Against readings of certain World Literature writers like Kazuo Ishiguro and Vladimir Nabokov that too quickly aestheticize them in order to privilege a universality of …
In “A Critical Romance: Modernism Rewriting Literary History,” I examine the formative role of the romance in literary modernism’s work to think critically about itself …
The purpose of this dissertation is to reevaluate the relationship between the aesthetics we call Romantic and the abstracting scientific procedures that have been underappreciated …
In my dissertation I argue that the trope of translation helps us understand how diasporic and transnational writers dissolve the opposition between postcolonial localism, on …
Untimely Forms is a study of the problem of autonomy in the novel after postmodernism. Recent literary theory has criticized the idea of aesthetic autonomy …
Taking as my point of departure the work of early social scientist and dramatist Henry Mayhew, I examine how early social research appropriates sentimental themes …