��<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><mets xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ http://schema.ccs-gmbh.com/metae/mets-metae.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:MODS="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:mix="http://www.loc.gov/mix/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mets="http://www.loc.gov/METS/"><structMap><div ID="DIVL1" TYPE="Newspaper" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL2" TYPE="VOLUME"><div ID="DIVL3" TYPE="ISSUE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL4" TYPE="TITLE_SECTION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL5" TYPE="HEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="BRQAHMpfeRALP"></div><div ID="DIVL6" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Vol. XX No. 143"></div><div ID="DIVL7" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="PROVIDENCE, FRIDAY, APRIL 21. 1913"></div><div ID="DIVL8" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Price Three Cents"></div><div ID="DIVL9" TYPE="ILLUSTRATION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL10" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL=""></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL11" TYPE="CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL12" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL13" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL14" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="MEET WITH TECHNOLOGY"></div><div ID="DIVL15" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Squad Rapidly Rounding into Shape. Tech Men Make Good Time."></div></div><div ID="DIVL16" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL17" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL18" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL19" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The M. I. T. track meet takes place a week from Saturday, on April 29. The Brown squad is doing good work at their regular practice under the coaching of  Charlie  Huggins, and the chances of winning many of the events are strong. Coach Huggins is devoting his entire time this Spring to track, and in spite of the lateness of the season the mer"></div></div><div ID="DIVL20" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL21" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="are showing rapid improvement. Twenty new suits have been ordered from Wright &amp; Ditson s, and these will be here in time for the track meet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL22" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL23" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Brown entries have been made out provisionally, and will be published next week. The  Tech  entries have not been received yet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL24" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL25" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="At an interclass meet held at Technology last Saturday, good time was made in the quarter and half-mile runs. The fast time of 4 : 33 I_ 3 was made in the mile by Watkins  l2, who will probably have a close race for first honors with Taber. The 120-yard high hurdles was also made in good time by Cummings Ti, who won second honors for the entire meet. The pole vault was won by Salisbury, the individual star of the afternoon. The height was 10 ft. 9 in. If Bartlett continues in his present good form he should easily come off first in the weight events. Six men from each college may be entered in each event. Four can compete. Probably about 25 Technology men will be entered, while 20 or twenty-five men from the Brown squad will participate."></div></div><div ID="DIVL26" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL27" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The last meet with M. I. T. was held in 1908, when Tech won out by a score of 71J4 to 54/4."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL28" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL29" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL30" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="A. A. Bennett TO, Receives Princeton Fellowship."></div></div><div ID="DIVL31" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL32" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL33" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL34" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Mr. Albert Arnold Bennett, Assistant in the Department of Mathematics, will study at Princeton next year. He has received one of the G. S. K. Fellowships in Mathematics for next 3 r ear. His entire time will be devoted to research work. Mr. Bennett expects to study under Professors Birkhoff and Veblen, two of the most eminent mathematicians in this country. He will be at Princeton at least one year, and the probabilities are that he will remain there longer."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL35" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL36" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL37" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="APPEAL TO REASON."></div><div ID="DIVL38" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Banquet Committee Recommends Restraint from Excessive Use of Brown Spirit."></div></div><div ID="DIVL39" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL40" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL41" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL42" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="A communication just received from the Brown Committee, calls attention to the unnecessary character of the super-abundant expression of overflowing Brown spirit at the Annual Banquet. The Committee expresses the hope that the breaking of tableware and hurling of heavy missils will be done away with this year."></div></div><div ID="DIVL43" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL44" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The communication follows: To the Editor of the Herald: "></div></div><div ID="DIVL45" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL46" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="For several years the Brown Banquet Committee has been caused considerable trouble and unnecessary expense by breakage and damage to articles during the banquet in Sayles Hall. It is hoped that the banquet to-morrow night may be conducted without this undesirable feature. Furthermore, the University authorities strongly object to the throwing of biscuits and other hard articles on account of the danger to portraits, and if one of these should suffer irreparable damage, the result might be the forbidding of the use of Sayles for future banquets. The lifting of tables may be all right, but to drop them or to toss the tableware around is likely to be disastrous, and all undergraduates are earnestly requested to keep their Brown spirit from running amuck, and to co-operate with the committee in preventing a good time from being converted into too much of a  rough-house.  Brown Banquet Committee."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL47" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL48" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL49" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Sophomores Lose to Dean Academy in Ragged Game."></div></div><div ID="DIVL50" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL51" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL52" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL53" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Sophomore baseball team was defeated by the Dean Academy team Wednesday afternoon by a score of 8-1. The home team won by their ability to bunch hits and by the glaring errors of the 1 913 team. Four runs were made by Dean in the first inning, the other four coming in the fifth. There were nine bases stolen by the Dean men. The features of the game were Hahn s long throw to the plate and the batting of McLaughlin for Dean, who drew three hits out of three times at bat."></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL54" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL55" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL="BROWN IQ13. bh pb a e Tucker, c. f 0 T 1 0 H owe, s. s 1 X 3 1"></div><div ID="DIVL56" TYPE="CAPTION" ORDER="1" LABEL="The summary of yesterday s game is as follows:"></div></div><div ID="DIVL57" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL58" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sullivan, ab. I I 0 I Ashbaugh, ib. . . . 9 0 I Henry, c 9 4 I Hahn, 1. f I 0 0 Chase, 3b I 0 0 Higgins, r. f 0 0 0 0 Redington, p 0 I 4 0 Totals 4 24 12 4"></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL59" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL60" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL61" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="FOOTBALL PRACTICE."></div><div ID="DIVL62" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Squad Tries New Formations in Gymnasium. W. H. Sweet and High  ll, Assist."></div></div><div ID="DIVL63" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL64" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL65" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL66" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="On account of the wetness of Andrews Field , the  Varsity football practice was held on the gym floor yesterday. Bean and Metcalf played the half-backs and  Don  Pryor and Pride, a Freshman, played fullback in turn. Hazard played center and Murphy and Goldberg guards. Several new shifts and formations were tried out and the whole practice went off snappily and smoothly. Mr. W. H. Sweet and  Jake  High assisted Coach Pryor during the afternoon."></div></div><div ID="DIVL67" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL68" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The following men reported: Capt. Sprackling, Goldberg  l3, Murphy  l3, Hazard  l4, Gelb  l3, Kratz T 3, Ashbaugh T 3, Adams  l2, Bean  l4, Pride,  l4, Metcalf  l3."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL69" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL70" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL71" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Meeting of Prospective Competitors in the Herald Office Tonight."></div></div><div ID="DIVL72" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL73" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL74" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL75" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="To-night at 6:45, a meeting will be held in the Herald office in the basement of the Union, for all Sophomores who wish to enter a competition for membership " on the Herald Board. The competition will begin with next Monday s edition of the paper and will continue through the Spring term and the Fall term next year. The work will consist in the writing up of news items, the carrying of copy, the reading of proof, and whatever work may come up in the office. At 7:15 to-night a meeting of the Sophomore members of the board will be held in the Herald office preparatory to starting a competition for the news editors  positions."></div></div><div ID="DIVL76" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL77" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Wesleyan is making a determined effort to wipe out the deficit of the Athletic Association. The alumni have contributed several hundred dollars, and now the undergraduates plan to raise at least $lOOO more before the end of the year. A vaudeville show which the students gave in Middletown netted between $350 and $4OO."></div></div><div ID="DIVL78" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL79" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The largest number of Freshmen in the history of Purdue turned out for baseball this Spring. When the season opened 13 1 men responded to the call for candidates."></div></div><div ID="DIVL80" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL81" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="More than 50 men reported at Yale for the mass meeting of candidates �% for next Fall s football eleven."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL82" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL83" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL84" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="SALE OF TICKETS."></div><div ID="DIVL85" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="250 Sub-Freshman Tickets Sold.  Undergraduate Sale Not So Rapid."></div></div><div ID="DIVL86" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL87" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL88" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL89" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Sub-Freshman Banquet tickets are going rapidly. Yesterday two more of the fraternities"></div></div><div ID="DIVL90" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL91" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="bought their tickets, bringing the total of Sub-Freshman tickets sold to date up to 250. Only two fraternities now remain which have not taken the tickets they contracted for."></div></div><div ID="DIVL92" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL93" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The undergraduate tickets are not going so fast, only 53 having been sold. A large number of sales are expected to-day and tomorrow morning, however. Undergraduates can obtain their tickets from any of the committee, R. F. Skillings Ti, Wm. V. Winslow Ti, G. S. Burgess  l2, N. B. Hull  l3, and C. L. Bagnell  l4. Manager H. O. Barker of the baseball team has announced that the Sub-Freshman banquet tickets will be stamped for free admission to the Princeton game from 12:20 to 2 o clock on Saturday at the Union. The Sub-Freshman tickets only will be stamped for admission and the men must call in person at the Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL94" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL95" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL96" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Triple Tie Being Played Off in Chess Tournament."></div></div><div ID="DIVL97" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL98" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL99" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL100" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Two games have been played in the series which is to decide the chess championship between Corp, Emmons, and Durfee, who were tied for first place. The game between Corp and Emmons resulted in a draw and Corp yesterday defeated Durfee. The plan is for each man to play three games with each of the other two. Stanton and Guild are tied for fourth place and will play their games as soon as possible. The standing of the men at the close of the regular tournament left Corp, Durfee and Emmons each with eight games won and one lost, and Guild and Stanton with six won and three lost."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL101" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL102" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL103" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Man Resigns Y. M. C. A. Position."></div></div><div ID="DIVL104" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL105" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL106" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL107" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Mr. William Lamkie, who was graduated from Brown in the class of 1905, is about to resign on account of illness, his position as International Educational Secretary of the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. s. Mr. Lamkie entered the work in September, 1907, and since then he has originated a most flexible scheme to meet the educational needs of the enlisted men of our Army and Navy. It will be with regret that his associates and many enlisted men will learn of his resignation, as it is largely' due' to him that such large things have been achieved in the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. s."></div></div><div ID="DIVL108" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL109" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The students of Columbia University are preparing a petition to the trustees asking that a ten dollar athletic assessment be added to the tuition fee."></div></div><div ID="DIVL110" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL111" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The landladies of Ithaca, N. Y., are hereafter to be protected from"></div></div><div ID="DIVL112" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL113" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="unseemly disturbances by student roomers. A Cornell Sophomore was recently arrested and fined sio for yelling, .pounding of the floor, kicking, and raising a big commotion."></div></div><div ID="DIVL114" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL115" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A course in embalming has been established at the University of Michigan. This is the first university to start such a course."></div></div><div ID="DIVL116" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL117" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Harvard beat the Naval Academy in Lacross yesterday by the score of 4-2 in a driving rain storm, and a muddy field."></div></div><div ID="DIVL118" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL119" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Capt. Foster of the Harvard track team has pulled a tendon and will probably not be able to sprint until the Intercollegiate games. His loss will weaken his team, especially in the dual meet with Yale, May io."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL120" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL121" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL122" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Phi Beta Kappa."></div></div><div ID="DIVL123" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL124" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL125" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL126" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Shortly we shall be apprised of the elections to membership in the Phi Beta Kappa Society, and shall again be confronted with the annual query, what is the Phi Beta Kappa Society? Not that the significance of the coveted key is un-"></div></div><div ID="DIVL127" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL128" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="known, but that the society at Brown has so little function and so little of healthy influence that we are justified in asking its nature. Brown is not alone in the inactivity of this honorary society, complaints are heard at every hand, but there are institutions where'the Phi"></div></div><div ID="DIVL129" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL130" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Beta Kappa Society is a.i active organization, serving its members the same salutary purpose as the Sphinx Club, and at the same time creating an influence that makes for greater prestige of the purely intellectual in the college life."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL131" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL132" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL133" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="The Brown Banquet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL134" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL135" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL136" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL137" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="To-morrow evening occurs one of the big events of - the college year  the Brown Banquet and every Brown undergraduate should exert every effort to attend! No excuse for absence will be valid! The development of your own individual crop of Brown Spirit depends on it, and the extending of the heartiest good time possible to the visiting preparatory school men depends on it also. And in addition to all that, this year s commit-"></div></div><div ID="DIVL138" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL139" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="tee have in store a program that you will not want to miss. And, by the by, it will not be amiss to call attention to the communication in another column which contains a hint which, if heeded, besides not decreasing the enjoyment of the occasion, will tend to leave quite as wholesome a remembrance in the minds of our visitors."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL140" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL141" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL142" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="UNIVERSITY BULLETIN."></div></div><div ID="DIVL143" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL144" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL145" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL146" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="(Notices for the Herald must be in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief by 1 P. M. on the day preceding publication. A charge of 25 cents will be made for a notice of live lines for first insertion and j 5 cents for each subsequent insertion.)"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL147" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL148" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL149" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BROWN TUTOR."></div></div><div ID="DIVL150" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL151" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL152" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL153" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="George Albert Goulding, A. M. t drown, 1899), experienced tutor in high school and college subjects, 167 Cushing street. Telephone, 710-L Angell. Office, 87 Weybosset street Room 53. Telephone 673-L Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL154" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL155" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL156" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="1913!"></div></div><div ID="DIVL157" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL158" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL159" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL160" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A competition for associate editor of the Herald will start next Monday. The competition will continue two terms, and is open to all members of the Sophomore class. All prospective competitors should leave their names at the desk or in the box in the Herald Office at once. /'V meeting for full instructions will be held Friday evening in the Office. W. Randolph Burgess, Daniel L. Brown, &gt; Man. Editors-Elect. alO-ot"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL161" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL162" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL163" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="PRINCETON GAME TICKETS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL164" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL165" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL166" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL167" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All undergraduates who wish to take Sub-Freshman guests to the Princeton game should see that the Sub-Freshmen call in person at the Union Saturday from 12:20 to 2 o'clock to get their banquet tickets stamped for admission to the game. Sub-Freshman tickets only are stamped for free admission. H. O. Barber, Baseball. Manager. a2O-3t"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL168" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL169" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL170" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BANQUET TICKETS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL171" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL172" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL173" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL174" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sub-Freshman and undergraduate tickets to the Brown Banquet, Saturday evening, will be on sale to-day from 12:20 to 2 o'clock, in the Smoking- Room. a 17  It R. F. Skillings, Chairman."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL175" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL176" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL177" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="SOPHOMORE EDITORS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL178" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL179" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL180" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL181" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Meeting of 1913 members of the Herald Board in the office to-night at 7:15 o'clock. All members will please attend. R. G. Hurlin, Editor-in-Chief Elect."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL182" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL183" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL184" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="DEAN ACADEMY."></div></div><div ID="DIVL185" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL186" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL187" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL188" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Innings 123456789 Brown 1913.... 00000100 o l Dean 40004000 o B Runs  Tormcy 2, McLaughlin 2, Abbott, Pratt, Stafford, Westcott  8; 'Redington l. Two-base hit  Mc- Laughlin. Stolen bases  Pratt, Stafford, Westcott, McLaughlin, Tormey"></div></div><div ID="DIVL189" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL190" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="2, Abbott, Murrey, Crotty. Base cm balls  By Bellefontaine i; by Redington 2. Struck out  By Bellefontaine 7; by Merrifield 2; by Redington io. Sacrifice hit Stafford. Double plays  Hahn to Henry; Bellefontaine to Stafford to Pratt. Hit by pitched ball  Tucker.' Passed ball Henry. Umpire Time  2h."></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL191" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL192" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="2" LABEL="bh po a e Pratt, lb .... I 10 0 0 Stafford, 2b .... I 3 5 X Westeott, 3b .... I I 2 0 McLaughlin. 1. f... 3 I 0 0 Tormcy, c. f .... 