track suits. This suggested change will be acted upon by the Athletic Board in two weeks  time. It is as follows:  Running pants shall have, in addition to stripes on the sides and around the waist, one around the bottom of the pant s legs IJJ inches in width; and the silk band on the jersey shall be increased to 4 inches, so that the  Varsity B may be sewed on it instead of abor e it. 1 his would make necessary the B with two smaller brown A s in the same horizontal line."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL148" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL149" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL150" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="3" LABEL="1 eshmen Decide to Organize Class Hockey Team."></div></div><div ID="DIVL151" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL152" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL153" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL154" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A short meeting of the Freshman class was held yesterday afternoon in Room P of the Union. Ihe only matter discussed was the question of starting a class hockey team, and it was voted that such a team be formed, and that the Sophomore class be challenged to play an interclass game. The University Library has received from the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America a set of three books containing reports of the last three track and field meets of that Association. These books are very complete, being illustrated with photographs, and containing all records made in the three meets. Overall, the pitcher of the Chicago Nationals, will assist in coaching the baseball team of the University of California this spring."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL155" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL156" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL157" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="4" LABEL="Approaching Meetings of the Sphinx Club."></div></div><div ID="DIVL158" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL159" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL160" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL161" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The Sphinx Club is planning for considerable activity during' the coming term. Arrangements j are in the making for several meetings with speakers both; from the faculty and from out- j side. Two meetings have been definitely arranged. On Thursday, Jan. 26, Professor William MacDonald of the History Department will speak on the question,  Is America Provincial?  On Wednesday, Feb. 8, the address will be given by Rev. Dr. E. A. lianley of the First Baptist Church. Other meetings will be arranged in the near future."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL162" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL163" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL164" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="4" LABEL="Prof. Delabarre Speaks at People s Forum."></div></div><div ID="DIVL165" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL166" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL167" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL168" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Professor Edmund 13. Delabarre of the Department of Psychology gave an address at the People's Forum on Sunday night on the subject,  The Administration of the Third Degree by the Police.  He discussed the subject from the psychological standpoint."></div></div><div ID="DIVL169" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL170" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The date of the Boston Athletic Association indoor athletic meet has been set for Feb. 11. A large entry list from the college teams is assured."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL171" TYPE="SECTION" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL172" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL173" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL174" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Are your clothes, furniture-, books, etc., protected against loss by IF NOT, THEY SHOULD BE. HAROLD A. MACKINNEY, 12 WESTMINSTER STREET. INSURANCE."></div><div ID="DIVL175" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="THE REAL MAN wants to protect those to whom he is indebted financially. Our Company has a special policy which does this and at the same time, shows a personal return to the insured. PH�EMIX MUTUAL LIFE IKS. CO. OF Hartford, *C�iraimeefie�st Established 1351. A. E. LEACM, Special Agent, Providence Usai�sa Trasf C�. Bldg.,"></div><div ID="DIVL176" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A fountain pen tluit won't ink your fingers, one ihat can be carried in any position, upside down or on its side in any' pocket or bag. When the cap is screwed on, the pen is as tight ns a bottle. When not in use the pen " rests iu ink, so remains moist, and will write without need of shaking. Slade in many styles. Prices �2.50 to $15.00. On its own merits this pen is fast finding its way all over the world. There probably is a dealer in yonv town who now carries it and you c.m buy of him ; but if there isn t, if you will send us the name of your most reliable dealer, we will see that lie has an assortment of these pens for you to seleet from. Be careful to give us his name and address and your naum and address correctly. State also whi-thi r you like a lino, medium or coarse pen; otherwise, we shall send an assortment that you can purchase from at $2.50. Something new: Moore s Midget non-leakablo inches long. The smallest fountain pen made, just the thing for ladies  shopping bag or for men s lower vest pocket. Price $2.50. 168 Devonshire St., Boston. Mass. Selling Agents for AMERICAN FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY ADAMS, CUSHING"></div><div ID="DIVL177" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Doleman Optical Co. PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS KODAKS and SUPPLIES SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT. TO BROWN STUDENTS Developing and Printing 222 WESTMINSTER ST."></div><div ID="DIVL178" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co. Custodian of the funds of BROWN UNIVERSITY has been the bank of Faculty and Students for a generation."></div><div ID="DIVL179" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CLIFTON CLIFTON BEDFORD 2%in.higb in.high Arrow Scotch COLLARS 15c J% 2 for 255. Cluett, Peabody &amp; Co., Makers"></div><div ID="DIVL180" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="? DRUGS AT REINER'S 1 WESTMINSTER STREET and Corner Dorrance and Washington Streets"></div><div ID="DIVL181" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL=".FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING (FREE SHINES with all REPAIR WORK Bring this Heading and get the 10 Per Cent. Reduction for Brown Students. MELLION BROS., "  5 CANAL STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL182" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CHOCOLATES Are a Nourishing Food and SAMOSET CHOCOLATES are also in addition a Delicious One. Ask for them at the Union. SAMOSET CHOCOLATES CO.,"></div><div ID="DIVL183" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Mrs* Zaidee Sisson's School for Dancing and Deportment THE ELYSIUM 183 Weybosset Street. corner Union (formerly Spink s Academy) 24 Lessons $lO.OO 6 Lessons 3.50 Tel. West 707. Residence 72 Almy St. 6 Private Lessons. .$5.00 Classes Afternoon and Evening Special rates to students."></div><div ID="DIVL184" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="FINE HATS The OPERA The SOFT The DERBY The SILK Elsbree-Valleau Co. i 101 Westminster Street"></div><div ID="DIVL185" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="QUALITY AND PRICE If you are searching- for bargains, consider quality first and price afterward. Low prices do not always mean bargains: in fact, the lowest priced good, as a rule, are the most expensive in the end. We have made reasonable reductions in the prices of our winter Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Trousers and Fancy Vests, to clean them all up now; we do not intend to carry them over to another season. This enables you to purchase the very best Clothing- made, at a price as low or lower than you are asked to nay for the ordinary kind. While it is true lots are broken in sizes, there are still among the entire lot sizes to fit anyone All new goods made up for Inis season on new and up-to-date models, strictly guaranteed as to quality and satisfactory wear. Our Shirt sale still continues. All fancy shirts, plain or plaited bosoms, attached cuffs to close, $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts, now $1.15 $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts, now $1.65 Special Men s Silk Lisle Half-Hose in solid fancy colors, all shades, 20c per pair, $l.lO a half dozen An extra good value at 25c. i Providence, Rhode Island."></div><div ID="DIVL186" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="ELASTIC STOCKINGS OPERATION BELTS S Send for catalogue. j H. MAWBY &amp; CO. 141 Weybosset St  (over Ballou s)"></div><div ID="DIVL187" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Telephone Connection. ?1 H. ROSENTHAL Room 14, next door to Keith s Theatre. Imported and Domestic Woollens, special for College Styles, at reasonable prices. v ft Up-to-Date Men s Tailor 256 Westminster St. ft"></div><div ID="DIVL188" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="James Murphy Merchant Tailor Westminster St. Room i Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL189" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Henry E. Sisson Co., Inc. TAILOHS (Over National Exchange Bank). Elevator. IMPORTED NOVELTIES AT COLLEGE PRICES. 2.-29 EXCHANGE STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL190" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS 232 Westminster Street."></div><div ID="DIVL191" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="OXFORD LINOTYPE CO. High Grade Linotype Composition 27 NORTH MAIN STRET"></div><div ID="DIVL192" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Brown Union .Dining Room Every Brown man should be interested in the -- of this college institution Board $5.00 a Week Lunch Room Open 7:30 a. m.-u p. m. Mrs. Given."></div><div ID="DIVL193" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A. G. SKONBERG, Successor 385; WESTMINSTER STREET Special Rates to Brown Students ARTISTIC Photographs"></div><div ID="DIVL194" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WALTER BLAKE BLAKE BROTHERS, Opticians BERT R. BLAKE lei. 3098-L Union. 58 SNOW STREET, Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL195" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="SAY, BOYS!!! You ought to know, if you don t, that WILLIAM MILLS &amp; SON are Headquarters for GROUPS, INTERIOR OF ROOMS, ETC. We have PHOTO GRAPHS ON SALE OF ALL THE DIFFERENT VIEWS AT BROWN � 58 and 60 ARCADE. TELEPHONE."></div><div ID="DIVL196" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="FOR BALLS, FAIRS AND WEDDINGS S DORRANCE STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL197" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WHAT CHEER STABLER Boarding and Livery. Carriages of all kinds for occasions. Tel. 1855 Union. 170 BENEFIT, and_ GARAGE i New, absolutely fireproof garage. a jj Autos stored, washed or polished. Automobiles to let by hour, day or week. Tel. 1845 Union. CORNER MEETING"></div><div ID="DIVL198" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Providence Opera House Felix R. Wendelschater Manager THE WARNING."></div><div ID="DIVL199" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="KEITH S This Week VAUDEVILLE"></div><div ID="DIVL200" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="EMPIRE THEATRE This Week THE SPENDTHRIFT."></div><div ID="DIVL201" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WESTMINSTER THEATRE This Week BOWERY BURLESQUERS."></div><div ID="DIVL202" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Cox Sons &amp; Vining 2(52 4th Ave., New York CAPS AND GOWNS Makers to Brown. 'O(5, 'O7, 'lO"></div><div ID="DIVL203" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="t homelike, first-class hotel, proud of New England | traditions, dating from Gen. Warren, yet j newlyfurnished with every comfort &amp; convenience | Long distance phone and hot and cold JJ�?' water in every Kc* 1 room. Kept con-j &amp; stantly clean by our vacuum plant. Rooms ( $l.OO a day and up."></div><div ID="DIVL204" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Calling Cards Stationery Die Stamping The Cor rcct Thing. Not at a fancy price. TILDEN - THURBER CO."></div><div ID="DIVL205" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="E. A. Wright College Engraver Printer and Stationer 1108 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA Commencement Invitations, Dance Invitations and Programs, Menus, Fraternity Inserts and Stationery, Class Pins, Visiting Cards. Wedding Announcements and Invitations. Samples cheerfully sent on request."></div><div ID="DIVL206" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Laurn M. Carr Co. 16 College Street :: CATERING ::"></div><div ID="DIVL207" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="JOHN W. SLEDGE, Caterer to the GYM BALL and other College Functions, is prepared to do First-class Catering for Dances, Dinners, Lunches, etc. Prices Reasonable, Further information may lie obtained from the Business Manager of the Herald."></div><div ID="DIVL208" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="VIOLIN MAKING REPAIRING A SPECIALTY J. H. ROCKWELL &amp; SON Old Italian Violins and Cellos 383 WESTMINSTER ST., Providence, K. I. MUSICAL SUPPLIES Telephone Connection"></div><div ID="DIVL209" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Learn Wireless &amp; R. R. Telegraphy! Shortage of fully 10,000 Operators on account of 8-liour law and extensive  wireless  developments. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials and positively place all students, when qualified. Write for catalogue. NATL. TELEGRAPH INST., Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, St. Paul, Minn., Enid, Okla., Columbia, S. C., Portland, Ore."></div><div ID="DIVL210" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="WIRTH S 1 AIIS 14 GARNET STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL211" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="THE RIGHT CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN Are represented in our immense showing of New Fall and Winter Styles in STEIN BLOCH AND Hart, Schaffner &amp; Marx PRODUCTIONS To be had only at the Outlet, and at Cut Prices. �UITILB 1"></div><div ID="DIVL212" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="1 KESSLER BROTHERS THE University Tailors ROOM 4 85 WEYBOSSET STREET, Providence, R. i. SS"></div><div ID="DIVL213" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="DRESS SUITS 212 UNION STREET Room 4, Near Weybosset TUXEDOS AND PRINCE ALBERTS ELIAS, t h To Lei Tailor"></div><div ID="DIVL214" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="TO THE COLLEGE FRATERNITIES Last year's Senior Pictures, group and individual, were pronouncfed excellent. By patronizing my Studio you will get perfect satisfaction. SPECIAL RATES TO BROWN STUDENTS AND THEIR FRIENDS. MORRIS BELLIN WESTMINSTER ST. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS. Facing Market Square"></div><div ID="DIVL215" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Industrial Printing Company 43 South Main Street.  QUALITY PRINTING  for College Clubs a Specialty. School and Society printing executed promptly. Telephone 746-R Union."></div><div ID="DIVL216" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="ySSWK;,.-. WWR'i 1 ' 7 *3 � It means just what it says. Our stock is offered to you with the prices trimmed down to the quick. A quick move on your part will save you a lot of money. All our fancy $25 to $35.00 Suits, now $15.75 $2O to $22.50 Suits, now $12.75 $l5 to $13.00 Suits, now $9.75 Fancy Overcoats, the $25 to $35 kind, now sl9.7s the $lB to $25 kind, $12.75. Convertible Collar, $lB to $2B kind, $14.75. 75 Odd Ones, $l5 to $l3 kind, now $9.75 and $7.75. BOSTON &amp; PROVIDENCE CLOTHING CO. Francis Building, 150 WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL217" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="BELMONT LUNCH Quality and Service are our Specialties 203 Union Street."></div><div ID="DIVL218" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Preston &amp; Rounds Co: Text Books &amp; Stationery 98 Westminster St*"></div><div ID="DIVL219" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="63 BLEND �) CIGARETTES ETYMOLOGY fei With each package of Fatima you gti a pennant coupon , &lt;25 of which secure a handsome felt college pennant ( / 2x32)   selection of / 00. W ords, W ords, W ords - it takes   4 bunches  of words to describe Fatimas. They re so individual, so different, just smoke one, and get that indescribable satisfaction that comes from a perfect blend of rare tobaccos. My word   but they re fine, 20 for 1 sc- an inexpensive package and you get ten additional. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO."></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></structMap></mets>��<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><mets xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ http://schema.ccs-gmbh.com/metae/mets-metae.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:MODS="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:mix="http://www.loc.gov/mix/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mets="http://www.loc.gov/METS/"><structMap><div ID="DIVL1" TYPE="Newspaper" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL2" TYPE="VOLUME"><div ID="DIVL3" TYPE="ISSUE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL4" TYPE="TITLE_SECTION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL5" TYPE="HEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="f\ /\ L |J"></div><div ID="DIVL6" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Vol. XX No. 83"></div><div ID="DIVL7" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="PROVIDENCE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1911."></div><div ID="DIVL8" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Price Three Cents"></div><div ID="DIVL9" TYPE="ILLUSTRATION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL10" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL=""></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL11" TYPE="CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL12" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL13" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL14" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="RELAY TRIALS."></div><div ID="DIVL15" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Teams Not Yet Finally Picked, but Competition Narrowed Down to Few Men."></div></div><div ID="DIVL16" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL17" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL18" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL19" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The final trials tor the  Varsity and class relay teams, which are to run in the Armory meet next Saturday, will he held on the board track on Lincoln Field this afternoon. During the past week many men have had trials and the following stand out as possible candidates for the  Varsity team: Capt. Marble T 2, Jarvis Ml, Jetter  l4, Miles  l2, Leith  l2, and Cook  l4. The class teams will probably be picked from the following men: Seniors Burke, Hubbard, Maxson, Winslow, Young. Jarvis; Juniors  Leith,- D. R. Mahoney. G. -A. Adams, Filigree, Miles, McGuire ; Sophomores D. L. Mahoney, Hooker, Parker, Burwell, and Kulp; Freshmen  Jet- Czuback, Holding, Gormley, Cook, Askley and Foss."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL20" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL21" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL22" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Basketball Practice."></div></div><div ID="DIVL23" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL24" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL25" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL26" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The  Varsity basketball team practiced last night, with every man present with the exception of Snell. The men were in good shape physically, though they showed the effect of the AVilliams game in rather slow footwork. The second team played in exceptionally good form, Nash, Miller, and Shepherd starring. The line-up for the practice was as follows: Sullivan, Winslow, r. f.l. g., N T ash McKay, Von der Leith, 1. f., r. g., Shepherd Scholze, McLyman, c. . . .c., Staff Adams, 1. g r. f., Miller McLyman, Sullivan, r. g., 1. f., Howe"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL27" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL28" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL29" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Judges for 1880 Contest Selected."></div></div><div ID="DIVL30" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL31" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL32" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL33" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The names of the judges for the class of 1880 prize debate have been announced. The two appointed by the President of the University are W. W. Andrew  O3, and Royal C. Taft, Jr.  95; the two appointed by the undergraduate committee, consisting of E. L. Yatman, Editor-in- Chief of the Herald, W. PI. Robertson, Editor-in-Chief of the Brunonian, and M. J. Vessel, President of the Debating Union, are Dr. S. IX. Gifford, Principal of Moses Brown School, and Hon. Charles C. Mumford  81; the fifth, representing the English Department, will be Professor 11. I&gt;. Huntington."></div></div><div ID="DIVL34" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL35" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="The first trials will be held on Jan. 31, and the final contest on Feb. 7. Essays must be submitted on or before Feb. 2."