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Analisis del proyecto de constitucion que el Libertador ha presentado a la Republica Bolivar


Signed on p. [2] (2nd count): Antonio Leocádio Guzman.
Year of publication appears before printer statement on title page.
Also published as: Ojeada al proyecto de constitucion que el Libertador ha presentado a la Republica Bolivar (see B714.P426i v. 9) with a somewhat different preface, addressed in both cases to "Mr. de Pradt" (i.e., the Abbé Dominique-Georges-Frédéric de Prolhiac Dufour or de Fourt de Pradt (1769-1837)
Signatures: pi1 [1]² 2-6 7² (pi1 verso blank)


"Analisis del proyecto de constitucion que el Libertador ha presentado a la Republica Bolivar" (1826). John Carter Brown Library. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.



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