2 0 0 0 Abbott, r. f I 0 0 Murrey, r. f ... .0 0 0 0 Crotty, s. 5 .... I 0 2 1 O Brien, c ... .0 i r 4 0 Belleiontaine, p. .. ... .0 0 3 0 Merritield, p ... .0 0 2 0 Totals 27 18 2"></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL193" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL194" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL195" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL196" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL197" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The University  H  will be awarded to any Harvard winner finishing third or better in the Yale cross-country meet; also to the men securing seventh place or better in the intercollegiate. A cosmopolitan club of a limited membership to American students is being organized at Minnesota."></div></div><div ID="DIVL198" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL199" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="It has been decided to have buttons made to be worn by the members of the Freshman class at Harvard, so that they know one another better."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL200" TYPE="SECTION" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL201" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL202" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL203" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL=""></div><div ID="DIVL204" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="170 BENEFIT, CORNER MEETING"></div><div ID="DIVL205" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="FOWNES GLOVES are not cheapest, but they re feast expensive. 14"></div><div ID="DIVL206" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Are your clothes, furniture* books, etc., protected against loss by IRE IF NOT, THEY SHOULD BE. HAROLD A. MACKINNEY, INSURANCE. 12 WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL207" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Peirce Shoe Models For the College Mae NEW LASTS IN CONSERVATIVE AND THE MORE EXTREME STYLES. �|f Thos. F. Peirce &amp; Son Westminster and&lt;; Dor ranee Sts. 5* I . c t# &amp; fcs I 8 |1 8 8 8 $0 K* M |�"></div><div ID="DIVL208" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A Professor s Insurance Prof. of Brown insured in the Northwestern Mutual April 16th, 1906, at age 31, for $3,500.00, 30-year Endowment. The record is as follows: dividend. C. G. Blanchard, Gen. Agt. 19 Journal Building"></div><div ID="DIVL209" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A. Shuian &amp; Co. BOSTON. Original and Exclusive COLLEGE " CLOTHES DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FOR COLLEGE MEN. Frequently Represented at the Brown Union Bookstore."></div><div ID="DIVL210" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CLIFTON m m ?. mm WM $ M CLIFTON BEDFORD 2% in. higb * vhe Arrow &quot; Scotch COLLARS � ' 18e.,2 tor 26�. Cluett, Peabody &amp; Co., Makere"></div><div ID="DIVL211" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sft noTiti roigs Fountain Pea s2.*&gt;9 'And Up A fountain pen that won't ink your fingers, one that can be carried in any position, upside down or on its side in any pocket or bag. When the cap is screwed on, the pen is as tight as a bottle. When not in use the pen rests in ink, so remains moist, and will write without need of shaking. Made in many styles. Prices $2.50 to $15.00. On its own merits this pen is fast finding its way all over the world. There probably is a dealer in your town who now carries it and you can buy of him ; but if there isn t, if you will send us the name of your most reliable dealer, we will see that he has an assortment of these pens for you to select from. Be careful to give us his name and address and vour name and address correctly. State also whether you like a fine, medium or coarse pen; otherwise, we shall send an assortment that you can purchase from at $2.50. Something new: Moore s Midget non-leakable inches long. The smallest fountain pen made, just the thing for ladies  shopping bag or for men s lower vest pocket. Price $2.50. g ADAMS, CUSHING &amp; FOSTER 168 Bo D r�f- Selling Agents for AMERICAN FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY"></div><div ID="DIVL212" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Brown, the badge man, 46, 48, 50 Broadway, Can make LAPEL EMBLEMS in Solid Metal, SPECIAL DESIGNS, at revolutionary prices,, one-half and one-third what others charge. Also Ribbon. Badges, for Track Meets, etc."></div><div ID="DIVL213" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Spirit of Easter. &quot;The Good .Will of'lts patrons Has Made PossiblevThe. National Institution of BROWNING, KING &amp; CO. No man should be judged by the Clothes he 'wears. Put surely the man who is smartly dresspd has an advantage over his less practical brother. You cannot fail to recognize the fact that in most cases a man s appearance in a measure tells what he is himself. The BROWNING, KING Policy to hold your money on deposit for you until' every transaction gives perfect satisfaction must appeal to you as a unique commercial idea. Business creeds of this nature are bound to win the good will and confidence of all who appreciate modern American business methods and service. The National Organization of BROWNING, KING &amp; CO., is ready to supply Every Correct Requisite for your EASTER ATTIRE. A Complete Showing of Men s, Boys  and Children s Clothes, Furnishings and Hats. Men s Suits and Overcoats, $15.00 to $35.00. Our Hat Department s3.oo, $3.50 and upward. Men s Furnishings The Newest Things for -Spring from the most reliable makers. Young Men s and Boys  Clothing Dong- ; " trouser Suits, $12.00 to $30.00. Norfolk and Plain Double-breasted Suits. $5.00 to $16.50. Russian and Sailor Blouse Suits, $5 to $12.00. A complete stock of Young Men s and Boys  Hats and Furnishings. We ve made unusual preparations this year for Easter, and we re sure you will appreciate �% them A NATIONAL INSTITUTION. PRO VI DEN g&gt;rowr\mg- King-�-(� CE, RHODE ISLAND."></div><div ID="DIVL214" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="E. H. Forsell TAILOR [ 76 Dor ranee St. Corner Weybosset, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Rooms 204-5-6. Telephone."></div><div ID="DIVL215" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="� 1 Fine Hats The SOFT The SILK The DERBY The OPERA Elstoe-Mta to."></div><div ID="DIVL216" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="James Murphy Merchant Tailor 0 42 Westminster St. Room ) Providence. R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL217" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="It s Time for YOU to Think of B.V. D. Loose Fitting B. V, D. Underwear insures coolness to you. The light woven B. V. D. fabrics assure comfort to you. The integrity of B. V. D. making secures resistance to nvear and &lt;wash. The Red Woven B.V. D. Label safeguards the genuineness of your purchase. This Red Woven Label MADE FOR TH&amp; BEST RETAIL TRADE ( Trade Mark Reg. V. S. Fat. Off.) is sewed on every B. V. D. Garment. Take no garment it. A copy of our Booklet has been set aside for you. Write for it. B. V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers, 50c, 75c, $l.OO and $1.50 a garment. B. V. D. Union Suits, (Pat. 4/70/07) $l, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00 a suit. The B. V. D. Company � 65 Worth St., New York"></div><div ID="DIVL218" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Our Interpretation of Men s NEW FASHIONS is undeniably correct. We enjoy advantages that place us on an equal footing with New York s most exclusive merchant tailors but our prices are always CONSISTENTLY MODERATE : Enlarged facilities that enable us to display better than I ever our handsome new fabrics. Lee, Oden and Company DESIGNERS AND. MAKERS OF MEN S CLOTHES 29Q WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL219" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A. G. SKONBERG, Successor 385 WESTMINSTER STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL220" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Special Rates to Brown Students ARTISTIC Photographs"></div><div ID="DIVL221" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WHAT 'CHEER STABLES and GARAGE"></div><div ID="DIVL222" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Boarding and Livery. Carriages of all kinds for alloccasions. Tel. 1855 Union."></div><div ID="DIVL223" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="New, absolutely fireproof garage. Autos stored, washed or polished. Automobiles to let by hour, day or week. Tel. 1845 Union."></div><div ID="DIVL224" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WOOLENS  Mggra wear HENRY L. BISHOP &amp; SON, 224 Butler Exchange"></div><div ID="DIVL225" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL=" Boston University' School &quot;of Law  g Three years  course; advanced courses for the Master s Degree. Col- I lege graduates are permitted to take the course for the Bachelor s Degree I in two years, provided they obtain high standing. Special scholarships for I college graduates. Address f Dean MELVILLE M. BIGELOW, 11 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. !i"></div><div ID="DIVL226" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="UNIVERSITY TAILORS KESSLER BIOS K��M 4. 8� WEW���H ST."></div><div ID="DIVL227" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="TSi�r� Is a K�as�m �%�%�%Wliy"></div><div ID="DIVL228" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="BROWN"></div><div ID="DIVL229" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Will be the prevailing color. You will find a handsome line of ENGLISH TWEEDS and HOMESPUNS open to your inspection. Remember our chief aim is to satisfy YOU, as we have been doing for the past twenty years. NO FANCY PRICES."></div><div ID="DIVL230" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="SAY, BOYS!!! You ought to know, If you don t, that WILLIAM MILLS &amp; SON are .Headquarters for GROUPS, INTERIOR OF ROOMS, ETC. We have PHOTOGRAPHS ON SALE OF ALL THE DIFFERENT VIEWS AT BROWN. 58 and 60 ARCADE. TELEPHONE."></div><div ID="DIVL231" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Providence Opera House Felix R. Wendelsehafer Managei THE FAUN."></div><div ID="DIVL232" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="KEITH S This Week VAUDEVILLE"></div><div ID="DIVL233" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="EMPIRE THEATRE This Week THE VIRGINIAN."></div><div ID="DIVL234" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WESTMINSTER THEATRE This Week TROCADEROS."></div><div ID="DIVL235" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="VIOLIN MAKING - REPAIRING A SPECIALTY- J. H. ROCKWELL &amp; SON Old Italian Violins and Cellos 385 WESTMINSTER ST., Providence, R. I. MUSICAL SUPPLIES Telephone Connection"></div><div ID="DIVL236" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="FAY S BAND AND ORCHESTRA 72 WEYBOSSET STREET, Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL237" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="HOTEL LENOX Exeter and Boylston Streets THE FINEST MODERN FIREPROOF HOTEL IN NEW ENGLAND BOSTON, MASS."></div><div ID="DIVL238" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL=""></div><div ID="DIVL239" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Tailors and Importers 146 Westminster St* New Spring Styles Now Ready."></div><div ID="DIVL240" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Individual Styles"></div><div ID="DIVL241" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Luther &amp; Huber Men f s Tailors and Importers"></div><div ID="DIVL242" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="CHAMBERS, 107 Westminster St* BROWNELL BUILDING"></div><div ID="DIVL243" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Laura M. Carr Go. 16 College Street :: CATERING ::"></div><div ID="DIVL244" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="JOHN W. SLEDGE, Caterer to the GYM BALL, SOPHOMORE BALL, and other College Functions. is prepared to do First-class Catering for Dances, Dinners, Lunches, etc. Prices Reasonable. Further information may be obtained from the Business Manager of the Herald."></div><div ID="DIVL245" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="F. A. CAMPBELL CO. Tailors 502 Case-Mead Bldg. 76 Dorrance St., Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL246" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="HARVARD DENTAL SCHOOL. A Department of Harvard University A graduate of the four-year course in this school admitted without examination. A three years  course, leading to the degree, Doctor Dental Medicine. New buildings. Modern equipment. Large clinic. Write for Catalogue. Eugene H. Smith, D. M. D., Dean, Longwood Avenue, Boston, Mass."></div><div ID="DIVL247" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="EDWARD FONTAINE S New, Spacious and Up-to-Date BARBER SHOP f at 42 WESTMINSTER ST., Offers every convenience and possible attention for the comfort of college men. FACIAL MASSAGE. Telephone, Union 1449-L."></div><div ID="DIVL248" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="PLAY BALL!! Wright &amp; Ditson are  Varsity outfitters and have the finest and most complete line of Baseball Gloves, Bats, Shoes, Uniforms, etc. Special Prices to Class Teams. Also Fine Line of Golf and Tennis Supplies. ASK FOR CATALOGUE. OPPOSITE ARCADE. 76 Weybosset Street"></div><div ID="DIVL249" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Industrial Printing Company 43 South Main Street.  QUALITY PRINTING  for College Clubs a Specialty. School and Society printing executed promptly. Telephone 746-R Union."></div><div ID="DIVL250" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="DRESS SUITS 212 UNION STREET Room 4, Near Weybosset TUXEDOS AND PRINCE ALBERTS ELIAS, the To Lei Tailor"></div><div ID="DIVL251" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="MIKE, THE SHOEMAN HIGH-GRADE SAMPLES IN SHOES AND OXFORDS. College styles our specialty, worth $5, $6 and $7, our price. .$2.95 See if we have your size. 195 WEYBOSSET STREET, opposite Crown Hotel."></div><div ID="DIVL252" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="SNOW SHOE SHOP  THOSE TOTALLY DIFFERENT SHOES.  Absolutely the Newest Styles Always. J. P. Walton, Mgr. 220 Westminster St., Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL253" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="All the curves of fashion framed up' in our Spring suits! Economy, so lacking in railroads,, according to the newspapers, has been in use for years among the better makers of clothing. No waste, no graft; which explains why we sell a perfectly reliable, allwool suit as low as $l5, and for $3O a. suit that would add to the prid'e of a railroad president- Buy a  College Brand.  The Old Reliable BOSTON &amp; PROVIDENCE CLOTHING CO. Francis Building, 150 WESTMINSTER STREET,"></div><div ID="DIVL254" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="ELEVATED STYLES HATS CAPS GLOVES SUBWAY PRICES LEWIS N. FIDLER, 157 WESTMINSTER STREET UP-STAIRS"></div><div ID="DIVL255" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Providence Banking Co. 141 Westminster St., Prov., R. 1., Local Securities High Grade Investments"></div><div ID="DIVL256" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="THE RIGHT CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN Are represented in our immense showing of New Fall and Winter Styles in STEIN BLOCH AND Hart, Schaffner &amp; Marx PRODUCTIONS To be had only at the Outlet, and at Cut Prices. OUTLET"></div><div ID="DIVL257" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="I"></div><div ID="DIVL258" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="With each package of Fatima yon get a popular actress 9 photograph  also a pennant coupon, 25 of which secure a handsome felt college pennant (1 2x32} lection of WO*"></div><div ID="DIVL259" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="TURKISH,. CIGARETTES TMIGOnOMETWY Look at it from any angle the sine of a good, smoke is a Fatima Cigarette. Made from a dif~ fereni formula   never varied by even a fraction . A modest package but then, you get ten additional cigarettes. Figure on getting 20 tor 1 5 cents. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO."></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></structMap></mets>��<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><mets xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ http://schema.ccs-gmbh.com/metae/mets-metae.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:MODS="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:mix="http://www.loc.gov/mix/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mets="http://www.loc.gov/METS/"><structMap><div ID="DIVL1" TYPE="Newspaper" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL2" TYPE="VOLUME"><div ID="DIVL3" TYPE="ISSUE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL4" TYPE="TITLE_SECTION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL5" TYPE="HEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="BRQAHMpfeRALP"></div><div ID="DIVL6" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Vol. XX No. 143"></div><div ID="DIVL7" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="PROVIDENCE, FRIDAY, APRIL 21. 1913"></div><div ID="DIVL8" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Price Three Cents"></div><div ID="DIVL9" TYPE="ILLUSTRATION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL10" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL=""></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL11" TYPE="CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL12" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL13" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL14" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="MEET WITH TECHNOLOGY"></div><div ID="DIVL15" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Squad Rapidly Rounding into Shape. Tech Men Make Good Time."></div></div><div ID="DIVL16" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL17" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL18" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL19" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The M. I. T. track meet takes place a week from Saturday, on April 29. The Brown squad is doing good work at their regular practice under the coaching of  Charlie  Huggins, and the chances of winning many of the events are strong. Coach Huggins is devoting his entire time this Spring to track, and in spite of the lateness of the season the mer"></div></div><div ID="DIVL20" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL21" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="are showing rapid improvement. Twenty new suits have been ordered from Wright &amp; Ditson s, and these will be here in time for the track meet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL22" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL23" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Brown entries have been made out provisionally, and will be published next week. The  Tech  entries have not been received yet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL24" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL25" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="At an interclass meet held at Technology last Saturday, good time was made in the quarter and half-mile runs. The fast time of 4 : 33 I_ 3 was made in the mile by Watkins  l2, who will probably have a close race for first honors with Taber. The 120-yard high hurdles was also made in good time by Cummings Ti, who won second honors for the entire meet. The pole vault was won by Salisbury, the individual star of the afternoon. The height was 10 ft. 9 in. If Bartlett continues in his present good form he should easily come off first in the weight events. Six men from each college may be entered in each event. Four can compete. Probably about 25 Technology men will be entered, while 20 or twenty-five men from the Brown squad will participate."></div></div><div ID="DIVL26" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL27" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The last meet with M. I. T. was held in 1908, when Tech won out by a score of 71J4 to 54/4."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL28" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL29" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL30" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="A. A. Bennett TO, Receives Princeton Fellowship."></div></div><div ID="DIVL31" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL32" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL33" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL34" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Mr. Albert Arnold Bennett, Assistant in the Department of Mathematics, will study at Princeton next year. He has received one of the G. S. K. Fellowships in Mathematics for next 3 r ear. His entire time will be devoted to research work. Mr. Bennett expects to study under Professors Birkhoff and Veblen, two of the most eminent mathematicians in this country. He will be at Princeton at least one year, and the probabilities are that he will remain there longer."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL35" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL36" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL37" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="APPEAL TO REASON."></div><div ID="DIVL38" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Banquet Committee Recommends Restraint from Excessive Use of Brown Spirit."></div></div><div ID="DIVL39" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL40" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL41" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL42" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="A communication just received from the Brown Committee, calls attention to the unnecessary character of the super-abundant expression of overflowing Brown spirit at the Annual Banquet. The Committee expresses the hope that the breaking of tableware and hurling of heavy missils will be done away with this year."></div></div><div ID="DIVL43" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL44" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The communication follows: To the Editor of the Herald: "></div></div><div ID="DIVL45" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL46" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="For several years the Brown Banquet Committee has been caused considerable trouble and unnecessary expense by breakage and damage to articles during the banquet in Sayles Hall. It is hoped that the banquet to-morrow night may be conducted without this undesirable feature. Furthermore, the University authorities strongly object to the throwing of biscuits and other hard articles on account of the danger to portraits, and if one of these should suffer irreparable damage, the result might be the forbidding of the use of Sayles for future banquets. The lifting of tables may be all right, but to drop them or to toss the tableware around is likely to be disastrous, and all undergraduates are earnestly requested to keep their Brown spirit from running amuck, and to co-operate with the committee in preventing a good time from being converted into too much of a  rough-house.  Brown Banquet Committee."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL47" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL48" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL49" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Sophomores Lose to Dean Academy in Ragged Game."></div></div><div ID="DIVL50" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL51" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL52" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL53" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Sophomore baseball team was defeated by the Dean Academy team Wednesday afternoon by a score of 8-1. The home team won by their ability to bunch hits and by the glaring errors of the 1 913 team. Four runs were made by Dean in the first inning, the other four coming in the fifth. There were nine bases stolen by the Dean men. The features of the game were Hahn s long throw to the plate and the batting of McLaughlin for Dean, who drew three hits out of three times at bat."></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL54" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL55" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL="BROWN IQ13. bh pb a e Tucker, c. f 0 T 1 0 H owe, s. s 1 X 3 1"></div><div ID="DIVL56" TYPE="CAPTION" ORDER="1" LABEL="The summary of yesterday s game is as follows:"></div></div><div ID="DIVL57" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL58" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sullivan, ab. I I 0 I Ashbaugh, ib. . . . 9 0 I Henry, c 9 4 I Hahn, 1. f I 0 0 Chase, 3b I 0 0 Higgins, r. f 0 0 0 0 Redington, p 0 I 4 0 Totals 4 24 12 4"></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL59" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL60" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL61" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="FOOTBALL PRACTICE."></div><div ID="DIVL62" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Squad Tries New Formations in Gymnasium. W. H. Sweet and High  ll, Assist."></div></div><div ID="DIVL63" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL64" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL65" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL66" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="On account of the wetness of Andrews Field , the  Varsity football practice was held on the gym floor yesterday. Bean and Metcalf played the half-backs and  Don  Pryor and Pride, a Freshman, played fullback in turn. Hazard played center and Murphy and Goldberg guards. Several new shifts and formations were tried out and the whole practice went off snappily and smoothly. Mr. W. H. Sweet and  Jake  High assisted Coach Pryor during the afternoon."></div></div><div ID="DIVL67" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL68" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The following men reported: Capt. Sprackling, Goldberg  l3, Murphy  l3, Hazard  l4, Gelb  l3, Kratz T 3, Ashbaugh T 3, Adams  l2, Bean  l4, Pride,  l4, Metcalf  l3."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL69" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL70" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL71" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Meeting of Prospective Competitors in the Herald Office Tonight."