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL36" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL37" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL38" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="JUNIOR PROMENADE."></div><div ID="DIVL39" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Committee to Take Charge of Dance Appointed. Date Not Yet Settled."></div></div><div ID="DIVL40" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL41" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL42" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL43" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Junior Promenade Committee has been appointed by the officers of the committee ar.d has begun work. The date for the promenade will not be decided upon until the Junior Week Committee organizes. The following Juniors constitute the Promenade Committee: Willard Fremont Gordon, Jr., Chairman; William Henderson Robertson, Treasurer; Royal Willis Leith, Secretary; Edward August Adams, Ryland Benjamin Andrews, Herman Carey Bumpus, Jr., Ralph Sherwin Drury, John Joseph Gilbert, Preston Hart Hood, Henry Gildersleeve Marsh, Earl Philo Perkins, F'red Clarence Perry."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL44" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL45" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL46" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Interesting Exhibit in John Carter Brown Library."></div></div><div ID="DIVL47" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL48" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL49" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL50" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="There is an exhibit, containing a large number of old English prayer books, in the John Carter Brown Library. The oldest volumes are copies of the first prayer book and order of service, which was published by the Church of England in 1550. This prayer book was prepared by a commission under the guidance of Archbishop Crammer, and was finished in the spring of 1549. Three printers were immediately engaged, who published five copies before midsummer. Several other editions followed, because of the difference of opinion among those wishing a greater or less change from the Roman service. There is also a copy of the prayer book and order of service .which was&gt; published in 1786 at Philadelphia. This publication caused much discussion because of several radical changes from the Anglican service. There are several volumes of special interest shown in the cases. One of these is a prayer book and order of service which was published in 1580 as a thanksgiving for the failure of the attempt against the life of Queen Elizabeth. Another very interesting part of the exhibit is three volumes which belonged to Nicholas Brown and were published at London in 1724 and 1747 and at Edinburgh in 1761. There is also a book in the arrangement of which Benjamin Franklin helped while spending a few weeks at the home of Lord Le Dispenser, who was compiling an abridged edition of the Look of Common Prayer. The exhibit also contains several Billies and a primer for the use of the Indians. These are translated into several different dialects."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL51" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL52" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL53" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="FIRST CLASS SMOKER."></div><div ID="DIVL54" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Prof. Randall to Speak at junior Gathering.  Smokes and Refreshments."></div></div><div ID="DIVL55" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL56" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL57" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL58" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The first of a series of smokers has been arranged by the Junior Class Social Committee, to take place this evening at eight o clock in the Union. Prof. (). E. Randall will speak on  The Engineering and the Academic Man.&quot; Cigars and cigarettes will be furnished, and light refreshments will be served after Prof. Randall s talk. The members of the Junior Social Committee, which has charge of the affair are: H. G. Seidel, W. Pendelton, and H. C. Bumpus, Jr. A number of other smokers are being planned by the committee, to take place during the term. Some member of the faculty will probably speak at each one."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL59" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL60" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL61" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Seniors Plan Smoker for Next Tuesday Evening."></div></div><div ID="DIVL62" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL63" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL64" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL65" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The first of a series of Senior smokers will be held in the Union at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, Jan. 31. There will be a brief musical program, and Professor Courtney Langdon will read a play. Smoking materials will be furnished, and there will be light refreshments. The smoker will be in charge of the Social Committee, which consists of the following men: B. G. Smith, J. E. Hinckley, and G. R. Hill."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL66" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL67" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL68" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Freshman Basketball Schedule."></div></div><div ID="DIVL69" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL70" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL71" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL72" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Manager Walker of the Freshman basketball team announces the following schedule for the first-year five. One or two games later in the season are still to be arranged definitely. Jan. 30 Franklin Pligh School at Franklin. Feb. 3 Allen School at West Newton. Feb. B Andover8 Andover at Andover. Feb. 11 1911. Feb. 14 Woonsocket High School at Woo nsocket. Feb. 15 1912. Feb. 20 1913.' The sweaters and hats bearing the numerals of the Freshman class which were awarded to members of the class football team arrived yesterday and were given out by Manager Berriman."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL73" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL74" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL75" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="INTERESTING PROGRAM."></div><div ID="DIVL76" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Religious Education Association to Devote Two Days to Discussion of College Problems."></div></div><div ID="DIVL77" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL78" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL79" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL80" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The program for the Department of Universities and Colleges at the annual meeting of the Religious Education Association has just been announced, and promises to be of even more interest to the University than the general sessions. The meetings of the department will be held in Sayles Hall, Wednesday and Thursday, P'eb. 15 and 16. The program was prepared chiefly by President W. H. P. Fatince and Professor E. D. Starbuck of the University of lowa. The two general topics for discussion are,  How to Aid College Students in Making a Safe Reconstruction in Morals and Religion,   and  The Religious and Character Value of the Curriculum.   At the meeting at which the latter topic will be discussed, the value of different subjects oi study will be taken up, and Dean Meiklejohn will speak on the  Value of English.  Among those who will take part in the discussions of the sessions are President Arthur T. Hadley of Yale University, President Mary E. Woolley of Mount Holyoke College, President Henry S. Drinker of Lehigh University, Professor Richard M. Hodge of Columbia University, and President L. C. Stewartson, Hobart College."></div></div><div ID="DIVL81" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL82" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The speakers and subjects under the general head of  The Religious and Character Value of the Curriculum  are as follows. Each is a specialist on the subject which he will discuss: Biology Professor John M. Coulter, Professor of Botany, University of Chicago. Sociology and Economics  Professor J. W. Jenks, Cornell University. Psychology Speaker to be announced later. The Physical Sciences Professor Francis Smith, Governor s Island, N. Y. Geology Professor James F. Kemp, Columbia University. English Alexander Meiklejohn, Ph. D., Dean Brown University, Providence, R. I. Mathematics Cassius Jackson IXeyser, Ph. D  Columbia University, New York. "  The Personal Element in Education President W. L. P&gt;ryan, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. A large exhibit for the meetings of the Association is being arranged by Professor W. B. A ilson. General Secretary of the Rhode Island S. S. Association. 1 his will contain material on the Department of Universities and Colleges."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL83" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL84" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL85" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Loyalty in Chicago."></div></div><div ID="DIVL86" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL87" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL88" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL89" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="AY do; me indeed is the word front Chicago that Brown'alumni in and around the W indy City are exerting i rganized effort in the cause of interesting preparatory sc he &lt; 1 men in their Alma Mater. Substantia 1 evidence of their earnestness is to be found an the .annual scholarship of one hundred and fifty dollars which is offered for the partial support of some Chicago youth at Crown. Alumni of many other colleges are adopting precisely this method &lt; f aiding their respective colleges, and it would seem that other groups of Crown graduates need n&lt; t be slow in following the example of the Chicago alumni. For such investments of effort! and money pay a high rate of in- j terest in nationalizing a college or a university."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL90" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL91" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL92" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Cheer Leaders."></div></div><div ID="DIVL93" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL94" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL95" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL96" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="YCe are interested in the action of the Celebration Committee in providing a competition for the selection of cheer leaders as recognizing a' need which has been felt, for some revision of our present method of choice. Whether the change which is now proposed will he successful is hard to predict. Much w ill depend on the nature of the competition. If the candidates for cheer leaders  positions are taken into a room apart, and the gyrations of their arms are mathematically timed, while an artist is called in to pronounce on the beauty of the curves described, the result w r ill hardly be the choice of the best cheer leader. The elements of personal magnetism, and ability to command confidence and respect must be present in the man who would lead his fellows. We see no reason, however, why, after a preliminai;y selection, a try-out of candidates at minor games would not be of great assistance in the choice of a leader."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL97" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL98" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL99" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="UNIVERSITY BULLETIN"></div></div><div ID="DIVL100" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL101" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL102" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL103" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="(Notices for the Herald must be in lhe bands of the Jfdilor-in-Chief by 1 P. M. on die day preceding publication. A charge of 25 cents will be made for a notice of live lilies for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion.)"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL104" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL105" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL106" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BROWN TUTOR."></div></div><div ID="DIVL107" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL108" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL109" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL110" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="George Albert Colliding, A. M. { lirown, iByy), experienced tutor in high school and college subjects, i6y Gushing street. Telephone, 710-L Angell. Office, 87 Weybosset street, boom 53. Telephone 673-L Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL111" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL112" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL113" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="B. U. A. A. ELECTIONS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL114" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL115" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL116" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL117" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Prom the following list of names three men will be chosen by members of the Athletic Association to compete for Asst, baseball Mgr. Election, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 12:20- 2:20 p. 111.: W. 1. bass, 11. C. banks, J. K. burwell. G. T. Metcalf, E. A. C. .Murphy, k. W. Field, \V. J. Reed, E. ( . \\ attics. From the following list three men will be chosen to compete for Asst. 1 rack Mgr. Flection, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 12:20-2:20 p. 111.: lb M. bishop, X. b. Hull, G. D. Morse, If. K. Koopnian, C. Parker, J. G. Phillips, G. Jl. Pbilbrick, R. D. Robinson. S. .11. Dishman, Jr. j2l -gt Ch. Ath. board."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL118" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL119" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL120" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="SENIOR PICTURES."></div></div><div ID="DIVL121" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL122" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL123" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL124" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All Seniors must arrange to sit for pictures at liellin's, Market Square, THIS WEEK, to be represented in the Liber class roil. Saturday, Jan. 28. is POSITIVELY THE LAST BATE. R. F. SISSOX. j23-6t Edilor-in Chief."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL125" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL126" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL127" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="CARPENTER CONTEST."></div></div><div ID="DIVL128" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL129" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL130" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL131" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All eligible men who wish to enter the Carpenter Contest in Elocution should pass their names to me before February r. T. Crosby, Jr. j 23-21"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL132" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL133" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL134" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="A. A. U. Secretary Picks All- American Track Team."></div></div><div ID="DIVL135" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL136" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL137" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL138" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="James E. Sullivan, Secretary- Treasurer of the Amateur Athletic Union, has made a selection of an All-American college track team. lie has picked men from Eastern and Western colleges strictly on their merits. His selections are as follows: 100-yard dash  F. L. Ramsdell. Pennsylvania. 220-yard dash R. C. Craig, Michigan. 440-yard run l. N. Davenport, Chicago. 880-yard run G. H. Whitely, Princeton. 120 hurdles  W, A. Edwards, California. 220 hurdles  C. P. Gardner, Harvard. One-mile run  A. F. Baker, Oberlin. Two-mile run  T. S. Berna, Cornell. Running broad jump J. Wasson. Notre Dame. Running high jump J. W."></div></div><div ID="DIVL139" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL140" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Burdick, Pennsylvania. Pole vault L. S. Scott, Leland Stanford. Shot put J. liorner, Jr., Michigan. Hammer throw Lee Talbot. Penn. State College. Cross-country run  T. P. Jones, Cornell."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL141" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL142" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL143" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="3" LABEL="Proposed Change in Rules Regarding Track Suits."></div></div><div ID="DIVL144" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL145" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL146" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL147" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="An important announcement is proposed in the Athletic Association s Rules regarding track suits. This suggested change will be acted upon by the Athletic Board in two weeks  time. It is as follows:  Running pants shall have, in addition to stripes on the sides and around the waist, one around the bottom of the pant s legs IJJ inches in width; and the silk band on the jersey shall be increased to 4 inches, so that the  Varsity B may be sewed on it instead of abor e it. 1 his would make necessary the B with two smaller brown A s in the same horizontal line."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL148" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL149" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL150" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="3" LABEL="1 eshmen Decide to Organize Class Hockey Team."></div></div><div ID="DIVL151" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL152" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL153" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL154" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A short meeting of the Freshman class was held yesterday afternoon in Room P of the Union. Ihe only matter discussed was the question of starting a class hockey team, and it was voted that such a team be formed, and that the Sophomore class be challenged to play an interclass game. The University Library has received from the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America a set of three books containing reports of the last three track and field meets of that Association. These books are very complete, being illustrated with photographs, and containing all records made in the three meets. Overall, the pitcher of the Chicago Nationals, will assist in coaching the baseball team of the University of California this spring."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL155" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL156" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL157" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="4" LABEL="Approaching Meetings of the Sphinx Club."></div></div><div ID="DIVL158" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL159" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL160" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL161" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The Sphinx Club is planning for considerable activity during' the coming term. Arrangements j are in the making for several meetings with speakers both; from the faculty and from out- j side. Two meetings have been definitely arranged. On Thursday, Jan. 26, Professor William MacDonald of the History Department will speak on the question,  Is America Provincial?  On Wednesday, Feb. 8, the address will be given by Rev. Dr. E. A. lianley of the First Baptist Church. Other meetings will be arranged in the near future."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL162" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL163" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL164" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="4" LABEL="Prof. Delabarre Speaks at People s Forum."></div></div><div ID="DIVL165" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL166" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL167" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL168" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Professor Edmund 13. Delabarre of the Department of Psychology gave an address at the People's Forum on Sunday night on the subject,  The Administration of the Third Degree by the Police.  He discussed the subject from the psychological standpoint."></div></div><div ID="DIVL169" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL170" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The date of the Boston Athletic Association indoor athletic meet has been set for Feb. 11. A large entry list from the college teams is assured."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL171" TYPE="SECTION" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL172" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL173" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL174" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Are your clothes, furniture-, books, etc., protected against loss by IF NOT, THEY SHOULD BE. HAROLD A. MACKINNEY, 12 WESTMINSTER STREET. INSURANCE."