The inaugural issue of the Luso-Brazilian Review was published in the summer of 1964 under the editorship of Professor Alberto Machado da Rosa. An “Opening …
The Luso-American world recently lost a formidable figure, arguably the most exceptional cultural bridge between Portuguese and American letters. George Monteiro, Professor Emeritus of English …
George Monteiro's Primary Bibliography (as of April 30, 2020), organized according to the following categories. Books: Criticism/Scholarship, Editions/Collections, Translations, Poetry, Memoir; Audio Tape; CD-Rom; Documentary …
Excerpt: George Monteiro might have been surprised if he’d known he would be commemorated posthumously during a poetry reading at the Round Rock, Texas, Public …
REIS, Roberto [ed.] (1991). Toward Socio-Criticism: Selected Proceedings of the Conference "Luso-Brazilian Literatures, A Socio-Critical Approach." Introduction by Roberto Reis. Tempe, Arizona: Center for Latin …