></div></div><div ID="DIVL72" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL73" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL74" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL75" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="To-night at 6:45, a meeting will be held in the Herald office in the basement of the Union, for all Sophomores who wish to enter a competition for membership " on the Herald Board. The competition will begin with next Monday s edition of the paper and will continue through the Spring term and the Fall term next year. The work will consist in the writing up of news items, the carrying of copy, the reading of proof, and whatever work may come up in the office. At 7:15 to-night a meeting of the Sophomore members of the board will be held in the Herald office preparatory to starting a competition for the news editors  positions."></div></div><div ID="DIVL76" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL77" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Wesleyan is making a determined effort to wipe out the deficit of the Athletic Association. The alumni have contributed several hundred dollars, and now the undergraduates plan to raise at least $lOOO more before the end of the year. A vaudeville show which the students gave in Middletown netted between $350 and $4OO."></div></div><div ID="DIVL78" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL79" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The largest number of Freshmen in the history of Purdue turned out for baseball this Spring. When the season opened 13 1 men responded to the call for candidates."></div></div><div ID="DIVL80" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL81" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="More than 50 men reported at Yale for the mass meeting of candidates �% for next Fall s football eleven."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL82" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL83" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL84" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="SALE OF TICKETS."></div><div ID="DIVL85" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="250 Sub-Freshman Tickets Sold.  Undergraduate Sale Not So Rapid."></div></div><div ID="DIVL86" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL87" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL88" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL89" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Sub-Freshman Banquet tickets are going rapidly. Yesterday two more of the fraternities"></div></div><div ID="DIVL90" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL91" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="bought their tickets, bringing the total of Sub-Freshman tickets sold to date up to 250. Only two fraternities now remain which have not taken the tickets they contracted for."></div></div><div ID="DIVL92" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL93" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The undergraduate tickets are not going so fast, only 53 having been sold. A large number of sales are expected to-day and tomorrow morning, however. Undergraduates can obtain their tickets from any of the committee, R. F. Skillings Ti, Wm. V. Winslow Ti, G. S. Burgess  l2, N. B. Hull  l3, and C. L. Bagnell  l4. Manager H. O. Barker of the baseball team has announced that the Sub-Freshman banquet tickets will be stamped for free admission to the Princeton game from 12:20 to 2 o clock on Saturday at the Union. The Sub-Freshman tickets only will be stamped for admission and the men must call in person at the Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL94" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL95" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL96" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Triple Tie Being Played Off in Chess Tournament."></div></div><div ID="DIVL97" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL98" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL99" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL100" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Two games have been played in the series which is to decide the chess championship between Corp, Emmons, and Durfee, who were tied for first place. The game between Corp and Emmons resulted in a draw and Corp yesterday defeated Durfee. The plan is for each man to play three games with each of the other two. Stanton and Guild are tied for fourth place and will play their games as soon as possible. The standing of the men at the close of the regular tournament left Corp, Durfee and Emmons each with eight games won and one lost, and Guild and Stanton with six won and three lost."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL101" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL102" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL103" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Man Resigns Y. M. C. A. Position."></div></div><div ID="DIVL104" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL105" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL106" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL107" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Mr. William Lamkie, who was graduated from Brown in the class of 1905, is about to resign on account of illness, his position as International Educational Secretary of the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. s. Mr. Lamkie entered the work in September, 1907, and since then he has originated a most flexible scheme to meet the educational needs of the enlisted men of our Army and Navy. It will be with regret that his associates and many enlisted men will learn of his resignation, as it is largely' due' to him that such large things have been achieved in the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. s."></div></div><div ID="DIVL108" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL109" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The students of Columbia University are preparing a petition to the trustees asking that a ten dollar athletic assessment be added to the tuition fee."></div></div><div ID="DIVL110" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL111" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The landladies of Ithaca, N. Y., are hereafter to be protected from"></div></div><div ID="DIVL112" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL113" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="unseemly disturbances by student roomers. A Cornell Sophomore was recently arrested and fined sio for yelling, .pounding of the floor, kicking, and raising a big commotion."></div></div><div ID="DIVL114" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL115" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A course in embalming has been established at the University of Michigan. This is the first university to start such a course."></div></div><div ID="DIVL116" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL117" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Harvard beat the Naval Academy in Lacross yesterday by the score of 4-2 in a driving rain storm, and a muddy field."></div></div><div ID="DIVL118" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL119" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Capt. Foster of the Harvard track team has pulled a tendon and will probably not be able to sprint until the Intercollegiate games. His loss will weaken his team, especially in the dual meet with Yale, May io."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL120" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL121" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL122" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Phi Beta Kappa."></div></div><div ID="DIVL123" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL124" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL125" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL126" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Shortly we shall be apprised of the elections to membership in the Phi Beta Kappa Society, and shall again be confronted with the annual query, what is the Phi Beta Kappa Society? Not that the significance of the coveted key is un-"></div></div><div ID="DIVL127" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL128" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="known, but that the society at Brown has so little function and so little of healthy influence that we are justified in asking its nature. Brown is not alone in the inactivity of this honorary society, complaints are heard at every hand, but there are institutions where'the Phi"></div></div><div ID="DIVL129" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL130" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Beta Kappa Society is a.i active organization, serving its members the same salutary purpose as the Sphinx Club, and at the same time creating an influence that makes for greater prestige of the purely intellectual in the college life."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL131" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL132" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL133" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="The Brown Banquet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL134" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL135" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL136" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL137" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="To-morrow evening occurs one of the big events of - the college year  the Brown Banquet and every Brown undergraduate should exert every effort to attend! No excuse for absence will be valid! The development of your own individual crop of Brown Spirit depends on it, and the extending of the heartiest good time possible to the visiting preparatory school men depends on it also. And in addition to all that, this year s commit-"></div></div><div ID="DIVL138" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL139" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="tee have in store a program that you will not want to miss. And, by the by, it will not be amiss to call attention to the communication in another column which contains a hint which, if heeded, besides not decreasing the enjoyment of the occasion, will tend to leave quite as wholesome a remembrance in the minds of our visitors."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL140" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL141" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL142" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="UNIVERSITY BULLETIN."></div></div><div ID="DIVL143" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL144" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL145" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL146" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="(Notices for the Herald must be in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief by 1 P. M. on the day preceding publication. A charge of 25 cents will be made for a notice of live lines for first insertion and j 5 cents for each subsequent insertion.)"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL147" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL148" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL149" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BROWN TUTOR."></div></div><div ID="DIVL150" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL151" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL152" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL153" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="George Albert Goulding, A. M. t drown, 1899), experienced tutor in high school and college subjects, 167 Cushing street. Telephone, 710-L Angell. Office, 87 Weybosset street Room 53. Telephone 673-L Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL154" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL155" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL156" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="1913!"></div></div><div ID="DIVL157" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL158" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL159" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL160" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A competition for associate editor of the Herald will start next Monday. The competition will continue two terms, and is open to all members of the Sophomore class. All prospective competitors should leave their names at the desk or in the box in the Herald Office at once. /'V meeting for full instructions will be held Friday evening in the Office. W. Randolph Burgess, Daniel L. Brown, &gt; Man. Editors-Elect. alO-ot"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL161" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL162" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL163" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="PRINCETON GAME TICKETS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL164" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL165" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL166" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL167" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All undergraduates who wish to take Sub-Freshman guests to the Princeton game should see that the Sub-Freshmen call in person at the Union Saturday from 12:20 to 2 o'clock to get their banquet tickets stamped for admission to the game. Sub-Freshman tickets only are stamped for free admission. H. O. Barber, Baseball. Manager. a2O-3t"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL168" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL169" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL170" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BANQUET TICKETS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL171" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL172" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL173" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL174" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sub-Freshman and undergraduate tickets to the Brown Banquet, Saturday evening, will be on sale to-day from 12:20 to 2 o'clock, in the Smoking- Room. a 17  It R. F. Skillings, Chairman."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL175" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL176" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL177" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="SOPHOMORE EDITORS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL178" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL179" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL180" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL181" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Meeting of 1913 members of the Herald Board in the office to-night at 7:15 o'clock. All members will please attend. R. G. Hurlin, Editor-in-Chief Elect."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL182" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL183" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL184" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="DEAN ACADEMY."></div></div><div ID="DIVL185" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL186" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL187" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL188" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Innings 123456789 Brown 1913.... 00000100 o l Dean 40004000 o B Runs  Tormcy 2, McLaughlin 2, Abbott, Pratt, Stafford, Westcott  8; 'Redington l. Two-base hit  Mc- Laughlin. Stolen bases  Pratt, Stafford, Westcott, McLaughlin, Tormey"></div></div><div ID="DIVL189" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL190" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="2, Abbott, Murrey, Crotty. Base cm balls  By Bellefontaine i; by Redington 2. Struck out  By Bellefontaine 7; by Merrifield 2; by Redington io. Sacrifice hit Stafford. Double plays  Hahn to Henry; Bellefontaine to Stafford to Pratt. Hit by pitched ball  Tucker.' Passed ball Henry. Umpire Time  2h."></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL191" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL192" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="2" LABEL="bh po a e Pratt, lb .... I 10 0 0 Stafford, 2b .... I 3 5 X Westeott, 3b .... I I 2 0 McLaughlin. 1. f... 3 I 0 0 Tormcy, c. f .... 2 0 0 0 Abbott, r. f I 0 0 Murrey, r. f ... .0 0 0 0 Crotty, s. 5 .... I 0 2 1 O Brien, c ... .0 i r 4 0 Belleiontaine, p. .. ... .0 0 3 0 Merritield, p ... .0 0 2 0 Totals 27 18 2"></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL193" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL194" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL195" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL196" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL197" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The University  H  will be awarded to any Harvard winner finishing third or better in the Yale cross-country meet; also to the men securing seventh place or better in the intercollegiate. A cosmopolitan club of a limited membership to American students is being organized at Minnesota."></div></div><div ID="DIVL198" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL199" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="It has been decided to have buttons made to be worn by the members of the Freshman class at Harvard, so that they know one another better."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL200" TYPE="SECTION" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL201" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL202" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL203" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL=""></div><div ID="DIVL204" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="170 BENEFIT, CORNER MEETING"></div><div ID="DIVL205" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="FOWNES GLOVES are not cheapest, but they re feast expensive. 14"></div><div ID="DIVL206" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Are your clothes, furniture* books, etc., protected against loss by IRE IF NOT, THEY SHOULD BE. HAROLD A. MACKINNEY, INSURANCE. 12 WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL207" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Peirce Shoe Models For the College Mae NEW LASTS IN CONSERVATIVE AND THE MORE EXTREME STYLES. �|f Thos. F. Peirce &amp; Son Westminster and&lt;; Dor ranee Sts. 5* I . c t# &amp; fcs I 8 |1 8 8 8 $0 K* M |�"></div><div ID="DIVL208" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A Professor s Insurance Prof. of Brown insured in the Northwestern Mutual April 16th, 1906, at age 31, for $3,500.00, 30-year Endowment. The record is as follows: dividend. C. G. Blanchard, Gen. Agt. 19 Journal Building"></div><div ID="DIVL209" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A. Shuian &amp; Co. BOSTON. Original and Exclusive COLLEGE " CLOTHES DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FOR COLLEGE MEN. Frequently Represented at the Brown Union Bookstore."></div><div ID="DIVL210" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CLIFTON m m ?. mm WM $ M CLIFTON BEDFORD 2% in. higb * vhe Arrow &quot; Scotch COLLARS � ' 18e.,2 tor 26�. Cluett, Peabody &amp; Co., Makere"></div><div ID="DIVL211" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sft noTiti roigs Fountain Pea s2.*&gt;9 'And Up A fountain pen that won't ink your fingers, one that can be carried in any position, upside down or on its side in any pocket or bag. When the cap is screwed on, the pen is as tight as a bottle. When not in use the pen rests in ink, so remains moist, and will write without need of shaking. Made in many styles. Prices $2.50 to $15.00. On its own merits this pen is fast finding its way all over the world. There probably is a dealer in your town who now carries it and you can buy of him ; but if there isn t, if you will send us the name of your most reliable dealer, we will see that he has an assortment of these pens for you to select from. Be careful to give us his name and address and vour name and address correctly. State also whether you like a fine, medium or coarse pen; otherwise, we shall send an assortment that you can purchase from at $2.50. Something new: Moore s Midget non-leakable inches long. The smallest fountain pen made, just the thing for ladies  shopping bag or for men s lower vest pocket. Price $2.50. g ADAMS, CUSHING &amp; FOSTER 168 Bo D r�f- Selling Agents for AMERICAN FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY"></div><div ID="DIVL212" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Brown, the badge man, 46, 48, 50 Broadway, Can make LAPEL EMBLEMS in Solid Metal, SPECIAL DESIGNS, at revolutionary prices,, one-half and one-third what others charge. Also Ribbon. Badges, for Track Meets, etc."></div><div ID="DIVL213" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Spirit of Easter. &quot;The Good .Will of'lts patrons Has Made PossiblevThe. National Institution of BROWNING, KING &amp; CO. No man should be judged by the Clothes he 'wears. Put surely the man who is smartly dresspd has an advantage over his less practical brother. You cannot fail to recognize the fact that in most cases a man s appearance in a measure tells what he is himself. The BROWNING, KING Policy to hold your money on deposit for you until' every transaction gives perfect satisfaction must appeal to you as a unique commercial idea. Business creeds of this nature are bound to win the good will and confidence of all who appreciate modern American business methods and service. The National Organization of BROWNING, KING &amp; CO., is ready to supply Every Correct Requisite for your EASTER ATTIRE. A Complete Showing of Men s, Boys  and Children s Clothes, Furnishings and Hats. Men s Suits and Overcoats, $15.00 to $35.00. Our Hat Department s3.oo, $3.50 and upward. Men s Furnishings The Newest Things for -Spring from the most reliable makers. Young Men s and Boys  Clothing Dong- ; " trouser Suits, $12.00 to $30.00. Norfolk and Plain Double-breasted Suits. $5.00 to $16.50. Russian and Sailor Blouse Suits, $5 to $12.00. A complete stock of Young Men s and Boys  Hats and Furnishings. We ve made unusual preparations this year for Easter, and we re sure you will appreciate �% them A NATIONAL INSTITUTION. PRO VI DEN g&gt;rowr\mg- King-�-(� CE, RHODE ISLAND."></div><div ID="DIVL214" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="E. H. Forsell TAILOR [ 76 Dor ranee St. Corner Weybosset, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Rooms 204-5-6. Telephone."></div><div ID="DIVL215" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="� 1 Fine Hats The SOFT The SILK The DERBY The OPERA Elstoe-Mta to."></div><div ID="DIVL216" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="James Murphy Merchant Tailor 0 42 Westminster St. Room ) Providence. R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL217" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="It s Time for YOU to Think of B.V. D. Loose Fitting B. V, D. Underwear insures coolness to you. The light woven B. V. D. fabrics assure comfort to you. The integrity of B. V. D. making secures resistance to nvear and &lt;wash. The Red Woven B.V. D. Label safeguards the genuineness of your purchase. This Red Woven Label MADE FOR TH&amp; BEST RETAIL TRADE ( Trade Mark Reg. V. S. Fat. Off.) is sewed on every B. V. D. Garment. Take no garment it. A copy of our Booklet has been set aside for you. Write for it. B. V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers, 50c, 75c, $l.OO and $1.50 a garment. B. V. D. Union Suits, (Pat. 4/70/07) $l, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00 a suit. The B. V. D. Company � 65 Worth St., New York"></div><div ID="DIVL218" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Our Interpretation of Men s NEW FASHIONS is undeniably correct. We enjoy advantages that place us on an equal footing with New York s most exclusive merchant tailors but our prices are always CONSISTENTLY MODERATE : Enlarged facilities that enable us to display better than I ever our handsome new fabrics. Lee, Oden and Company DESIGNERS AND. MAKERS OF MEN S CLOTHES 29Q WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL219" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A. G. SKONBERG, Successor 385 WESTMINSTER STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL220" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Special Rates to Brown Students ARTISTIC Photographs"></div><div ID="DIVL221" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WHAT 'CHEER STABLES and GARAGE"></div><div ID="DIVL222" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Boarding and Livery. Carriages of all kinds for alloccasions. Tel. 1855 Union."></div><div ID="DIVL223" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="New, absolutely fireproof garage. Autos stored, washed or polished. Automobiles to let by hour, day or week. Tel. 1845 Union."></div><div ID="DIVL224" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WOOLENS  Mggra wear HENRY L. BISHOP &amp; SON, 224 Butler Exchange"></div><div ID="DIVL225" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL=" Boston University' School &quot;of Law  g Three years  course; advanced courses for the Master s Degree. Col- I lege graduates are permitted to take the course for the Bachelor s Degree I in two years, provided they obtain high standing. Special scholarships for I college graduates. Address f Dean MELVILLE M. BIGELOW, 11 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. !i"></div><div ID="DIVL226" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="UNIVERSITY TAILORS KESSLER BIOS K��M 4. 8� WEW���H ST."></div><div ID="DIVL227" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="TSi�r� Is a K�as�m �%�%�%Wliy"></div><div ID="DIVL228" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="BROWN"></div><div ID="DIVL229" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Will be the prevailing color. You will find a handsome line of ENGLISH TWEEDS and HOMESPUNS open to your inspection. Remember our chief aim is to satisfy YOU, as we have been doing for the past twenty years. NO FANCY PRICES."></div><div ID="DIVL230" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="SAY, BOYS!!! You ought to know, If you don t, that WILLIAM MILLS &amp; SON are .Headquarters for GROUPS, INTERIOR OF ROOMS, ETC. We have PHOTOGRAPHS ON SALE OF ALL THE DIFFERENT VIEWS AT BROWN. 58 and 60 ARCADE. TELEPHONE."></div><div ID="DIVL231" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Providence Opera House Felix R. Wendelsehafer Managei THE FAUN."></div><div ID="DIVL232" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="KEITH S This Week VAUDEVILLE"></div><div ID="DIVL233" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="EMPIRE THEATRE This Week THE VIRGINIAN."></div><div ID="DIVL234" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WESTMINSTER THEATRE This Week TROCADEROS."></div><div ID="DIVL235" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="VIOLIN MAKING - REPAIRING A SPECIALTY- J. H. ROCKWELL &amp; SON Old Italian Violins and Cellos 385 WESTMINSTER ST., Providence, R. I. MUSICAL SUPPLIES Telephone Connection"></div><div ID="DIVL236" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="FAY S BAND AND ORCHESTRA 72 WEYBOSSET STREET, Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL237" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="HOTEL LENOX Exeter and Boylston Streets THE FINEST MODERN FIREPROOF HOTEL IN NEW ENGLAND BOSTON, MASS."