></div><div ID="DIVL175" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="THE REAL MAN wants to protect those to whom he is indebted financially. Our Company has a special policy which does this and at the same time, shows a personal return to the insured. PH�EMIX MUTUAL LIFE IKS. CO. OF Hartford, *C�iraimeefie�st Established 1351. A. E. LEACM, Special Agent, Providence Usai�sa Trasf C�. Bldg.,"></div><div ID="DIVL176" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A fountain pen tluit won't ink your fingers, one ihat can be carried in any position, upside down or on its side in any' pocket or bag. When the cap is screwed on, the pen is as tight ns a bottle. When not in use the pen " rests iu ink, so remains moist, and will write without need of shaking. Slade in many styles. Prices �2.50 to $15.00. On its own merits this pen is fast finding its way all over the world. There probably is a dealer in yonv town who now carries it and you c.m buy of him ; but if there isn t, if you will send us the name of your most reliable dealer, we will see that lie has an assortment of these pens for you to seleet from. Be careful to give us his name and address and your naum and address correctly. State also whi-thi r you like a lino, medium or coarse pen; otherwise, we shall send an assortment that you can purchase from at $2.50. Something new: Moore s Midget non-leakablo inches long. The smallest fountain pen made, just the thing for ladies  shopping bag or for men s lower vest pocket. Price $2.50. 168 Devonshire St., Boston. Mass. Selling Agents for AMERICAN FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY ADAMS, CUSHING"></div><div ID="DIVL177" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Doleman Optical Co. PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS KODAKS and SUPPLIES SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT. TO BROWN STUDENTS Developing and Printing 222 WESTMINSTER ST."></div><div ID="DIVL178" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co. Custodian of the funds of BROWN UNIVERSITY has been the bank of Faculty and Students for a generation."></div><div ID="DIVL179" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CLIFTON CLIFTON BEDFORD 2%in.higb in.high Arrow Scotch COLLARS 15c J% 2 for 255. Cluett, Peabody &amp; Co., Makers"></div><div ID="DIVL180" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="? DRUGS AT REINER'S 1 WESTMINSTER STREET and Corner Dorrance and Washington Streets"></div><div ID="DIVL181" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL=".FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING (FREE SHINES with all REPAIR WORK Bring this Heading and get the 10 Per Cent. Reduction for Brown Students. MELLION BROS., "  5 CANAL STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL182" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CHOCOLATES Are a Nourishing Food and SAMOSET CHOCOLATES are also in addition a Delicious One. Ask for them at the Union. SAMOSET CHOCOLATES CO.,"></div><div ID="DIVL183" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Mrs* Zaidee Sisson's School for Dancing and Deportment THE ELYSIUM 183 Weybosset Street. corner Union (formerly Spink s Academy) 24 Lessons $lO.OO 6 Lessons 3.50 Tel. West 707. Residence 72 Almy St. 6 Private Lessons. .$5.00 Classes Afternoon and Evening Special rates to students."></div><div ID="DIVL184" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="FINE HATS The OPERA The SOFT The DERBY The SILK Elsbree-Valleau Co. i 101 Westminster Street"></div><div ID="DIVL185" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="QUALITY AND PRICE If you are searching- for bargains, consider quality first and price afterward. Low prices do not always mean bargains: in fact, the lowest priced good, as a rule, are the most expensive in the end. We have made reasonable reductions in the prices of our winter Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Trousers and Fancy Vests, to clean them all up now; we do not intend to carry them over to another season. This enables you to purchase the very best Clothing- made, at a price as low or lower than you are asked to nay for the ordinary kind. While it is true lots are broken in sizes, there are still among the entire lot sizes to fit anyone All new goods made up for Inis season on new and up-to-date models, strictly guaranteed as to quality and satisfactory wear. Our Shirt sale still continues. All fancy shirts, plain or plaited bosoms, attached cuffs to close, $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts, now $1.15 $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts, now $1.65 Special Men s Silk Lisle Half-Hose in solid fancy colors, all shades, 20c per pair, $l.lO a half dozen An extra good value at 25c. i Providence, Rhode Island."></div><div ID="DIVL186" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="ELASTIC STOCKINGS OPERATION BELTS S Send for catalogue. j H. MAWBY &amp; CO. 141 Weybosset St  (over Ballou s)"></div><div ID="DIVL187" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Telephone Connection. ?1 H. ROSENTHAL Room 14, next door to Keith s Theatre. Imported and Domestic Woollens, special for College Styles, at reasonable prices. v ft Up-to-Date Men s Tailor 256 Westminster St. ft"></div><div ID="DIVL188" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="James Murphy Merchant Tailor Westminster St. Room i Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL189" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Henry E. Sisson Co., Inc. TAILOHS (Over National Exchange Bank). Elevator. IMPORTED NOVELTIES AT COLLEGE PRICES. 2.-29 EXCHANGE STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL190" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS 232 Westminster Street."></div><div ID="DIVL191" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="OXFORD LINOTYPE CO. High Grade Linotype Composition 27 NORTH MAIN STRET"></div><div ID="DIVL192" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Brown Union .Dining Room Every Brown man should be interested in the -- of this college institution Board $5.00 a Week Lunch Room Open 7:30 a. m.-u p. m. Mrs. Given."></div><div ID="DIVL193" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A. G. SKONBERG, Successor 385; WESTMINSTER STREET Special Rates to Brown Students ARTISTIC Photographs"></div><div ID="DIVL194" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WALTER BLAKE BLAKE BROTHERS, Opticians BERT R. BLAKE lei. 3098-L Union. 58 SNOW STREET, Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL195" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="SAY, BOYS!!! You ought to know, if you don t, that WILLIAM MILLS &amp; SON are Headquarters for GROUPS, INTERIOR OF ROOMS, ETC. We have PHOTO GRAPHS ON SALE OF ALL THE DIFFERENT VIEWS AT BROWN � 58 and 60 ARCADE. TELEPHONE."></div><div ID="DIVL196" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="FOR BALLS, FAIRS AND WEDDINGS S DORRANCE STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL197" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WHAT CHEER STABLER Boarding and Livery. Carriages of all kinds for occasions. Tel. 1855 Union. 170 BENEFIT, and_ GARAGE i New, absolutely fireproof garage. a jj Autos stored, washed or polished. Automobiles to let by hour, day or week. Tel. 1845 Union. CORNER MEETING"></div><div ID="DIVL198" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Providence Opera House Felix R. Wendelschater Manager THE WARNING."></div><div ID="DIVL199" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="KEITH S This Week VAUDEVILLE"></div><div ID="DIVL200" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="EMPIRE THEATRE This Week THE SPENDTHRIFT."></div><div ID="DIVL201" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WESTMINSTER THEATRE This Week BOWERY BURLESQUERS."></div><div ID="DIVL202" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Cox Sons &amp; Vining 2(52 4th Ave., New York CAPS AND GOWNS Makers to Brown. 'O(5, 'O7, 'lO"></div><div ID="DIVL203" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="t homelike, first-class hotel, proud of New England | traditions, dating from Gen. Warren, yet j newlyfurnished with every comfort &amp; convenience | Long distance phone and hot and cold JJ�?' water in every Kc* 1 room. Kept con-j &amp; stantly clean by our vacuum plant. Rooms ( $l.OO a day and up."></div><div ID="DIVL204" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Calling Cards Stationery Die Stamping The Cor rcct Thing. Not at a fancy price. TILDEN - THURBER CO."></div><div ID="DIVL205" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="E. A. Wright College Engraver Printer and Stationer 1108 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA Commencement Invitations, Dance Invitations and Programs, Menus, Fraternity Inserts and Stationery, Class Pins, Visiting Cards. Wedding Announcements and Invitations. Samples cheerfully sent on request."></div><div ID="DIVL206" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Laurn M. Carr Co. 16 College Street :: CATERING ::"></div><div ID="DIVL207" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="JOHN W. SLEDGE, Caterer to the GYM BALL and other College Functions, is prepared to do First-class Catering for Dances, Dinners, Lunches, etc. Prices Reasonable, Further information may lie obtained from the Business Manager of the Herald."></div><div ID="DIVL208" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="VIOLIN MAKING REPAIRING A SPECIALTY J. H. ROCKWELL &amp; SON Old Italian Violins and Cellos 383 WESTMINSTER ST., Providence, K. I. MUSICAL SUPPLIES Telephone Connection"></div><div ID="DIVL209" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Learn Wireless &amp; R. R. Telegraphy! Shortage of fully 10,000 Operators on account of 8-liour law and extensive  wireless  developments. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials and positively place all students, when qualified. Write for catalogue. NATL. TELEGRAPH INST., Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, St. Paul, Minn., Enid, Okla., Columbia, S. C., Portland, Ore."></div><div ID="DIVL210" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="WIRTH S 1 AIIS 14 GARNET STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL211" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="THE RIGHT CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN Are represented in our immense showing of New Fall and Winter Styles in STEIN BLOCH AND Hart, Schaffner &amp; Marx PRODUCTIONS To be had only at the Outlet, and at Cut Prices. �UITILB 1"></div><div ID="DIVL212" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="1 KESSLER BROTHERS THE University Tailors ROOM 4 85 WEYBOSSET STREET, Providence, R. i. SS"></div><div ID="DIVL213" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="DRESS SUITS 212 UNION STREET Room 4, Near Weybosset TUXEDOS AND PRINCE ALBERTS ELIAS, t h To Lei Tailor"></div><div ID="DIVL214" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="TO THE COLLEGE FRATERNITIES Last year's Senior Pictures, group and individual, were pronouncfed excellent. By patronizing my Studio you will get perfect satisfaction. SPECIAL RATES TO BROWN STUDENTS AND THEIR FRIENDS. MORRIS BELLIN WESTMINSTER ST. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS. Facing Market Square"></div><div ID="DIVL215" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Industrial Printing Company 43 South Main Street.  QUALITY PRINTING  for College Clubs a Specialty. School and Society printing executed promptly. Telephone 746-R Union."></div><div ID="DIVL216" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="ySSWK;,.-. WWR'i 1 ' 7 *3 � It means just what it says. Our stock is offered to you with the prices trimmed down to the quick. A quick move on your part will save you a lot of money. All our fancy $25 to $35.00 Suits, now $15.75 $2O to $22.50 Suits, now $12.75 $l5 to $13.00 Suits, now $9.75 Fancy Overcoats, the $25 to $35 kind, now sl9.7s the $lB to $25 kind, $12.75. Convertible Collar, $lB to $2B kind, $14.75. 75 Odd Ones, $l5 to $l3 kind, now $9.75 and $7.75. BOSTON &amp; PROVIDENCE CLOTHING CO. Francis Building, 150 WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL217" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="BELMONT LUNCH Quality and Service are our Specialties 203 Union Street."></div><div ID="DIVL218" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Preston &amp; Rounds Co: Text Books &amp; Stationery 98 Westminster St*"></div><div ID="DIVL219" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="63 BLEND �) CIGARETTES ETYMOLOGY fei With each package of Fatima you gti a pennant coupon , &lt;25 of which secure a handsome felt college pennant ( / 2x32)   selection of / 00. W ords, W ords, W ords - it takes   4 bunches  of words to describe Fatimas. They re so individual, so different, just smoke one, and get that indescribable satisfaction that comes from a perfect blend of rare tobaccos. My word   but they re fine, 20 for 1 sc- an inexpensive package and you get ten additional. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO."></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></structMap></mets>��<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><mets xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ http://schema.ccs-gmbh.com/metae/mets-metae.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:MODS="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:mix="http://www.loc.gov/mix/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mets="http://www.loc.gov/METS/"><structMap><div ID="DIVL1" TYPE="Newspaper" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL2" TYPE="VOLUME"><div ID="DIVL3" TYPE="ISSUE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL4" TYPE="TITLE_SECTION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL5" TYPE="HEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="f\ /\ L |J"></div><div ID="DIVL6" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Vol. XX No. 83"></div><div ID="DIVL7" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="PROVIDENCE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1911."></div><div ID="DIVL8" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Price Three Cents"></div><div ID="DIVL9" TYPE="ILLUSTRATION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL10" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL=""></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL11" TYPE="CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL12" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL13" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL14" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="RELAY TRIALS."></div><div ID="DIVL15" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Teams Not Yet Finally Picked, but Competition Narrowed Down to Few Men."></div></div><div ID="DIVL16" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL17" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL18" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL19" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The final trials tor the  Varsity and class relay teams, which are to run in the Armory meet next Saturday, will he held on the board track on Lincoln Field this afternoon. During the past week many men have had trials and the following stand out as possible candidates for the  Varsity team: Capt. Marble T 2, Jarvis Ml, Jetter  l4, Miles  l2, Leith  l2, and Cook  l4. The class teams will probably be picked from the following men: Seniors Burke, Hubbard, Maxson, Winslow, Young. Jarvis; Juniors  Leith,- D. R. Mahoney. G. -A. Adams, Filigree, Miles, McGuire ; Sophomores D. L. Mahoney, Hooker, Parker, Burwell, and Kulp; Freshmen  Jet- Czuback, Holding, Gormley, Cook, Askley and Foss."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL20" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL21" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL22" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Basketball Practice."></div></div><div ID="DIVL23" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL24" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL25" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL26" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The  Varsity basketball team practiced last night, with every man present with the exception of Snell. The men were in good shape physically, though they showed the effect of the AVilliams game in rather slow footwork. The second team played in exceptionally good form, Nash, Miller, and Shepherd starring. The line-up for the practice was as follows: Sullivan, Winslow, r. f.l. g., N T ash McKay, Von der Leith, 1. f., r. g., Shepherd Scholze, McLyman, c. . . .c., Staff Adams, 1. g r. f., Miller McLyman, Sullivan, r. g., 1. f., Howe"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL27" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL28" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL29" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Judges for 1880 Contest Selected."></div></div><div ID="DIVL30" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL31" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL32" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL33" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The names of the judges for the class of 1880 prize debate have been announced. The two appointed by the President of the University are W. W. Andrew  O3, and Royal C. Taft, Jr.  95; the two appointed by the undergraduate committee, consisting of E. L. Yatman, Editor-in- Chief of the Herald, W. PI. Robertson, Editor-in-Chief of the Brunonian, and M. J. Vessel, President of the Debating Union, are Dr. S. IX. Gifford, Principal of Moses Brown School, and Hon. Charles C. Mumford  81; the fifth, representing the English Department, will be Professor 11. I&gt;. Huntington."></div></div><div ID="DIVL34" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL35" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="The first trials will be held on Jan. 31, and the final contest on Feb. 7. Essays must be submitted on or before Feb. 2."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL36" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL37" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL38" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="JUNIOR PROMENADE."></div><div ID="DIVL39" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Committee to Take Charge of Dance Appointed. Date Not Yet Settled."></div></div><div ID="DIVL40" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL41" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL42" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL43" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Junior Promenade Committee has been appointed by the officers of the committee ar.d has begun work. The date for the promenade will not be decided upon until the Junior Week Committee organizes. The following Juniors constitute the Promenade Committee: Willard Fremont Gordon, Jr., Chairman; William Henderson Robertson, Treasurer; Royal Willis Leith, Secretary; Edward August Adams, Ryland Benjamin Andrews, Herman Carey Bumpus, Jr., Ralph Sherwin Drury, John Joseph Gilbert, Preston Hart Hood, Henry Gildersleeve Marsh, Earl Philo Perkins, F'red Clarence Perry."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL44" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL45" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL46" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Interesting Exhibit in John Carter Brown Library."></div></div><div ID="DIVL47" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL48" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL49" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL50" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="There is an exhibit, containing a large number of old English prayer books, in the John Carter Brown Library. The oldest volumes are copies of the first prayer book and order of service, which was published by the Church of England in 1550. This prayer book was prepared by a commission under the guidance of Archbishop Crammer, and was finished in the spring of 1549. Three printers were immediately engaged, who published five copies before midsummer. Several other editions followed, because of the difference of opinion among those wishing a greater or less change from the Roman service. There is also a copy of the prayer book and order of service .which was&gt; published in 1786 at Philadelphia. This publication caused much discussion because of several radical changes from the Anglican service. There are several volumes of special interest shown in the cases. One of these is a prayer book and order of service which was published in 1580 as a thanksgiving for the failure of the attempt against the life of Queen Elizabeth. Another very interesting part of the exhibit is three volumes which belonged to Nicholas Brown and were published at London in 1724 and 1747 and at Edinburgh in 1761. There is also a book in the arrangement of which Benjamin Franklin helped while spending a few weeks at the home of Lord Le Dispenser, who was compiling an abridged edition of the Look of Common Prayer. The exhibit also contains several Billies and a primer for the use of the Indians. These are translated into several different dialects."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL51" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL52" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL53" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="FIRST CLASS SMOKER."></div><div ID="DIVL54" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Prof. Randall to Speak at junior Gathering.  Smokes and Refreshments."></div></div><div ID="DIVL55" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL56" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL57" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL58" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The first of a series of smokers has been arranged by the Junior Class Social Committee, to take place this evening at eight o clock in the Union. Prof. (). E. Randall will speak on  The Engineering and the Academic Man.&quot; Cigars and cigarettes will be furnished, and light refreshments will be served after Prof. Randall s talk. The members of the Junior Social Committee, which has charge of the affair are: H. G. Seidel, W. Pendelton, and H. C. Bumpus, Jr. A number of other smokers are being planned by the committee, to take place during the term. Some member of the faculty will probably speak at each one."