Interview published in The Register, official publicaion of the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC). Details Chorney's role as "one of the early founders …
Scott Edward Anderson is an American poet and writer who grew up largely disconnected from his Portuguese ancestry. In mid-life, he explored his heritage and …
With eight books of prose and poetry published, a poetry anthology, two books (selection of poems) translated and published in the US, the "Dona Doida" …
This interview took place in April 1991, when Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna was in Porto Alegre, participating in the seminar "New Routes for Old Readings," …
Nascida no Rio, em 1942, Ana Maria Machado consagrou-se principalmente como escritora de obras voltadas para crianças. Fez Letras, exerceu o jornalismo e estudou com …
A place of passion and disenchantment, Brazil is the main subject of this interview with the Fluminense writer Antônio Callado, which took place on April …
Autran Dourado is one of the most important contemporary Brazilian writers. Born in Patos (1926), the Minas Gerais novelist made his debut in 1947. Since …
Interviews with Caetano Veloso and Tom Zé granted to Christopher Dunn, respectively, on July 7, 1992, at the Caetano Veloso's apartment in Rio de Janeiro, …
On this track, Ayipaga demonstrates a traditional herding song and a hunter's song that hunters use for calling their dogs. Interestingly, the dog calling song …
This interview presents some of the literary and cultural universe that Edimilson de Almeida Pereira inhabits and his own analysis of his literature and, to …
Carmen Ramos Villar, Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies na Universidade de Sheffield (Grã Bretanha), pesquisa sobre a literatura dos emigrantes portugueses nos EUA e também …
Doutorada em Literatura Brasileira e Portuguesa (terceira área de concentração Literaturas Africanas de Expressão Portuguesa). É Professora Associada e coordenadora do programa de Português na …
Javier Fernández Galeano és un acadèmic especialitzat en estudis de gènere que està investigant el fons Vagos y maleantes. Llicenciat en Història i Antropologia per …
Digital object made available by : Brown University Library, John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts , Box A, Brown University, Providence, RI, 02912, U.S.A., …