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Opening the Archives: Documenting U.S.-Brazil Relations, 1960s-80s

Opening the Archives is a joint effort by Brown University and the Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Paraná, Brazil to digitize and index 100,000 U.S. State Department documents on Brazil from 1963-73 and make them available to the public on a open-access website.

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Amembassy Accra (Addressee) Cancel selected facet
Amembassy Paris (Addressee) Cancel selected facet
KeywordsSoviet Union (Russia--1923- U.S.S.R.) Cancel selected facet
ContributorsAmembassy Budapest Cancel selected facet
ContributorsAmembassy Jakarta Cancel selected facet
ContributorsAmembassy Tehran Cancel selected facet
AddresseeAmembassy Brussels Cancel selected facet
AddresseeAmembassy Kathmandu Cancel selected facet
AddresseeAmembassy Santiago Cancel selected facet
AddresseeAmembassy Santiago Cancel selected facet

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