></div><div ID="DIVL238" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL=""></div><div ID="DIVL239" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Tailors and Importers 146 Westminster St* New Spring Styles Now Ready."></div><div ID="DIVL240" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Individual Styles"></div><div ID="DIVL241" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Luther &amp; Huber Men f s Tailors and Importers"></div><div ID="DIVL242" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="CHAMBERS, 107 Westminster St* BROWNELL BUILDING"></div><div ID="DIVL243" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Laura M. Carr Go. 16 College Street :: CATERING ::"></div><div ID="DIVL244" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="JOHN W. SLEDGE, Caterer to the GYM BALL, SOPHOMORE BALL, and other College Functions. is prepared to do First-class Catering for Dances, Dinners, Lunches, etc. Prices Reasonable. Further information may be obtained from the Business Manager of the Herald."></div><div ID="DIVL245" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="F. A. CAMPBELL CO. Tailors 502 Case-Mead Bldg. 76 Dorrance St., Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL246" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="HARVARD DENTAL SCHOOL. A Department of Harvard University A graduate of the four-year course in this school admitted without examination. A three years  course, leading to the degree, Doctor Dental Medicine. New buildings. Modern equipment. Large clinic. Write for Catalogue. Eugene H. Smith, D. M. D., Dean, Longwood Avenue, Boston, Mass."></div><div ID="DIVL247" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="EDWARD FONTAINE S New, Spacious and Up-to-Date BARBER SHOP f at 42 WESTMINSTER ST., Offers every convenience and possible attention for the comfort of college men. FACIAL MASSAGE. Telephone, Union 1449-L."></div><div ID="DIVL248" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="PLAY BALL!! Wright &amp; Ditson are  Varsity outfitters and have the finest and most complete line of Baseball Gloves, Bats, Shoes, Uniforms, etc. Special Prices to Class Teams. Also Fine Line of Golf and Tennis Supplies. ASK FOR CATALOGUE. OPPOSITE ARCADE. 76 Weybosset Street"></div><div ID="DIVL249" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Industrial Printing Company 43 South Main Street.  QUALITY PRINTING  for College Clubs a Specialty. School and Society printing executed promptly. Telephone 746-R Union."></div><div ID="DIVL250" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="DRESS SUITS 212 UNION STREET Room 4, Near Weybosset TUXEDOS AND PRINCE ALBERTS ELIAS, the To Lei Tailor"></div><div ID="DIVL251" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="MIKE, THE SHOEMAN HIGH-GRADE SAMPLES IN SHOES AND OXFORDS. College styles our specialty, worth $5, $6 and $7, our price. .$2.95 See if we have your size. 195 WEYBOSSET STREET, opposite Crown Hotel."></div><div ID="DIVL252" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="SNOW SHOE SHOP  THOSE TOTALLY DIFFERENT SHOES.  Absolutely the Newest Styles Always. J. P. Walton, Mgr. 220 Westminster St., Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL253" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="All the curves of fashion framed up' in our Spring suits! Economy, so lacking in railroads,, according to the newspapers, has been in use for years among the better makers of clothing. No waste, no graft; which explains why we sell a perfectly reliable, allwool suit as low as $l5, and for $3O a. suit that would add to the prid'e of a railroad president- Buy a  College Brand.  The Old Reliable BOSTON &amp; PROVIDENCE CLOTHING CO. Francis Building, 150 WESTMINSTER STREET,"></div><div ID="DIVL254" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="ELEVATED STYLES HATS CAPS GLOVES SUBWAY PRICES LEWIS N. FIDLER, 157 WESTMINSTER STREET UP-STAIRS"></div><div ID="DIVL255" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Providence Banking Co. 141 Westminster St., Prov., R. 1., Local Securities High Grade Investments"></div><div ID="DIVL256" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="THE RIGHT CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN Are represented in our immense showing of New Fall and Winter Styles in STEIN BLOCH AND Hart, Schaffner &amp; Marx PRODUCTIONS To be had only at the Outlet, and at Cut Prices. OUTLET"></div><div ID="DIVL257" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="I"></div><div ID="DIVL258" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="With each package of Fatima yon get a popular actress 9 photograph  also a pennant coupon, 25 of which secure a handsome felt college pennant (1 2x32} lection of WO*"></div><div ID="DIVL259" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="TURKISH,. CIGARETTES TMIGOnOMETWY Look at it from any angle the sine of a good, smoke is a Fatima Cigarette. Made from a dif~ fereni formula   never varied by even a fraction . A modest package but then, you get ten additional cigarettes. Figure on getting 20 tor 1 5 cents. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO."></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></structMap></mets>��<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><mets xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ http://schema.ccs-gmbh.com/metae/mets-metae.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:MODS="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:mix="http://www.loc.gov/mix/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mets="http://www.loc.gov/METS/"><structMap><div ID="DIVL1" TYPE="Newspaper" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL2" TYPE="VOLUME"><div ID="DIVL3" TYPE="ISSUE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL4" TYPE="TITLE_SECTION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL5" TYPE="HEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="BRQAHMpfeRALP"></div><div ID="DIVL6" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Vol. XX No. 143"></div><div ID="DIVL7" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="PROVIDENCE, FRIDAY, APRIL 21. 1913"></div><div ID="DIVL8" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Price Three Cents"></div><div ID="DIVL9" TYPE="ILLUSTRATION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL10" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL=""></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL11" TYPE="CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL12" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL13" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL14" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="MEET WITH TECHNOLOGY"></div><div ID="DIVL15" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Squad Rapidly Rounding into Shape. Tech Men Make Good Time."></div></div><div ID="DIVL16" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL17" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL18" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL19" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The M. I. T. track meet takes place a week from Saturday, on April 29. The Brown squad is doing good work at their regular practice under the coaching of  Charlie  Huggins, and the chances of winning many of the events are strong. Coach Huggins is devoting his entire time this Spring to track, and in spite of the lateness of the season the mer"></div></div><div ID="DIVL20" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL21" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="are showing rapid improvement. Twenty new suits have been ordered from Wright &amp; Ditson s, and these will be here in time for the track meet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL22" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL23" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Brown entries have been made out provisionally, and will be published next week. The  Tech  entries have not been received yet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL24" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL25" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="At an interclass meet held at Technology last Saturday, good time was made in the quarter and half-mile runs. The fast time of 4 : 33 I_ 3 was made in the mile by Watkins  l2, who will probably have a close race for first honors with Taber. The 120-yard high hurdles was also made in good time by Cummings Ti, who won second honors for the entire meet. The pole vault was won by Salisbury, the individual star of the afternoon. The height was 10 ft. 9 in. If Bartlett continues in his present good form he should easily come off first in the weight events. Six men from each college may be entered in each event. Four can compete. Probably about 25 Technology men will be entered, while 20 or twenty-five men from the Brown squad will participate."></div></div><div ID="DIVL26" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL27" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The last meet with M. I. T. was held in 1908, when Tech won out by a score of 71J4 to 54/4."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL28" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL29" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL30" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="A. A. Bennett TO, Receives Princeton Fellowship."></div></div><div ID="DIVL31" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL32" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL33" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL34" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Mr. Albert Arnold Bennett, Assistant in the Department of Mathematics, will study at Princeton next year. He has received one of the G. S. K. Fellowships in Mathematics for next 3 r ear. His entire time will be devoted to research work. Mr. Bennett expects to study under Professors Birkhoff and Veblen, two of the most eminent mathematicians in this country. He will be at Princeton at least one year, and the probabilities are that he will remain there longer."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL35" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL36" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL37" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="APPEAL TO REASON."></div><div ID="DIVL38" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Banquet Committee Recommends Restraint from Excessive Use of Brown Spirit."></div></div><div ID="DIVL39" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL40" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL41" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL42" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="A communication just received from the Brown Committee, calls attention to the unnecessary character of the super-abundant expression of overflowing Brown spirit at the Annual Banquet. The Committee expresses the hope that the breaking of tableware and hurling of heavy missils will be done away with this year."></div></div><div ID="DIVL43" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL44" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The communication follows: To the Editor of the Herald: "></div></div><div ID="DIVL45" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL46" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="For several years the Brown Banquet Committee has been caused considerable trouble and unnecessary expense by breakage and damage to articles during the banquet in Sayles Hall. It is hoped that the banquet to-morrow night may be conducted without this undesirable feature. Furthermore, the University authorities strongly object to the throwing of biscuits and other hard articles on account of the danger to portraits, and if one of these should suffer irreparable damage, the result might be the forbidding of the use of Sayles for future banquets. The lifting of tables may be all right, but to drop them or to toss the tableware around is likely to be disastrous, and all undergraduates are earnestly requested to keep their Brown spirit from running amuck, and to co-operate with the committee in preventing a good time from being converted into too much of a  rough-house.  Brown Banquet Committee."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL47" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL48" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL49" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Sophomores Lose to Dean Academy in Ragged Game."></div></div><div ID="DIVL50" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL51" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL52" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL53" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Sophomore baseball team was defeated by the Dean Academy team Wednesday afternoon by a score of 8-1. The home team won by their ability to bunch hits and by the glaring errors of the 1 913 team. Four runs were made by Dean in the first inning, the other four coming in the fifth. There were nine bases stolen by the Dean men. The features of the game were Hahn s long throw to the plate and the batting of McLaughlin for Dean, who drew three hits out of three times at bat."></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL54" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL55" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL="BROWN IQ13. bh pb a e Tucker, c. f 0 T 1 0 H owe, s. s 1 X 3 1"></div><div ID="DIVL56" TYPE="CAPTION" ORDER="1" LABEL="The summary of yesterday s game is as follows:"></div></div><div ID="DIVL57" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL58" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sullivan, ab. I I 0 I Ashbaugh, ib. . . . 9 0 I Henry, c 9 4 I Hahn, 1. f I 0 0 Chase, 3b I 0 0 Higgins, r. f 0 0 0 0 Redington, p 0 I 4 0 Totals 4 24 12 4"></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL59" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL60" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL61" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="FOOTBALL PRACTICE."></div><div ID="DIVL62" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Squad Tries New Formations in Gymnasium. W. H. Sweet and High  ll, Assist."></div></div><div ID="DIVL63" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL64" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL65" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL66" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="On account of the wetness of Andrews Field , the  Varsity football practice was held on the gym floor yesterday. Bean and Metcalf played the half-backs and  Don  Pryor and Pride, a Freshman, played fullback in turn. Hazard played center and Murphy and Goldberg guards. Several new shifts and formations were tried out and the whole practice went off snappily and smoothly. Mr. W. H. Sweet and  Jake  High assisted Coach Pryor during the afternoon."></div></div><div ID="DIVL67" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL68" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The following men reported: Capt. Sprackling, Goldberg  l3, Murphy  l3, Hazard  l4, Gelb  l3, Kratz T 3, Ashbaugh T 3, Adams  l2, Bean  l4, Pride,  l4, Metcalf  l3."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL69" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL70" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL71" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Meeting of Prospective Competitors in the Herald Office Tonight."></div></div><div ID="DIVL72" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL73" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL74" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL75" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="To-night at 6:45, a meeting will be held in the Herald office in the basement of the Union, for all Sophomores who wish to enter a competition for membership " on the Herald Board. The competition will begin with next Monday s edition of the paper and will continue through the Spring term and the Fall term next year. The work will consist in the writing up of news items, the carrying of copy, the reading of proof, and whatever work may come up in the office. At 7:15 to-night a meeting of the Sophomore members of the board will be held in the Herald office preparatory to starting a competition for the news editors  positions."></div></div><div ID="DIVL76" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL77" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Wesleyan is making a determined effort to wipe out the deficit of the Athletic Association. The alumni have contributed several hundred dollars, and now the undergraduates plan to raise at least $lOOO more before the end of the year. A vaudeville show which the students gave in Middletown netted between $350 and $4OO."></div></div><div ID="DIVL78" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL79" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The largest number of Freshmen in the history of Purdue turned out for baseball this Spring. When the season opened 13 1 men responded to the call for candidates."></div></div><div ID="DIVL80" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL81" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="More than 50 men reported at Yale for the mass meeting of candidates �% for next Fall s football eleven."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL82" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL83" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL84" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="SALE OF TICKETS."></div><div ID="DIVL85" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="250 Sub-Freshman Tickets Sold.  Undergraduate Sale Not So Rapid."></div></div><div ID="DIVL86" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL87" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL88" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL89" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Sub-Freshman Banquet tickets are going rapidly. Yesterday two more of the fraternities"></div></div><div ID="DIVL90" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL91" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="bought their tickets, bringing the total of Sub-Freshman tickets sold to date up to 250. Only two fraternities now remain which have not taken the tickets they contracted for."></div></div><div ID="DIVL92" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL93" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The undergraduate tickets are not going so fast, only 53 having been sold. A large number of sales are expected to-day and tomorrow morning, however. Undergraduates can obtain their tickets from any of the committee, R. F. Skillings Ti, Wm. V. Winslow Ti, G. S. Burgess  l2, N. B. Hull  l3, and C. L. Bagnell  l4. Manager H. O. Barker of the baseball team has announced that the Sub-Freshman banquet tickets will be stamped for free admission to the Princeton game from 12:20 to 2 o clock on Saturday at the Union. The Sub-Freshman tickets only will be stamped for admission and the men must call in person at the Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL94" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL95" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL96" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Triple Tie Being Played Off in Chess Tournament."></div></div><div ID="DIVL97" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL98" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL99" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL100" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Two games have been played in the series which is to decide the chess championship between Corp, Emmons, and Durfee, who were tied for first place. The game between Corp and Emmons resulted in a draw and Corp yesterday defeated Durfee. The plan is for each man to play three games with each of the other two. Stanton and Guild are tied for fourth place and will play their games as soon as possible. The standing of the men at the close of the regular tournament left Corp, Durfee and Emmons each with eight games won and one lost, and Guild and Stanton with six won and three lost."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL101" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL102" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL103" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Man Resigns Y. M. C. A. Position."></div></div><div ID="DIVL104" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL105" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL106" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL107" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Mr. William Lamkie, who was graduated from Brown in the class of 1905, is about to resign on account of illness, his position as International Educational Secretary of the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. s. Mr. Lamkie entered the work in September, 1907, and since then he has originated a most flexible scheme to meet the educational needs of the enlisted men of our Army and Navy. It will be with regret that his associates and many enlisted men will learn of his resignation, as it is largely' due' to him that such large things have been achieved in the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. s."></div></div><div ID="DIVL108" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL109" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The students of Columbia University are preparing a petition to the trustees asking that a ten dollar athletic assessment be added to the tuition fee."></div></div><div ID="DIVL110" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL111" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The landladies of Ithaca, N. Y., are hereafter to be protected from"></div></div><div ID="DIVL112" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL113" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="unseemly disturbances by student roomers. A Cornell Sophomore was recently arrested and fined sio for yelling, .pounding of the floor, kicking, and raising a big commotion."></div></div><div ID="DIVL114" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL115" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A course in embalming has been established at the University of Michigan. This is the first university to start such a course."></div></div><div ID="DIVL116" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL117" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Harvard beat the Naval Academy in Lacross yesterday by the score of 4-2 in a driving rain storm, and a muddy field."></div></div><div ID="DIVL118" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL119" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Capt. Foster of the Harvard track team has pulled a tendon and will probably not be able to sprint until the Intercollegiate games. His loss will weaken his team, especially in the dual meet with Yale, May io."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL120" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL121" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL122" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Phi Beta Kappa."></div></div><div ID="DIVL123" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL124" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL125" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL126" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Shortly we shall be apprised of the elections to membership in the Phi Beta Kappa Society, and shall again be confronted with the annual query, what is the Phi Beta Kappa Society? Not that the significance of the coveted key is un-"></div></div><div ID="DIVL127" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL128" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="known, but that the society at Brown has so little function and so little of healthy influence that we are justified in asking its nature. Brown is not alone in the inactivity of this honorary society, complaints are heard at every hand, but there are institutions where'the Phi"></div></div><div ID="DIVL129" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL130" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Beta Kappa Society is a.i active organization, serving its members the same salutary purpose as the Sphinx Club, and at the same time creating an influence that makes for greater prestige of the purely intellectual in the college life."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL131" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL132" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL133" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="The Brown Banquet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL134" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL135" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL136" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL137" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="To-morrow evening occurs one of the big events of - the college year  the Brown Banquet and every Brown undergraduate should exert every effort to attend! No excuse for absence will be valid! The development of your own individual crop of Brown Spirit depends on it, and the extending of the heartiest good time possible to the visiting preparatory school men depends on it also. And in addition to all that, this year s commit-"></div></div><div ID="DIVL138" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL139" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="tee have in store a program that you will not want to miss. And, by the by, it will not be amiss to call attention to the communication in another column which contains a hint which, if heeded, besides not decreasing the enjoyment of the occasion, will tend to leave quite as wholesome a remembrance in the minds of our visitors."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL140" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL141" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL142" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="UNIVERSITY BULLETIN."></div></div><div ID="DIVL143" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL144" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL145" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL146" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="(Notices for the Herald must be in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief by 1 P. M. on the day preceding publication. A charge of 25 cents will be made for a notice of live lines for first insertion and j 5 cents for each subsequent insertion.)"