A survey, written by Moses Brown, and conducted for the purpose of resolving a dispute over the boundary line between the properties of Jonathan Arnold and Benjamin Arnold in Smithfield, Rhode Island. The survey, which apportions responsibility to each of the Arnolds relative to fences and walls that mark the new boundary, was drawn by James Comstock, Moses Brown, and Amasa Gray, and dated 15th 7th month [July] 1783. It is signed by all five men, and includes an attestation from the Town Clerk, Daniel Mowry, indicating that it was recorded in the Smithfield Registry for Deeds in Book 7 at Page 402.
Some spotting, frayed at edges, and weak at folds.
The document is accompanied by a note from L.M. Greene, a New Bedford autograph dealer, to Rev. Mr. Bolton of Pelham, New York, that describes the importance of Moses Brown in the Society of Friends and is similarly dated in Quaker fashion, "10th mo. 5th [18]40." It also references Bolton's desire to obtain a letter from Daniel Webster for his collection.
Gift from Landon and Lavinia Clay to their dear friends Jack and Sarah Robinson; presented on April 13, 2007 in the Bruhn Room of the John Hay Library, Brown University. Providence, RI.