The interplay of neurons and cancer has been identified as a driver of cancer progression. Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) is a high-grade, neuroendocrine tumor …
Understanding the individual and combined functions of c-Maf and Mafb in OCN neuron wiring is crucial for elucidating how the cochlea is wired and encodes …
Does cross-modal plasticity take place in CFos-Trap2; Ai14 mice after 7 days of vision loss? Can we see individual neurons reactivate in the visual cortices …
We explored dynamical constraints on a central type of neural model, imposed by the model’s equation structure. We defined criteria for a system of differential …
We explored dynamical constraints on a central type of neural model, imposed by the model’s equation structure. We defined criteria for a system of differential …
I explore whether humans and artificial neural networks are similar or different in how they perform on different category structures. I find that humans and …
A fundamental aspect of human cognition is the tendency to individuate members of one’s own social groups but consider outgroup members as interchangeable and indistinct …
Background Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) may cause depression, cancer, and type two diabetes (T2DM). Two-thirds of children report ACEs≥1 by the age of 16. 21.5% …