Laura first became involved with organizing in the 80’s in Wichita, Kansas when she and her family hosted an organizer in their home. She then became involved in organizing around housing issues in the 90’s. She has founded Sunflower Community Action and still works in Kansas around issues of housing, welfare, environmental justice, and economic equality.
Dungan, Laura, Community Organizer Genealogy Project oral history interviews, Ms.2015.016, Brown University Library
Digital object made available by: Brown University Library, John Hay Library, University Archives and Manuscripts, Box A, Brown University, Providence, RI, 02912, U.S.A., (
The Center for Community Change created the Community Organizer Genealogy Project in order "to document the development of community organizing, the development of individual organizers and the connections among organizers, organizations and networks." The project was led by Don Elmer …