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Discurso sobre el panteon que está construyendo en el Convento Grande de San Francisco de esta capital el R.P. guardian fray Antonio Diaz


The folded leaf of plates consists of: Plano y vista interior del Panteon erigido en el Convento de N.P.S. de Lima por su actual guardian el R.P. Fr. Antonio Diaz año de 1803.
Includes bibliographical references.


"Discurso sobre el panteon que está construyendo en el Convento Grande de San Francisco de esta capital el R.P. guardian fray Antonio Diaz" (1803). John Carter Brown Library. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.



  • John Carter Brown Library

    The John Carter Brown Library is an independently administered and funded center for advanced research in history and the humanities, founded in 1846 and located at Brown University since 1901. Housed within the library's walls is an internationally renowned collection …