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL147" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL148" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL149" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BROWN TUTOR."></div></div><div ID="DIVL150" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL151" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL152" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL153" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="George Albert Goulding, A. M. t drown, 1899), experienced tutor in high school and college subjects, 167 Cushing street. Telephone, 710-L Angell. Office, 87 Weybosset street Room 53. Telephone 673-L Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL154" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL155" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL156" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="1913!"></div></div><div ID="DIVL157" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL158" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL159" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL160" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A competition for associate editor of the Herald will start next Monday. The competition will continue two terms, and is open to all members of the Sophomore class. All prospective competitors should leave their names at the desk or in the box in the Herald Office at once. /'V meeting for full instructions will be held Friday evening in the Office. W. Randolph Burgess, Daniel L. Brown, &gt; Man. Editors-Elect. alO-ot"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL161" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL162" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL163" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="PRINCETON GAME TICKETS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL164" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL165" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL166" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL167" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All undergraduates who wish to take Sub-Freshman guests to the Princeton game should see that the Sub-Freshmen call in person at the Union Saturday from 12:20 to 2 o'clock to get their banquet tickets stamped for admission to the game. Sub-Freshman tickets only are stamped for free admission. H. O. Barber, Baseball. Manager. a2O-3t"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL168" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL169" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL170" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BANQUET TICKETS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL171" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL172" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL173" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL174" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sub-Freshman and undergraduate tickets to the Brown Banquet, Saturday evening, will be on sale to-day from 12:20 to 2 o'clock, in the Smoking- Room. a 17  It R. F. Skillings, Chairman."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL175" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL176" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL177" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="SOPHOMORE EDITORS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL178" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL179" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL180" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL181" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Meeting of 1913 members of the Herald Board in the office to-night at 7:15 o'clock. All members will please attend. R. G. Hurlin, Editor-in-Chief Elect."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL182" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL183" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL184" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="DEAN ACADEMY."></div></div><div ID="DIVL185" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL186" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL187" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL188" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Innings 123456789 Brown 1913.... 00000100 o l Dean 40004000 o B Runs  Tormcy 2, McLaughlin 2, Abbott, Pratt, Stafford, Westcott  8; 'Redington l. Two-base hit  Mc- Laughlin. Stolen bases  Pratt, Stafford, Westcott, McLaughlin, Tormey"></div></div><div ID="DIVL189" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL190" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="2, Abbott, Murrey, Crotty. Base cm balls  By Bellefontaine i; by Redington 2. Struck out  By Bellefontaine 7; by Merrifield 2; by Redington io. Sacrifice hit Stafford. Double plays  Hahn to Henry; Bellefontaine to Stafford to Pratt. Hit by pitched ball  Tucker.' Passed ball Henry. Umpire Time  2h."></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL191" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL192" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="2" LABEL="bh po a e Pratt, lb .... I 10 0 0 Stafford, 2b .... I 3 5 X Westeott, 3b .... I I 2 0 McLaughlin. 1. f... 3 I 0 0 Tormcy, c. f .... 2 0 0 0 Abbott, r. f I 0 0 Murrey, r. f ... .0 0 0 0 Crotty, s. 5 .... I 0 2 1 O Brien, c ... .0 i r 4 0 Belleiontaine, p. .. ... .0 0 3 0 Merritield, p ... .0 0 2 0 Totals 27 18 2"></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL193" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL194" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL195" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL196" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL197" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The University  H  will be awarded to any Harvard winner finishing third or better in the Yale cross-country meet; also to the men securing seventh place or better in the intercollegiate. A cosmopolitan club of a limited membership to American students is being organized at Minnesota."></div></div><div ID="DIVL198" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL199" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="It has been decided to have buttons made to be worn by the members of the Freshman class at Harvard, so that they know one another better."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL200" TYPE="SECTION" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL201" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL202" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL203" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL=""></div><div ID="DIVL204" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="170 BENEFIT, CORNER MEETING"></div><div ID="DIVL205" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="FOWNES GLOVES are not cheapest, but they re feast expensive. 14"></div><div ID="DIVL206" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Are your clothes, furniture* books, etc., protected against loss by IRE IF NOT, THEY SHOULD BE. HAROLD A. MACKINNEY, INSURANCE. 12 WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL207" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Peirce Shoe Models For the College Mae NEW LASTS IN CONSERVATIVE AND THE MORE EXTREME STYLES. �|f Thos. F. Peirce &amp; Son Westminster and&lt;; Dor ranee Sts. 5* I . c t# &amp; fcs I 8 |1 8 8 8 $0 K* M |�"></div><div ID="DIVL208" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A Professor s Insurance Prof. of Brown insured in the Northwestern Mutual April 16th, 1906, at age 31, for $3,500.00, 30-year Endowment. The record is as follows: dividend. C. G. Blanchard, Gen. Agt. 19 Journal Building"></div><div ID="DIVL209" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A. Shuian &amp; Co. BOSTON. Original and Exclusive COLLEGE " CLOTHES DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FOR COLLEGE MEN. Frequently Represented at the Brown Union Bookstore."></div><div ID="DIVL210" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CLIFTON m m ?. mm WM $ M CLIFTON BEDFORD 2% in. higb * vhe Arrow &quot; Scotch COLLARS � ' 18e.,2 tor 26�. Cluett, Peabody &amp; Co., Makere"></div><div ID="DIVL211" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sft noTiti roigs Fountain Pea s2.*&gt;9 'And Up A fountain pen that won't ink your fingers, one that can be carried in any position, upside down or on its side in any pocket or bag. When the cap is screwed on, the pen is as tight as a bottle. When not in use the pen rests in ink, so remains moist, and will write without need of shaking. Made in many styles. Prices $2.50 to $15.00. On its own merits this pen is fast finding its way all over the world. There probably is a dealer in your town who now carries it and you can buy of him ; but if there isn t, if you will send us the name of your most reliable dealer, we will see that he has an assortment of these pens for you to select from. Be careful to give us his name and address and vour name and address correctly. State also whether you like a fine, medium or coarse pen; otherwise, we shall send an assortment that you can purchase from at $2.50. Something new: Moore s Midget non-leakable inches long. The smallest fountain pen made, just the thing for ladies  shopping bag or for men s lower vest pocket. Price $2.50. g ADAMS, CUSHING &amp; FOSTER 168 Bo D r�f- Selling Agents for AMERICAN FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY"></div><div ID="DIVL212" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Brown, the badge man, 46, 48, 50 Broadway, Can make LAPEL EMBLEMS in Solid Metal, SPECIAL DESIGNS, at revolutionary prices,, one-half and one-third what others charge. Also Ribbon. Badges, for Track Meets, etc."></div><div ID="DIVL213" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Spirit of Easter. &quot;The Good .Will of'lts patrons Has Made PossiblevThe. National Institution of BROWNING, KING &amp; CO. No man should be judged by the Clothes he 'wears. Put surely the man who is smartly dresspd has an advantage over his less practical brother. You cannot fail to recognize the fact that in most cases a man s appearance in a measure tells what he is himself. The BROWNING, KING Policy to hold your money on deposit for you until' every transaction gives perfect satisfaction must appeal to you as a unique commercial idea. Business creeds of this nature are bound to win the good will and confidence of all who appreciate modern American business methods and service. The National Organization of BROWNING, KING &amp; CO., is ready to supply Every Correct Requisite for your EASTER ATTIRE. A Complete Showing of Men s, Boys  and Children s Clothes, Furnishings and Hats. Men s Suits and Overcoats, $15.00 to $35.00. Our Hat Department s3.oo, $3.50 and upward. Men s Furnishings The Newest Things for -Spring from the most reliable makers. Young Men s and Boys  Clothing Dong- ; " trouser Suits, $12.00 to $30.00. Norfolk and Plain Double-breasted Suits. $5.00 to $16.50. Russian and Sailor Blouse Suits, $5 to $12.00. A complete stock of Young Men s and Boys  Hats and Furnishings. We ve made unusual preparations this year for Easter, and we re sure you will appreciate �% them A NATIONAL INSTITUTION. PRO VI DEN g&gt;rowr\mg- King-�-(� CE, RHODE ISLAND."></div><div ID="DIVL214" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="E. H. Forsell TAILOR [ 76 Dor ranee St. Corner Weybosset, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Rooms 204-5-6. Telephone."></div><div ID="DIVL215" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="� 1 Fine Hats The SOFT The SILK The DERBY The OPERA Elstoe-Mta to."></div><div ID="DIVL216" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="James Murphy Merchant Tailor 0 42 Westminster St. Room ) Providence. R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL217" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="It s Time for YOU to Think of B.V. D. Loose Fitting B. V, D. Underwear insures coolness to you. The light woven B. V. D. fabrics assure comfort to you. The integrity of B. V. D. making secures resistance to nvear and &lt;wash. The Red Woven B.V. D. Label safeguards the genuineness of your purchase. This Red Woven Label MADE FOR TH&amp; BEST RETAIL TRADE ( Trade Mark Reg. V. S. Fat. Off.) is sewed on every B. V. D. Garment. Take no garment it. A copy of our Booklet has been set aside for you. Write for it. B. V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers, 50c, 75c, $l.OO and $1.50 a garment. B. V. D. Union Suits, (Pat. 4/70/07) $l, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00 a suit. The B. V. D. Company � 65 Worth St., New York"></div><div ID="DIVL218" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Our Interpretation of Men s NEW FASHIONS is undeniably correct. We enjoy advantages that place us on an equal footing with New York s most exclusive merchant tailors but our prices are always CONSISTENTLY MODERATE : Enlarged facilities that enable us to display better than I ever our handsome new fabrics. Lee, Oden and Company DESIGNERS AND. MAKERS OF MEN S CLOTHES 29Q WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL219" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A. G. SKONBERG, Successor 385 WESTMINSTER STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL220" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Special Rates to Brown Students ARTISTIC Photographs"></div><div ID="DIVL221" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WHAT 'CHEER STABLES and GARAGE"></div><div ID="DIVL222" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Boarding and Livery. Carriages of all kinds for alloccasions. Tel. 1855 Union."></div><div ID="DIVL223" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="New, absolutely fireproof garage. Autos stored, washed or polished. Automobiles to let by hour, day or week. Tel. 1845 Union."></div><div ID="DIVL224" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WOOLENS  Mggra wear HENRY L. BISHOP &amp; SON, 224 Butler Exchange"></div><div ID="DIVL225" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL=" Boston University' School &quot;of Law  g Three years  course; advanced courses for the Master s Degree. Col- I lege graduates are permitted to take the course for the Bachelor s Degree I in two years, provided they obtain high standing. Special scholarships for I college graduates. Address f Dean MELVILLE M. BIGELOW, 11 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. !i"></div><div ID="DIVL226" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="UNIVERSITY TAILORS KESSLER BIOS K��M 4. 8� WEW���H ST."></div><div ID="DIVL227" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="TSi�r� Is a K�as�m �%�%�%Wliy"></div><div ID="DIVL228" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="BROWN"></div><div ID="DIVL229" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Will be the prevailing color. You will find a handsome line of ENGLISH TWEEDS and HOMESPUNS open to your inspection. Remember our chief aim is to satisfy YOU, as we have been doing for the past twenty years. NO FANCY PRICES."></div><div ID="DIVL230" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="SAY, BOYS!!! You ought to know, If you don t, that WILLIAM MILLS &amp; SON are .Headquarters for GROUPS, INTERIOR OF ROOMS, ETC. We have PHOTOGRAPHS ON SALE OF ALL THE DIFFERENT VIEWS AT BROWN. 58 and 60 ARCADE. TELEPHONE."></div><div ID="DIVL231" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Providence Opera House Felix R. Wendelsehafer Managei THE FAUN."></div><div ID="DIVL232" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="KEITH S This Week VAUDEVILLE"></div><div ID="DIVL233" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="EMPIRE THEATRE This Week THE VIRGINIAN."></div><div ID="DIVL234" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WESTMINSTER THEATRE This Week TROCADEROS."></div><div ID="DIVL235" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="VIOLIN MAKING - REPAIRING A SPECIALTY- J. H. ROCKWELL &amp; SON Old Italian Violins and Cellos 385 WESTMINSTER ST., Providence, R. I. MUSICAL SUPPLIES Telephone Connection"></div><div ID="DIVL236" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="FAY S BAND AND ORCHESTRA 72 WEYBOSSET STREET, Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL237" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="HOTEL LENOX Exeter and Boylston Streets THE FINEST MODERN FIREPROOF HOTEL IN NEW ENGLAND BOSTON, MASS."></div><div ID="DIVL238" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL=""></div><div ID="DIVL239" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Tailors and Importers 146 Westminster St* New Spring Styles Now Ready."></div><div ID="DIVL240" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Individual Styles"></div><div ID="DIVL241" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Luther &amp; Huber Men f s Tailors and Importers"></div><div ID="DIVL242" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="CHAMBERS, 107 Westminster St* BROWNELL BUILDING"></div><div ID="DIVL243" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Laura M. Carr Go. 16 College Street :: CATERING ::"></div><div ID="DIVL244" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="JOHN W. SLEDGE, Caterer to the GYM BALL, SOPHOMORE BALL, and other College Functions. is prepared to do First-class Catering for Dances, Dinners, Lunches, etc. Prices Reasonable. Further information may be obtained from the Business Manager of the Herald."></div><div ID="DIVL245" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="F. A. CAMPBELL CO. Tailors 502 Case-Mead Bldg. 76 Dorrance St., Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL246" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="HARVARD DENTAL SCHOOL. A Department of Harvard University A graduate of the four-year course in this school admitted without examination. A three years  course, leading to the degree, Doctor Dental Medicine. New buildings. Modern equipment. Large clinic. Write for Catalogue. Eugene H. Smith, D. M. D., Dean, Longwood Avenue, Boston, Mass."></div><div ID="DIVL247" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="EDWARD FONTAINE S New, Spacious and Up-to-Date BARBER SHOP f at 42 WESTMINSTER ST., Offers every convenience and possible attention for the comfort of college men. FACIAL MASSAGE. Telephone, Union 1449-L."></div><div ID="DIVL248" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="PLAY BALL!! Wright &amp; Ditson are  Varsity outfitters and have the finest and most complete line of Baseball Gloves, Bats, Shoes, Uniforms, etc. Special Prices to Class Teams. Also Fine Line of Golf and Tennis Supplies. ASK FOR CATALOGUE. OPPOSITE ARCADE. 76 Weybosset Street"></div><div ID="DIVL249" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Industrial Printing Company 43 South Main Street.  QUALITY PRINTING  for College Clubs a Specialty. School and Society printing executed promptly. Telephone 746-R Union."></div><div ID="DIVL250" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="DRESS SUITS 212 UNION STREET Room 4, Near Weybosset TUXEDOS AND PRINCE ALBERTS ELIAS, the To Lei Tailor"></div><div ID="DIVL251" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="MIKE, THE SHOEMAN HIGH-GRADE SAMPLES IN SHOES AND OXFORDS. College styles our specialty, worth $5, $6 and $7, our price. .$2.95 See if we have your size. 195 WEYBOSSET STREET, opposite Crown Hotel."></div><div ID="DIVL252" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="SNOW SHOE SHOP  THOSE TOTALLY DIFFERENT SHOES.  Absolutely the Newest Styles Always. J. P. Walton, Mgr. 220 Westminster St., Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL253" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="All the curves of fashion framed up' in our Spring suits! Economy, so lacking in railroads,, according to the newspapers, has been in use for years among the better makers of clothing. No waste, no graft; which explains why we sell a perfectly reliable, allwool suit as low as $l5, and for $3O a. suit that would add to the prid'e of a railroad president- Buy a  College Brand.  The Old Reliable BOSTON &amp; PROVIDENCE CLOTHING CO. Francis Building, 150 WESTMINSTER STREET,"></div><div ID="DIVL254" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="ELEVATED STYLES HATS CAPS GLOVES SUBWAY PRICES LEWIS N. FIDLER, 157 WESTMINSTER STREET UP-STAIRS"></div><div ID="DIVL255" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Providence Banking Co. 141 Westminster St., Prov., R. 1., Local Securities High Grade Investments"></div><div ID="DIVL256" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="THE RIGHT CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN Are represented in our immense showing of New Fall and Winter Styles in STEIN BLOCH AND Hart, Schaffner &amp; Marx PRODUCTIONS To be had only at the Outlet, and at Cut Prices. OUTLET"></div><div ID="DIVL257" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="I"></div><div ID="DIVL258" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="With each package of Fatima yon get a popular actress 9 photograph  also a pennant coupon, 25 of which secure a handsome felt college pennant (1 2x32} lection of WO*"></div><div ID="DIVL259" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="TURKISH,. CIGARETTES TMIGOnOMETWY Look at it from any angle the sine of a good, smoke is a Fatima Cigarette. Made from a dif~ fereni formula   never varied by even a fraction . A modest package but then, you get ten additional cigarettes. Figure on getting 20 tor 1 5 cents. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO."></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></structMap></mets>��<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><mets xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ http://schema.ccs-gmbh.com/metae/mets-metae.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:MODS="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:mix="http://www.loc.gov/mix/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mets="http://www.loc.gov/METS/"><structMap><div ID="DIVL1" TYPE="Newspaper" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL2" TYPE="VOLUME"><div ID="DIVL3" TYPE="ISSUE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL4" TYPE="TITLE_SECTION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL5" TYPE="HEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="BRQAHMpfeRALP"></div><div ID="DIVL6" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Vol. XX No. 143"></div><div ID="DIVL7" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="PROVIDENCE, FRIDAY, APRIL 21. 1913"></div><div ID="DIVL8" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Price Three Cents"></div><div ID="DIVL9" TYPE="ILLUSTRATION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL10" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL=""></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL11" TYPE="CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL12" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL13" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL14" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="MEET WITH TECHNOLOGY"></div><div ID="DIVL15" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Squad Rapidly Rounding into Shape. Tech Men Make Good Time."></div></div><div ID="DIVL16" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL17" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL18" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL19" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The M. I. T. track meet takes place a week from Saturday, on April 29. The Brown squad is doing good work at their regular practice under the coaching of  Charlie  Huggins, and the chances of winning many of the events are strong. Coach Huggins is devoting his entire time this Spring to track, and in spite of the lateness of the season the mer"></div></div><div ID="DIVL20" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL21" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="are showing rapid improvement. Twenty new suits have been ordered from Wright &amp; Ditson s, and these will be here in time for the track meet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL22" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL23" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Brown entries have been made out provisionally, and will be published next week. The  Tech  entries have not been received yet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL24" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL25" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="At an interclass meet held at Technology last Saturday, good time was made in the quarter and half-mile runs. The fast time of 4 : 33 I_ 3 was made in the mile by Watkins  l2, who will probably have a close race for first honors with Taber. The 120-yard high hurdles was also made in good time by Cummings Ti, who won second honors for the entire meet. The pole vault was won by Salisbury, the individual star of the afternoon. The height was 10 ft. 9 in. If Bartlett continues in his present good form he should easily come off first in the weight events. Six men from each college may be entered in each event. Four can compete. Probably about 25 Technology men will be entered, while 20 or twenty-five men from the Brown squad will participate."></div></div><div ID="DIVL26" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL27" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The last meet with M. I. T. was held in 1908, when Tech won out by a score of 71J4 to 54/4."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL28" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL29" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL30" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="A. A. Bennett TO, Receives Princeton Fellowship."></div></div><div ID="DIVL31" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL32" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL33" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL34" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Mr. Albert Arnold Bennett, Assistant in the Department of Mathematics, will study at Princeton next year. He has received one of the G. S. K. Fellowships in Mathematics for next 3 r ear. His entire time will be devoted to research work. Mr. Bennett expects to study under Professors Birkhoff and Veblen, two of the most eminent mathematicians in this country. He will be at Princeton at least one year, and the probabilities are that he will remain there longer."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL35" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL36" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL37" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="APPEAL TO REASON."></div><div ID="DIVL38" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Banquet Committee Recommends Restraint from Excessive Use of Brown Spirit."