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL59" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL60" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL61" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Seniors Plan Smoker for Next Tuesday Evening."></div></div><div ID="DIVL62" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL63" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL64" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL65" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The first of a series of Senior smokers will be held in the Union at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, Jan. 31. There will be a brief musical program, and Professor Courtney Langdon will read a play. Smoking materials will be furnished, and there will be light refreshments. The smoker will be in charge of the Social Committee, which consists of the following men: B. G. Smith, J. E. Hinckley, and G. R. Hill."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL66" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL67" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL68" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Freshman Basketball Schedule."></div></div><div ID="DIVL69" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL70" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL71" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL72" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Manager Walker of the Freshman basketball team announces the following schedule for the first-year five. One or two games later in the season are still to be arranged definitely. Jan. 30 Franklin Pligh School at Franklin. Feb. 3 Allen School at West Newton. Feb. B Andover8 Andover at Andover. Feb. 11 1911. Feb. 14 Woonsocket High School at Woo nsocket. Feb. 15 1912. Feb. 20 1913.' The sweaters and hats bearing the numerals of the Freshman class which were awarded to members of the class football team arrived yesterday and were given out by Manager Berriman."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL73" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL74" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL75" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="INTERESTING PROGRAM."></div><div ID="DIVL76" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Religious Education Association to Devote Two Days to Discussion of College Problems."></div></div><div ID="DIVL77" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL78" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL79" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL80" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The program for the Department of Universities and Colleges at the annual meeting of the Religious Education Association has just been announced, and promises to be of even more interest to the University than the general sessions. The meetings of the department will be held in Sayles Hall, Wednesday and Thursday, P'eb. 15 and 16. The program was prepared chiefly by President W. H. P. Fatince and Professor E. D. Starbuck of the University of lowa. The two general topics for discussion are,  How to Aid College Students in Making a Safe Reconstruction in Morals and Religion,   and  The Religious and Character Value of the Curriculum.   At the meeting at which the latter topic will be discussed, the value of different subjects oi study will be taken up, and Dean Meiklejohn will speak on the  Value of English.  Among those who will take part in the discussions of the sessions are President Arthur T. Hadley of Yale University, President Mary E. Woolley of Mount Holyoke College, President Henry S. Drinker of Lehigh University, Professor Richard M. Hodge of Columbia University, and President L. C. Stewartson, Hobart College."></div></div><div ID="DIVL81" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL82" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The speakers and subjects under the general head of  The Religious and Character Value of the Curriculum  are as follows. Each is a specialist on the subject which he will discuss: Biology Professor John M. Coulter, Professor of Botany, University of Chicago. Sociology and Economics  Professor J. W. Jenks, Cornell University. Psychology Speaker to be announced later. The Physical Sciences Professor Francis Smith, Governor s Island, N. Y. Geology Professor James F. Kemp, Columbia University. English Alexander Meiklejohn, Ph. D., Dean Brown University, Providence, R. I. Mathematics Cassius Jackson IXeyser, Ph. D  Columbia University, New York. "  The Personal Element in Education President W. L. P&gt;ryan, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. A large exhibit for the meetings of the Association is being arranged by Professor W. B. A ilson. General Secretary of the Rhode Island S. S. Association. 1 his will contain material on the Department of Universities and Colleges."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL83" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL84" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL85" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Loyalty in Chicago."></div></div><div ID="DIVL86" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL87" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL88" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL89" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="AY do; me indeed is the word front Chicago that Brown'alumni in and around the W indy City are exerting i rganized effort in the cause of interesting preparatory sc he &lt; 1 men in their Alma Mater. Substantia 1 evidence of their earnestness is to be found an the .annual scholarship of one hundred and fifty dollars which is offered for the partial support of some Chicago youth at Crown. Alumni of many other colleges are adopting precisely this method &lt; f aiding their respective colleges, and it would seem that other groups of Crown graduates need n&lt; t be slow in following the example of the Chicago alumni. For such investments of effort! and money pay a high rate of in- j terest in nationalizing a college or a university."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL90" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL91" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL92" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Cheer Leaders."></div></div><div ID="DIVL93" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL94" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL95" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL96" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="YCe are interested in the action of the Celebration Committee in providing a competition for the selection of cheer leaders as recognizing a' need which has been felt, for some revision of our present method of choice. Whether the change which is now proposed will he successful is hard to predict. Much w ill depend on the nature of the competition. If the candidates for cheer leaders  positions are taken into a room apart, and the gyrations of their arms are mathematically timed, while an artist is called in to pronounce on the beauty of the curves described, the result w r ill hardly be the choice of the best cheer leader. The elements of personal magnetism, and ability to command confidence and respect must be present in the man who would lead his fellows. We see no reason, however, why, after a preliminai;y selection, a try-out of candidates at minor games would not be of great assistance in the choice of a leader."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL97" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL98" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL99" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="UNIVERSITY BULLETIN"></div></div><div ID="DIVL100" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL101" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL102" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL103" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="(Notices for the Herald must be in lhe bands of the Jfdilor-in-Chief by 1 P. M. on die day preceding publication. A charge of 25 cents will be made for a notice of live lilies for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion.)"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL104" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL105" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL106" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BROWN TUTOR."></div></div><div ID="DIVL107" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL108" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL109" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL110" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="George Albert Colliding, A. M. { lirown, iByy), experienced tutor in high school and college subjects, i6y Gushing street. Telephone, 710-L Angell. Office, 87 Weybosset street, boom 53. Telephone 673-L Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL111" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL112" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL113" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="B. U. A. A. ELECTIONS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL114" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL115" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL116" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL117" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Prom the following list of names three men will be chosen by members of the Athletic Association to compete for Asst, baseball Mgr. Election, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 12:20- 2:20 p. 111.: W. 1. bass, 11. C. banks, J. K. burwell. G. T. Metcalf, E. A. C. .Murphy, k. W. Field, \V. J. Reed, E. ( . \\ attics. From the following list three men will be chosen to compete for Asst. 1 rack Mgr. Flection, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 12:20-2:20 p. 111.: lb M. bishop, X. b. Hull, G. D. Morse, If. K. Koopnian, C. Parker, J. G. Phillips, G. Jl. Pbilbrick, R. D. Robinson. S. .11. Dishman, Jr. j2l -gt Ch. Ath. board."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL118" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL119" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL120" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="SENIOR PICTURES."></div></div><div ID="DIVL121" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL122" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL123" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL124" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All Seniors must arrange to sit for pictures at liellin's, Market Square, THIS WEEK, to be represented in the Liber class roil. Saturday, Jan. 28. is POSITIVELY THE LAST BATE. R. F. SISSOX. j23-6t Edilor-in Chief."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL125" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL126" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL127" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="CARPENTER CONTEST."></div></div><div ID="DIVL128" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL129" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL130" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL131" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All eligible men who wish to enter the Carpenter Contest in Elocution should pass their names to me before February r. T. Crosby, Jr. j 23-21"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL132" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL133" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL134" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="A. A. U. Secretary Picks All- American Track Team."></div></div><div ID="DIVL135" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL136" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL137" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL138" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="James E. Sullivan, Secretary- Treasurer of the Amateur Athletic Union, has made a selection of an All-American college track team. lie has picked men from Eastern and Western colleges strictly on their merits. His selections are as follows: 100-yard dash  F. L. Ramsdell. Pennsylvania. 220-yard dash R. C. Craig, Michigan. 440-yard run l. N. Davenport, Chicago. 880-yard run G. H. Whitely, Princeton. 120 hurdles  W, A. Edwards, California. 220 hurdles  C. P. Gardner, Harvard. One-mile run  A. F. Baker, Oberlin. Two-mile run  T. S. Berna, Cornell. Running broad jump J. Wasson. Notre Dame. Running high jump J. W."></div></div><div ID="DIVL139" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL140" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Burdick, Pennsylvania. Pole vault L. S. Scott, Leland Stanford. Shot put J. liorner, Jr., Michigan. Hammer throw Lee Talbot. Penn. State College. Cross-country run  T. P. Jones, Cornell."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL141" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL142" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL143" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="3" LABEL="Proposed Change in Rules Regarding Track Suits."></div></div><div ID="DIVL144" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL145" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL146" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL147" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="An important announcement is proposed in the Athletic Association s Rules regarding track suits. This suggested change will be acted upon by the Athletic Board in two weeks  time. It is as follows:  Running pants shall have, in addition to stripes on the sides and around the waist, one around the bottom of the pant s legs IJJ inches in width; and the silk band on the jersey shall be increased to 4 inches, so that the  Varsity B may be sewed on it instead of abor e it. 1 his would make necessary the B with two smaller brown A s in the same horizontal line."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL148" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL149" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL150" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="3" LABEL="1 eshmen Decide to Organize Class Hockey Team."></div></div><div ID="DIVL151" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL152" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL153" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL154" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A short meeting of the Freshman class was held yesterday afternoon in Room P of the Union. Ihe only matter discussed was the question of starting a class hockey team, and it was voted that such a team be formed, and that the Sophomore class be challenged to play an interclass game. The University Library has received from the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America a set of three books containing reports of the last three track and field meets of that Association. These books are very complete, being illustrated with photographs, and containing all records made in the three meets. Overall, the pitcher of the Chicago Nationals, will assist in coaching the baseball team of the University of California this spring."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL155" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL156" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL157" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="4" LABEL="Approaching Meetings of the Sphinx Club."></div></div><div ID="DIVL158" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL159" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL160" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL161" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The Sphinx Club is planning for considerable activity during' the coming term. Arrangements j are in the making for several meetings with speakers both; from the faculty and from out- j side. Two meetings have been definitely arranged. On Thursday, Jan. 26, Professor William MacDonald of the History Department will speak on the question,  Is America Provincial?  On Wednesday, Feb. 8, the address will be given by Rev. Dr. E. A. lianley of the First Baptist Church. Other meetings will be arranged in the near future."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL162" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL163" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL164" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="4" LABEL="Prof. Delabarre Speaks at People s Forum."></div></div><div ID="DIVL165" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL166" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL167" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL168" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Professor Edmund 13. Delabarre of the Department of Psychology gave an address at the People's Forum on Sunday night on the subject,  The Administration of the Third Degree by the Police.  He discussed the subject from the psychological standpoint."></div></div><div ID="DIVL169" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL170" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The date of the Boston Athletic Association indoor athletic meet has been set for Feb. 11. A large entry list from the college teams is assured."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL171" TYPE="SECTION" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL172" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL173" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL174" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Are your clothes, furniture-, books, etc., protected against loss by IF NOT, THEY SHOULD BE. HAROLD A. MACKINNEY, 12 WESTMINSTER STREET. INSURANCE."></div><div ID="DIVL175" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="THE REAL MAN wants to protect those to whom he is indebted financially. Our Company has a special policy which does this and at the same time, shows a personal return to the insured. PH�EMIX MUTUAL LIFE IKS. CO. OF Hartford, *C�iraimeefie�st Established 1351. A. E. LEACM, Special Agent, Providence Usai�sa Trasf C�. Bldg.,"></div><div ID="DIVL176" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A fountain pen tluit won't ink your fingers, one ihat can be carried in any position, upside down or on its side in any' pocket or bag. When the cap is screwed on, the pen is as tight ns a bottle. When not in use the pen " rests iu ink, so remains moist, and will write without need of shaking. Slade in many styles. Prices �2.50 to $15.00. On its own merits this pen is fast finding its way all over the world. There probably is a dealer in yonv town who now carries it and you c.m buy of him ; but if there isn t, if you will send us the name of your most reliable dealer, we will see that lie has an assortment of these pens for you to seleet from. Be careful to give us his name and address and your naum and address correctly. State also whi-thi r you like a lino, medium or coarse pen; otherwise, we shall send an assortment that you can purchase from at $2.50. Something new: Moore s Midget non-leakablo inches long. The smallest fountain pen made, just the thing for ladies  shopping bag or for men s lower vest pocket. Price $2.50. 168 Devonshire St., Boston. Mass. Selling Agents for AMERICAN FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY ADAMS, CUSHING"></div><div ID="DIVL177" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Doleman Optical Co. PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS KODAKS and SUPPLIES SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT. TO BROWN STUDENTS Developing and Printing 222 WESTMINSTER ST."></div><div ID="DIVL178" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co. Custodian of the funds of BROWN UNIVERSITY has been the bank of Faculty and Students for a generation."></div><div ID="DIVL179" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CLIFTON CLIFTON BEDFORD 2%in.higb in.high Arrow Scotch COLLARS 15c J% 2 for 255. Cluett, Peabody &amp; Co., Makers"></div><div ID="DIVL180" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="? DRUGS AT REINER'S 1 WESTMINSTER STREET and Corner Dorrance and Washington Streets"></div><div ID="DIVL181" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL=".FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING (FREE SHINES with all REPAIR WORK Bring this Heading and get the 10 Per Cent. Reduction for Brown Students. MELLION BROS., "  5 CANAL STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL182" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CHOCOLATES Are a Nourishing Food and SAMOSET CHOCOLATES are also in addition a Delicious One. Ask for them at the Union. SAMOSET CHOCOLATES CO.,"></div><div ID="DIVL183" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Mrs* Zaidee Sisson's School for Dancing and Deportment THE ELYSIUM 183 Weybosset Street. corner Union (formerly Spink s Academy) 24 Lessons $lO.OO 6 Lessons 3.50 Tel. West 707. Residence 72 Almy St. 6 Private Lessons. .$5.00 Classes Afternoon and Evening Special rates to students."></div><div ID="DIVL184" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="FINE HATS The OPERA The SOFT The DERBY The SILK Elsbree-Valleau Co. i 101 Westminster Street"></div><div ID="DIVL185" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="QUALITY AND PRICE If you are searching- for bargains, consider quality first and price afterward. Low prices do not always mean bargains: in fact, the lowest priced good, as a rule, are the most expensive in the end. We have made reasonable reductions in the prices of our winter Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Trousers and Fancy Vests, to clean them all up now; we do not intend to carry them over to another season. This enables you to purchase the very best Clothing- made, at a price as low or lower than you are asked to nay for the ordinary kind. While it is true lots are broken in sizes, there are still among the entire lot sizes to fit anyone All new goods made up for Inis season on new and up-to-date models, strictly guaranteed as to quality and satisfactory wear. Our Shirt sale still continues. All fancy shirts, plain or plaited bosoms, attached cuffs to close, $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts, now $1.15 $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts, now $1.65 Special Men s Silk Lisle Half-Hose in solid fancy colors, all shades, 20c per pair, $l.lO a half dozen An extra good value at 25c. i Providence, Rhode Island."