brocca con bocca bilobata e ansa sormontante a doppio cannello. Vernice bruna nella parte superiore del collo, orlo e ansa L'ansa rimanda ai modelli piu …
Contains the raw data generated from the Atom Probe analysis of the lunar bead surfaces. It also contains the peak deconvolution code used to determine …
Arduino code for motor control for submitted manuscript "Force and torque-free helical tail robot to study low Reynolds number microorganism swimming".
A late nineteenth-century house site located at the northern end of the Cape Krusenstern National Monument excavated by D.D. Anderson in 1997. One house was …
Collection of Babylonian records of Month Length and NA intervals. Supplementary data to John Steele, "The New Moon Interval NA and the Beginning of the …
These collections are currently under development 1) Perfusable 3D Human Cancer Co-Culture Model for Liver Fibrosis and Chemotherapeutic Efficacy (PI: Ip, Blanche C.) data from …
Brown Pedestrian Odometry Dataset (BPOD) is an image dataset for benchmarking visual odometry algorithms in head-mounted pedestrian settings. This dataset was captured using synchronized global …
A multi-component archaeological site area of more than 100 individual beach ridges and a headland inland from these located just north of Kotzebue, Alaska, excavated …
This code is used to prepare and process the data from three cardiovascular-health cohorts (Jackson Heart Study, The Mediators of Atherosclerosis in South Asians Living …
STATA and SAS code used for the results reported in “Advanced practice clinician care and end‐of‐life outcomes for community‐ and nursing home‐dwelling Medicare beneficiaries with …