Recent astrophsyical observations indicate that about 23% of the matter in the universe exists as non-luminous, non-baryonic dark matter. General thermodynamic arguments suggest that if …
We propose a new technique for the calibration of nuclear recoils in large noble element dual-phase time projection chambers (TPCs) used to search for WIMP …
In this work, I consider some of the recently proposed constraints on mixed dark matter scenarios involving primordial black holes (PBHs) and Weakly Interacting Massive …
Dark matter is an essential ingredient in our modern understanding of the Universe. However, its fundamental role in cosmology is matched only by its conspicuous …
The last few years have seen significant interest in decaying dark matter. Specific models have been conjectured to account for observations that are not predicted …
A wealth of astrophysical evidence confirms that 26% of the energy density of the universe is comprised of a mysterious, non-baryonic, dark matter. A leading …
The dominant component of matter in the universe, referred to as dark matter, cannot be explained by the standard model of particle physics. A leading …
Dark matter is by nature extremely difficult to detect. The only force we are certain it interacts with is gravity, making gravitational studies a key …
The existence of non-baryonic cold dark matter is well established through a wealth of complementary observations such as the Cosmic Microwave Background, Supernova Type Ia …
Cosmology in the 21st Century has evolved into a precision science. While ΛCDM has been established as the standard cosmological model there are still unanswered …
Discovering dark matter (DM) and establishing its cosmological properties within the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) framework has been one of the major successes of 20th …
Accurately measuring the masses of galaxy clusters is necessary if we are to use galaxy clusters as dark matter and dark energy probes. Gravitational lensing …
Despite numerous attempts at explaining and experimentally probing dark matter, thus far only its gravitational effects have been observed. These gravitational effects leave us blind …
In the last two decades, wide and deep astronomical surveys have been conducted and lead to productive observations. Built on the experience of these past …