></div><div ID="DIVL186" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="ELASTIC STOCKINGS OPERATION BELTS S Send for catalogue. j H. MAWBY &amp; CO. 141 Weybosset St  (over Ballou s)"></div><div ID="DIVL187" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Telephone Connection. ?1 H. ROSENTHAL Room 14, next door to Keith s Theatre. Imported and Domestic Woollens, special for College Styles, at reasonable prices. v ft Up-to-Date Men s Tailor 256 Westminster St. ft"></div><div ID="DIVL188" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="James Murphy Merchant Tailor Westminster St. Room i Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL189" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Henry E. Sisson Co., Inc. TAILOHS (Over National Exchange Bank). Elevator. IMPORTED NOVELTIES AT COLLEGE PRICES. 2.-29 EXCHANGE STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL190" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS 232 Westminster Street."></div><div ID="DIVL191" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="OXFORD LINOTYPE CO. High Grade Linotype Composition 27 NORTH MAIN STRET"></div><div ID="DIVL192" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Brown Union .Dining Room Every Brown man should be interested in the -- of this college institution Board $5.00 a Week Lunch Room Open 7:30 a. m.-u p. m. Mrs. Given."></div><div ID="DIVL193" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A. G. SKONBERG, Successor 385; WESTMINSTER STREET Special Rates to Brown Students ARTISTIC Photographs"></div><div ID="DIVL194" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WALTER BLAKE BLAKE BROTHERS, Opticians BERT R. BLAKE lei. 3098-L Union. 58 SNOW STREET, Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL195" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="SAY, BOYS!!! You ought to know, if you don t, that WILLIAM MILLS &amp; SON are Headquarters for GROUPS, INTERIOR OF ROOMS, ETC. We have PHOTO GRAPHS ON SALE OF ALL THE DIFFERENT VIEWS AT BROWN � 58 and 60 ARCADE. TELEPHONE."></div><div ID="DIVL196" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="FOR BALLS, FAIRS AND WEDDINGS S DORRANCE STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL197" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WHAT CHEER STABLER Boarding and Livery. Carriages of all kinds for occasions. Tel. 1855 Union. 170 BENEFIT, and_ GARAGE i New, absolutely fireproof garage. a jj Autos stored, washed or polished. Automobiles to let by hour, day or week. Tel. 1845 Union. CORNER MEETING"></div><div ID="DIVL198" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Providence Opera House Felix R. Wendelschater Manager THE WARNING."></div><div ID="DIVL199" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="KEITH S This Week VAUDEVILLE"></div><div ID="DIVL200" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="EMPIRE THEATRE This Week THE SPENDTHRIFT."></div><div ID="DIVL201" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WESTMINSTER THEATRE This Week BOWERY BURLESQUERS."></div><div ID="DIVL202" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Cox Sons &amp; Vining 2(52 4th Ave., New York CAPS AND GOWNS Makers to Brown. 'O(5, 'O7, 'lO"></div><div ID="DIVL203" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="t homelike, first-class hotel, proud of New England | traditions, dating from Gen. Warren, yet j newlyfurnished with every comfort &amp; convenience | Long distance phone and hot and cold JJ�?' water in every Kc* 1 room. Kept con-j &amp; stantly clean by our vacuum plant. Rooms ( $l.OO a day and up."></div><div ID="DIVL204" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Calling Cards Stationery Die Stamping The Cor rcct Thing. Not at a fancy price. TILDEN - THURBER CO."></div><div ID="DIVL205" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="E. A. Wright College Engraver Printer and Stationer 1108 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA Commencement Invitations, Dance Invitations and Programs, Menus, Fraternity Inserts and Stationery, Class Pins, Visiting Cards. Wedding Announcements and Invitations. Samples cheerfully sent on request."></div><div ID="DIVL206" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Laurn M. Carr Co. 16 College Street :: CATERING ::"></div><div ID="DIVL207" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="JOHN W. SLEDGE, Caterer to the GYM BALL and other College Functions, is prepared to do First-class Catering for Dances, Dinners, Lunches, etc. Prices Reasonable, Further information may lie obtained from the Business Manager of the Herald."></div><div ID="DIVL208" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="VIOLIN MAKING REPAIRING A SPECIALTY J. H. ROCKWELL &amp; SON Old Italian Violins and Cellos 383 WESTMINSTER ST., Providence, K. I. MUSICAL SUPPLIES Telephone Connection"></div><div ID="DIVL209" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Learn Wireless &amp; R. R. Telegraphy! Shortage of fully 10,000 Operators on account of 8-liour law and extensive  wireless  developments. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials and positively place all students, when qualified. Write for catalogue. NATL. TELEGRAPH INST., Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, St. Paul, Minn., Enid, Okla., Columbia, S. C., Portland, Ore."></div><div ID="DIVL210" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="WIRTH S 1 AIIS 14 GARNET STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL211" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="THE RIGHT CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN Are represented in our immense showing of New Fall and Winter Styles in STEIN BLOCH AND Hart, Schaffner &amp; Marx PRODUCTIONS To be had only at the Outlet, and at Cut Prices. �UITILB 1"></div><div ID="DIVL212" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="1 KESSLER BROTHERS THE University Tailors ROOM 4 85 WEYBOSSET STREET, Providence, R. i. SS"></div><div ID="DIVL213" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="DRESS SUITS 212 UNION STREET Room 4, Near Weybosset TUXEDOS AND PRINCE ALBERTS ELIAS, t h To Lei Tailor"></div><div ID="DIVL214" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="TO THE COLLEGE FRATERNITIES Last year's Senior Pictures, group and individual, were pronouncfed excellent. By patronizing my Studio you will get perfect satisfaction. SPECIAL RATES TO BROWN STUDENTS AND THEIR FRIENDS. MORRIS BELLIN WESTMINSTER ST. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS. Facing Market Square"></div><div ID="DIVL215" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Industrial Printing Company 43 South Main Street.  QUALITY PRINTING  for College Clubs a Specialty. School and Society printing executed promptly. Telephone 746-R Union."></div><div ID="DIVL216" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="ySSWK;,.-. WWR'i 1 ' 7 *3 � It means just what it says. Our stock is offered to you with the prices trimmed down to the quick. A quick move on your part will save you a lot of money. All our fancy $25 to $35.00 Suits, now $15.75 $2O to $22.50 Suits, now $12.75 $l5 to $13.00 Suits, now $9.75 Fancy Overcoats, the $25 to $35 kind, now sl9.7s the $lB to $25 kind, $12.75. Convertible Collar, $lB to $2B kind, $14.75. 75 Odd Ones, $l5 to $l3 kind, now $9.75 and $7.75. BOSTON &amp; PROVIDENCE CLOTHING CO. Francis Building, 150 WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL217" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="BELMONT LUNCH Quality and Service are our Specialties 203 Union Street."></div><div ID="DIVL218" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Preston &amp; Rounds Co: Text Books &amp; Stationery 98 Westminster St*"></div><div ID="DIVL219" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="63 BLEND �) CIGARETTES ETYMOLOGY fei With each package of Fatima you gti a pennant coupon , &lt;25 of which secure a handsome felt college pennant ( / 2x32)   selection of / 00. W ords, W ords, W ords - it takes   4 bunches  of words to describe Fatimas. They re so individual, so different, just smoke one, and get that indescribable satisfaction that comes from a perfect blend of rare tobaccos. My word   but they re fine, 20 for 1 sc- an inexpensive package and you get ten additional. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO."></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></structMap></mets>��<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><mets xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ http://schema.ccs-gmbh.com/metae/mets-metae.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:MODS="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:mix="http://www.loc.gov/mix/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mets="http://www.loc.gov/METS/"><structMap><div ID="DIVL1" TYPE="Newspaper" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL2" TYPE="VOLUME"><div ID="DIVL3" TYPE="ISSUE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL4" TYPE="TITLE_SECTION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL5" TYPE="HEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="f\ /\ L |J"></div><div ID="DIVL6" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Vol. XX No. 83"></div><div ID="DIVL7" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="PROVIDENCE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1911."></div><div ID="DIVL8" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Price Three Cents"></div><div ID="DIVL9" TYPE="ILLUSTRATION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL10" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL=""></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL11" TYPE="CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL12" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL13" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL14" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="RELAY TRIALS."></div><div ID="DIVL15" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Teams Not Yet Finally Picked, but Competition Narrowed Down to Few Men."></div></div><div ID="DIVL16" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL17" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL18" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL19" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The final trials tor the  Varsity and class relay teams, which are to run in the Armory meet next Saturday, will he held on the board track on Lincoln Field this afternoon. During the past week many men have had trials and the following stand out as possible candidates for the  Varsity team: Capt. Marble T 2, Jarvis Ml, Jetter  l4, Miles  l2, Leith  l2, and Cook  l4. The class teams will probably be picked from the following men: Seniors Burke, Hubbard, Maxson, Winslow, Young. Jarvis; Juniors  Leith,- D. R. Mahoney. G. -A. Adams, Filigree, Miles, McGuire ; Sophomores D. L. Mahoney, Hooker, Parker, Burwell, and Kulp; Freshmen  Jet- Czuback, Holding, Gormley, Cook, Askley and Foss."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL20" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL21" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL22" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Basketball Practice."></div></div><div ID="DIVL23" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL24" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL25" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL26" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The  Varsity basketball team practiced last night, with every man present with the exception of Snell. The men were in good shape physically, though they showed the effect of the AVilliams game in rather slow footwork. The second team played in exceptionally good form, Nash, Miller, and Shepherd starring. The line-up for the practice was as follows: Sullivan, Winslow, r. f.l. g., N T ash McKay, Von der Leith, 1. f., r. g., Shepherd Scholze, McLyman, c. . . .c., Staff Adams, 1. g r. f., Miller McLyman, Sullivan, r. g., 1. f., Howe"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL27" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL28" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL29" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Judges for 1880 Contest Selected."></div></div><div ID="DIVL30" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL31" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL32" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL33" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The names of the judges for the class of 1880 prize debate have been announced. The two appointed by the President of the University are W. W. Andrew  O3, and Royal C. Taft, Jr.  95; the two appointed by the undergraduate committee, consisting of E. L. Yatman, Editor-in- Chief of the Herald, W. PI. Robertson, Editor-in-Chief of the Brunonian, and M. J. Vessel, President of the Debating Union, are Dr. S. IX. Gifford, Principal of Moses Brown School, and Hon. Charles C. Mumford  81; the fifth, representing the English Department, will be Professor 11. I&gt;. Huntington."></div></div><div ID="DIVL34" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL35" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="The first trials will be held on Jan. 31, and the final contest on Feb. 7. Essays must be submitted on or before Feb. 2."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL36" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL37" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL38" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="JUNIOR PROMENADE."></div><div ID="DIVL39" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Committee to Take Charge of Dance Appointed. Date Not Yet Settled."></div></div><div ID="DIVL40" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL41" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL42" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL43" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Junior Promenade Committee has been appointed by the officers of the committee ar.d has begun work. The date for the promenade will not be decided upon until the Junior Week Committee organizes. The following Juniors constitute the Promenade Committee: Willard Fremont Gordon, Jr., Chairman; William Henderson Robertson, Treasurer; Royal Willis Leith, Secretary; Edward August Adams, Ryland Benjamin Andrews, Herman Carey Bumpus, Jr., Ralph Sherwin Drury, John Joseph Gilbert, Preston Hart Hood, Henry Gildersleeve Marsh, Earl Philo Perkins, F'red Clarence Perry."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL44" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL45" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL46" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Interesting Exhibit in John Carter Brown Library."></div></div><div ID="DIVL47" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL48" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL49" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL50" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="There is an exhibit, containing a large number of old English prayer books, in the John Carter Brown Library. The oldest volumes are copies of the first prayer book and order of service, which was published by the Church of England in 1550. This prayer book was prepared by a commission under the guidance of Archbishop Crammer, and was finished in the spring of 1549. Three printers were immediately engaged, who published five copies before midsummer. Several other editions followed, because of the difference of opinion among those wishing a greater or less change from the Roman service. There is also a copy of the prayer book and order of service .which was&gt; published in 1786 at Philadelphia. This publication caused much discussion because of several radical changes from the Anglican service. There are several volumes of special interest shown in the cases. One of these is a prayer book and order of service which was published in 1580 as a thanksgiving for the failure of the attempt against the life of Queen Elizabeth. Another very interesting part of the exhibit is three volumes which belonged to Nicholas Brown and were published at London in 1724 and 1747 and at Edinburgh in 1761. There is also a book in the arrangement of which Benjamin Franklin helped while spending a few weeks at the home of Lord Le Dispenser, who was compiling an abridged edition of the Look of Common Prayer. The exhibit also contains several Billies and a primer for the use of the Indians. These are translated into several different dialects."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL51" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL52" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL53" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="FIRST CLASS SMOKER."></div><div ID="DIVL54" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Prof. Randall to Speak at junior Gathering.  Smokes and Refreshments."></div></div><div ID="DIVL55" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL56" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL57" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL58" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The first of a series of smokers has been arranged by the Junior Class Social Committee, to take place this evening at eight o clock in the Union. Prof. (). E. Randall will speak on  The Engineering and the Academic Man.&quot; Cigars and cigarettes will be furnished, and light refreshments will be served after Prof. Randall s talk. The members of the Junior Social Committee, which has charge of the affair are: H. G. Seidel, W. Pendelton, and H. C. Bumpus, Jr. A number of other smokers are being planned by the committee, to take place during the term. Some member of the faculty will probably speak at each one."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL59" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL60" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL61" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Seniors Plan Smoker for Next Tuesday Evening."></div></div><div ID="DIVL62" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL63" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL64" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL65" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The first of a series of Senior smokers will be held in the Union at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, Jan. 31. There will be a brief musical program, and Professor Courtney Langdon will read a play. Smoking materials will be furnished, and there will be light refreshments. The smoker will be in charge of the Social Committee, which consists of the following men: B. G. Smith, J. E. Hinckley, and G. R. Hill."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL66" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL67" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL68" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Freshman Basketball Schedule."></div></div><div ID="DIVL69" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL70" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL71" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL72" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Manager Walker of the Freshman basketball team announces the following schedule for the first-year five. One or two games later in the season are still to be arranged definitely. Jan. 30 Franklin Pligh School at Franklin. Feb. 3 Allen School at West Newton. Feb. B Andover8 Andover at Andover. Feb. 11 1911. Feb. 14 Woonsocket High School at Woo nsocket. Feb. 15 1912. Feb. 20 1913.' The sweaters and hats bearing the numerals of the Freshman class which were awarded to members of the class football team arrived yesterday and were given out by Manager Berriman."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL73" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL74" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL75" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="INTERESTING PROGRAM."></div><div ID="DIVL76" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Religious Education Association to Devote Two Days to Discussion of College Problems."></div></div><div ID="DIVL77" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL78" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL79" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL80" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The program for the Department of Universities and Colleges at the annual meeting of the Religious Education Association has just been announced, and promises to be of even more interest to the University than the general sessions. The meetings of the department will be held in Sayles Hall, Wednesday and Thursday, P'eb. 15 and 16. The program was prepared chiefly by President W. H. P. Fatince and Professor E. D. Starbuck of the University of lowa. The two general topics for discussion are,  How to Aid College Students in Making a Safe Reconstruction in Morals and Religion,   and  The Religious and Character Value of the Curriculum.   At the meeting at which the latter topic will be discussed, the value of different subjects oi study will be taken up, and Dean Meiklejohn will speak on the  Value of English.  Among those who will take part in the discussions of the sessions are President Arthur T. Hadley of Yale University, President Mary E. Woolley of Mount Holyoke College, President Henry S. Drinker of Lehigh University, Professor Richard M. Hodge of Columbia University, and President L. C. Stewartson, Hobart College."