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"Middle Easterner": A Regionalism Denied


The article explores the perspective of a Middle Easterner on regionalism. Regionalization is defined as a means of generating a minimal, survivalist regional consciousness leading to a surge in economic growth and a modified sense of identity. The region faces signs of wasted energies and misdirected priorities. It maintains a high ratio of military recruitment: 10.3 per 1,000 people under arms in comparison to the world of average 3.6 per 1,000. Other wasted resources include water and oil. The problems of the region are compounded by pathological political behaviors: politics of victimization, politics of negativism and politics of scapegoating.


Klieman, Aharon, "'Middle Easterner': A Regionalism Denied" (2008). The Brown Journal of World Affairs. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.



  • The Brown Journal of World Affairs

    The Brown Journal of World Affairs is a semiannual journal of international relations and foreign policy produced at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. The Journal features original articles by and interviews with world leaders, policymakers, and …