Portrait of Abraham Lincoln surrounded by four Union flags. A banner reads " The people's candidate for President. Abraham Lincoln." A liberty cap appears above …
Union Flag with Liberty Cap and banner reading "Union and the Constitution". "'The Flag Our Fathers Fought for.' 'Let it be Ours Untarnished.'" is printed …
A seven-sided arrangement of Union ships and military camps surrounding 7 rats and one cat. Harpers Ferry appears in the center of a circular design. …
Two French men, a soldier and a man dressed in bourgeois clothes speak to a dapper couple. In the background, the words "Conciergerie: "Liberty, Equality …
Envelope depicts bust portraits of past presidents Buchanan, Pierce, Fillmore, Taylor, Polk, Tyler, Harrison as well as assumed current president Abraham Lincoln in vignette style …
Envelope depicts bust portraits of past presidents Buchanan, Pierce, Fillmore, Taylor, Polk, Tyler, Harrison as well as assumed current president Abraham Lincoln in vignette style …
Envelope depicts bust portraits of past presidents Buchanan, Pierce, Fillmore, Taylor, Polk, Tyler, Harrison as well as assumed current president Abraham Lincoln in vignette style …