></div></div><div ID="DIVL81" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL82" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The speakers and subjects under the general head of  The Religious and Character Value of the Curriculum  are as follows. Each is a specialist on the subject which he will discuss: Biology Professor John M. Coulter, Professor of Botany, University of Chicago. Sociology and Economics  Professor J. W. Jenks, Cornell University. Psychology Speaker to be announced later. The Physical Sciences Professor Francis Smith, Governor s Island, N. Y. Geology Professor James F. Kemp, Columbia University. English Alexander Meiklejohn, Ph. D., Dean Brown University, Providence, R. I. Mathematics Cassius Jackson IXeyser, Ph. D  Columbia University, New York. "  The Personal Element in Education President W. L. P&gt;ryan, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. A large exhibit for the meetings of the Association is being arranged by Professor W. B. A ilson. General Secretary of the Rhode Island S. S. Association. 1 his will contain material on the Department of Universities and Colleges."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL83" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL84" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL85" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Loyalty in Chicago."></div></div><div ID="DIVL86" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL87" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL88" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL89" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="AY do; me indeed is the word front Chicago that Brown'alumni in and around the W indy City are exerting i rganized effort in the cause of interesting preparatory sc he &lt; 1 men in their Alma Mater. Substantia 1 evidence of their earnestness is to be found an the .annual scholarship of one hundred and fifty dollars which is offered for the partial support of some Chicago youth at Crown. Alumni of many other colleges are adopting precisely this method &lt; f aiding their respective colleges, and it would seem that other groups of Crown graduates need n&lt; t be slow in following the example of the Chicago alumni. For such investments of effort! and money pay a high rate of in- j terest in nationalizing a college or a university."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL90" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL91" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL92" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Cheer Leaders."></div></div><div ID="DIVL93" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL94" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL95" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL96" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="YCe are interested in the action of the Celebration Committee in providing a competition for the selection of cheer leaders as recognizing a' need which has been felt, for some revision of our present method of choice. Whether the change which is now proposed will he successful is hard to predict. Much w ill depend on the nature of the competition. If the candidates for cheer leaders  positions are taken into a room apart, and the gyrations of their arms are mathematically timed, while an artist is called in to pronounce on the beauty of the curves described, the result w r ill hardly be the choice of the best cheer leader. The elements of personal magnetism, and ability to command confidence and respect must be present in the man who would lead his fellows. We see no reason, however, why, after a preliminai;y selection, a try-out of candidates at minor games would not be of great assistance in the choice of a leader."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL97" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL98" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL99" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="UNIVERSITY BULLETIN"></div></div><div ID="DIVL100" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL101" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL102" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL103" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="(Notices for the Herald must be in lhe bands of the Jfdilor-in-Chief by 1 P. M. on die day preceding publication. A charge of 25 cents will be made for a notice of live lilies for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion.)"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL104" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL105" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL106" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BROWN TUTOR."></div></div><div ID="DIVL107" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL108" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL109" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL110" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="George Albert Colliding, A. M. { lirown, iByy), experienced tutor in high school and college subjects, i6y Gushing street. Telephone, 710-L Angell. Office, 87 Weybosset street, boom 53. Telephone 673-L Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL111" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL112" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL113" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="B. U. A. A. ELECTIONS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL114" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL115" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL116" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL117" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Prom the following list of names three men will be chosen by members of the Athletic Association to compete for Asst, baseball Mgr. Election, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 12:20- 2:20 p. 111.: W. 1. bass, 11. C. banks, J. K. burwell. G. T. Metcalf, E. A. C. .Murphy, k. W. Field, \V. J. Reed, E. ( . \\ attics. From the following list three men will be chosen to compete for Asst. 1 rack Mgr. Flection, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 12:20-2:20 p. 111.: lb M. bishop, X. b. Hull, G. D. Morse, If. K. Koopnian, C. Parker, J. G. Phillips, G. Jl. Pbilbrick, R. D. Robinson. S. .11. Dishman, Jr. j2l -gt Ch. Ath. board."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL118" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL119" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL120" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="SENIOR PICTURES."></div></div><div ID="DIVL121" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL122" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL123" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL124" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All Seniors must arrange to sit for pictures at liellin's, Market Square, THIS WEEK, to be represented in the Liber class roil. Saturday, Jan. 28. is POSITIVELY THE LAST BATE. R. F. SISSOX. j23-6t Edilor-in Chief."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL125" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL126" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL127" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="CARPENTER CONTEST."></div></div><div ID="DIVL128" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL129" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL130" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL131" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All eligible men who wish to enter the Carpenter Contest in Elocution should pass their names to me before February r. T. Crosby, Jr. j 23-21"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL132" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL133" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL134" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="A. A. U. Secretary Picks All- American Track Team."></div></div><div ID="DIVL135" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL136" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL137" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL138" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="James E. Sullivan, Secretary- Treasurer of the Amateur Athletic Union, has made a selection of an All-American college track team. lie has picked men from Eastern and Western colleges strictly on their merits. His selections are as follows: 100-yard dash  F. L. Ramsdell. Pennsylvania. 220-yard dash R. C. Craig, Michigan. 440-yard run l. N. Davenport, Chicago. 880-yard run G. H. Whitely, Princeton. 120 hurdles  W, A. Edwards, California. 220 hurdles  C. P. Gardner, Harvard. One-mile run  A. F. Baker, Oberlin. Two-mile run  T. S. Berna, Cornell. Running broad jump J. Wasson. Notre Dame. Running high jump J. W."></div></div><div ID="DIVL139" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL140" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Burdick, Pennsylvania. Pole vault L. S. Scott, Leland Stanford. Shot put J. liorner, Jr., Michigan. Hammer throw Lee Talbot. Penn. State College. Cross-country run  T. P. Jones, Cornell."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL141" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL142" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL143" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="3" LABEL="Proposed Change in Rules Regarding Track Suits."></div></div><div ID="DIVL144" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL145" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL146" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL147" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="An important announcement is proposed in the Athletic Association s Rules regarding track suits. This suggested change will be acted upon by the Athletic Board in two weeks  time. It is as follows:  Running pants shall have, in addition to stripes on the sides and around the waist, one around the bottom of the pant s legs IJJ inches in width; and the silk band on the jersey shall be increased to 4 inches, so that the  Varsity B may be sewed on it instead of abor e it. 1 his would make necessary the B with two smaller brown A s in the same horizontal line."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL148" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL149" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL150" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="3" LABEL="1 eshmen Decide to Organize Class Hockey Team."></div></div><div ID="DIVL151" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL152" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL153" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL154" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A short meeting of the Freshman class was held yesterday afternoon in Room P of the Union. Ihe only matter discussed was the question of starting a class hockey team, and it was voted that such a team be formed, and that the Sophomore class be challenged to play an interclass game. The University Library has received from the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America a set of three books containing reports of the last three track and field meets of that Association. These books are very complete, being illustrated with photographs, and containing all records made in the three meets. Overall, the pitcher of the Chicago Nationals, will assist in coaching the baseball team of the University of California this spring."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL155" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL156" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL157" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="4" LABEL="Approaching Meetings of the Sphinx Club."></div></div><div ID="DIVL158" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL159" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL160" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL161" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The Sphinx Club is planning for considerable activity during' the coming term. Arrangements j are in the making for several meetings with speakers both; from the faculty and from out- j side. Two meetings have been definitely arranged. On Thursday, Jan. 26, Professor William MacDonald of the History Department will speak on the question,  Is America Provincial?  On Wednesday, Feb. 8, the address will be given by Rev. Dr. E. A. lianley of the First Baptist Church. Other meetings will be arranged in the near future."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL162" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL163" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL164" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="4" LABEL="Prof. Delabarre Speaks at People s Forum."></div></div><div ID="DIVL165" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL166" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL167" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL168" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Professor Edmund 13. Delabarre of the Department of Psychology gave an address at the People's Forum on Sunday night on the subject,  The Administration of the Third Degree by the Police.  He discussed the subject from the psychological standpoint."></div></div><div ID="DIVL169" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL170" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The date of the Boston Athletic Association indoor athletic meet has been set for Feb. 11. A large entry list from the college teams is assured."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL171" TYPE="SECTION" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL172" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL173" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL174" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Are your clothes, furniture-, books, etc., protected against loss by IF NOT, THEY SHOULD BE. HAROLD A. MACKINNEY, 12 WESTMINSTER STREET. INSURANCE."></div><div ID="DIVL175" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="THE REAL MAN wants to protect those to whom he is indebted financially. Our Company has a special policy which does this and at the same time, shows a personal return to the insured. PH�EMIX MUTUAL LIFE IKS. CO. OF Hartford, *C�iraimeefie�st Established 1351. A. E. LEACM, Special Agent, Providence Usai�sa Trasf C�. Bldg.,"></div><div ID="DIVL176" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A fountain pen tluit won't ink your fingers, one ihat can be carried in any position, upside down or on its side in any' pocket or bag. When the cap is screwed on, the pen is as tight ns a bottle. When not in use the pen " rests iu ink, so remains moist, and will write without need of shaking. Slade in many styles. Prices �2.50 to $15.00. On its own merits this pen is fast finding its way all over the world. There probably is a dealer in yonv town who now carries it and you c.m buy of him ; but if there isn t, if you will send us the name of your most reliable dealer, we will see that lie has an assortment of these pens for you to seleet from. Be careful to give us his name and address and your naum and address correctly. State also whi-thi r you like a lino, medium or coarse pen; otherwise, we shall send an assortment that you can purchase from at $2.50. Something new: Moore s Midget non-leakablo inches long. The smallest fountain pen made, just the thing for ladies  shopping bag or for men s lower vest pocket. Price $2.50. 168 Devonshire St., Boston. Mass. Selling Agents for AMERICAN FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY ADAMS, CUSHING"></div><div ID="DIVL177" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Doleman Optical Co. PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS KODAKS and SUPPLIES SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT. TO BROWN STUDENTS Developing and Printing 222 WESTMINSTER ST."></div><div ID="DIVL178" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co. Custodian of the funds of BROWN UNIVERSITY has been the bank of Faculty and Students for a generation."></div><div ID="DIVL179" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CLIFTON CLIFTON BEDFORD 2%in.higb in.high Arrow Scotch COLLARS 15c J% 2 for 255. Cluett, Peabody &amp; Co., Makers"></div><div ID="DIVL180" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="? DRUGS AT REINER'S 1 WESTMINSTER STREET and Corner Dorrance and Washington Streets"></div><div ID="DIVL181" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL=".FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING (FREE SHINES with all REPAIR WORK Bring this Heading and get the 10 Per Cent. Reduction for Brown Students. MELLION BROS., "  5 CANAL STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL182" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CHOCOLATES Are a Nourishing Food and SAMOSET CHOCOLATES are also in addition a Delicious One. Ask for them at the Union. SAMOSET CHOCOLATES CO.,"></div><div ID="DIVL183" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Mrs* Zaidee Sisson's School for Dancing and Deportment THE ELYSIUM 183 Weybosset Street. corner Union (formerly Spink s Academy) 24 Lessons $lO.OO 6 Lessons 3.50 Tel. West 707. Residence 72 Almy St. 6 Private Lessons. .$5.00 Classes Afternoon and Evening Special rates to students."></div><div ID="DIVL184" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="FINE HATS The OPERA The SOFT The DERBY The SILK Elsbree-Valleau Co. i 101 Westminster Street"></div><div ID="DIVL185" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="QUALITY AND PRICE If you are searching- for bargains, consider quality first and price afterward. Low prices do not always mean bargains: in fact, the lowest priced good, as a rule, are the most expensive in the end. We have made reasonable reductions in the prices of our winter Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Trousers and Fancy Vests, to clean them all up now; we do not intend to carry them over to another season. This enables you to purchase the very best Clothing- made, at a price as low or lower than you are asked to nay for the ordinary kind. While it is true lots are broken in sizes, there are still among the entire lot sizes to fit anyone All new goods made up for Inis season on new and up-to-date models, strictly guaranteed as to quality and satisfactory wear. Our Shirt sale still continues. All fancy shirts, plain or plaited bosoms, attached cuffs to close, $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts, now $1.15 $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts, now $1.65 Special Men s Silk Lisle Half-Hose in solid fancy colors, all shades, 20c per pair, $l.lO a half dozen An extra good value at 25c. i Providence, Rhode Island."></div><div ID="DIVL186" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="ELASTIC STOCKINGS OPERATION BELTS S Send for catalogue. j H. MAWBY &amp; CO. 141 Weybosset St  (over Ballou s)"></div><div ID="DIVL187" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Telephone Connection. ?1 H. ROSENTHAL Room 14, next door to Keith s Theatre. Imported and Domestic Woollens, special for College Styles, at reasonable prices. v ft Up-to-Date Men s Tailor 256 Westminster St. ft"></div><div ID="DIVL188" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="James Murphy Merchant Tailor Westminster St. Room i Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL189" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Henry E. Sisson Co., Inc. TAILOHS (Over National Exchange Bank). Elevator. IMPORTED NOVELTIES AT COLLEGE PRICES. 2.-29 EXCHANGE STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL190" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS 232 Westminster Street."></div><div ID="DIVL191" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="OXFORD LINOTYPE CO. High Grade Linotype Composition 27 NORTH MAIN STRET"></div><div ID="DIVL192" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Brown Union .Dining Room Every Brown man should be interested in the -- of this college institution Board $5.00 a Week Lunch Room Open 7:30 a. m.-u p. m. Mrs. Given."></div><div ID="DIVL193" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A. G. SKONBERG, Successor 385; WESTMINSTER STREET Special Rates to Brown Students ARTISTIC Photographs"></div><div ID="DIVL194" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WALTER BLAKE BLAKE BROTHERS, Opticians BERT R. BLAKE lei. 3098-L Union. 58 SNOW STREET, Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL195" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="SAY, BOYS!!! You ought to know, if you don t, that WILLIAM MILLS &amp; SON are Headquarters for GROUPS, INTERIOR OF ROOMS, ETC. We have PHOTO GRAPHS ON SALE OF ALL THE DIFFERENT VIEWS AT BROWN � 58 and 60 ARCADE. TELEPHONE."></div><div ID="DIVL196" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="FOR BALLS, FAIRS AND WEDDINGS S DORRANCE STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL197" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WHAT CHEER STABLER Boarding and Livery. Carriages of all kinds for occasions. Tel. 1855 Union. 170 BENEFIT, and_ GARAGE i New, absolutely fireproof garage. a jj Autos stored, washed or polished. Automobiles to let by hour, day or week. Tel. 1845 Union. CORNER MEETING"></div><div ID="DIVL198" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Providence Opera House Felix R. Wendelschater Manager THE WARNING."></div><div ID="DIVL199" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="KEITH S This Week VAUDEVILLE"></div><div ID="DIVL200" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="EMPIRE THEATRE This Week THE SPENDTHRIFT."></div><div ID="DIVL201" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WESTMINSTER THEATRE This Week BOWERY BURLESQUERS."></div><div ID="DIVL202" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Cox Sons &amp; Vining 2(52 4th Ave., New York CAPS AND GOWNS Makers to Brown. 'O(5, 'O7, 'lO"></div><div ID="DIVL203" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="t homelike, first-class hotel, proud of New England | traditions, dating from Gen. Warren, yet j newlyfurnished with every comfort &amp; convenience | Long distance phone and hot and cold JJ�?' water in every Kc* 1 room. Kept con-j &amp; stantly clean by our vacuum plant. Rooms ( $l.OO a day and up."></div><div ID="DIVL204" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Calling Cards Stationery Die Stamping The Cor rcct Thing. Not at a fancy price. TILDEN - THURBER CO."></div><div ID="DIVL205" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="E. A. Wright College Engraver Printer and Stationer 1108 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA Commencement Invitations, Dance Invitations and Programs, Menus, Fraternity Inserts and Stationery, Class Pins, Visiting Cards. Wedding Announcements and Invitations. Samples cheerfully sent on request."