1 of 6 unsigned pencil drawings; troops carrying shovels, captioned on verso: 'Leaving the trenches'. 'On the Road &c.' 'The men in every variety of costume some in short & drawers &c.' Reproduced in Harper's Weekly, June 22, 1861, page 393
Small folio. New Haven, William Reese & Co., 2018
Prints, Drawings and Watercolors from the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University Library
Digital object made available by: Brown University Library, John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts, Box A, Brown University, Providence, RI, 02912, U.S.A., (http://library.brown.edu/)
This vast digital collection of military artwork from the 16th through 20th centuries, vividly documents all aspects of military and naval history, with emphasis on the history and illustration of world military and naval uniforms from the 17th century to …