></div></div><div ID="DIVL39" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL40" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL41" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL42" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="A communication just received from the Brown Committee, calls attention to the unnecessary character of the super-abundant expression of overflowing Brown spirit at the Annual Banquet. The Committee expresses the hope that the breaking of tableware and hurling of heavy missils will be done away with this year."></div></div><div ID="DIVL43" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL44" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The communication follows: To the Editor of the Herald: "></div></div><div ID="DIVL45" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL46" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="For several years the Brown Banquet Committee has been caused considerable trouble and unnecessary expense by breakage and damage to articles during the banquet in Sayles Hall. It is hoped that the banquet to-morrow night may be conducted without this undesirable feature. Furthermore, the University authorities strongly object to the throwing of biscuits and other hard articles on account of the danger to portraits, and if one of these should suffer irreparable damage, the result might be the forbidding of the use of Sayles for future banquets. The lifting of tables may be all right, but to drop them or to toss the tableware around is likely to be disastrous, and all undergraduates are earnestly requested to keep their Brown spirit from running amuck, and to co-operate with the committee in preventing a good time from being converted into too much of a  rough-house.  Brown Banquet Committee."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL47" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL48" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL49" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Sophomores Lose to Dean Academy in Ragged Game."></div></div><div ID="DIVL50" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL51" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL52" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL53" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Sophomore baseball team was defeated by the Dean Academy team Wednesday afternoon by a score of 8-1. The home team won by their ability to bunch hits and by the glaring errors of the 1 913 team. Four runs were made by Dean in the first inning, the other four coming in the fifth. There were nine bases stolen by the Dean men. The features of the game were Hahn s long throw to the plate and the batting of McLaughlin for Dean, who drew three hits out of three times at bat."></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL54" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL55" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL="BROWN IQ13. bh pb a e Tucker, c. f 0 T 1 0 H owe, s. s 1 X 3 1"></div><div ID="DIVL56" TYPE="CAPTION" ORDER="1" LABEL="The summary of yesterday s game is as follows:"></div></div><div ID="DIVL57" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL58" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sullivan, ab. I I 0 I Ashbaugh, ib. . . . 9 0 I Henry, c 9 4 I Hahn, 1. f I 0 0 Chase, 3b I 0 0 Higgins, r. f 0 0 0 0 Redington, p 0 I 4 0 Totals 4 24 12 4"></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL59" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL60" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL61" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="FOOTBALL PRACTICE."></div><div ID="DIVL62" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Squad Tries New Formations in Gymnasium. W. H. Sweet and High  ll, Assist."></div></div><div ID="DIVL63" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL64" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL65" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL66" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="On account of the wetness of Andrews Field , the  Varsity football practice was held on the gym floor yesterday. Bean and Metcalf played the half-backs and  Don  Pryor and Pride, a Freshman, played fullback in turn. Hazard played center and Murphy and Goldberg guards. Several new shifts and formations were tried out and the whole practice went off snappily and smoothly. Mr. W. H. Sweet and  Jake  High assisted Coach Pryor during the afternoon."></div></div><div ID="DIVL67" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL68" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The following men reported: Capt. Sprackling, Goldberg  l3, Murphy  l3, Hazard  l4, Gelb  l3, Kratz T 3, Ashbaugh T 3, Adams  l2, Bean  l4, Pride,  l4, Metcalf  l3."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL69" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL70" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL71" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Meeting of Prospective Competitors in the Herald Office Tonight."></div></div><div ID="DIVL72" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL73" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL74" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL75" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="To-night at 6:45, a meeting will be held in the Herald office in the basement of the Union, for all Sophomores who wish to enter a competition for membership " on the Herald Board. The competition will begin with next Monday s edition of the paper and will continue through the Spring term and the Fall term next year. The work will consist in the writing up of news items, the carrying of copy, the reading of proof, and whatever work may come up in the office. At 7:15 to-night a meeting of the Sophomore members of the board will be held in the Herald office preparatory to starting a competition for the news editors  positions."></div></div><div ID="DIVL76" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL77" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Wesleyan is making a determined effort to wipe out the deficit of the Athletic Association. The alumni have contributed several hundred dollars, and now the undergraduates plan to raise at least $lOOO more before the end of the year. A vaudeville show which the students gave in Middletown netted between $350 and $4OO."></div></div><div ID="DIVL78" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL79" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The largest number of Freshmen in the history of Purdue turned out for baseball this Spring. When the season opened 13 1 men responded to the call for candidates."></div></div><div ID="DIVL80" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL81" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="More than 50 men reported at Yale for the mass meeting of candidates �% for next Fall s football eleven."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL82" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL83" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL84" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="SALE OF TICKETS."></div><div ID="DIVL85" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="250 Sub-Freshman Tickets Sold.  Undergraduate Sale Not So Rapid."></div></div><div ID="DIVL86" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL87" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL88" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL89" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Sub-Freshman Banquet tickets are going rapidly. Yesterday two more of the fraternities"></div></div><div ID="DIVL90" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL91" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="bought their tickets, bringing the total of Sub-Freshman tickets sold to date up to 250. Only two fraternities now remain which have not taken the tickets they contracted for."></div></div><div ID="DIVL92" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL93" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The undergraduate tickets are not going so fast, only 53 having been sold. A large number of sales are expected to-day and tomorrow morning, however. Undergraduates can obtain their tickets from any of the committee, R. F. Skillings Ti, Wm. V. Winslow Ti, G. S. Burgess  l2, N. B. Hull  l3, and C. L. Bagnell  l4. Manager H. O. Barker of the baseball team has announced that the Sub-Freshman banquet tickets will be stamped for free admission to the Princeton game from 12:20 to 2 o clock on Saturday at the Union. The Sub-Freshman tickets only will be stamped for admission and the men must call in person at the Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL94" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL95" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL96" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Triple Tie Being Played Off in Chess Tournament."></div></div><div ID="DIVL97" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL98" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL99" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL100" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Two games have been played in the series which is to decide the chess championship between Corp, Emmons, and Durfee, who were tied for first place. The game between Corp and Emmons resulted in a draw and Corp yesterday defeated Durfee. The plan is for each man to play three games with each of the other two. Stanton and Guild are tied for fourth place and will play their games as soon as possible. The standing of the men at the close of the regular tournament left Corp, Durfee and Emmons each with eight games won and one lost, and Guild and Stanton with six won and three lost."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL101" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL102" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL103" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Man Resigns Y. M. C. A. Position."></div></div><div ID="DIVL104" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL105" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL106" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL107" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Mr. William Lamkie, who was graduated from Brown in the class of 1905, is about to resign on account of illness, his position as International Educational Secretary of the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. s. Mr. Lamkie entered the work in September, 1907, and since then he has originated a most flexible scheme to meet the educational needs of the enlisted men of our Army and Navy. It will be with regret that his associates and many enlisted men will learn of his resignation, as it is largely' due' to him that such large things have been achieved in the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. s."></div></div><div ID="DIVL108" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL109" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The students of Columbia University are preparing a petition to the trustees asking that a ten dollar athletic assessment be added to the tuition fee."></div></div><div ID="DIVL110" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL111" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The landladies of Ithaca, N. Y., are hereafter to be protected from"></div></div><div ID="DIVL112" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL113" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="unseemly disturbances by student roomers. A Cornell Sophomore was recently arrested and fined sio for yelling, .pounding of the floor, kicking, and raising a big commotion."></div></div><div ID="DIVL114" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL115" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A course in embalming has been established at the University of Michigan. This is the first university to start such a course."></div></div><div ID="DIVL116" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL117" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Harvard beat the Naval Academy in Lacross yesterday by the score of 4-2 in a driving rain storm, and a muddy field."></div></div><div ID="DIVL118" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL119" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Capt. Foster of the Harvard track team has pulled a tendon and will probably not be able to sprint until the Intercollegiate games. His loss will weaken his team, especially in the dual meet with Yale, May io."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL120" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL121" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL122" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Phi Beta Kappa."></div></div><div ID="DIVL123" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL124" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL125" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL126" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Shortly we shall be apprised of the elections to membership in the Phi Beta Kappa Society, and shall again be confronted with the annual query, what is the Phi Beta Kappa Society? Not that the significance of the coveted key is un-"></div></div><div ID="DIVL127" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL128" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="known, but that the society at Brown has so little function and so little of healthy influence that we are justified in asking its nature. Brown is not alone in the inactivity of this honorary society, complaints are heard at every hand, but there are institutions where'the Phi"></div></div><div ID="DIVL129" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL130" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Beta Kappa Society is a.i active organization, serving its members the same salutary purpose as the Sphinx Club, and at the same time creating an influence that makes for greater prestige of the purely intellectual in the college life."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL131" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL132" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL133" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="The Brown Banquet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL134" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL135" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL136" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL137" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="To-morrow evening occurs one of the big events of - the college year  the Brown Banquet and every Brown undergraduate should exert every effort to attend! No excuse for absence will be valid! The development of your own individual crop of Brown Spirit depends on it, and the extending of the heartiest good time possible to the visiting preparatory school men depends on it also. And in addition to all that, this year s commit-"></div></div><div ID="DIVL138" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL139" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="tee have in store a program that you will not want to miss. And, by the by, it will not be amiss to call attention to the communication in another column which contains a hint which, if heeded, besides not decreasing the enjoyment of the occasion, will tend to leave quite as wholesome a remembrance in the minds of our visitors."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL140" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL141" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL142" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="UNIVERSITY BULLETIN."></div></div><div ID="DIVL143" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL144" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL145" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL146" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="(Notices for the Herald must be in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief by 1 P. M. on the day preceding publication. A charge of 25 cents will be made for a notice of live lines for first insertion and j 5 cents for each subsequent insertion.)"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL147" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL148" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL149" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BROWN TUTOR."></div></div><div ID="DIVL150" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL151" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL152" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL153" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="George Albert Goulding, A. M. t drown, 1899), experienced tutor in high school and college subjects, 167 Cushing street. Telephone, 710-L Angell. Office, 87 Weybosset street Room 53. Telephone 673-L Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL154" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL155" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL156" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="1913!"></div></div><div ID="DIVL157" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL158" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL159" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL160" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A competition for associate editor of the Herald will start next Monday. The competition will continue two terms, and is open to all members of the Sophomore class. All prospective competitors should leave their names at the desk or in the box in the Herald Office at once. /'V meeting for full instructions will be held Friday evening in the Office. W. Randolph Burgess, Daniel L. Brown, &gt; Man. Editors-Elect. alO-ot"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL161" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL162" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL163" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="PRINCETON GAME TICKETS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL164" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL165" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL166" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL167" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All undergraduates who wish to take Sub-Freshman guests to the Princeton game should see that the Sub-Freshmen call in person at the Union Saturday from 12:20 to 2 o'clock to get their banquet tickets stamped for admission to the game. Sub-Freshman tickets only are stamped for free admission. H. O. Barber, Baseball. Manager. a2O-3t"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL168" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL169" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL170" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BANQUET TICKETS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL171" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL172" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL173" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL174" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sub-Freshman and undergraduate tickets to the Brown Banquet, Saturday evening, will be on sale to-day from 12:20 to 2 o'clock, in the Smoking- Room. a 17  It R. F. Skillings, Chairman."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL175" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL176" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL177" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="SOPHOMORE EDITORS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL178" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL179" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL180" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL181" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Meeting of 1913 members of the Herald Board in the office to-night at 7:15 o'clock. All members will please attend. R. G. Hurlin, Editor-in-Chief Elect."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL182" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL183" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL184" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="DEAN ACADEMY."></div></div><div ID="DIVL185" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL186" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL187" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL188" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Innings 123456789 Brown 1913.... 00000100 o l Dean 40004000 o B Runs  Tormcy 2, McLaughlin 2, Abbott, Pratt, Stafford, Westcott  8; 'Redington l. Two-base hit  Mc- Laughlin. Stolen bases  Pratt, Stafford, Westcott, McLaughlin, Tormey"></div></div><div ID="DIVL189" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL190" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="2, Abbott, Murrey, Crotty. Base cm balls  By Bellefontaine i; by Redington 2. Struck out  By Bellefontaine 7; by Merrifield 2; by Redington io. Sacrifice hit Stafford. Double plays  Hahn to Henry; Bellefontaine to Stafford to Pratt. Hit by pitched ball  Tucker.' Passed ball Henry. Umpire Time  2h."></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL191" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL192" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="2" LABEL="bh po a e Pratt, lb .... I 10 0 0 Stafford, 2b .... I 3 5 X Westeott, 3b .... I I 2 0 McLaughlin. 1. f... 3 I 0 0 Tormcy, c. f .... 2 0 0 0 Abbott, r. f I 0 0 Murrey, r. f ... .0 0 0 0 Crotty, s. 5 .... I 0 2 1 O Brien, c ... .0 i r 4 0 Belleiontaine, p. .. ... .0 0 3 0 Merritield, p ... .0 0 2 0 Totals 27 18 2"></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL193" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL194" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL195" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL196" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL197" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The University  H  will be awarded to any Harvard winner finishing third or better in the Yale cross-country meet; also to the men securing seventh place or better in the intercollegiate. A cosmopolitan club of a limited membership to American students is being organized at Minnesota."></div></div><div ID="DIVL198" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL199" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="It has been decided to have buttons made to be worn by the members of the Freshman class at Harvard, so that they know one another better."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL200" TYPE="SECTION" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL201" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL202" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL203" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL=""></div><div ID="DIVL204" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="170 BENEFIT, CORNER MEETING"></div><div ID="DIVL205" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="FOWNES GLOVES are not cheapest, but they re feast expensive. 14"></div><div ID="DIVL206" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Are your clothes, furniture* books, etc., protected against loss by IRE IF NOT, THEY SHOULD BE. HAROLD A. MACKINNEY, INSURANCE. 12 WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL207" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Peirce Shoe Models For the College Mae NEW LASTS IN CONSERVATIVE AND THE MORE EXTREME STYLES. �|f Thos. F. Peirce &amp; Son Westminster and&lt;; Dor ranee Sts. 5* I . c t# &amp; fcs I 8 |1 8 8 8 $0 K* M |�"></div><div ID="DIVL208" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A Professor s Insurance Prof. of Brown insured in the Northwestern Mutual April 16th, 1906, at age 31, for $3,500.00, 30-year Endowment. The record is as follows: dividend. C. G. Blanchard, Gen. Agt. 19 Journal Building"></div><div ID="DIVL209" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A. Shuian &amp; Co. BOSTON. Original and Exclusive COLLEGE " CLOTHES DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FOR COLLEGE MEN. Frequently Represented at the Brown Union Bookstore."></div><div ID="DIVL210" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CLIFTON m m ?. mm WM $ M CLIFTON BEDFORD 2% in. higb * vhe Arrow &quot; Scotch COLLARS � ' 18e.,2 tor 26�. Cluett, Peabody &amp; Co., Makere"></div><div ID="DIVL211" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sft noTiti roigs Fountain Pea s2.*&gt;9 'And Up A fountain pen that won't ink your fingers, one that can be carried in any position, upside down or on its side in any pocket or bag. When the cap is screwed on, the pen is as tight as a bottle. When not in use the pen rests in ink, so remains moist, and will write without need of shaking. Made in many styles. Prices $2.50 to $15.00. On its own merits this pen is fast finding its way all over the world. There probably is a dealer in your town who now carries it and you can buy of him ; but if there isn t, if you will send us the name of your most reliable dealer, we will see that he has an assortment of these pens for you to select from. Be careful to give us his name and address and vour name and address correctly. State also whether you like a fine, medium or coarse pen; otherwise, we shall send an assortment that you can purchase from at $2.50. Something new: Moore s Midget non-leakable inches long. The smallest fountain pen made, just the thing for ladies  shopping bag or for men s lower vest pocket. Price $2.50. g ADAMS, CUSHING &amp; FOSTER 168 Bo D r�f- Selling Agents for AMERICAN FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY"></div><div ID="DIVL212" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Brown, the badge man, 46, 48, 50 Broadway, Can make LAPEL EMBLEMS in Solid Metal, SPECIAL DESIGNS, at revolutionary prices,, one-half and one-third what others charge. Also Ribbon. Badges, for Track Meets, etc."></div><div ID="DIVL213" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Spirit of Easter. &quot;The Good .Will of'lts patrons Has Made PossiblevThe. National Institution of BROWNING, KING &amp; CO. No man should be judged by the Clothes he 'wears. Put surely the man who is smartly dresspd has an advantage over his less practical brother. You cannot fail to recognize the fact that in most cases a man s appearance in a measure tells what he is himself. The BROWNING, KING Policy to hold your money on deposit for you until' every transaction gives perfect satisfaction must appeal to you as a unique commercial idea. Business creeds of this nature are bound to win the good will and confidence of all who appreciate modern American business methods and service. The National Organization of BROWNING, KING &amp; CO., is ready to supply Every Correct Requisite for your EASTER ATTIRE. A Complete Showing of Men s, Boys  and Children s Clothes, Furnishings and Hats. Men s Suits and Overcoats, $15.00 to $35.00. Our Hat Department s3.oo, $3.50 and upward. Men s Furnishings The Newest Things for -Spring from the most reliable makers. Young Men s and Boys  Clothing Dong- ; " trouser Suits, $12.00 to $30.00. Norfolk and Plain Double-breasted Suits. $5.00 to $16.50. Russian and Sailor Blouse Suits, $5 to $12.00. A complete stock of Young Men s and Boys  Hats and Furnishings. We ve made unusual preparations this year for Easter, and we re sure you will appreciate �% them A NATIONAL INSTITUTION. PRO VI DEN g&gt;rowr\mg- King-�-(� CE, RHODE ISLAND."