News item publ. in Times-Picaune of Sept.13, 2006, p. A1; list of accomplishments of N.O. mayor's first 100 days, with shorter list of future projects.
News item with photo, publ. in Times-Picayune of Sept.28, 2006; photo shows example of city notice affixed to N.O. properties, ordering owner to repair or …
A.P. wire article, publ. in Times-Picayune of Sept.22, 2006, p. A7; reports on tension between hurricane Katrina evacuees and local residents in Houston, Texas.
Newspaper article about Housing Authority of New Orleans's statement of only allowing residents who plan to get jobs to return to public housing projects.
Newspaper article expressing residents' criticism of the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO) for not reopening housing complexes which were unaffected or mildly damaged by …
Two letters to a newspaper: one suggesting empty houses be filled with firefighters and policemen who need a place to stay and another insisting that …