Earth’s Moon, when viewed from Earth, always shows the same face. The compositional, topographic, and structural asymmetry between the Moon’s nearside and farside hemispheres has …
The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary is the world’s most ubiquitous plate boundary system, separating the high viscosity lithosphere from the underlying convecting mantle asthenosphere. Thoroughly characterizing the …
Volcanic hazards monitoring relies heavily on constraints offered by geophysical inversions to decipher the structure of subvolcanic magmatic systems. Over the past decades a multidisciplinary …
This dissertation explores the recent history of non-polar ice-rich paleodeposits on Mars, primarily through the analysis of pedestal craters. Pedestal craters are defined by having …
Volatile elements (C, H, F, S, and Cl) have a profound impact on the evolution and differentiation of planetary bodies and their atmospheres. Therefore, constraining …
This thesis details advances in experimental deformation methods applied to investigate the creep behavior of antigorite serpentinite. Antigorite is present in downgoing slabs and nearby …
The system of plate tectonics governs the transport of material between Earth’s interior, hydrosphere, and atmosphere to create a dynamic planetary surface that sustains life. …
Thermal infrared spectroscopic measurements record not only compositional information about the properties of a target but also information about the environmental conditions in which the …
Recent development of biomarker-based paleoclimate proxies provides new analytical capabilities through which paleoenvironmental change can be inferred. Here, I explore the utility of these organic …
“Pink” Mg-spinel is a rare mineral among rock samples returned during the Apollo missions and is typically associated with the lunar highlands Mg-suite (a small …
The Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem, is subjected to a number of global and local stressors, including tropical cyclones. Although tropical …
The agricultural frontier of the Brazilian Amazon is one of the fastest growing agricultural regions in the world, and rapid deforestation makes it one of …
The lithosphere, the plate in ‘plate tectonics’, preserves a record of past and present tectonic processes in its internal structures and its boundary with the …
Continental climate experiences significant changes and severely affects human's life. Quantitative reconstruction of past continental climate changes is extremely important for understanding their mechanisms in …
The nature of the early martian climate remains unsolved. Geologic evidence, including valley networks, paleolakes, and groundwater release, suggest that the long-lived (Noachian-spanning) early climate …
Diverse hydrous minerals have been identified on Mars and suggest a rich history of water-rock interactions in a variety of aqueous environments. Fe/Mg clays and …
In the coming decades to centuries drastic changes in temperature and precipitation patterns pose new challenges for societies and ecosystems in the North Atlantic region. …
In the coming decades to centuries drastic changes in temperature and precipitation patterns pose new challenges for societies and ecosystems in the North Atlantic region. …
Continued development of organic geochemical proxies for paleoclimate reconstructions are proving invaluable for understanding climate dynamics and climate-ecosystem interactions. Here I investigate the utility of …