></div><div ID="DIVL206" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Laurn M. Carr Co. 16 College Street :: CATERING ::"></div><div ID="DIVL207" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="JOHN W. SLEDGE, Caterer to the GYM BALL and other College Functions, is prepared to do First-class Catering for Dances, Dinners, Lunches, etc. Prices Reasonable, Further information may lie obtained from the Business Manager of the Herald."></div><div ID="DIVL208" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="VIOLIN MAKING REPAIRING A SPECIALTY J. H. ROCKWELL &amp; SON Old Italian Violins and Cellos 383 WESTMINSTER ST., Providence, K. I. MUSICAL SUPPLIES Telephone Connection"></div><div ID="DIVL209" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Learn Wireless &amp; R. R. Telegraphy! Shortage of fully 10,000 Operators on account of 8-liour law and extensive  wireless  developments. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials and positively place all students, when qualified. Write for catalogue. NATL. TELEGRAPH INST., Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, St. Paul, Minn., Enid, Okla., Columbia, S. C., Portland, Ore."></div><div ID="DIVL210" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="WIRTH S 1 AIIS 14 GARNET STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL211" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="THE RIGHT CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN Are represented in our immense showing of New Fall and Winter Styles in STEIN BLOCH AND Hart, Schaffner &amp; Marx PRODUCTIONS To be had only at the Outlet, and at Cut Prices. �UITILB 1"></div><div ID="DIVL212" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="1 KESSLER BROTHERS THE University Tailors ROOM 4 85 WEYBOSSET STREET, Providence, R. i. SS"></div><div ID="DIVL213" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="DRESS SUITS 212 UNION STREET Room 4, Near Weybosset TUXEDOS AND PRINCE ALBERTS ELIAS, t h To Lei Tailor"></div><div ID="DIVL214" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="TO THE COLLEGE FRATERNITIES Last year's Senior Pictures, group and individual, were pronouncfed excellent. By patronizing my Studio you will get perfect satisfaction. SPECIAL RATES TO BROWN STUDENTS AND THEIR FRIENDS. MORRIS BELLIN WESTMINSTER ST. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS. Facing Market Square"></div><div ID="DIVL215" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Industrial Printing Company 43 South Main Street.  QUALITY PRINTING  for College Clubs a Specialty. School and Society printing executed promptly. Telephone 746-R Union."></div><div ID="DIVL216" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="ySSWK;,.-. WWR'i 1 ' 7 *3 � It means just what it says. Our stock is offered to you with the prices trimmed down to the quick. A quick move on your part will save you a lot of money. All our fancy $25 to $35.00 Suits, now $15.75 $2O to $22.50 Suits, now $12.75 $l5 to $13.00 Suits, now $9.75 Fancy Overcoats, the $25 to $35 kind, now sl9.7s the $lB to $25 kind, $12.75. Convertible Collar, $lB to $2B kind, $14.75. 75 Odd Ones, $l5 to $l3 kind, now $9.75 and $7.75. BOSTON &amp; PROVIDENCE CLOTHING CO. Francis Building, 150 WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL217" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="BELMONT LUNCH Quality and Service are our Specialties 203 Union Street."></div><div ID="DIVL218" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Preston &amp; Rounds Co: Text Books &amp; Stationery 98 Westminster St*"></div><div ID="DIVL219" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="63 BLEND �) CIGARETTES ETYMOLOGY fei With each package of Fatima you gti a pennant coupon , &lt;25 of which secure a handsome felt college pennant ( / 2x32)   selection of / 00. W ords, W ords, W ords - it takes   4 bunches  of words to describe Fatimas. They re so individual, so different, just smoke one, and get that indescribable satisfaction that comes from a perfect blend of rare tobaccos. My word   but they re fine, 20 for 1 sc- an inexpensive package and you get ten additional. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO."></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></structMap></mets>��<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><mets xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ http://schema.ccs-gmbh.com/metae/mets-metae.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:MODS="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:mix="http://www.loc.gov/mix/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mets="http://www.loc.gov/METS/"><structMap><div ID="DIVL1" TYPE="Newspaper" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL2" TYPE="VOLUME"><div ID="DIVL3" TYPE="ISSUE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL4" TYPE="TITLE_SECTION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL5" TYPE="HEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="f\ /\ L |J"></div><div ID="DIVL6" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Vol. XX No. 83"></div><div ID="DIVL7" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="PROVIDENCE, TUESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1911."></div><div ID="DIVL8" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Price Three Cents"></div><div ID="DIVL9" TYPE="ILLUSTRATION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL10" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL=""></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL11" TYPE="CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL12" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL13" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL14" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="RELAY TRIALS."></div><div ID="DIVL15" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Teams Not Yet Finally Picked, but Competition Narrowed Down to Few Men."></div></div><div ID="DIVL16" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL17" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL18" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL19" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The final trials tor the  Varsity and class relay teams, which are to run in the Armory meet next Saturday, will he held on the board track on Lincoln Field this afternoon. During the past week many men have had trials and the following stand out as possible candidates for the  Varsity team: Capt. Marble T 2, Jarvis Ml, Jetter  l4, Miles  l2, Leith  l2, and Cook  l4. The class teams will probably be picked from the following men: Seniors Burke, Hubbard, Maxson, Winslow, Young. Jarvis; Juniors  Leith,- D. R. Mahoney. G. -A. Adams, Filigree, Miles, McGuire ; Sophomores D. L. Mahoney, Hooker, Parker, Burwell, and Kulp; Freshmen  Jet- Czuback, Holding, Gormley, Cook, Askley and Foss."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL20" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL21" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL22" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Basketball Practice."></div></div><div ID="DIVL23" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL24" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL25" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL26" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The  Varsity basketball team practiced last night, with every man present with the exception of Snell. The men were in good shape physically, though they showed the effect of the AVilliams game in rather slow footwork. The second team played in exceptionally good form, Nash, Miller, and Shepherd starring. The line-up for the practice was as follows: Sullivan, Winslow, r. f.l. g., N T ash McKay, Von der Leith, 1. f., r. g., Shepherd Scholze, McLyman, c. . . .c., Staff Adams, 1. g r. f., Miller McLyman, Sullivan, r. g., 1. f., Howe"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL27" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL28" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL29" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Judges for 1880 Contest Selected."></div></div><div ID="DIVL30" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL31" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL32" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL33" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The names of the judges for the class of 1880 prize debate have been announced. The two appointed by the President of the University are W. W. Andrew  O3, and Royal C. Taft, Jr.  95; the two appointed by the undergraduate committee, consisting of E. L. Yatman, Editor-in- Chief of the Herald, W. PI. Robertson, Editor-in-Chief of the Brunonian, and M. J. Vessel, President of the Debating Union, are Dr. S. IX. Gifford, Principal of Moses Brown School, and Hon. Charles C. Mumford  81; the fifth, representing the English Department, will be Professor 11. I&gt;. Huntington."></div></div><div ID="DIVL34" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL35" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="The first trials will be held on Jan. 31, and the final contest on Feb. 7. Essays must be submitted on or before Feb. 2."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL36" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL37" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL38" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="JUNIOR PROMENADE."></div><div ID="DIVL39" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Committee to Take Charge of Dance Appointed. Date Not Yet Settled."></div></div><div ID="DIVL40" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL41" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL42" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL43" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Junior Promenade Committee has been appointed by the officers of the committee ar.d has begun work. The date for the promenade will not be decided upon until the Junior Week Committee organizes. The following Juniors constitute the Promenade Committee: Willard Fremont Gordon, Jr., Chairman; William Henderson Robertson, Treasurer; Royal Willis Leith, Secretary; Edward August Adams, Ryland Benjamin Andrews, Herman Carey Bumpus, Jr., Ralph Sherwin Drury, John Joseph Gilbert, Preston Hart Hood, Henry Gildersleeve Marsh, Earl Philo Perkins, F'red Clarence Perry."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL44" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL45" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL46" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Interesting Exhibit in John Carter Brown Library."></div></div><div ID="DIVL47" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL48" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL49" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL50" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="There is an exhibit, containing a large number of old English prayer books, in the John Carter Brown Library. The oldest volumes are copies of the first prayer book and order of service, which was published by the Church of England in 1550. This prayer book was prepared by a commission under the guidance of Archbishop Crammer, and was finished in the spring of 1549. Three printers were immediately engaged, who published five copies before midsummer. Several other editions followed, because of the difference of opinion among those wishing a greater or less change from the Roman service. There is also a copy of the prayer book and order of service .which was&gt; published in 1786 at Philadelphia. This publication caused much discussion because of several radical changes from the Anglican service. There are several volumes of special interest shown in the cases. One of these is a prayer book and order of service which was published in 1580 as a thanksgiving for the failure of the attempt against the life of Queen Elizabeth. Another very interesting part of the exhibit is three volumes which belonged to Nicholas Brown and were published at London in 1724 and 1747 and at Edinburgh in 1761. There is also a book in the arrangement of which Benjamin Franklin helped while spending a few weeks at the home of Lord Le Dispenser, who was compiling an abridged edition of the Look of Common Prayer. The exhibit also contains several Billies and a primer for the use of the Indians. These are translated into several different dialects."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL51" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL52" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL53" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="FIRST CLASS SMOKER."></div><div ID="DIVL54" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Prof. Randall to Speak at junior Gathering.  Smokes and Refreshments."></div></div><div ID="DIVL55" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL56" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL57" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL58" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The first of a series of smokers has been arranged by the Junior Class Social Committee, to take place this evening at eight o clock in the Union. Prof. (). E. Randall will speak on  The Engineering and the Academic Man.&quot; Cigars and cigarettes will be furnished, and light refreshments will be served after Prof. Randall s talk. The members of the Junior Social Committee, which has charge of the affair are: H. G. Seidel, W. Pendelton, and H. C. Bumpus, Jr. A number of other smokers are being planned by the committee, to take place during the term. Some member of the faculty will probably speak at each one."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL59" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL60" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL61" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Seniors Plan Smoker for Next Tuesday Evening."></div></div><div ID="DIVL62" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL63" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL64" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL65" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The first of a series of Senior smokers will be held in the Union at 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening, Jan. 31. There will be a brief musical program, and Professor Courtney Langdon will read a play. Smoking materials will be furnished, and there will be light refreshments. The smoker will be in charge of the Social Committee, which consists of the following men: B. G. Smith, J. E. Hinckley, and G. R. Hill."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL66" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL67" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL68" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Freshman Basketball Schedule."></div></div><div ID="DIVL69" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL70" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL71" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL72" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Manager Walker of the Freshman basketball team announces the following schedule for the first-year five. One or two games later in the season are still to be arranged definitely. Jan. 30 Franklin Pligh School at Franklin. Feb. 3 Allen School at West Newton. Feb. B Andover8 Andover at Andover. Feb. 11 1911. Feb. 14 Woonsocket High School at Woo nsocket. Feb. 15 1912. Feb. 20 1913.' The sweaters and hats bearing the numerals of the Freshman class which were awarded to members of the class football team arrived yesterday and were given out by Manager Berriman."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL73" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL74" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL75" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="INTERESTING PROGRAM."></div><div ID="DIVL76" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Religious Education Association to Devote Two Days to Discussion of College Problems."></div></div><div ID="DIVL77" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL78" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL79" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL80" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The program for the Department of Universities and Colleges at the annual meeting of the Religious Education Association has just been announced, and promises to be of even more interest to the University than the general sessions. The meetings of the department will be held in Sayles Hall, Wednesday and Thursday, P'eb. 15 and 16. The program was prepared chiefly by President W. H. P. Fatince and Professor E. D. Starbuck of the University of lowa. The two general topics for discussion are,  How to Aid College Students in Making a Safe Reconstruction in Morals and Religion,   and  The Religious and Character Value of the Curriculum.   At the meeting at which the latter topic will be discussed, the value of different subjects oi study will be taken up, and Dean Meiklejohn will speak on the  Value of English.  Among those who will take part in the discussions of the sessions are President Arthur T. Hadley of Yale University, President Mary E. Woolley of Mount Holyoke College, President Henry S. Drinker of Lehigh University, Professor Richard M. Hodge of Columbia University, and President L. C. Stewartson, Hobart College."></div></div><div ID="DIVL81" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL82" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The speakers and subjects under the general head of  The Religious and Character Value of the Curriculum  are as follows. Each is a specialist on the subject which he will discuss: Biology Professor John M. Coulter, Professor of Botany, University of Chicago. Sociology and Economics  Professor J. W. Jenks, Cornell University. Psychology Speaker to be announced later. The Physical Sciences Professor Francis Smith, Governor s Island, N. Y. Geology Professor James F. Kemp, Columbia University. English Alexander Meiklejohn, Ph. D., Dean Brown University, Providence, R. I. Mathematics Cassius Jackson IXeyser, Ph. D  Columbia University, New York. "  The Personal Element in Education President W. L. P&gt;ryan, University of Indiana, Bloomington, Ind. A large exhibit for the meetings of the Association is being arranged by Professor W. B. A ilson. General Secretary of the Rhode Island S. S. Association. 1 his will contain material on the Department of Universities and Colleges."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL83" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL84" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL85" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Loyalty in Chicago."></div></div><div ID="DIVL86" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL87" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL88" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL89" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="AY do; me indeed is the word front Chicago that Brown'alumni in and around the W indy City are exerting i rganized effort in the cause of interesting preparatory sc he &lt; 1 men in their Alma Mater. Substantia 1 evidence of their earnestness is to be found an the .annual scholarship of one hundred and fifty dollars which is offered for the partial support of some Chicago youth at Crown. Alumni of many other colleges are adopting precisely this method &lt; f aiding their respective colleges, and it would seem that other groups of Crown graduates need n&lt; t be slow in following the example of the Chicago alumni. For such investments of effort! and money pay a high rate of in- j terest in nationalizing a college or a university."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL90" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL91" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL92" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Cheer Leaders."></div></div><div ID="DIVL93" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL94" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL95" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL96" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="YCe are interested in the action of the Celebration Committee in providing a competition for the selection of cheer leaders as recognizing a' need which has been felt, for some revision of our present method of choice. Whether the change which is now proposed will he successful is hard to predict. Much w ill depend on the nature of the competition. If the candidates for cheer leaders  positions are taken into a room apart, and the gyrations of their arms are mathematically timed, while an artist is called in to pronounce on the beauty of the curves described, the result w r ill hardly be the choice of the best cheer leader. The elements of personal magnetism, and ability to command confidence and respect must be present in the man who would lead his fellows. We see no reason, however, why, after a preliminai;y selection, a try-out of candidates at minor games would not be of great assistance in the choice of a leader."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL97" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL98" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL99" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="UNIVERSITY BULLETIN"></div></div><div ID="DIVL100" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL101" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL102" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL103" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="(Notices for the Herald must be in lhe bands of the Jfdilor-in-Chief by 1 P. M. on die day preceding publication. A charge of 25 cents will be made for a notice of live lilies for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion.)"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL104" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL105" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL106" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BROWN TUTOR."