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"My love is a soldier": As sung with most distinguished applause by Miss Watson


the words by a gentleman of this city [J. B. P.] ; composed by J. Watson and respectfully dedicated to the Light Guard of New York.
For voice and piano.
Additional verses printed on p. [4]
Pages [5] and [6] are blank.
Illustrated lithographed title page: 'Encampment of the Light Guard of New York on the Boston Common, July 4th 1836' / from a sketch by G.W. Teubner ; Bufford's Lithog.

Access Conditions

No Copyright - United States
Restrictions on Use
Collection is open for research.


Watson, J., "'My love is a soldier': As sung with most distinguished applause by Miss Watson " (1836). Prints, Drawings and Watercolors from the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.