></div><div ID="DIVL214" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="E. H. Forsell TAILOR [ 76 Dor ranee St. Corner Weybosset, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Rooms 204-5-6. Telephone."></div><div ID="DIVL215" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="� 1 Fine Hats The SOFT The SILK The DERBY The OPERA Elstoe-Mta to."></div><div ID="DIVL216" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="James Murphy Merchant Tailor 0 42 Westminster St. Room ) Providence. R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL217" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="It s Time for YOU to Think of B.V. D. Loose Fitting B. V, D. Underwear insures coolness to you. The light woven B. V. D. fabrics assure comfort to you. The integrity of B. V. D. making secures resistance to nvear and &lt;wash. The Red Woven B.V. D. Label safeguards the genuineness of your purchase. This Red Woven Label MADE FOR TH&amp; BEST RETAIL TRADE ( Trade Mark Reg. V. S. Fat. Off.) is sewed on every B. V. D. Garment. Take no garment it. A copy of our Booklet has been set aside for you. Write for it. B. V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers, 50c, 75c, $l.OO and $1.50 a garment. B. V. D. Union Suits, (Pat. 4/70/07) $l, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00 a suit. The B. V. D. Company � 65 Worth St., New York"></div><div ID="DIVL218" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Our Interpretation of Men s NEW FASHIONS is undeniably correct. We enjoy advantages that place us on an equal footing with New York s most exclusive merchant tailors but our prices are always CONSISTENTLY MODERATE : Enlarged facilities that enable us to display better than I ever our handsome new fabrics. Lee, Oden and Company DESIGNERS AND. MAKERS OF MEN S CLOTHES 29Q WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL219" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A. G. SKONBERG, Successor 385 WESTMINSTER STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL220" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Special Rates to Brown Students ARTISTIC Photographs"></div><div ID="DIVL221" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WHAT 'CHEER STABLES and GARAGE"></div><div ID="DIVL222" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Boarding and Livery. Carriages of all kinds for alloccasions. Tel. 1855 Union."></div><div ID="DIVL223" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="New, absolutely fireproof garage. Autos stored, washed or polished. Automobiles to let by hour, day or week. Tel. 1845 Union."></div><div ID="DIVL224" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WOOLENS  Mggra wear HENRY L. BISHOP &amp; SON, 224 Butler Exchange"></div><div ID="DIVL225" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL=" Boston University' School &quot;of Law  g Three years  course; advanced courses for the Master s Degree. Col- I lege graduates are permitted to take the course for the Bachelor s Degree I in two years, provided they obtain high standing. Special scholarships for I college graduates. Address f Dean MELVILLE M. BIGELOW, 11 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. !i"></div><div ID="DIVL226" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="UNIVERSITY TAILORS KESSLER BIOS K��M 4. 8� WEW���H ST."></div><div ID="DIVL227" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="TSi�r� Is a K�as�m �%�%�%Wliy"></div><div ID="DIVL228" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="BROWN"></div><div ID="DIVL229" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Will be the prevailing color. You will find a handsome line of ENGLISH TWEEDS and HOMESPUNS open to your inspection. Remember our chief aim is to satisfy YOU, as we have been doing for the past twenty years. NO FANCY PRICES."></div><div ID="DIVL230" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="SAY, BOYS!!! You ought to know, If you don t, that WILLIAM MILLS &amp; SON are .Headquarters for GROUPS, INTERIOR OF ROOMS, ETC. We have PHOTOGRAPHS ON SALE OF ALL THE DIFFERENT VIEWS AT BROWN. 58 and 60 ARCADE. TELEPHONE."></div><div ID="DIVL231" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Providence Opera House Felix R. Wendelsehafer Managei THE FAUN."></div><div ID="DIVL232" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="KEITH S This Week VAUDEVILLE"></div><div ID="DIVL233" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="EMPIRE THEATRE This Week THE VIRGINIAN."></div><div ID="DIVL234" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WESTMINSTER THEATRE This Week TROCADEROS."></div><div ID="DIVL235" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="VIOLIN MAKING - REPAIRING A SPECIALTY- J. H. ROCKWELL &amp; SON Old Italian Violins and Cellos 385 WESTMINSTER ST., Providence, R. I. MUSICAL SUPPLIES Telephone Connection"></div><div ID="DIVL236" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="FAY S BAND AND ORCHESTRA 72 WEYBOSSET STREET, Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL237" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="HOTEL LENOX Exeter and Boylston Streets THE FINEST MODERN FIREPROOF HOTEL IN NEW ENGLAND BOSTON, MASS."></div><div ID="DIVL238" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL=""></div><div ID="DIVL239" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Tailors and Importers 146 Westminster St* New Spring Styles Now Ready."></div><div ID="DIVL240" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Individual Styles"></div><div ID="DIVL241" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Luther &amp; Huber Men f s Tailors and Importers"></div><div ID="DIVL242" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="CHAMBERS, 107 Westminster St* BROWNELL BUILDING"></div><div ID="DIVL243" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Laura M. Carr Go. 16 College Street :: CATERING ::"></div><div ID="DIVL244" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="JOHN W. SLEDGE, Caterer to the GYM BALL, SOPHOMORE BALL, and other College Functions. is prepared to do First-class Catering for Dances, Dinners, Lunches, etc. Prices Reasonable. Further information may be obtained from the Business Manager of the Herald."></div><div ID="DIVL245" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="F. A. CAMPBELL CO. Tailors 502 Case-Mead Bldg. 76 Dorrance St., Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL246" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="HARVARD DENTAL SCHOOL. A Department of Harvard University A graduate of the four-year course in this school admitted without examination. A three years  course, leading to the degree, Doctor Dental Medicine. New buildings. Modern equipment. Large clinic. Write for Catalogue. Eugene H. Smith, D. M. D., Dean, Longwood Avenue, Boston, Mass."></div><div ID="DIVL247" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="EDWARD FONTAINE S New, Spacious and Up-to-Date BARBER SHOP f at 42 WESTMINSTER ST., Offers every convenience and possible attention for the comfort of college men. FACIAL MASSAGE. Telephone, Union 1449-L."></div><div ID="DIVL248" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="PLAY BALL!! Wright &amp; Ditson are  Varsity outfitters and have the finest and most complete line of Baseball Gloves, Bats, Shoes, Uniforms, etc. Special Prices to Class Teams. Also Fine Line of Golf and Tennis Supplies. ASK FOR CATALOGUE. OPPOSITE ARCADE. 76 Weybosset Street"></div><div ID="DIVL249" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Industrial Printing Company 43 South Main Street.  QUALITY PRINTING  for College Clubs a Specialty. School and Society printing executed promptly. Telephone 746-R Union."></div><div ID="DIVL250" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="DRESS SUITS 212 UNION STREET Room 4, Near Weybosset TUXEDOS AND PRINCE ALBERTS ELIAS, the To Lei Tailor"></div><div ID="DIVL251" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="MIKE, THE SHOEMAN HIGH-GRADE SAMPLES IN SHOES AND OXFORDS. College styles our specialty, worth $5, $6 and $7, our price. .$2.95 See if we have your size. 195 WEYBOSSET STREET, opposite Crown Hotel."></div><div ID="DIVL252" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="SNOW SHOE SHOP  THOSE TOTALLY DIFFERENT SHOES.  Absolutely the Newest Styles Always. J. P. Walton, Mgr. 220 Westminster St., Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL253" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="All the curves of fashion framed up' in our Spring suits! Economy, so lacking in railroads,, according to the newspapers, has been in use for years among the better makers of clothing. No waste, no graft; which explains why we sell a perfectly reliable, allwool suit as low as $l5, and for $3O a. suit that would add to the prid'e of a railroad president- Buy a  College Brand.  The Old Reliable BOSTON &amp; PROVIDENCE CLOTHING CO. Francis Building, 150 WESTMINSTER STREET,"></div><div ID="DIVL254" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="ELEVATED STYLES HATS CAPS GLOVES SUBWAY PRICES LEWIS N. FIDLER, 157 WESTMINSTER STREET UP-STAIRS"></div><div ID="DIVL255" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Providence Banking Co. 141 Westminster St., Prov., R. 1., Local Securities High Grade Investments"></div><div ID="DIVL256" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="THE RIGHT CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN Are represented in our immense showing of New Fall and Winter Styles in STEIN BLOCH AND Hart, Schaffner &amp; Marx PRODUCTIONS To be had only at the Outlet, and at Cut Prices. OUTLET"></div><div ID="DIVL257" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="I"></div><div ID="DIVL258" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="With each package of Fatima yon get a popular actress 9 photograph  also a pennant coupon, 25 of which secure a handsome felt college pennant (1 2x32} lection of WO*"></div><div ID="DIVL259" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="TURKISH,. CIGARETTES TMIGOnOMETWY Look at it from any angle the sine of a good, smoke is a Fatima Cigarette. Made from a dif~ fereni formula   never varied by even a fraction . A modest package but then, you get ten additional cigarettes. Figure on getting 20 tor 1 5 cents. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO."></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></structMap></mets>��<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><mets xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.loc.gov/METS/ http://schema.ccs-gmbh.com/metae/mets-metae.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="http://www.loc.gov/METS/" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:MODS="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3" xmlns:mix="http://www.loc.gov/mix/" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:mets="http://www.loc.gov/METS/"><structMap><div ID="DIVL1" TYPE="Newspaper" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL2" TYPE="VOLUME"><div ID="DIVL3" TYPE="ISSUE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL4" TYPE="TITLE_SECTION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL5" TYPE="HEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="BRQAHMpfeRALP"></div><div ID="DIVL6" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Vol. XX No. 143"></div><div ID="DIVL7" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="PROVIDENCE, FRIDAY, APRIL 21. 1913"></div><div ID="DIVL8" TYPE="TEXTBLOCK" ORDER="1" LABEL="Price Three Cents"></div><div ID="DIVL9" TYPE="ILLUSTRATION" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL10" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL=""></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL11" TYPE="CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL12" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL13" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL14" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="MEET WITH TECHNOLOGY"></div><div ID="DIVL15" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Squad Rapidly Rounding into Shape. Tech Men Make Good Time."></div></div><div ID="DIVL16" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL17" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL18" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL19" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The M. I. T. track meet takes place a week from Saturday, on April 29. The Brown squad is doing good work at their regular practice under the coaching of  Charlie  Huggins, and the chances of winning many of the events are strong. Coach Huggins is devoting his entire time this Spring to track, and in spite of the lateness of the season the mer"></div></div><div ID="DIVL20" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL21" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="are showing rapid improvement. Twenty new suits have been ordered from Wright &amp; Ditson s, and these will be here in time for the track meet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL22" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL23" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Brown entries have been made out provisionally, and will be published next week. The  Tech  entries have not been received yet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL24" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL25" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="At an interclass meet held at Technology last Saturday, good time was made in the quarter and half-mile runs. The fast time of 4 : 33 I_ 3 was made in the mile by Watkins  l2, who will probably have a close race for first honors with Taber. The 120-yard high hurdles was also made in good time by Cummings Ti, who won second honors for the entire meet. The pole vault was won by Salisbury, the individual star of the afternoon. The height was 10 ft. 9 in. If Bartlett continues in his present good form he should easily come off first in the weight events. Six men from each college may be entered in each event. Four can compete. Probably about 25 Technology men will be entered, while 20 or twenty-five men from the Brown squad will participate."></div></div><div ID="DIVL26" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL27" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The last meet with M. I. T. was held in 1908, when Tech won out by a score of 71J4 to 54/4."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL28" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL29" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL30" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="A. A. Bennett TO, Receives Princeton Fellowship."></div></div><div ID="DIVL31" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL32" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL33" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL34" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Mr. Albert Arnold Bennett, Assistant in the Department of Mathematics, will study at Princeton next year. He has received one of the G. S. K. Fellowships in Mathematics for next 3 r ear. His entire time will be devoted to research work. Mr. Bennett expects to study under Professors Birkhoff and Veblen, two of the most eminent mathematicians in this country. He will be at Princeton at least one year, and the probabilities are that he will remain there longer."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL35" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL36" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL37" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="APPEAL TO REASON."></div><div ID="DIVL38" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Banquet Committee Recommends Restraint from Excessive Use of Brown Spirit."></div></div><div ID="DIVL39" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL40" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL41" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL42" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="A communication just received from the Brown Committee, calls attention to the unnecessary character of the super-abundant expression of overflowing Brown spirit at the Annual Banquet. The Committee expresses the hope that the breaking of tableware and hurling of heavy missils will be done away with this year."></div></div><div ID="DIVL43" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL44" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The communication follows: To the Editor of the Herald: "></div></div><div ID="DIVL45" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL46" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="For several years the Brown Banquet Committee has been caused considerable trouble and unnecessary expense by breakage and damage to articles during the banquet in Sayles Hall. It is hoped that the banquet to-morrow night may be conducted without this undesirable feature. Furthermore, the University authorities strongly object to the throwing of biscuits and other hard articles on account of the danger to portraits, and if one of these should suffer irreparable damage, the result might be the forbidding of the use of Sayles for future banquets. The lifting of tables may be all right, but to drop them or to toss the tableware around is likely to be disastrous, and all undergraduates are earnestly requested to keep their Brown spirit from running amuck, and to co-operate with the committee in preventing a good time from being converted into too much of a  rough-house.  Brown Banquet Committee."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL47" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL48" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL49" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Sophomores Lose to Dean Academy in Ragged Game."></div></div><div ID="DIVL50" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL51" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL52" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL53" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Sophomore baseball team was defeated by the Dean Academy team Wednesday afternoon by a score of 8-1. The home team won by their ability to bunch hits and by the glaring errors of the 1 913 team. Four runs were made by Dean in the first inning, the other four coming in the fifth. There were nine bases stolen by the Dean men. The features of the game were Hahn s long throw to the plate and the batting of McLaughlin for Dean, who drew three hits out of three times at bat."></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL54" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL55" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="1" LABEL="BROWN IQ13. bh pb a e Tucker, c. f 0 T 1 0 H owe, s. s 1 X 3 1"></div><div ID="DIVL56" TYPE="CAPTION" ORDER="1" LABEL="The summary of yesterday s game is as follows:"></div></div><div ID="DIVL57" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL58" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sullivan, ab. I I 0 I Ashbaugh, ib. . . . 9 0 I Henry, c 9 4 I Hahn, 1. f I 0 0 Chase, 3b I 0 0 Higgins, r. f 0 0 0 0 Redington, p 0 I 4 0 Totals 4 24 12 4"></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL59" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL60" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL61" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="FOOTBALL PRACTICE."></div><div ID="DIVL62" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Squad Tries New Formations in Gymnasium. W. H. Sweet and High  ll, Assist."></div></div><div ID="DIVL63" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL64" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL65" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL66" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="On account of the wetness of Andrews Field , the  Varsity football practice was held on the gym floor yesterday. Bean and Metcalf played the half-backs and  Don  Pryor and Pride, a Freshman, played fullback in turn. Hazard played center and Murphy and Goldberg guards. Several new shifts and formations were tried out and the whole practice went off snappily and smoothly. Mr. W. H. Sweet and  Jake  High assisted Coach Pryor during the afternoon."></div></div><div ID="DIVL67" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL68" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The following men reported: Capt. Sprackling, Goldberg  l3, Murphy  l3, Hazard  l4, Gelb  l3, Kratz T 3, Ashbaugh T 3, Adams  l2, Bean  l4, Pride,  l4, Metcalf  l3."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL69" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL70" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL71" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Meeting of Prospective Competitors in the Herald Office Tonight."></div></div><div ID="DIVL72" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL73" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL74" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL75" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="To-night at 6:45, a meeting will be held in the Herald office in the basement of the Union, for all Sophomores who wish to enter a competition for membership " on the Herald Board. The competition will begin with next Monday s edition of the paper and will continue through the Spring term and the Fall term next year. The work will consist in the writing up of news items, the carrying of copy, the reading of proof, and whatever work may come up in the office. At 7:15 to-night a meeting of the Sophomore members of the board will be held in the Herald office preparatory to starting a competition for the news editors  positions."></div></div><div ID="DIVL76" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL77" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Wesleyan is making a determined effort to wipe out the deficit of the Athletic Association. The alumni have contributed several hundred dollars, and now the undergraduates plan to raise at least $lOOO more before the end of the year. A vaudeville show which the students gave in Middletown netted between $350 and $4OO."></div></div><div ID="DIVL78" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL79" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The largest number of Freshmen in the history of Purdue turned out for baseball this Spring. When the season opened 13 1 men responded to the call for candidates."></div></div><div ID="DIVL80" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL81" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="More than 50 men reported at Yale for the mass meeting of candidates �% for next Fall s football eleven."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL82" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL83" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL84" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="SALE OF TICKETS."></div><div ID="DIVL85" TYPE="SUBHEADLINE" ORDER="1" LABEL="250 Sub-Freshman Tickets Sold.  Undergraduate Sale Not So Rapid."></div></div><div ID="DIVL86" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL87" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL88" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL89" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The Sub-Freshman Banquet tickets are going rapidly. Yesterday two more of the fraternities"></div></div><div ID="DIVL90" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL91" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="bought their tickets, bringing the total of Sub-Freshman tickets sold to date up to 250. Only two fraternities now remain which have not taken the tickets they contracted for."></div></div><div ID="DIVL92" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL93" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="The undergraduate tickets are not going so fast, only 53 having been sold. A large number of sales are expected to-day and tomorrow morning, however. Undergraduates can obtain their tickets from any of the committee, R. F. Skillings Ti, Wm. V. Winslow Ti, G. S. Burgess  l2, N. B. Hull  l3, and C. L. Bagnell  l4. Manager H. O. Barker of the baseball team has announced that the Sub-Freshman banquet tickets will be stamped for free admission to the Princeton game from 12:20 to 2 o clock on Saturday at the Union. The Sub-Freshman tickets only will be stamped for admission and the men must call in person at the Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL94" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL95" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL96" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Triple Tie Being Played Off in Chess Tournament."></div></div><div ID="DIVL97" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL98" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL99" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL100" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Two games have been played in the series which is to decide the chess championship between Corp, Emmons, and Durfee, who were tied for first place. The game between Corp and Emmons resulted in a draw and Corp yesterday defeated Durfee. The plan is for each man to play three games with each of the other two. Stanton and Guild are tied for fourth place and will play their games as soon as possible. The standing of the men at the close of the regular tournament left Corp, Durfee and Emmons each with eight games won and one lost, and Guild and Stanton with six won and three lost."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL101" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL102" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL103" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="1" LABEL="Brown Man Resigns Y. M. C. A. Position."></div></div><div ID="DIVL104" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL105" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL106" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="1"><div ID="DIVL107" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="1" LABEL="Mr. William Lamkie, who was graduated from Brown in the class of 1905, is about to resign on account of illness, his position as International Educational Secretary of the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. s. Mr. Lamkie entered the work in September, 1907, and since then he has originated a most flexible scheme to meet the educational needs of the enlisted men of our Army and Navy. It will be with regret that his associates and many enlisted men will learn of his resignation, as it is largely' due' to him that such large things have been achieved in the Army and Navy Y. M. C. A. s."