The article explores the absence of a socioeconomic model that translates scientific discoveries to improved patient care for the impoverished, which is one of the arresting realities in the fight against diseases of poverty. Pharmaceutical development occurs in three stages. Basic research is carried out in laboratories and the prospect of economic profit drives entrepreneurs to translate discoveries into clinical treatments. Companies license the products from small organizations and invest to commercialize pharmaceutical supplies. Lowering product risk means early integration of advanced delivery technologies to improve sustainability of drug and vaccine candidates.
Edwards, David,
"A Creative Gap in the Medical Science Fight Against Diseases of Poverty"
The Brown Journal of World Affairs.
Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.
The Brown Journal of World Affairs is a semiannual journal of international relations and foreign policy produced at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. The Journal features original articles by and interviews with world leaders, policymakers, and …