></div></div><div ID="DIVL107" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL108" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL109" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL110" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="George Albert Colliding, A. M. { lirown, iByy), experienced tutor in high school and college subjects, i6y Gushing street. Telephone, 710-L Angell. Office, 87 Weybosset street, boom 53. Telephone 673-L Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL111" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL112" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL113" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="B. U. A. A. ELECTIONS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL114" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL115" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL116" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL117" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Prom the following list of names three men will be chosen by members of the Athletic Association to compete for Asst, baseball Mgr. Election, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 12:20- 2:20 p. 111.: W. 1. bass, 11. C. banks, J. K. burwell. G. T. Metcalf, E. A. C. .Murphy, k. W. Field, \V. J. Reed, E. ( . \\ attics. From the following list three men will be chosen to compete for Asst. 1 rack Mgr. Flection, Wednesday, Jan. 25, 12:20-2:20 p. 111.: lb M. bishop, X. b. Hull, G. D. Morse, If. K. Koopnian, C. Parker, J. G. Phillips, G. Jl. Pbilbrick, R. D. Robinson. S. .11. Dishman, Jr. j2l -gt Ch. Ath. board."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL118" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL119" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL120" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="SENIOR PICTURES."></div></div><div ID="DIVL121" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL122" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL123" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL124" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All Seniors must arrange to sit for pictures at liellin's, Market Square, THIS WEEK, to be represented in the Liber class roil. Saturday, Jan. 28. is POSITIVELY THE LAST BATE. R. F. SISSOX. j23-6t Edilor-in Chief."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL125" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL126" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL127" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="CARPENTER CONTEST."></div></div><div ID="DIVL128" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL129" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL130" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL131" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All eligible men who wish to enter the Carpenter Contest in Elocution should pass their names to me before February r. T. Crosby, Jr. j 23-21"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL132" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL133" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL134" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="A. A. U. Secretary Picks All- American Track Team."></div></div><div ID="DIVL135" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL136" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL137" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL138" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="James E. Sullivan, Secretary- Treasurer of the Amateur Athletic Union, has made a selection of an All-American college track team. lie has picked men from Eastern and Western colleges strictly on their merits. His selections are as follows: 100-yard dash  F. L. Ramsdell. Pennsylvania. 220-yard dash R. C. Craig, Michigan. 440-yard run l. N. Davenport, Chicago. 880-yard run G. H. Whitely, Princeton. 120 hurdles  W, A. Edwards, California. 220 hurdles  C. P. Gardner, Harvard. One-mile run  A. F. Baker, Oberlin. Two-mile run  T. S. Berna, Cornell. Running broad jump J. Wasson. Notre Dame. Running high jump J. W."></div></div><div ID="DIVL139" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL140" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Burdick, Pennsylvania. Pole vault L. S. Scott, Leland Stanford. Shot put J. liorner, Jr., Michigan. Hammer throw Lee Talbot. Penn. State College. Cross-country run  T. P. Jones, Cornell."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL141" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL142" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL143" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="3" LABEL="Proposed Change in Rules Regarding Track Suits."></div></div><div ID="DIVL144" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL145" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL146" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL147" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="An important announcement is proposed in the Athletic Association s Rules regarding track suits. This suggested change will be acted upon by the Athletic Board in two weeks  time. It is as follows:  Running pants shall have, in addition to stripes on the sides and around the waist, one around the bottom of the pant s legs IJJ inches in width; and the silk band on the jersey shall be increased to 4 inches, so that the  Varsity B may be sewed on it instead of abor e it. 1 his would make necessary the B with two smaller brown A s in the same horizontal line."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL148" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL149" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL150" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="3" LABEL="1 eshmen Decide to Organize Class Hockey Team."></div></div><div ID="DIVL151" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL152" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL153" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL154" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A short meeting of the Freshman class was held yesterday afternoon in Room P of the Union. Ihe only matter discussed was the question of starting a class hockey team, and it was voted that such a team be formed, and that the Sophomore class be challenged to play an interclass game. The University Library has received from the Intercollegiate Association of Amateur Athletes of America a set of three books containing reports of the last three track and field meets of that Association. These books are very complete, being illustrated with photographs, and containing all records made in the three meets. Overall, the pitcher of the Chicago Nationals, will assist in coaching the baseball team of the University of California this spring."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL155" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL156" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL157" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="4" LABEL="Approaching Meetings of the Sphinx Club."></div></div><div ID="DIVL158" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL159" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL160" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL161" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The Sphinx Club is planning for considerable activity during' the coming term. Arrangements j are in the making for several meetings with speakers both; from the faculty and from out- j side. Two meetings have been definitely arranged. On Thursday, Jan. 26, Professor William MacDonald of the History Department will speak on the question,  Is America Provincial?  On Wednesday, Feb. 8, the address will be given by Rev. Dr. E. A. lianley of the First Baptist Church. Other meetings will be arranged in the near future."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL162" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL163" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL164" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="4" LABEL="Prof. Delabarre Speaks at People s Forum."></div></div><div ID="DIVL165" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL166" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL167" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL168" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Professor Edmund 13. Delabarre of the Department of Psychology gave an address at the People's Forum on Sunday night on the subject,  The Administration of the Third Degree by the Police.  He discussed the subject from the psychological standpoint."></div></div><div ID="DIVL169" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL170" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The date of the Boston Athletic Association indoor athletic meet has been set for Feb. 11. A large entry list from the college teams is assured."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL171" TYPE="SECTION" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL172" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL173" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL174" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Are your clothes, furniture-, books, etc., protected against loss by IF NOT, THEY SHOULD BE. HAROLD A. MACKINNEY, 12 WESTMINSTER STREET. INSURANCE."></div><div ID="DIVL175" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="THE REAL MAN wants to protect those to whom he is indebted financially. Our Company has a special policy which does this and at the same time, shows a personal return to the insured. PH�EMIX MUTUAL LIFE IKS. CO. OF Hartford, *C�iraimeefie�st Established 1351. A. E. LEACM, Special Agent, Providence Usai�sa Trasf C�. Bldg.,"></div><div ID="DIVL176" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A fountain pen tluit won't ink your fingers, one ihat can be carried in any position, upside down or on its side in any' pocket or bag. When the cap is screwed on, the pen is as tight ns a bottle. When not in use the pen " rests iu ink, so remains moist, and will write without need of shaking. Slade in many styles. Prices �2.50 to $15.00. On its own merits this pen is fast finding its way all over the world. There probably is a dealer in yonv town who now carries it and you c.m buy of him ; but if there isn t, if you will send us the name of your most reliable dealer, we will see that lie has an assortment of these pens for you to seleet from. Be careful to give us his name and address and your naum and address correctly. State also whi-thi r you like a lino, medium or coarse pen; otherwise, we shall send an assortment that you can purchase from at $2.50. Something new: Moore s Midget non-leakablo inches long. The smallest fountain pen made, just the thing for ladies  shopping bag or for men s lower vest pocket. Price $2.50. 168 Devonshire St., Boston. Mass. Selling Agents for AMERICAN FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY ADAMS, CUSHING"></div><div ID="DIVL177" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Doleman Optical Co. PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS KODAKS and SUPPLIES SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 10 PER CENT. TO BROWN STUDENTS Developing and Printing 222 WESTMINSTER ST."></div><div ID="DIVL178" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Rhode Island Hospital Trust Co. Custodian of the funds of BROWN UNIVERSITY has been the bank of Faculty and Students for a generation."></div><div ID="DIVL179" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CLIFTON CLIFTON BEDFORD 2%in.higb in.high Arrow Scotch COLLARS 15c J% 2 for 255. Cluett, Peabody &amp; Co., Makers"></div><div ID="DIVL180" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="? DRUGS AT REINER'S 1 WESTMINSTER STREET and Corner Dorrance and Washington Streets"></div><div ID="DIVL181" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL=".FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING (FREE SHINES with all REPAIR WORK Bring this Heading and get the 10 Per Cent. Reduction for Brown Students. MELLION BROS., "  5 CANAL STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL182" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CHOCOLATES Are a Nourishing Food and SAMOSET CHOCOLATES are also in addition a Delicious One. Ask for them at the Union. SAMOSET CHOCOLATES CO.,"></div><div ID="DIVL183" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Mrs* Zaidee Sisson's School for Dancing and Deportment THE ELYSIUM 183 Weybosset Street. corner Union (formerly Spink s Academy) 24 Lessons $lO.OO 6 Lessons 3.50 Tel. West 707. Residence 72 Almy St. 6 Private Lessons. .$5.00 Classes Afternoon and Evening Special rates to students."></div><div ID="DIVL184" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="FINE HATS The OPERA The SOFT The DERBY The SILK Elsbree-Valleau Co. i 101 Westminster Street"></div><div ID="DIVL185" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="QUALITY AND PRICE If you are searching- for bargains, consider quality first and price afterward. Low prices do not always mean bargains: in fact, the lowest priced good, as a rule, are the most expensive in the end. We have made reasonable reductions in the prices of our winter Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, Trousers and Fancy Vests, to clean them all up now; we do not intend to carry them over to another season. This enables you to purchase the very best Clothing- made, at a price as low or lower than you are asked to nay for the ordinary kind. While it is true lots are broken in sizes, there are still among the entire lot sizes to fit anyone All new goods made up for Inis season on new and up-to-date models, strictly guaranteed as to quality and satisfactory wear. Our Shirt sale still continues. All fancy shirts, plain or plaited bosoms, attached cuffs to close, $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts, now $1.15 $2.50 and $3.00 Shirts, now $1.65 Special Men s Silk Lisle Half-Hose in solid fancy colors, all shades, 20c per pair, $l.lO a half dozen An extra good value at 25c. i Providence, Rhode Island."></div><div ID="DIVL186" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="ELASTIC STOCKINGS OPERATION BELTS S Send for catalogue. j H. MAWBY &amp; CO. 141 Weybosset St  (over Ballou s)"></div><div ID="DIVL187" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Telephone Connection. ?1 H. ROSENTHAL Room 14, next door to Keith s Theatre. Imported and Domestic Woollens, special for College Styles, at reasonable prices. v ft Up-to-Date Men s Tailor 256 Westminster St. ft"></div><div ID="DIVL188" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="James Murphy Merchant Tailor Westminster St. Room i Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL189" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Henry E. Sisson Co., Inc. TAILOHS (Over National Exchange Bank). Elevator. IMPORTED NOVELTIES AT COLLEGE PRICES. 2.-29 EXCHANGE STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL190" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS 232 Westminster Street."></div><div ID="DIVL191" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="OXFORD LINOTYPE CO. High Grade Linotype Composition 27 NORTH MAIN STRET"></div><div ID="DIVL192" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Brown Union .Dining Room Every Brown man should be interested in the -- of this college institution Board $5.00 a Week Lunch Room Open 7:30 a. m.-u p. m. Mrs. Given."></div><div ID="DIVL193" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A. G. SKONBERG, Successor 385; WESTMINSTER STREET Special Rates to Brown Students ARTISTIC Photographs"></div><div ID="DIVL194" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WALTER BLAKE BLAKE BROTHERS, Opticians BERT R. BLAKE lei. 3098-L Union. 58 SNOW STREET, Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL195" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="SAY, BOYS!!! You ought to know, if you don t, that WILLIAM MILLS &amp; SON are Headquarters for GROUPS, INTERIOR OF ROOMS, ETC. We have PHOTO GRAPHS ON SALE OF ALL THE DIFFERENT VIEWS AT BROWN � 58 and 60 ARCADE. TELEPHONE."></div><div ID="DIVL196" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="FOR BALLS, FAIRS AND WEDDINGS S DORRANCE STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL197" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WHAT CHEER STABLER Boarding and Livery. Carriages of all kinds for occasions. Tel. 1855 Union. 170 BENEFIT, and_ GARAGE i New, absolutely fireproof garage. a jj Autos stored, washed or polished. Automobiles to let by hour, day or week. Tel. 1845 Union. CORNER MEETING"></div><div ID="DIVL198" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Providence Opera House Felix R. Wendelschater Manager THE WARNING."></div><div ID="DIVL199" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="KEITH S This Week VAUDEVILLE"></div><div ID="DIVL200" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="EMPIRE THEATRE This Week THE SPENDTHRIFT."></div><div ID="DIVL201" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WESTMINSTER THEATRE This Week BOWERY BURLESQUERS."></div><div ID="DIVL202" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Cox Sons &amp; Vining 2(52 4th Ave., New York CAPS AND GOWNS Makers to Brown. 'O(5, 'O7, 'lO"></div><div ID="DIVL203" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="t homelike, first-class hotel, proud of New England | traditions, dating from Gen. Warren, yet j newlyfurnished with every comfort &amp; convenience | Long distance phone and hot and cold JJ�?' water in every Kc* 1 room. Kept con-j &amp; stantly clean by our vacuum plant. Rooms ( $l.OO a day and up."></div><div ID="DIVL204" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Calling Cards Stationery Die Stamping The Cor rcct Thing. Not at a fancy price. TILDEN - THURBER CO."></div><div ID="DIVL205" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="E. A. Wright College Engraver Printer and Stationer 1108 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA Commencement Invitations, Dance Invitations and Programs, Menus, Fraternity Inserts and Stationery, Class Pins, Visiting Cards. Wedding Announcements and Invitations. Samples cheerfully sent on request."></div><div ID="DIVL206" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Laurn M. Carr Co. 16 College Street :: CATERING ::"></div><div ID="DIVL207" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="JOHN W. SLEDGE, Caterer to the GYM BALL and other College Functions, is prepared to do First-class Catering for Dances, Dinners, Lunches, etc. Prices Reasonable, Further information may lie obtained from the Business Manager of the Herald."></div><div ID="DIVL208" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="VIOLIN MAKING REPAIRING A SPECIALTY J. H. ROCKWELL &amp; SON Old Italian Violins and Cellos 383 WESTMINSTER ST., Providence, K. I. MUSICAL SUPPLIES Telephone Connection"></div><div ID="DIVL209" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Learn Wireless &amp; R. R. Telegraphy! Shortage of fully 10,000 Operators on account of 8-liour law and extensive  wireless  developments. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials and positively place all students, when qualified. Write for catalogue. NATL. TELEGRAPH INST., Cincinnati, Philadelphia, Memphis, St. Paul, Minn., Enid, Okla., Columbia, S. C., Portland, Ore."></div><div ID="DIVL210" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="WIRTH S 1 AIIS 14 GARNET STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL211" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="THE RIGHT CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN Are represented in our immense showing of New Fall and Winter Styles in STEIN BLOCH AND Hart, Schaffner &amp; Marx PRODUCTIONS To be had only at the Outlet, and at Cut Prices. �UITILB 1"></div><div ID="DIVL212" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="1 KESSLER BROTHERS THE University Tailors ROOM 4 85 WEYBOSSET STREET, Providence, R. i. SS"></div><div ID="DIVL213" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="DRESS SUITS 212 UNION STREET Room 4, Near Weybosset TUXEDOS AND PRINCE ALBERTS ELIAS, t h To Lei Tailor"></div><div ID="DIVL214" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="TO THE COLLEGE FRATERNITIES Last year's Senior Pictures, group and individual, were pronouncfed excellent. By patronizing my Studio you will get perfect satisfaction. SPECIAL RATES TO BROWN STUDENTS AND THEIR FRIENDS. MORRIS BELLIN WESTMINSTER ST. REMEMBER THE ADDRESS. Facing Market Square"></div><div ID="DIVL215" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Industrial Printing Company 43 South Main Street.  QUALITY PRINTING  for College Clubs a Specialty. School and Society printing executed promptly. Telephone 746-R Union."></div><div ID="DIVL216" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="ySSWK;,.-. WWR'i 1 ' 7 *3 � It means just what it says. Our stock is offered to you with the prices trimmed down to the quick. A quick move on your part will save you a lot of money. All our fancy $25 to $35.00 Suits, now $15.75 $2O to $22.50 Suits, now $12.75 $l5 to $13.00 Suits, now $9.75 Fancy Overcoats, the $25 to $35 kind, now sl9.7s the $lB to $25 kind, $12.75. Convertible Collar, $lB to $2B kind, $14.75. 75 Odd Ones, $l5 to $l3 kind, now $9.75 and $7.75. BOSTON &amp; PROVIDENCE CLOTHING CO. Francis Building, 150 WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL217" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="BELMONT LUNCH Quality and Service are our Specialties 203 Union Street."></div><div ID="DIVL218" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Preston &amp; Rounds Co: Text Books &amp; Stationery 98 Westminster St*"></div><div ID="DIVL219" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="63 BLEND �) CIGARETTES ETYMOLOGY fei With each package of Fatima you gti a pennant coupon , &lt;25 of which secure a handsome felt college pennant ( / 2x32)   selection of / 00. W ords, W ords, W ords - it takes   4 bunches  of words to describe Fatimas. They re so individual, so different, just smoke one, and get that indescribable satisfaction that comes from a perfect blend of rare tobaccos. My word   but they re fine, 20 for 1 sc- an inexpensive package and you get ten additional. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO."></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></structMap></mets>