></div></div><div ID="DIVL108" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL109" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The students of Columbia University are preparing a petition to the trustees asking that a ten dollar athletic assessment be added to the tuition fee."></div></div><div ID="DIVL110" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL111" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The landladies of Ithaca, N. Y., are hereafter to be protected from"></div></div><div ID="DIVL112" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL113" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="unseemly disturbances by student roomers. A Cornell Sophomore was recently arrested and fined sio for yelling, .pounding of the floor, kicking, and raising a big commotion."></div></div><div ID="DIVL114" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL115" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A course in embalming has been established at the University of Michigan. This is the first university to start such a course."></div></div><div ID="DIVL116" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL117" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Harvard beat the Naval Academy in Lacross yesterday by the score of 4-2 in a driving rain storm, and a muddy field."></div></div><div ID="DIVL118" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL119" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Capt. Foster of the Harvard track team has pulled a tendon and will probably not be able to sprint until the Intercollegiate games. His loss will weaken his team, especially in the dual meet with Yale, May io."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL120" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL121" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL122" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="Phi Beta Kappa."></div></div><div ID="DIVL123" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL124" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL125" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL126" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Shortly we shall be apprised of the elections to membership in the Phi Beta Kappa Society, and shall again be confronted with the annual query, what is the Phi Beta Kappa Society? Not that the significance of the coveted key is un-"></div></div><div ID="DIVL127" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL128" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="known, but that the society at Brown has so little function and so little of healthy influence that we are justified in asking its nature. Brown is not alone in the inactivity of this honorary society, complaints are heard at every hand, but there are institutions where'the Phi"></div></div><div ID="DIVL129" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL130" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Beta Kappa Society is a.i active organization, serving its members the same salutary purpose as the Sphinx Club, and at the same time creating an influence that makes for greater prestige of the purely intellectual in the college life."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL131" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL132" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL133" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="The Brown Banquet."></div></div><div ID="DIVL134" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL135" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL136" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL137" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="To-morrow evening occurs one of the big events of - the college year  the Brown Banquet and every Brown undergraduate should exert every effort to attend! No excuse for absence will be valid! The development of your own individual crop of Brown Spirit depends on it, and the extending of the heartiest good time possible to the visiting preparatory school men depends on it also. And in addition to all that, this year s commit-"></div></div><div ID="DIVL138" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL139" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="tee have in store a program that you will not want to miss. And, by the by, it will not be amiss to call attention to the communication in another column which contains a hint which, if heeded, besides not decreasing the enjoyment of the occasion, will tend to leave quite as wholesome a remembrance in the minds of our visitors."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL140" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL141" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL142" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="UNIVERSITY BULLETIN."></div></div><div ID="DIVL143" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL144" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL145" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL146" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="(Notices for the Herald must be in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief by 1 P. M. on the day preceding publication. A charge of 25 cents will be made for a notice of live lines for first insertion and j 5 cents for each subsequent insertion.)"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL147" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL148" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL149" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BROWN TUTOR."></div></div><div ID="DIVL150" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL151" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL152" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL153" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="George Albert Goulding, A. M. t drown, 1899), experienced tutor in high school and college subjects, 167 Cushing street. Telephone, 710-L Angell. Office, 87 Weybosset street Room 53. Telephone 673-L Union."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL154" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL155" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL156" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="1913!"></div></div><div ID="DIVL157" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL158" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL159" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL160" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A competition for associate editor of the Herald will start next Monday. The competition will continue two terms, and is open to all members of the Sophomore class. All prospective competitors should leave their names at the desk or in the box in the Herald Office at once. /'V meeting for full instructions will be held Friday evening in the Office. W. Randolph Burgess, Daniel L. Brown, &gt; Man. Editors-Elect. alO-ot"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL161" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL162" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL163" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="PRINCETON GAME TICKETS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL164" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL165" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL166" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL167" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="All undergraduates who wish to take Sub-Freshman guests to the Princeton game should see that the Sub-Freshmen call in person at the Union Saturday from 12:20 to 2 o'clock to get their banquet tickets stamped for admission to the game. Sub-Freshman tickets only are stamped for free admission. H. O. Barber, Baseball. Manager. a2O-3t"></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL168" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL169" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL170" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="BANQUET TICKETS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL171" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL172" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL173" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL174" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sub-Freshman and undergraduate tickets to the Brown Banquet, Saturday evening, will be on sale to-day from 12:20 to 2 o'clock, in the Smoking- Room. a 17  It R. F. Skillings, Chairman."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL175" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL176" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL177" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="SOPHOMORE EDITORS."></div></div><div ID="DIVL178" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL179" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL180" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL181" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Meeting of 1913 members of the Herald Board in the office to-night at 7:15 o'clock. All members will please attend. R. G. Hurlin, Editor-in-Chief Elect."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL182" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL183" TYPE="HEADING" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL184" TYPE="TITLE" ORDER="2" LABEL="DEAN ACADEMY."></div></div><div ID="DIVL185" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL186" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL187" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL188" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Innings 123456789 Brown 1913.... 00000100 o l Dean 40004000 o B Runs  Tormcy 2, McLaughlin 2, Abbott, Pratt, Stafford, Westcott  8; 'Redington l. Two-base hit  Mc- Laughlin. Stolen bases  Pratt, Stafford, Westcott, McLaughlin, Tormey"></div></div><div ID="DIVL189" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="3"><div ID="DIVL190" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="3" LABEL="2, Abbott, Murrey, Crotty. Base cm balls  By Bellefontaine i; by Redington 2. Struck out  By Bellefontaine 7; by Merrifield 2; by Redington io. Sacrifice hit Stafford. Double plays  Hahn to Henry; Bellefontaine to Stafford to Pratt. Hit by pitched ball  Tucker.' Passed ball Henry. Umpire Time  2h."></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL191" TYPE="TABLE" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL192" TYPE="IMAGE" ORDER="2" LABEL="bh po a e Pratt, lb .... I 10 0 0 Stafford, 2b .... I 3 5 X Westeott, 3b .... I I 2 0 McLaughlin. 1. f... 3 I 0 0 Tormcy, c. f .... 2 0 0 0 Abbott, r. f I 0 0 Murrey, r. f ... .0 0 0 0 Crotty, s. 5 .... I 0 2 1 O Brien, c ... .0 i r 4 0 Belleiontaine, p. .. ... .0 0 3 0 Merritield, p ... .0 0 2 0 Totals 27 18 2"></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL193" TYPE="ARTICLE" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL194" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL195" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL196" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL197" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="The University  H  will be awarded to any Harvard winner finishing third or better in the Yale cross-country meet; also to the men securing seventh place or better in the intercollegiate. A cosmopolitan club of a limited membership to American students is being organized at Minnesota."></div></div><div ID="DIVL198" TYPE="PARAGRAPH" ORDER="4"><div ID="DIVL199" TYPE="TEXT" ORDER="4" LABEL="It has been decided to have buttons made to be worn by the members of the Freshman class at Harvard, so that they know one another better."></div></div></div></div></div><div ID="DIVL200" TYPE="SECTION" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL201" TYPE="BODY" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL202" TYPE="BODY_CONTENT" ORDER="2"><div ID="DIVL203" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL=""></div><div ID="DIVL204" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="170 BENEFIT, CORNER MEETING"></div><div ID="DIVL205" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="FOWNES GLOVES are not cheapest, but they re feast expensive. 14"></div><div ID="DIVL206" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Are your clothes, furniture* books, etc., protected against loss by IRE IF NOT, THEY SHOULD BE. HAROLD A. MACKINNEY, INSURANCE. 12 WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL207" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Peirce Shoe Models For the College Mae NEW LASTS IN CONSERVATIVE AND THE MORE EXTREME STYLES. �|f Thos. F. Peirce &amp; Son Westminster and&lt;; Dor ranee Sts. 5* I . c t# &amp; fcs I 8 |1 8 8 8 $0 K* M |�"></div><div ID="DIVL208" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A Professor s Insurance Prof. of Brown insured in the Northwestern Mutual April 16th, 1906, at age 31, for $3,500.00, 30-year Endowment. The record is as follows: dividend. C. G. Blanchard, Gen. Agt. 19 Journal Building"></div><div ID="DIVL209" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="A. Shuian &amp; Co. BOSTON. Original and Exclusive COLLEGE " CLOTHES DESIGNED EXPRESSLY FOR COLLEGE MEN. Frequently Represented at the Brown Union Bookstore."></div><div ID="DIVL210" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="CLIFTON m m ?. mm WM $ M CLIFTON BEDFORD 2% in. higb * vhe Arrow &quot; Scotch COLLARS � ' 18e.,2 tor 26�. Cluett, Peabody &amp; Co., Makere"></div><div ID="DIVL211" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Sft noTiti roigs Fountain Pea s2.*&gt;9 'And Up A fountain pen that won't ink your fingers, one that can be carried in any position, upside down or on its side in any pocket or bag. When the cap is screwed on, the pen is as tight as a bottle. When not in use the pen rests in ink, so remains moist, and will write without need of shaking. Made in many styles. Prices $2.50 to $15.00. On its own merits this pen is fast finding its way all over the world. There probably is a dealer in your town who now carries it and you can buy of him ; but if there isn t, if you will send us the name of your most reliable dealer, we will see that he has an assortment of these pens for you to select from. Be careful to give us his name and address and vour name and address correctly. State also whether you like a fine, medium or coarse pen; otherwise, we shall send an assortment that you can purchase from at $2.50. Something new: Moore s Midget non-leakable inches long. The smallest fountain pen made, just the thing for ladies  shopping bag or for men s lower vest pocket. Price $2.50. g ADAMS, CUSHING &amp; FOSTER 168 Bo D r�f- Selling Agents for AMERICAN FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY"></div><div ID="DIVL212" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="2" LABEL="Brown, the badge man, 46, 48, 50 Broadway, Can make LAPEL EMBLEMS in Solid Metal, SPECIAL DESIGNS, at revolutionary prices,, one-half and one-third what others charge. Also Ribbon. Badges, for Track Meets, etc."></div><div ID="DIVL213" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Spirit of Easter. &quot;The Good .Will of'lts patrons Has Made PossiblevThe. National Institution of BROWNING, KING &amp; CO. No man should be judged by the Clothes he 'wears. Put surely the man who is smartly dresspd has an advantage over his less practical brother. You cannot fail to recognize the fact that in most cases a man s appearance in a measure tells what he is himself. The BROWNING, KING Policy to hold your money on deposit for you until' every transaction gives perfect satisfaction must appeal to you as a unique commercial idea. Business creeds of this nature are bound to win the good will and confidence of all who appreciate modern American business methods and service. The National Organization of BROWNING, KING &amp; CO., is ready to supply Every Correct Requisite for your EASTER ATTIRE. A Complete Showing of Men s, Boys  and Children s Clothes, Furnishings and Hats. Men s Suits and Overcoats, $15.00 to $35.00. Our Hat Department s3.oo, $3.50 and upward. Men s Furnishings The Newest Things for -Spring from the most reliable makers. Young Men s and Boys  Clothing Dong- ; " trouser Suits, $12.00 to $30.00. Norfolk and Plain Double-breasted Suits. $5.00 to $16.50. Russian and Sailor Blouse Suits, $5 to $12.00. A complete stock of Young Men s and Boys  Hats and Furnishings. We ve made unusual preparations this year for Easter, and we re sure you will appreciate �% them A NATIONAL INSTITUTION. PRO VI DEN g&gt;rowr\mg- King-�-(� CE, RHODE ISLAND."></div><div ID="DIVL214" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="E. H. Forsell TAILOR [ 76 Dor ranee St. Corner Weybosset, PROVIDENCE, R. I. Rooms 204-5-6. Telephone."></div><div ID="DIVL215" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="� 1 Fine Hats The SOFT The SILK The DERBY The OPERA Elstoe-Mta to."></div><div ID="DIVL216" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="James Murphy Merchant Tailor 0 42 Westminster St. Room ) Providence. R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL217" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="It s Time for YOU to Think of B.V. D. Loose Fitting B. V, D. Underwear insures coolness to you. The light woven B. V. D. fabrics assure comfort to you. The integrity of B. V. D. making secures resistance to nvear and &lt;wash. The Red Woven B.V. D. Label safeguards the genuineness of your purchase. This Red Woven Label MADE FOR TH&amp; BEST RETAIL TRADE ( Trade Mark Reg. V. S. Fat. Off.) is sewed on every B. V. D. Garment. Take no garment it. A copy of our Booklet has been set aside for you. Write for it. B. V. D. Coat Cut Undershirts and Knee Length Drawers, 50c, 75c, $l.OO and $1.50 a garment. B. V. D. Union Suits, (Pat. 4/70/07) $l, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $5.00 a suit. The B. V. D. Company � 65 Worth St., New York"></div><div ID="DIVL218" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Our Interpretation of Men s NEW FASHIONS is undeniably correct. We enjoy advantages that place us on an equal footing with New York s most exclusive merchant tailors but our prices are always CONSISTENTLY MODERATE : Enlarged facilities that enable us to display better than I ever our handsome new fabrics. Lee, Oden and Company DESIGNERS AND. MAKERS OF MEN S CLOTHES 29Q WESTMINSTER STREET."></div><div ID="DIVL219" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="A. G. SKONBERG, Successor 385 WESTMINSTER STREET"></div><div ID="DIVL220" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Special Rates to Brown Students ARTISTIC Photographs"></div><div ID="DIVL221" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WHAT 'CHEER STABLES and GARAGE"></div><div ID="DIVL222" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Boarding and Livery. Carriages of all kinds for alloccasions. Tel. 1855 Union."></div><div ID="DIVL223" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="New, absolutely fireproof garage. Autos stored, washed or polished. Automobiles to let by hour, day or week. Tel. 1845 Union."></div><div ID="DIVL224" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WOOLENS  Mggra wear HENRY L. BISHOP &amp; SON, 224 Butler Exchange"></div><div ID="DIVL225" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL=" Boston University' School &quot;of Law  g Three years  course; advanced courses for the Master s Degree. Col- I lege graduates are permitted to take the course for the Bachelor s Degree I in two years, provided they obtain high standing. Special scholarships for I college graduates. Address f Dean MELVILLE M. BIGELOW, 11 Ashburton Place, Boston, Mass. !i"></div><div ID="DIVL226" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="UNIVERSITY TAILORS KESSLER BIOS K��M 4. 8� WEW���H ST."></div><div ID="DIVL227" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="TSi�r� Is a K�as�m �%�%�%Wliy"></div><div ID="DIVL228" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="BROWN"></div><div ID="DIVL229" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Will be the prevailing color. You will find a handsome line of ENGLISH TWEEDS and HOMESPUNS open to your inspection. Remember our chief aim is to satisfy YOU, as we have been doing for the past twenty years. NO FANCY PRICES."></div><div ID="DIVL230" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="SAY, BOYS!!! You ought to know, If you don t, that WILLIAM MILLS &amp; SON are .Headquarters for GROUPS, INTERIOR OF ROOMS, ETC. We have PHOTOGRAPHS ON SALE OF ALL THE DIFFERENT VIEWS AT BROWN. 58 and 60 ARCADE. TELEPHONE."></div><div ID="DIVL231" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Providence Opera House Felix R. Wendelsehafer Managei THE FAUN."></div><div ID="DIVL232" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="KEITH S This Week VAUDEVILLE"></div><div ID="DIVL233" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="EMPIRE THEATRE This Week THE VIRGINIAN."></div><div ID="DIVL234" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="WESTMINSTER THEATRE This Week TROCADEROS."></div><div ID="DIVL235" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="VIOLIN MAKING - REPAIRING A SPECIALTY- J. H. ROCKWELL &amp; SON Old Italian Violins and Cellos 385 WESTMINSTER ST., Providence, R. I. MUSICAL SUPPLIES Telephone Connection"></div><div ID="DIVL236" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="FAY S BAND AND ORCHESTRA 72 WEYBOSSET STREET, Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL237" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="HOTEL LENOX Exeter and Boylston Streets THE FINEST MODERN FIREPROOF HOTEL IN NEW ENGLAND BOSTON, MASS."></div><div ID="DIVL238" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL=""></div><div ID="DIVL239" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Tailors and Importers 146 Westminster St* New Spring Styles Now Ready."></div><div ID="DIVL240" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Individual Styles"></div><div ID="DIVL241" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="Luther &amp; Huber Men f s Tailors and Importers"></div><div ID="DIVL242" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="CHAMBERS, 107 Westminster St* BROWNELL BUILDING"></div><div ID="DIVL243" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="3" LABEL="The Laura M. Carr Go. 16 College Street :: CATERING ::"></div><div ID="DIVL244" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="JOHN W. SLEDGE, Caterer to the GYM BALL, SOPHOMORE BALL, and other College Functions. is prepared to do First-class Catering for Dances, Dinners, Lunches, etc. Prices Reasonable. Further information may be obtained from the Business Manager of the Herald."></div><div ID="DIVL245" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="F. A. CAMPBELL CO. Tailors 502 Case-Mead Bldg. 76 Dorrance St., Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL246" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="HARVARD DENTAL SCHOOL. A Department of Harvard University A graduate of the four-year course in this school admitted without examination. A three years  course, leading to the degree, Doctor Dental Medicine. New buildings. Modern equipment. Large clinic. Write for Catalogue. Eugene H. Smith, D. M. D., Dean, Longwood Avenue, Boston, Mass."></div><div ID="DIVL247" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="EDWARD FONTAINE S New, Spacious and Up-to-Date BARBER SHOP f at 42 WESTMINSTER ST., Offers every convenience and possible attention for the comfort of college men. FACIAL MASSAGE. Telephone, Union 1449-L."></div><div ID="DIVL248" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="PLAY BALL!! Wright &amp; Ditson are  Varsity outfitters and have the finest and most complete line of Baseball Gloves, Bats, Shoes, Uniforms, etc. Special Prices to Class Teams. Also Fine Line of Golf and Tennis Supplies. ASK FOR CATALOGUE. OPPOSITE ARCADE. 76 Weybosset Street"></div><div ID="DIVL249" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Industrial Printing Company 43 South Main Street.  QUALITY PRINTING  for College Clubs a Specialty. School and Society printing executed promptly. Telephone 746-R Union."></div><div ID="DIVL250" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="DRESS SUITS 212 UNION STREET Room 4, Near Weybosset TUXEDOS AND PRINCE ALBERTS ELIAS, the To Lei Tailor"></div><div ID="DIVL251" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="MIKE, THE SHOEMAN HIGH-GRADE SAMPLES IN SHOES AND OXFORDS. College styles our specialty, worth $5, $6 and $7, our price. .$2.95 See if we have your size. 195 WEYBOSSET STREET, opposite Crown Hotel."></div><div ID="DIVL252" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="SNOW SHOE SHOP  THOSE TOTALLY DIFFERENT SHOES.  Absolutely the Newest Styles Always. J. P. Walton, Mgr. 220 Westminster St., Providence, R. I."></div><div ID="DIVL253" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="All the curves of fashion framed up' in our Spring suits! Economy, so lacking in railroads,, according to the newspapers, has been in use for years among the better makers of clothing. No waste, no graft; which explains why we sell a perfectly reliable, allwool suit as low as $l5, and for $3O a. suit that would add to the prid'e of a railroad president- Buy a  College Brand.  The Old Reliable BOSTON &amp; PROVIDENCE CLOTHING CO. Francis Building, 150 WESTMINSTER STREET,"></div><div ID="DIVL254" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="ELEVATED STYLES HATS CAPS GLOVES SUBWAY PRICES LEWIS N. FIDLER, 157 WESTMINSTER STREET UP-STAIRS"></div><div ID="DIVL255" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="Providence Banking Co. 141 Westminster St., Prov., R. 1., Local Securities High Grade Investments"></div><div ID="DIVL256" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="THE RIGHT CLOTHES FOR COLLEGE MEN Are represented in our immense showing of New Fall and Winter Styles in STEIN BLOCH AND Hart, Schaffner &amp; Marx PRODUCTIONS To be had only at the Outlet, and at Cut Prices. OUTLET"></div><div ID="DIVL257" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="I"></div><div ID="DIVL258" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="With each package of Fatima yon get a popular actress 9 photograph  also a pennant coupon, 25 of which secure a handsome felt college pennant (1 2x32} lection of WO*"></div><div ID="DIVL259" TYPE="ADVERTISEMENT" ORDER="4" LABEL="TURKISH,. CIGARETTES TMIGOnOMETWY Look at it from any angle the sine of a good, smoke is a Fatima Cigarette. Made from a dif~ fereni formula   never varied by even a fraction . A modest package but then, you get ten additional cigarettes. Figure on getting 20 tor 1 5 cents. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO."></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></structMap></mets>