Year of publication predicated on dates of aprobaciones and licencias (16 Dec., 15 Dec., 16 Dec., 17 Dec., and 15 Dec. 1701) and on year of publication given in caption title of "Cartilla, y doctrina cristiana en lengua moxa."
Includes with separate pagination and signatures but without separate title page: Catecismo menor en lengua española, y moxa (caption title) (142, 163-202 p. [3rd and 5th counts]); without separate title page, pagination, or signatures: Algunas aduertencias tocantes al valor del matrionio entre los indios recien convertidos (caption title) (p. [1-2] [4th count]); and with separate signatures but without separate title page and pagination: Cartilla, y doctrina cristiana en lengua moxa, impressa con licencia de los superiores en la Ciudad de los Reyes por Ioseph de Contreras impressor real año 1702 (Caption title) (p. [3-22] [4th count])
The John Carter Brown Library is an independently administered and funded center for advanced research in history and the humanities, founded in 1846 and located at Brown University since 1901. Housed within the library's walls is an internationally renowned collection …