Most similar to Abbasid style E.I (c.f. Deroche "The Abbasid Tradition"; Khalili cat. 62 accession#KFQ16), as evidenced by disappearance of lower return on the independent …
Most similar to Abbasid style E.I (c.f. Deroche "The Abbasid Tradition"; Khalili cat. 62 accession#KFQ16), as evidenced by disappearance of lower return on the independent …
Most similar to Abbasid style E.I (c.f. Deroche "The Abbasid Tradition"; Khalili cat. 62 accession#KFQ16), as evidenced by disappearance of lower return on the independent …
Most similar to Abbasid style E.I (c.f. Deroche "The Abbasid Tradition"; Khalili cat. 62 accession#KFQ16), as evidenced by disappearance of lower return on the independent …
Most similar to Abbasid style E.I (c.f. Deroche "The Abbasid Tradition"; Khalili cat. 62 accession#KFQ16), as evidenced by disappearance of lower return on the independent …
Most similar to Abbasid style E.I (c.f. Deroche "The Abbasid Tradition"; Khalili cat. 62 accession#KFQ16), as evidenced by disappearance of lower return on the independent …