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Items (81-97) out of 97 results

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Thompson talked of books—Thoreau, Balzac, Taine—anything and everything but love. And each night the girl stood half hidden in the shadow and asked him to return. His visits ended one night when he 133 [pgbrk] 134 THE SMART SET told her abruptly that he was going away—going back to the city.

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"There have been heroes" says Thoreau, "for whom this world seemed expressly prepared" and beside whose "pure primeval natures" "the distinctions of morality, of right and wrong, sense and nonsense, are petty and have lost their significance."

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Thoreau, Martin Luther by Frank B. Sanborn ; Walt Whitman, by Bliss Perry ; By PRESERVED SMITH John Greenleaf Whittier, by George R. Carpenter. " This pen picture . . , must long be regarded as the authoritative word."

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Diogenes throwing away his cup after he had seen a child drink from its hands, Thoreau refusing the offer of a doormat because he felt that it was "best to avoid the beginnings of evil," these I feel kinship with and understand.

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LORD DUNSANY—MYTH-MAKER By Odell Shepard Author of "The Paradox of Thoreau," etc. OR all practical American purposes, Irishmen may be divided into three sorts: policemen, politicians, and poets. One reason, appar ently, why the present population of the island assays so large a proportion of poets is that the policemen and politicians mostly emigrate to Amer ica, while the poets remain at home.

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Thoreau lived on the top floor of his one-story hut at Walden Pond. Immortal books must be written where the air is not heavy with passion. The room where Herbert Tree lived—his "dome " as it was always called—was really the space under the dome of His Majesty's Theatre, where rats and fire-escapes would normally have been kept, but which he made into an agreeable place for work.

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His set of Thoreau is lodged beside Lord SHELVING SYSTEMS Chesterfield. His copy of Sterne's " Sentimental Journey " is wedged between two volumes of John Wesley's "Journal! " I need not harrow the reader's sympathies with further gruesome details.

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Curtis 67 Quo Vodls 68 Representative Hen 69 Robinson Crusoe 70 Rob Roy 71 Romola 72 8eariet Letter 73 Sbeteh Book 74 Soldiers Three and Plain Tales from the Hills Sienkiewicz Emerson Defoe Scott Eliot Hawthorne Irving Kipling Prentiss Dickens Lamb 75 Stepping Heavenward 76 Tale of Tivo (Hies 77 Tales from Shakespeare 78 Tennyson's Poems 79 Thelma Marie CorelH 80 Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes 81 Tom Brown's School Days Hughes 82 Twice Told Tales Huwthorne 83 Uncle Tom's Cabin Stowe 84 Under Two Flags Ouida 85 Yanlty Fair Thackeray 86 Vicar or Wakefield Goldsmith 87 Washington and His Generals Headley 88 Waveriey Scott 89 Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers " Thoreau 90 Whlttler's Poetical .Works A.

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Thoreau truly says that a man "can attend but one funeral in his life "; and, in the same sense, I say that a man can see but one city. Chicago is my one. Perhaps, if you should go there looking for it, you could no more find my Chicago than I can find Zretazoola, the city of Sombelene—"Zretazoola of the climbing ways"—or that other city of Thalanna on the edge of the desert, at whose gates Aoob and Bel-Narb sit and argue as to whether cities are lovelier at dusk or at daybreak.

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. , ' animation, carnage free, ' Pudd nhead Wilson. rwain is a greater stylist than Stevenson or • a set of mark TWAIN 's Thoreau, and his ' Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg'is one of the finest / WORKS, Author's Naworks in English literature."

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11,. i,,,, Marie Corelli 80 Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes 81 Tom Brown's School Days Hughes 82 Twice-Told Tales Hawthorne 83 Uncle loin's Cabin Stowe 84 Under Two Flags Ouida 85 Vanity Fair Thackeray 80 Vicar of Wakefield Goldsmith 87 Washington and His Generals Headley 88 Waverley Scott 80 Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers Thoreau 00 Whlttier's Poetical Works A.

Matches inside:

. , J J r animation, carriage free, ' Pudd nhead Wilson. 1 wain is a greater stylist than Stevenson or St of MARK TWAIN'S a se Thoreau, and his 'Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg' is one of the finest / WORKS, Author's Naworks in English literature."

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Wm, Curtis 67 Quo Vadls Sienkiewicz 68 Representative Men Emerson 69 Robinson Crusoe Defoe 70 Rob Roy Scott 71 Romola Eliot 72 Scarlet Letter Hawthorne 73 Sketch Book Irving 74 Soldiers Three and Plain Tales from the Hills Kipling 75 Stepping Heavenward Prentiss 70 Tale or Two Cities Dickens 77 Tales from Shakespeare Lamb 78 Tennyson's Poems 70 Thehna Marie Corelli 80 Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes 81 Tom Brown's School Days Hughes 82 Twlee Told Tales Hawthorne 83 Uncle Tom's Cabin Stowe 84 Under Two Flags Ouida 85 Vanity Fair Thackeray 86 Vicar or Wakefield Goldsmith 87 Washington and His Generals Headley 88 Waverley Scott 89 Week on the Concord and Merrimac Rivers Thoreau 00 Whittled Poetical Works A.

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Curtis 67 Quo Vadls Sfenkiewicz 68 Bcpresentatlve Men Emerson 69 Bohinson Crusoe Defoe 70 Bob Boy Scott 71 Bomola Eliot 72 Searlet Letter Hawthorne 73 Sketch Book Irving 74 So'diers Three and Plain Tales from the Hills Kipling 75 Stepping Heavenward Prentiss 70 Tale of Two Cities Dickens 77 Tales from Shakespeare Lamb 78 Tennyson’s Poems 79 Thelma Marie Corelli 80 Tom Brown at Oxford Hughes 81 Tom Brown’s School Days Hughes 82 Twice-Told Tales Hawthorne 83 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Stowe 84 Under Two Flags Ouida 85 Vanity Fair Thackeray 80 Vicar of Wakefield Goldsmith 87 Washington and His Generals Headley 88 Waverley Scott 89 Week on the Concord and Merrimac Bivers Thoreau 90 Whittier’s Poetical Works A.

Items (81-97) out of 97 results